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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. Thank you  so  much  for  sharing  your  joy :)   We  got  still  some  more  pictures  from  Nigeria,  Africa !   Maybe  you  will  found  some  brothers  or  sisters  from  your  nearness...  I  hope  so 1f44d.png

    Next  time  I  want  post  them  here  -  or  in  a  new  post,  but  you  will  find  it  ~~ 

    Now  again  greetings  from  Stade,  Germany 1f601.png

    PS.  We  got  alot  different  people, ( refugees )  coming  from  Africa  and  other  bad  countries  where  is  war  now 1f625.png  to  my  birth-town  Hamburg,  also  Stade  and  other  towns,  also  countries  in  Europe. Many  brothers & sisters  learning  these  different  languages, for  better  telling  from  the  TRUTH  & JEHOVAH :x  From  my  congregation  one  couple  is  now  in  the  Arabian  cong !

    YES,  NO  one  shall  go  lost  1f64f.png  Jehovah  is  watching  to  ALL !   I'm  sure,  HE  also  has  HIS  special  plan  for  our  brothers & sisters  in  RUSSIA :)

  2. That  picture  seems  really  photoshopped 1f44d.png   ITS  LOOKING  NOT  REAL....

    TOO  MUCH  PLACE  FOR  THESE  BOOKS !   No  room  is  SO  high...   its  a  BIG  GAG 1f923.png   Maybe  for  promotion....    Its  also  too  dangerous  high  above !




    By  your  picture  I  remember  the  Bible - Scripture,  ECCLESIASTES,  12 : 12  ~~~ 

    12 As for anything besides these, my son, be warned: To the making of many books there is no end, and much devotion to them is wearisome to the flesh.

    What  do  you  think??   1f64f.png  1f495.png

  3. Stephen Hawking,   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Hawking

    Jane Hawking,             https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jane_Hawking

    Lucy Hawking,              https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucy_Hawking

    The  wife  Jane  H.  is  73 yrs. and  alive....

    The  daughter  Lucy  H.  is  47 yrs.

    15.  -------.jpg

    Author and educator Lucy Hawking in 2008


    The Conversation: Stephen and Lucy Hawking

    I  found  that  for  you  all....  :)    Enjoy !

  4. THANK  YOU  DEAR  BROTHER  @Onah uchenna  :)     Look,  we  got  again  smiling  greetings 1f601.png  from :



    TODOS A LA CAMPAÑA EN Palmas Tocantins Brasil.jpg

    TODOS A LA CAMPAÑA EN Palmas Tocantins Brasil 1f601.png

    INVITATION  CAMPAIGNE  IN  MEXICO  !!  1234  ---------------.jpg



    and  PREDICANDO  EN  NIGERIA,  ÁFRICA  1f601.png 

    I am  glad  you  SO  enjoy  it !     ( soon  again  more...)


    Never  give  up  our  dear  Brothers  &  Sisters,  its  just  around  the  corner 1f64f.png1f495.png 

  5. 29177395_2047124162202769_5898629576619196416_n.jpg





    15. ----.jpg

    The history of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia, illustrated in the museum of the Russian administrative center of Jehovah's Witnesses based in the town of Solnechnoye.



  6. The circle is tightening!   POEM.jpg

    The circle is tightening!

    The circle is tightened,  The confused world,
    He always complains,  And shed blood!

    On the routine streets,  He gives thousands of deaths,
    She's the car,   What the blame!

    Tribut asks you,  The technology!
    And life is perishing,  No fortune!

    Time, all the way,  Life is dwindling,
    The cool soul,  Stop spending!

    Hate,  Thousands of sins,
    He said with his mouth,  Pisma as a slag!

    Where's the humor?  The man at all,
    Go with your foot,  "Breaking the Ugly"!

    It's not proud,  No revenge,
    No joy,  No sorrow!

    It's just forgetting,  An A.D.N-eu,
    Put in a trunk,  To Gods!

    Not greedy,  No scorn,
    Neither cunning,  Just remember!

    A memory,  Written in a book,
    What's special,  From God!

    The book life,  What separates us,
    And it divides us,  In the living and dead!

    The world is complaining,  The circle is tightened,
    Blood spills,  Your eye is crying!

    There's no story,  Jehovah is,
    Unique in the sky,  And tells you!

    ,To any man,  Jehovah says,
    "Go to the people,  What sanctify me,
    Stamp your longing,  Immortal ! "
    "Leave your foot,  Mountain to climb,
    bottles get you drunk,  Fill your jug,
    With the living water!

    The world is dead,  You run away from it,
    On the mountain climbs,  To Jehovah!

    ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?

  7. 24910036_1950273715293327_1919397842985673383_n.jpg



    *Weaver birds*  ~~~     Bird weaver  needs  3000  knots  to  build  a  nest !

    Who  taught  her  to  do  it?  Of  course  Jehovah  God :x     Beautiful  nests...

    In  Arusha, Tanzania -  these kind of birds living :)

    Weaver birds, they are originally from the Middle East and North Africa,  their biggest threat is the cuckoo bird,  which kicks their eggs off the nest and lyi its eggs, so they can let the specie continue by making the weaver bird raise it's chick....    ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?


    Watch a Weaver Bird, build a nest in a single day....  WOW 1f632.png  1f44d.png    Enjoy !

    The masked weaver bird is a skilled nest builder. Did you know, he uses his beak and feet to weave the grasses together?  If  the female doesn't approve the nest it gets ripped apart ! And yes, he has to start over again. Join us traveling to save African wildlife… come enjoy the African bush in our old Land Rover, see amazing wild animals and birds, meet dedicated conservationists and experience a few crazy adventures along the way :x 

  8. He  is  really  funny :D   I  saw  him  in  different  private  aquaria  in  TV....   I  hope  he  is  happy  there !  A  twee  little  thing :x   and  a  funny  name  -  Axolotl,  hahaha  xD

    I  saw  cute  short  video's of  them.....  also  feeding  2 Axolotl  Babies :)

    Feeding the baby axolotl's


    Axolotls Have The Best Smiles 1f602.png  1f923.png   Enjoy xD  

  9. VERY  GOOD....    ROOM  FOR  ANOTHER  TOPIC !!    ALL  YOUR  COMMENTS  NOW  FAR  AWAY  FROM  THE  TITLE  --  BETTER  START  ANOTHER,  MAYBE  LEGO - POST, hahahahahaaaaaa  1f602.png  1f44d.png  1f923.png

  10. 14.3.   ---.jpg

    Walk in modesty with your God.—Mic. 6:8.

    Our modesty includes making a humble evaluation of ourselves when compared with Jehovah’s purity and holiness, for we are completely dependent on him for the best guidance. Also, modesty includes showing respect for the feelings and opinions of others. Therefore, we ‘walk in modesty with God’ by conforming our lives to his elevated standards and showing respect for other people’s sensitivities. Our choice of clothing should not make people conclude anything other than that we are worshippers of Jehovah. Our brothers and sisters as well as people in general should be able to see that we fittingly represent our righteous God. He has high standards, and we happily strive to reflect those standards. Commendation is in order for brothers and sisters whose appearance and fine conduct attract honesthearted people to the Bible’s lifesaving message and bring glory and joy to Jehovah. w16.09 3:18-20


  11. I  only  like  the   *Texas:  KennyÂ’s  Wood  Fired  Grill*.....   TASTY :P   I  still  would  order  a  mixed  salad  to  the  Steak :D  I  love  melted  cheese,  but  not  like  on  the  most  plate's,  with  too  much  noodles....


    And  with  a  BIG  salad,   yummy :P1f44d.png1f601.png

    All  other  plates  too  much  meat,  too  much  fat,  alot  calories - bomb's  with  cheese,  alot noodles & creame  sauces !

  12. Amazing,  91 Years Old Gymnast- Johanna Quaas....  ( meanwhile  92 years )

    In  the  Guiness - book  of  records...  Her  body  is  SO  amazing  nice  &  strong !  WHAT  A  WOMAN :x

    Johanna Quaas is a German gymnast. As of 2016 she is the oldest gymnast in the world. | Old Gymnast| German gymnast| - Guinness World Record|  Oldest Gymnast of the World :)  I  try  doing  that  all  in  the  *NW*  :D    Not  in  our  old  system....

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