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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. 6.3..jpg
    Ó Jeová, tu és o nosso Pai. Somos o barro, e tu és o nosso Oleiro; todos nós somos trabalho das tuas mãos. — Isa. 64:8.

    Adão desobedeceu ao seu Criador e não pôde mais ser considerado filho de Deus. Apesar disso, ao longo da História, muitos descendentes de Adão escolheram ficar do lado de Jeová. (Heb. 12:1) Eles obedeceram ao seu Criador e mostraram que escolheram a Jeová como Pai e Oleiro, em vez de a Satanás. (João 8:44) A lealdade deles a Deus nos faz lembrar o texto acima. Hoje, os verdadeiros adoradores de Jeová também se esforçam em ser humildes e obedientes. Eles consideram um privilégio poder chamar Jeová de Pai e confiam nele como seu Oleiro. E você? Você diria que é como barro maleável, fácil de moldar? Você quer que Jeová o transforme num vaso valioso para ele? E quando você olha para os seus irmãos na congregação? Você procura lembrar que eles, assim como você, ainda estão sendo moldados por Deus? w16.06 1:2, 3


  2. 5.3. ---.jpg

    Que cada um persista em buscar não a sua própria vantagem, mas a da outra pessoa. — 1 Cor. 10:24.

    Digamos que você gosta de um estilo de roupa, mas ele poderia incomodar alguns irmãos na congregação. A Bíblia não tem nenhuma lei proibindo aquele estilo. O que Jeová pensa sobre esse assunto? O apóstolo Paulo disse: “As mulheres devem usar roupa decente, adornando-se com modéstia e bom critério, não com estilos de tranças, nem com ouro ou pérolas, nem com roupa muito cara, mas do modo próprio das mulheres que professam devoção a Deus.”(1 Tim. 2:9, 10) É claro que esse princípio também vale para os homens. Como servos de Jeová, o mais importante não é o nosso gosto; também temos que levar em conta a opinião dos outros. Se tivermos modéstia, não vamos querer chamar atenção para nós mesmos. E se amarmos nossos irmãos, não vamos fazer nada que os ofenda. — 1 Cor. 10:23; Fil. 3:17. w16.05 3:14


  3. 4.3..jpg

    4.3. ----.jpg

    Vocês receberam de graça, portanto deem de graça. — Mat. 10:8.

    Os padres e pastores não pregam o Reino de Deus. E, quando falam sobre esse Reino, muitos dizem que ele é só um sentimento no coração do cristão. (Luc. 17:21) Eles não explicam que o Reino de Deus é um governo no céu que vai resolver todos os problemas da humanidade e que logo vai acabar com a maldade na Terra. Esses líderes também não ensinam que Jesus Cristo é o Rei desse Reino. (Apo. 19:11-21) Eles preferem se lembrar de Jesus só no Natal ou na Páscoa. Eles não fazem ideia das coisas que Jesus vai fazer quando governar a Terra. Eles não sabem por que devem pregar. Com certeza não é para ganhar dinheiro nem construir locais de adoração luxuosos. Ninguém deve usar a Palavra de Deus para obter lucro. (2 Cor. 2:17, nota) As pessoas que pregam não devem tirar vantagem desse trabalho. — Atos 20:33-35. w16.05 2:7, 8


  4. 7.3..jpg
    Keep testing whether you are in the faith.—2 Cor. 13:5.

    As we approach the new world, our faith is being tested. We would do well to assess the quality of our faith. For example, we might examine our view of Jesus’ words recorded at Matthew 6:33. Ask yourself: ‘Do my priorities and decisions reflect that I truly believe Jesus’ words? Would I decide to miss meetings or field service so as to increase my income? What will I do if secular pressures continue to mount? Will I allow the world to squeeze me into its mold—and perhaps right out of the truth?’ As another example, think about a servant of Jehovah who is somewhat reluctant to follow Bible standards, perhaps regarding associations, disfellowshipping, or entertainment. Ask yourself, ‘Might it be that this is true in my case?’ If we detect such a hardening attitude developing within us, we urgently need to examine our faith! Honest self-appraisal in the light of God’s Word should be a regular part of our thinking. w16.06 2:8, 9


  5. 6.3..jpg
    O Jehovah, you are our Father. We are the clay, and you are our Potter; we are all the work of your hand.—Isa. 64:8.

    Adam lost his sonship when he rebelled against his Maker. Nonetheless, throughout the generations “a great cloud” of Adam’s descendants have chosen to uphold God’s sovereignty. (Heb. 12:1) By humbly submitting to their Creator, they have demonstrated that they wanted him, not Satan, to be their Father and Potter. (John 8:44) Their loyalty to God calls to mind the words of our day’s text. Today, all who worship Jehovah in spirit and truth endeavor to reflect the same humble, submissive attitude. They consider it an honor to address Jehovah as Father and to submit to him as their Potter. Do you see yourself as soft clay in God’s hands, willing to be molded into a vessel that is desirable in his eyes? Do you similarly see each of your spiritual brothers and sisters as a work in progress, being molded by God? w16.06 1:2, 3


  6. 5.3. ---.jpg

    Let each one keep seeking, not his own advantage, but that of the other person.—1 Cor. 10:24.

    Suppose you are drawn to a certain style of dress that could possibly disturb some in the congregation. Yet, you may know of no specific Bible law that forbids it. What is Jehovah’s mind on the matter? The apostle Paul offered this inspired counsel: “The women should adorn themselves in appropriate dress, with modesty and soundness of mind, not with styles of hair braiding and gold or pearls or very expensive clothing, but in the way that is proper for women professing devotion to God.” (1 Tim. 2:9, 10) In principle, this counsel applies equally to Christian men. As devoted servants of Jehovah, we are concerned not only with our personal preferences but with the effect that our dress and grooming could have on others. Modesty and love move us to take into account the opinions of fellow believers in order to avoid distracting or even offending them.—1 Cor. 10:23; Phil. 3:17. w16.05 3:14


  7. MOMOMOMO.jpg

    3 pairs  of  tired  but  funny  pioneer - feet... 1f601.png   A  hard  day  is  over  now ~~~

    After  a  bath  all  yawning  and  want  go  relaxing, 1f634.png   Tomorrow  is  a  new,  long  day !

    Thanks  for  walking,  to  talk  the  good news  ? ? ? ?.? ? ? ?.? ?


    “HE  Gives  Power  to  the  Tired  One”...

    Our yeartext for 2018:  “Those hoping in Jehovah will regain power.”—ISA. 40:31.

  8. JESUS  UND  LAMM  !!.jpg

    Who's  the  lamb?

    Who is the lamb he receives,  Patient of death?
    Who is the one who loves us,  And destroy the death spin?

    Whoever overcomes death;  Satan, system, sin?
    Who loves us most  - And put the dead licked?

    Rich prince of high spheres,  Price of blood, noble, holy,
    He paid to raise us  - With good news on earth!

    Lord of the spheres,  He created us a corridor,
    Through the kingdom that comes,  For the mortal man!

    He with Yahweh, His Father,  They made a covenant,
    Let us escape the evil one,  Sacrificing noble holy blood!

    The clean, submissive people,  She commemorates him today,
    The holy King Jesus  - Exceeding any trouble!

    Suffering? Memory,  It will remain forever!
    We will all breathe love,  In an everlasting living world!

    King, people, I am one!  What he said remains firm!
    "As in heaven and on earth,  Man will live forever "!

    King, People, Holy Yahweh,  Joy and ecstasy!
    Jahve Holy, King wise,  It raises us out of trouble!

    Suffering? A memory,  It will remain forever!
    We will all breathe love,  In an everlasting living world!

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

  9. 4.3..jpg

    You received free, give free.—Matt. 10:8.

    The clergy of Christendom are not preaching God’s Kingdom. If they do speak about the Kingdom, many refer to it as a feeling or a condition in the heart of a Christian. (Luke 17:21) They do not help people to understand that God’s Kingdom is a heavenly government with Jesus Christ as Ruler, that it is the solution to all mankind’s problems, and that it will soon remove all wickedness from this earth. (Rev. 19:11-21) Rather, they prefer to remember Jesus at Christmas and Easter. They seem to have no idea of what Jesus will accomplish as earth’s new Ruler. They have also lost sight of what should be the motive for preaching. It should not be to collect money and construct elaborate buildings. The Word of God should not be commercialized. (2 Cor. 2:17, ftn.) Those preaching the Kingdom message should not seek personal gain for the work that they do.—Acts 20:33-35. w16.05 2:7, 8


  10. 3. 3..jpg

    If any one of you is lacking in wisdom, let him keep asking God, . . . and it will be given him.—Jas. 1:5.

    Ask Jehovah for the wisdom to recognize and deal with situations that could cause you to violate your Christian neutrality. If you are imprisoned or otherwise punished because of your resolute stand for true worship, pray for the strength to defend your faith with boldness and to endure whatever persecution may come. (Acts 4:27-31) Jehovah can strengthen you by means of his Word. Meditate on verses that will help you maintain your neutrality under test. Commit them to memory now, so that they can sustain you if you do not have access to a Bible later. GodÂ’s Word can also reinforce your hope in future Kingdom blessings. This hope is essential if we are to endure persecution. (Rom. 8:25) Select passages that describe blessings that you especially hope to enjoy, and visualize yourself experiencing those blessings in Paradise. w16.04 4:14, 15


  11. THE  MEMORIAL  IN  2018  IS...    ON  Sat.  31. March,  at  evening  ~~~~

    The  *public  TALK*  is  this  year  1 week  before  the  Memorial  date,  at  24. March  2018 -

    Enjoy  both  days,  in  LOVE  for  Jehovah  and  his  beloved  son,  Jesus  Christus :x

                                           ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?

  12. 17523653_1510519122324153_5105264311681490352_n.png

    TRUE  PEACE  1f64f.png   ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?

    The Peace of Conscience,  From heaven coming,
    Within the being,  What does not irritate!

    The Peace of Conscience,  It's a calm heart,
    It is the support of being,  At Jehovah's palm!

    It is peace of mind,  Rare Gem,
    Purity of being,  What is not stained!

    The Being Does not Do,  Not at all compromised,
    Jehovah gives peace;  And a Paradise!

    Of the consciousness of peace, You can not buy it,
    World in satan zace,  Missing it!

    It's not in stores,  Nor in "Good Circles"
    It is a gift that comes,  After prayer!

    Peace to sell,  Today at the stall,
    The world as it encompasses - I would not be in a hurry!

    She would be happy, - He would have everything,
    I would not be tempted, There would be no more death!

    If you could - Peace to sell it,
    They would not be dead anymore,  And not the sufferers!

    Probably if it were - Peace for sale,
    Hate would not be,  And no annoyance!

    The peace of mind is, A top,
    JAH gives you,  If you are subject to it!

    Satan being rebellious,  Ever-aged,
    He ran away from him,  Peace is dead!

    In the world has induced,  War rebellion,
    Being an unbearable  - Lack of love!

    Armageddon is,  The holy war,
    Eden gives,  Peace on earth!

    Peace has no price,  It is from the Holy Spirit!
    Satan only contempt,  Blow up the earth!

    The world in the library,  How great it is,
    Not even a trail,  There is no peace in peace!

    It's not in institutions, Not even in high schools,
    Not even in the revolutions,  Not at liberty!

    Satan to divide, The world is bypassing,
    Peace in the shops, Not! Neither at Mol!

    If there was peace of mind,  Rich people,
    They would not be tyrants,  They would live like brothers!

    There would be no wars,  Hate, ignorance
    What the world is despairing,  Without hope!

    No shame  unwarranted
    Not impure life,  No frustrated life!

    There will be no massacres,  They would not be dead anymore,
    Neither sacred scripture,  No witnesses to the gates!

    There would be no terror,  They would not be false gods,
    Just Jehovah under the sun  - And his children!

    Of the world "Foruri" - What she would not have to have
    Peace and honors --Throat like a beard!

    True peace - It's a state of mind,
    I can not buy it,  Money and silver!

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

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