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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. Yes..... after again thinking about, you are both right !! We have our tracts to the Memorial campaign, thats the best we can do ! THANK YOU??
  2. For Jehovah is not importend our lookout.... We have Brothers without legs and more.  Many of them are pioneers, bec. they have a spiritual heart and mind and  THAT  is what Jehovah loves   Of course will Jehovah accept you, our dear sister??  What a question??  We are all not healthy today... Jehovah is knowing since Adam and Eve,  we are  all imperfect ! THANK YOU JEHOVAH , YOU ARE OUR LOVING FATHER?????
  3. Which words do you mean, @Steve Wilkinson ?? Thank you.
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wsvCZO89qso TEXTO DIÁRIO DRAMATIZADO 8 de março 2018
  5. Será que vocês não valem mais do que [as aves do céu]? — Mat. 6:26. Jesus não tinha a menor dúvida que, se seu Pai alimentava os pássaros, naturalmente cuidaria das necessidades básicas dos humanos. (1 Ped. 5:6, 7) Só que Jeová não vai colocar a comida na nossa boca. Precisamos trabalhar, seja plantando nosso alimento, seja trabalhando para ter dinheiro para comprá-lo. No entanto, Jeová pode nos abençoar se fizermos a nossa parte. Se passarmos necessidade, ele pode motivar outros a dividir conosco o que eles têm. Mas e que dizer sobre ter onde morar? Jesus não falou que Jeová daria uma casa para os pássaros. No entanto, Jeová os criou com a capacidade de fazer ninhos e lhes deu os materiais necessários para fazer isso. Da mesma forma, Jeová pode nos ajudar a ter um lugar digno para morar com nossa família. Quando disse as palavras do texto de hoje Jesus sabia que logo daria sua vida pela humanidade. (Note Lucas 12:6, 7.) Ele morreu, não pelos pássaros, mas por nós, para termos vida eterna. — Mat. 20:28. w16.07 1:11-13 https://wol.jw.org/pt/wol/dt/r5/lp-t/2018/3/9
  6. O pequeno se tornará mil; e o menor, uma nação forte. — Isa. 60:22. As Testemunhas de Jeová formam uma organização sem igual. É verdade que esses servos fiéis de Deus não são perfeitos. Mas, graças ao espírito santo, essa congregação mundial está crescendo. Em 1914, quando começaram os últimos dias deste mundo, os servos de Deus na Terra eram poucos. Mas Jeová abençoou o trabalho de pregação que eles fizeram. Nas décadas seguintes, milhões de pessoas aprenderam as verdades da Bíblia e se tornaram Testemunhas de Jeová. Na verdade, o próprio Jeová falou desse crescimento impressionante nas palavras do texto de hoje, e acrescentou: “Eu, Jeová, apressarei isso no tempo devido.” Essa profecia com certeza se cumpriu nestes últimos dias. Hoje, o número dos servos de Deus na Terra é maior do que a população de muitos países. w16.06 4:1, 2 https://wol.jw.org/pt/wol/dt/r5/lp-t/2018/3/8
  7. Perhaps while the MEMORIAL - CAMPAIGN....  when the people can look  But the weather is still too cold for T-Shirts - last week we had snow in Germany. In warmer countries yes. But its little late, in  23 days is MEMORIAL ! NOT wear to the ceremoy, NO !!  The texts not so nice, better Jesus at the stake, thats good understanding and more clear. - But its too late for 2018...
  8. Jesus zeigte, dass den Engeln die Verantwortung übertragen wurde, sich um das geistliche Wohlergehen der Diener Gottes zu kümmern. Als er seine Jünger davor warnte, andere zum Stolpern zu bringen, sagte er: "Seht, dass ihr einen dieser Kleinen nicht verachtet; Denn ich sage dir, dass deine Engel im Himmel immer das Angesicht meines Vaters im Himmel beobachten. " Matthäus 18:10 - Jesus meinte damit nicht, dass jeder seiner Anhänger einen Schutzengel hat. Aber er zeigte, dass Engel, die mit Gott zusammenarbeiten, ein aktives Interesse an wahren Christen haben.  Â
  9. Jesus showed, that the angels were given the responsibility of taking care of the spiritual welfare of God's servants. So, as he warned his disciples against making others stumble, he said, "See, that you do not despise one of these little ones; for I tell you, that your angels in heaven always observe the face of my Father who is in heaven. " Matthew 18:10, - https: //wol.jw.org/en/wol/l/r5/lp-t? Q = Matthew + 18% 3A10 Jesus did not mean by this, that each of his followers has a guardian angel. But he showed, that angels, who cooperate with God, have an active interest in true Christians.                Â
  10. Are you not worth more than [the birds of heaven] are?—Matt. 6:26. For Jesus, it was unthinkable that his heavenly Father would provide food for the birds but not take care of the same basic needs of humans. (1 Pet. 5:6, 7) He will not put the food in our mouths, but he may bless our efforts to grow the food we need or to earn the money to buy our daily provisions. In cases of need, he may motivate others to share what they have. Although Jesus did not mention providing shelter for the birds of heaven, Jehovah has provided them with the instincts, skills, and materials needed to make nests for themselves. Jehovah can likewise help us find adequate housing for our families. When saying the words found in todayÂ’s text, Jesus no doubt had in mind that he would soon give his life in behalf of mankind. (Compare Luke 12:6, 7.) Jesus did not die for the birds of heaven, but he did die for us so that we might enjoy unending life.—Matt. 20:28. w16.07 1:11-13 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2018/3/9
  11. The little one will become a thousand and the small one a mighty nation.—Isa. 60:22. JehovahÂ’s faithful servants on earth, his Witnesses, make up an organization that is indeed exceptional. True, it is composed of humans who are imperfect and who have their faults. Still, GodÂ’s holy spirit has been moving his global congregation to grow and prosper. When the last days of the present system began back in 1914, GodÂ’s servants on earth were relatively few in number. But Jehovah blessed their preaching work. During the following decades, millions of new ones learned Bible truths and became JehovahÂ’s Witnesses. Jehovah actually pointed forward to this outstanding growth, saying the words of todayÂ’s text and adding: “I myself, Jehovah, will speed it up in its own time.” That prophetic statement has certainly come true in these last days. Thus, the number of GodÂ’s people on earth is now greater than the entire population of many nations. w16.06 4:1, 2 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2018/3/8
  12. ITS LOOKING LIKE A WONDERFUL ANIMAL - BRIDE.... but its a male Oh JEHOVAH, SO beautiful you created ALL things THANK YOU JEHOVAH Â
  13. 1250 - Lateinsche pocket - Bible, created by Karlo Vegelahn http://archiv-vegelahn.de/index.php/bibelarchiv/30-fremdsprachen/6501-1250-lateinsche-taschenbibel Biblia latina : [Text to 1250 - Ezekiel 12 to 14] Handwritten from the region of Paris, 45 lines 1 sheet [parchment] 12,3x8 cm   [in the archives] Remark: with ch1 apter divisions Karlo Vegelahn: I can hardly believe it, between these two Bible pages are about 800 years. Mustard Bible 1937 and a page from about 1250 !  When writing these tiny letters, I would have liked to watch. I guess, I was born late.... Our brother owns "tons" of different Bibles...  accumulated in several decades ! A big TREASURE !
  14. 1250 - Lateinsche Taschenbibel, created by Karlo Vegelahn http://archiv-vegelahn.de/index.php/bibelarchiv/30-fremdsprachen/6501-1250-lateinsche-taschenbibel Biblia latina : [Text um 1250 - Hesekiel 12 bis 14] Handgeschrieben aus der Gegend von Paris 45 Zeilen 1 Blatt [Pergament] 12,3x8 cm  ( Im Archiv vorhanden ) Bemerkung: mit Kapiteleinteilung Karlo Vegelahn: Ich kann es kaum fassen, zwischen diesen beiden Bibelseiten liegen ca. 800 Jahre. Senfkornbibel 1937 und eine Seite von ca. 1250 ! Beim schreiben dieser winzigen Buchstaben hätte ich gerne zugeschaut. Bin wohl doch irgendwie zuspät geboren.... Unser Bruder besitzt "Tonnen" von verschiedenen Bibeln... angesammelt in mehreren Jahrzehnten ! Ein großer SCHATZ !
  15. I know what you mean my dear Brother, greetings to all Jehovah's Witnesses around the world??? and some special for our friends? Wish you still a great week and nice success to find a lamb for Jehovah❤️?
  16. Thanks for your nice comment, dear Brother @Onah uchenna  Today, I want send special greetings from our nice Congregation in Stade, Germany, to you and your nice Odi- Olowo Congregation in Lagos, Nigeria...  but also sending greetings around the world, to all our dear Brothers and Sisters, until to the tiny Islands   Agape?? ( ps. we've just 14 pioneers in March / April )  GREAT ! May Jehovah bless us all???Â
  17. We are sending greetings from our wonderful Island Sicily, ITALY -- A gladful Congregation                ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
  18. This old sister is walking 9 miles, 2 times a week, to come to the next Kingdom HALL  What is motivating her?    She says, the LOVE and the BELIEF to JEHOVAH  Â
  19. There are things in the world that, Colorful and beautiful, They would seem to have value, And that they bring only benefits! Blind eyes of packs, Without core, no substance, Nymphs in camouflage, No relevance! The world is like in a bunk, In mind of "baby". Dedicated by a "suzeta" In the mouth with a "hell"! Satan, the perfidious maneuver, Let the world worship him, Chip carved to worship, Or traditions, or statues! Over Yahweh wants to put, A black dark veil, Let the world obey, Satan as a dream! Most of the world, He's in the world, he's in trance, he's in hypnosis! He worships some mummies, Like a drug in the dose! Although IAH is still running, A holy water spring the Bible runs, And a "suzeta" delights her! She laughs in one, With lies packed, Until the "storm" comes Mattress as a book! "- Search the Scripture" "Simple people" and "wise men," Jesus once said: "Eternal life of wishes!" Ioan5: 39
  20. Nach vier Monaten ist der Königsreichssaal am Ziegeleiweg fertig: Am Freitag ist Tag der offenen Tür Königreichssaal: Freitag ist Tag der offenen Tür ! OBERNKIRCHEN. Nach etwas mehr als viermonatiger Bauphase ist der neue Königreichssaal der Zeugen Jehovas der Gemeinden Bückeburg, Obernkirchen und Stadthagen am Ziegeleiweg fertiggestellt worden. An einem Tag der offenen Tür kann der Königreichssaal am kommenden Freitag, 9. März, von 9 Uhr bis 17 Uhr besichtigt werden. Ein Königreichssaal ist ein geweihtes Gebäude, das Jehovas Zeugen für ihre religiösen Zusammenkünfte benutzen. Jeder Königreichssaal hat einen Hauptsaal für biblische Betrachtungen und Vorträge. Dort gibt es normalerweise eine Bühne, auf der das Programm dargeboten wird. In einem Königreichssaal wird man allerdings weder religiöse Symbole noch die sonst in Kirchen übliche Ausstattung finden. Es gibt weder einen Altar noch Heiligenbilder und auch kein Kreuz. Warum nicht?  Jehovas Zeugen sind überzeugt, dass die Verwendung solcher Dinge dem biblischen Gebot „Flieht vor dem Götzendienst“ widerspricht. Viele Kirchen und Tempel sind reich geschmückte Prachtbauten, heißt es dazu auf der Internetseite: „Königreichssäle dagegen sind zweckmäßig und schlicht gestaltet. Im Vordergrund steht die biblische Belehrung, nicht das Gebäude als solches.“ http://www.szlz.de/startseite_artikel,-koenigreichssaal-freitag-ist-tag-der-offenen-tuer-_arid,2444489.html
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