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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. TEXTO DIARIO con PREGUNTAS para MEDITAR 24 de marzo de 2018
  2. TEXTO DIARIO con PREGUNTAS para MEDITAR 23 de marzo de 2018
  3. TEXTO DIARIO con PREGUNTAS para MEDITAR 22 de marzo de 2018
  5. Thank you, JTR.  I'm thinking similar like you, missing beloved animals and parts of my family   I heard, animals not come back, ONLY humans...  but we shall see, Jehovah knows us all as best  Many people more missing their animals as their big family, sorry   But animals really very especially, thats right ! I WISH FOR YOU, THAT ALL YOUR DOG'S ONE DAY TOGETHER PLAYING AND JUMPING IN YOUR BIG GARDEN.... YOUNG & HEALTHY LIKE YOU    Â
  6. Thank you dear sister @Rosalie Barry    I think the same and would like to be there, with the 2 sisters !Â
  7. Great, you took THAT picture for your post, dear @Bible Speaks.... bec. THIS dear Brother of the past, was working exactly for your head - line I posted more times about him, bec. a Brother of his Congregation told me, he was really getting a Missionar, together with his wife He was a very loyal Brother until to his death in 2014...  I will search to his name !  Thanks for his picture Â
  8. Hahaha ?? I hope so.....   But I love happy kitties??  THANK YOU !Â
  9. Oh, thank you so much, dear brother Seo gee moon   I am happy about your words and  I want, you can enjoy my postings !  My best wishes and greetings to you and family, from far away Germany???Â
  10. Thank you very much, my especially dear sister @Blanchie DeGrate  Be sure, the NW is very near before our door, Jehovah will not wait too long !  After Armageddon, we await a time of joy, happiness and nice work???? And step by step, we will see again our resurrected beloved ones??????
  11. 2 Sisters and a beautiful Literature - table in a big Central - Market, in ADELAIDE, AUSTRALIA Hello dear Sisters, greetings from around the world  A wonderful Literature - table, WOW !! May Jehovah bless your work in that BIG Market  Â
  12. The Angels always near us in service for Jehovah, as wonderful helper ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  13. *Who really is Jesus Christ?* A special 'Bible talk' will be given in thousands of locations, hosting millions of people around the globe on Sunday, 25th March. You too are invited! Check JW.org website for a location nearest you.
  14. WOW, I got a next helper - kitty....   She is already a little Professional ! Come on *MAJA*, you will work it  Thank you so much What do you think, sister @Nana Fofana...?? CLEVER KITTIES WE GET HERE.... for special works !
  15. Thats only a tiny selection of things, what Jehovah will give us in the NW & Paradise ? What a BIG joy for all his JW   THANK YOU JEHOVAH ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?   ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  16.   Rhapsody of the Spring, White whistles like hair, A lot of white man, He proclaims "truth," Like the "buds" of trees ! Spring, season, God's love, Random Times, That the worse has passed ! "The Good News," messengers, I tell her from door to door, And they have grown up, "hingherii"! Satan trembles, "cough,"! They know! A mighty angel, With a chain in hand, big, He will bind the asshole, Giving Christians, rescue ! Witnesses, too, know, Puppies stand to "snap"! All the living will flourish, In a heavenly light! They want the old man's rejuvenation, "Like the grass in the cities"! We will get rid of all the haphans, Bills and injustices! The yoke of the world will be broken ! Satan tied in the abyss! There will be no corrupted, In the promised Paradise ! They will rise from the earth, Abel, Noah, and Abraham, Paradise, peace, and sing, They are the followers of Adam ! Demons and their evil, It does not dirty the earth, Clear sky, with many stars, JAH will fulfill his Word ! Our minds to understand, He will never be able, The joys that will begin, Being saved from the Dead Sea ! The buds are squatting, And this system goes! IAH eternally love us, Satan eternally to sleep! Buds, I'm about to bloom, The evil will be gone! In his heavenly love, Eternal JAH, Witnesses Wanted ! ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  17. Thank you dear sister @Nana Fofana.... And meou / miau.... greetings from Susi - kitty to you   ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  18. ( In memory of her mother, who died on February 3, 2018 ) I hate the thought, And the thought hurts, That my mother dies, He barely breathes, Training and drama? And the thought hurts, That she cling, Anyhow, Sun licorice! Refuses to die, The longing for life, It does its part And cling! Desperately, Anyhow, What seems to him, Sunshine! How difficult it is, To reconcile, With his own, How terrible it is! Fear prayed, To JAH the Holy, Servant, Tasting the Earth! You see your children, And you seem to want, Stay alive - For ever! Dying, to believe, In Yahweh the Holy, And to see you, Felling the earth ! ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  19. Kingdom Hall in my Birth - town Hamburg, Germany Our Kingdom Hall was alot bigger, for 8 Congregations    ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
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