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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. Walk in modesty with your God.—Mic. 6:8. Our modesty includes making a humble evaluation of ourselves when compared with JehovahÂ’s purity and holiness, for we are completely dependent on him for the best guidance. Also, modesty includes showing respect for the feelings and opinions of others. Therefore, we ‘walk in modesty with GodÂ’ by conforming our lives to his elevated standards and showing respect for other peopleÂ’s sensitivities. Our choice of clothing should not make people conclude anything other than that we are worshippers of Jehovah. Our brothers and sisters as well as people in general should be able to see that we fittingly represent our righteous God. He has high standards, and we happily strive to reflect those standards. Commendation is in order for brothers and sisters whose appearance and fine conduct attract honesthearted people to the BibleÂ’s lifesaving message and bring glory and joy to Jehovah. w16.09 3:18-20 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2018/3/14
  2. I only like the  *Texas: Kenny’s Wood Fired Grill*.....  TASTY   I still would order a mixed salad to the Steak  I love melted cheese, but not like on the most plate's, with too much noodles.... And with a BIG salad,  yummy All other plates too much meat, too much fat, alot calories - bomb's with cheese, alot noodles & creame sauces !
  3. Amazing, 91 Years Old Gymnast- Johanna Quaas.... ( meanwhile 92 years ) In the Guiness - book of records... Her body is SO amazing nice & strong ! WHAT A WOMAN Johanna Quaas is a German gymnast. As of 2016 she is the oldest gymnast in the world. | Old Gymnast| German gymnast| - Guinness World Record| Oldest Gymnast of the World  I try doing that all in the *NW*    Not in our old system....
  4. From now on you will be catching men alive.—Luke 5:10. Jesus had limited time to carry out his ministry. Nevertheless, he took time to cultivate the interest people showed in the good news. For instance, Jesus taught a crowd, using a boat as a platform. On that occasion, he miraculously gave Peter a huge catch of fish and said the words of todayÂ’s text. What result did JesusÂ’ words and actions produce? Peter and his associates “abandoned everything and followed [Jesus].” (Luke 5:1-11) Nicodemus, a member of the Sanhedrin, became interested in JesusÂ’ teaching. He wanted to learn more but was afraid of what others would say if he spoke with Jesus in public. Jesus was flexible and generous with his time; he met with Nicodemus at night—away from the crowds. (John 3:1, 2) GodÂ’s Son set aside time to build up the faith of individuals. Should we not be diligent in making return visits and conducting Bible studies with interested ones? w16.08 4:10, 11 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2018/3/13
  5. YES, since short time we know, the special Memorial-talk is now BEFORE! So we perhaps get more people to the importend *MEMORIAL - ceremony* - not just bad  Its the first time for that change and we will see if it works ! The Memorial - counts will tell us soon.... Â
  6. I believe, men NEVER can have control over smart women  They're thinking so, but we're long away with better idea's >>>>>> When men still mean, they got us  we're laughing around the corner  Sometimes they have more muscels....  but never underestrimate our fantastic brain...... THANKS  Â
  7. What God has yoked together, let no man put apart.—Matt. 19:6. Unrealistic expectations may be at the root of a marital problem. When dreams about a happy marriage do not come true, a person may feel dissatisfied, cheated, even bitter. Differences in emotional nature and upbringing may become issues, or disagreements may arise regarding money, in-laws, and child-rearing. However, it is commendable that the vast majority of Christian married couples find mutually acceptable solutions for all such problems because they let God guide them. Christian marriage mates who have serious problems should seek help from the elders. These experienced brothers can assist married couples to apply the counsel of GodÂ’s Word. In resolving marital problems, we should also pray for JehovahÂ’s spirit and his help in applying Bible principles and displaying the fruitage of his spirit.—Gal. 5:22, 23. w16.08 2:11-13 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2018/3/12
  8. Lo que Dios ha unido bajo un yugo, no lo separe ningún hombre (Mat. 19:6). Tener expectativas poco realistas puede ser la causa de algunos problemas. Alguien podría sentirse decepcionado, engañado e incluso amargado si su matrimonio no es como lo soñó. También es posible que las diferencias emocionales y de crianza provoquen discusiones. Y pueden surgir desacuerdos por causa del dinero, los parientes y la educación de los hijos. La mayoría de las parejas cristianas merecen que se las felicite porque siguen la guía de Dios y por eso logran encontrar soluciones que satisfacen a ambos. Los matrimonios que tengan problemas serios deberían pedir ayuda a los ancianos. Estos hermanos maduros pueden ayudarlos a poner en práctica los consejos de la Biblia. Y, cuando surgen dificultades, todos debemos pedir a Jehová su espíritu y que nos ayude a seguir los principios bíblicos y a demostrar las cualidades del fruto del espíritu (Gál. 5:22, 23). w16.08 2:11-13 https://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2018/3/12
  9. ALWAYS, POOR MEN.....    ( hahahahaha ) YES, women have soooo many idea's, we need these many knobs !! I like your picture, JTR.
  10. Positionen vom 11.03.2018 "Drei Fragen an Gott" ist das Thema dieser Sendung. Welche würdest du stellen? Zum Beispiel meinen viele, Gott tut nichts.... Ist das so? (Dauer: 14:53): http://tagestext.winklernet.at/bayern2-positionen/395-positionen-vom-11-03-2018.html
  11. WOW... A KINGDOM - HALL GOES UP IN A WEEK !! YES, WE ARE WORLD - CHAMPIONS BY HOUSE BUILDING Jehovah’s Witnesses around the world volunteer (unpaid) to design, build, and recondition Kingdom Halls. According to an article in the 7/15/2015 Watchtower magazine, between Nov/1999 & July/2015, an average of more than 28,000 new Kingdom Halls were built worldwide. That's about 5 new Halls every day! Many are being built in areas where the local congregations couldn't afford them without help. ~This is possible because of the volunteers and applying the principle at 2 Corinthians 8:13-15 "For I do not want to make it easy for others, but difficult for you; but that by means of an equalizing, your surplus at the present time might offset their need, so that their surplus might also offset your deficiency, that there may be an equalizing. Just as it is written: “The person with much did not have too much, and the person with little did not have too little." "Unless Jehovah builds the house, it is in vain that its builders work hard on it.—Ps. 127:1." ( image used for post is via public domain images )   With Jehovah's LOVE and POWER the JW work it ?
  12. Domingo 11 de marzo - Dios procedió a traerla al hombre (Gén. 2:22). https://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2018/3/11
  13. [God] brought her to the man.—Gen. 2:22. The first marriage was struck with calamity because both Adam and Eve chose to misuse their free will by disobeying Jehovah. “The original serpent,” Satan the Devil, deceived Eve by leading her to believe that eating fruit from “the tree of the knowledge of good and bad” imparted special knowledge that would enable her to decide what was good and what was bad. She did not show respect for her husbandÂ’s headship by asking him about the matter. And instead of obeying God, Adam accepted the fruit Eve held out to him. (Rev. 12:9; Gen. 2:9, 16, 17; 3:1-6) When brought to account by God, Adam blamed his wife. Eve blamed the serpent for deceiving her. (Gen. 3:12, 13) Lame excuses but no justification! Because the first human pair had disobeyed Jehovah, they stood before him as condemned rebels. What a warning for us! For success in marriage, each mate must accept personal responsibility and obey Jehovah. w16.08 1:1, 4, 5 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2018/3/11
  14. You not understand the correct point @Srecko Sostar.... Some of us were thinking wrong about that importend theme !   NO MEMORIAL - T-SHIRTS !!!!  ONLY our special tract - campaign, thats enough and better for the people. The world - people always using print -shirts for ALL... We JW better using our tablet and the right literature, as always THANK YOU !Â
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