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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. OUR GERMAN TV WAS SHOWING A MOVIE TODAY,  bec. his death ! I was never so interested at Stephen Hawking....  maybe, bec. he not would believe to God !  Now I see him more differentiated - and want talk with him in the future. I hope, he will change his meaning about God. He is clever and ready I think   When he realize the reason, why he came HEALTHY back to live, it will touch his heart, I'm sure Â
  2. YES, dear Brother @Jerry Coates  I am waiting so much to tell all that to my beloved Brother and Dad, which are gone many years too early from me   Best wishes and greetings from Germany   THANK YOU !
  3. Money is importend in our sick system, sorry   In the NW, the money-traps are over !!  Then we're free and never need money again  WHAT A BLESSING  THANK YOU JEHOVAH
  4. I saw that video more times by FB  I like the talented left girl... she is dancing so cool and perfect for her age, amazing !  I looked for the 'moonwalk'  by youTube and thats really not easy to learn, but for some kiddies its like 'nothings'  crazy, but very nice
  5. ATHEIST SCIENTIST.... One of the most respected people in the world scientific field has died, Mr. Stephen Hawking. From a Christian perspective, this gentleman is the sheer demonstration of the Bible's warning: "departing from the vain verbiage that violates what is holy, and from the contradictions of falsely called" knowledge. "By flaunting such [knowledge] some are they have deviated from the faith "- 1.Timothy 6: 20-21. I CALL SOME PHRASES SAYED BY THIS MAN: "It would be boring to be God, with nothing else to discover (...) the human race always needs a challenge" "There is a fundamental difference between religion, which is based on authority, and science, which is based on observation and reason, science will win, because it works." "The laws of science that explain the functioning of the Universe" do not leave much room for miracles or for God "(...)" science is answering more and more questions that used to be the domain of religion "(...) there will be "soon a definitive answer to how the Universe began" "Since there is a law like gravity, the universe can be created and created from nothing, spontaneous creation is the reason why there is something instead of nothing, why the universe exists and why we exist (...) It is not necessary to invoke God to light the fuse and start the universe " "Einstein was wrong when he said 'God does not play dice.' The consideration of black holes suggests that not only does God play with dice, but he sometimes confuses us by throwing them where they can not be seen." "In the past, before we understood science, it was logical to think that God created the universe. But now science offers a more convincing explanation " "What I meant when I said that we would know 'the mind of God' was that we would understand everything that God would be able to understand if it existed. But there is no God. I'm an atheist. Religion believes in miracles, but these are not compatible with science. " ___________________________ The Bible is in no way against secular education, nor to deepen science. It only makes us see that we do not speak with words taught by human wisdom, but with spiritual words, which implies KNOWING TO DEMONSTRATE THAT GOD EXISTS. 1.Corinthians 2:13 Jehovah catches the wise in their own cunning, considering human wisdom as NECESSITY. 1 Corinthians 3:19 In fact, human philosophy is considered in our faith as VANO DECEPTION or a SEDUCTION. ( I not believe, that Mr. Hawking ever read or studied the Bible... Many things are so clear, but he didn't understand )
  6. Thank you so much for sharing your joy   We got still some more pictures from Nigeria, Africa !  Maybe you will found some brothers or sisters from your nearness... I hope so Next time I want post them here - or in a new post, but you will find it ~~ Now again greetings from Stade, Germany PS. We got alot different people, ( refugees ) coming from Africa and other bad countries where is war now  to my birth-town Hamburg, also Stade and other towns, also countries in Europe. Many brothers & sisters learning these different languages, for better telling from the TRUTH & JEHOVAH  From my congregation one couple is now in the Arabian cong ! YES, NO one shall go lost  Jehovah is watching to ALL !  I'm sure, HE also has HIS special plan for our brothers & sisters in RUSSIA
  7. That picture seems really photoshopped   ITS LOOKING NOT REAL.... TOO MUCH PLACE FOR THESE BOOKS !  No room is SO high...  its a BIG GAG  Maybe for promotion....   Its also too dangerous high above ! I LIKE THESE TWO GOOD PLACES FOR MY BOOKS.... By your picture I remember the Bible - Scripture, ECCLESIASTES, 12 : 12 ~~~ 12 As for anything besides these, my son, be warned: To the making of many books there is no end, and much devotion to them is wearisome to the flesh. What do you think??  Â
  9. Stephen Hawking, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Hawking Jane Hawking,            https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jane_Hawking Lucy Hawking,             https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucy_Hawking The wife Jane H. is 73 yrs. and alive.... The daughter Lucy H. is 47 yrs. Author and educator Lucy Hawking in 2008  The Conversation: Stephen and Lucy Hawking I found that for you all....   Enjoy !
  10. Shared it by a funny Brother and just a thought in my mind....  Going *Gassi* ( a walk with a dog ) with our husbands??  NOOO.... But a weird & funny idea for a new Movie  Â
  11. THANK YOU DEAR BROTHER @Onah uchenna    Look, we got again smiling greetings  from : LAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIA, ESPAÑA TODOS A LA CAMPAÑA EN Palmas Tocantins Brasil INVITATION CAMPAIGNE IN MEXICO and PREDICANDO EN NIGERIA, ÁFRICA  I am glad you SO enjoy it !   ( soon again more...) WE SEND GREETINGS BACK TO ALL COUNTRIES AND ISLANDS... Never give up our dear Brothers & Sisters, its just around the corner Â
  12. OUR WORLD-WIDEÂ MEMORIALÂ CEREMONY Â Â Â The history of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia, illustrated in the museum of the Russian administrative center of Jehovah's Witnesses based in the town of Solnechnoye. https://themoscowtimes.com/articles/jehovahs-witnesses-ban-spells-end-of-russias-religious-diversity-op-ed-57793 https://www.ushmm.org/information/press/press-releases/museum-statement-on-jehovahs-witnesses-in-russia
  13. The circle is tightening! The circle is tightened, The confused world, He always complains, And shed blood! On the routine streets, He gives thousands of deaths, She's the car,  What the blame! Tribut asks you, The technology! And life is perishing, No fortune! Time, all the way, Life is dwindling, The cool soul, Stop spending! Hate, Thousands of sins, He said with his mouth, Pisma as a slag! Where's the humor? The man at all, Go with your foot, "Breaking the Ugly"! It's not proud, No revenge, No joy, No sorrow! It's just forgetting, An A.D.N-eu, Put in a trunk, To Gods! Not greedy, No scorn, Neither cunning, Just remember! A memory, Written in a book, What's special, From God! The book life, What separates us, And it divides us, In the living and dead! The world is complaining, The circle is tightened, Blood spills, Your eye is crying! There's no story, Jehovah is, Unique in the sky, And tells you! ,To any man, Jehovah says, "Go to the people, What sanctify me, Stamp your longing, Immortal ! " "Leave your foot, Mountain to climb, bottles get you drunk, Fill your jug, With the living water! The world is dead, You run away from it, On the mountain climbs, To Jehovah! ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  14. *Weaver birds* ~~~   Bird weaver needs 3000 knots to build a nest ! Who taught her to do it? Of course Jehovah God     Beautiful nests... In Arusha, Tanzania - these kind of birds living Weaver birds, they are originally from the Middle East and North Africa, their biggest threat is the cuckoo bird, which kicks their eggs off the nest and lyi its eggs, so they can let the specie continue by making the weaver bird raise it's chick....   ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?  Watch a Weaver Bird, build a nest in a single day.... WOW     Enjoy ! The masked weaver bird is a skilled nest builder. Did you know, he uses his beak and feet to weave the grasses together? If the female doesn't approve the nest it gets ripped apart ! And yes, he has to start over again. Join us traveling to save African wildlifeÂ… come enjoy the African bush in our old Land Rover, see amazing wild animals and birds, meet dedicated conservationists and experience a few crazy adventures along the way Â
  15. He is really funny   I saw him in different private aquaria in TV....  I hope he is happy there ! A twee little thing  and a funny name - Axolotl, hahaha  I saw cute short video's of them..... also feeding 2 Axolotl Babies Feeding the baby axolotl's  Axolotls Have The Best Smiles    Enjoy Â
  18. Thank you dear Brother @Onah uchenna   I got again greetings.... Congregation in Colombia.... Hello all Brothers & Sisters HAPPY TO SEE YOU ALL   ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? Â
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