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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selfie A high-angle shot is a cinematic technique where the camera looks down on the subject from a high angle and the point of focus often gets "swallowed up."[1] High-angle shots can make the subject seem vulnerable or powerless when applied with the correct mood, setting, and effects.[2] In film, they can make the scene more dramatic. If there is a person at high elevation who is talking to someone below them, this shot is often used.[3] A typical selfie, shot from a high angle.
  2. What is a Selfie ? A healthy mind leads to a healthy body,... Inspiration and Motivation, Aim, smile, and shoot !... Here is a new way to stay ahead of your peers,... Bored of clicking photographs of other people ?... Why not point the camera at yourself ?... It's time to say *cheese*.... If you were a gadget freak, or a social networking junkie, you know what a selfie means,... Though this latest entrant to the Oxford Dictionary is still a new phenomenon, many netizens are quite familiar with the term,... What Is a Selfie ?... A selfie simply means a photograph of yourself, clicked by you,... So when you strike a pose in front of your mobile phone camera, you've just created a "Selfie" Now all you have to do is let the picture do the talking,... Upload it to your favorite social networking sites and voila,... The world is looking at you ! Selfies are quite a rage among teens,... Not surprisingly, many parents worry about this *self-obsessive* narcissist trend that is taking over the next generation,... Are Selfies Bad ?... I am sure, that even the caveman who discover fire wondered whether fire was bad,... To label a trend as bad only reflects on our inability to deal with change,... Unlike the earlier generation, the younger crowd seeks much more spontaneous interaction and connectivity with the world,... They have a different perspective about their environment,... They understand the power of digital communication, and rely on their networking skills to get ahead in life ( shared by Roger D. Bamps )
  3. The same terrible posting  We should build ourselves up spiritually, because the world is truly bad enough.... we read that already in the Bible ! Maybe this type of topic belongs in a special category. The small sticker explains my feeling.
  4. Enjoy these different, wonderful hugs  ?*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*? Also animals feeling love and enjoying... A strong spiritual hug... It should be the last warming proof of love, because the doctors had given up this tiny infant He survived, thanks to his mum. ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? I had posted this touching story 2 times already
  5. Thank you dear sister @Betty Vargas.... Love and greetings from Germany, my home - Country
  6. Diese FALLE nutzt SATAN sehr geschickt und erfolgreich.... denn die meisten Menschen wollen NICHTS von GOTT wissen   Suchen und finden wir die Wenigen, die wirklich Interesse zeigen, dann wird Jehova sie zu sich ziehen und das spüren wir beim Studieren mit ihnen     ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? Möge Jehova uns alle segnen im Dienst
  7. Don't look to much to the past, you don't live there anymore... We're living in the present and looking forward to the *BEST LIFE EVER* in the future    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
  8. They are the ones who have acted corruptly. They are not his children, the defect is their own.—Deut. 32:5. No longer perfect, Adam could not reflect GodÂ’s qualities perfectly. He not only lost a marvelous future for himself but also handed down to his children imperfection, sin, and death. (Rom. 5:12) He deprived his offspring of the prospect of life without end. Furthermore, Adam and Eve could no longer have a perfect child; neither could any of their children have a perfect child. After turning Adam and Eve away from God, Satan the Devil has continued to mislead mankind until today. (John 8:44) GodÂ’s love for humans, however, endures. Despite Adam and EveÂ’s rebellion, Jehovah wants mankind to enjoy a good relationship with him. He does not desire any to die. (2 Pet. 3:9) So right after the rebellion, God made arrangements to enable humans to restore their friendship with him while he at the same time maintained his own righteous standards.—John 3:16. w17.02 1:12-14 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2018/2/25
  9. Hold your servant back from presumptuous acts.—Ps. 19:13. What are “presumptuous acts”? By definition, when someone rashly or impertinently does something that he is not authorized to do, he is acting presumptuously. Because of inherited sin, we all act presumptuously at times. But as King SaulÂ’s example illustrates, if we develop a pattern of pushing ahead, sooner or later we will find ourselves in serious trouble with God. Psalm 119:21 says of Jehovah: “You rebuke the presumptuous.” Why is that? Presumptuous acts are more serious than innocent mistakes. First, when we act immodestly, we fail to honor Jehovah as our rightful Sovereign. Second, if we act beyond the scope of our authority, we are likely to get into conflict with others. (Prov. 13:10) And third, when it becomes clear that we have acted presumptuously, we may be embarrassed or even humiliated. (Luke 14:8, 9) Presumptuous acts do not turn out well. As the Scriptures show, modesty is always the right course. w17.01 3:4, 5 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2018/2/24
  11. Children don’t need fancy toys or technology. They naturally yearn to explore the outdoors. Hours could be spent playing in mud, watching clouds float by, or observing animals. They see the simple beauty in nature. They love all things, from slimy animals to the beauty of seasons and the mountains. Children are curious to explore the natural elements around them      ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  12. 'Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God' (Luke 12:6) William Cowper, poet and hymn writer, who lived from 1731-1800 in England, apparently suffered from fits of melancholy and frequent attacks of spiritual despair which led to two suicide attempts. On one of these occasions, during a time of deep despair and a dark night of the soul on a foggy night he set out from his home in London with the intention of jumping into the River Thames to end his life. He got hopelessly lost in the fog and wandered blind for some time. Eventually, lost and confused, he walked into a home to get out of the fog. And the home he walked into ? It was his own. He sat down and penned the words of the beloved hymn,... God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform He plants his footsteps in the sea And rides upon the storm Ye fearful saints fresh courage take The clouds ye so much dread Are big with mercy, and shall break In blessings on your head Dear Brothers and Sisters, if you are going through a dark night of the soul right now and it feels that Jehovah God is far away, be assured he is standing in the shadows and as he knows about every sparrow, he knows all about YOU and he cares When we commit and trust our life to Jehovah every day, " Weeping may endure for the night, but joy will come in the morning "even if it is eventually...
  13. A 7 yrs. old boy seeing out from the train's window shouted.... "Dad look, the trees are going behind" Dad smiled and a young couple sitting nearby, looked at the 7 year old's childish behavior with pity, suddenly he again exclaimed ... "Dad, look the clouds are running with us" the couple couldn't resist and said to the older man... "Why don't you take your son to a good doctor?" The older man smiled and said... "I did and we are JUST coming from the hospital, my son was blind from birth, he just got his eyes today" Don't judge people before you truly know them, the truth might surprise you, think before you say something. ( seen by Brother Roger D. Bamps )
  14. Of sure NOT a shark....  then rather an 8 year old girl / boy ! We all KNOW these EVIL things - its not necessary to post all forbidden, worldly muck here too !  When YOU like it, JTR. ok - but the most here won't see a GAY's wedding with kissing etc. -  bec. Jehovah hates such of things   THATS NEEDLESS / WASTE !!
  15. Turns Him or Her Back.... ( welcome home my son...) " My Brothers, if anyone among you is misled from the truth, and another turns him back, know that he who turns a sinner back back from the error of his way will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins " James 5: 19,20 A Christian may wander away from the path of truth Whereas he has " passed over from death to life," he may be drifting back toward darkness and death It is the duty of any Christian, not just the Elders, to help him to recover It takes diligent application of God´s Word and earnest prayer to accomplish the recovery of an erring one. If help " Is Not Given " the individual can go so far as to beyond repentance He or She would then not desire to repent and return to the truth worship of Jehovah God And that desire " Could Not Be Reklinded " See Heb 6:4-8 and 10:26-29 The expression " Turns him back " denotes that a sinner who is still of the world, never having accepted the truth, is not the person being discussed, it is a Christian who has deviated from the truth that he once believed and followed Jesus showed the care for his disciples that we should have for one another. Dutch translation. DOET HEM TERUGKEREN " Mijn Broeders, indien iemand onder U door misleiding van de waarheid is afgebracht en een ander doet hem terugkeren, weet dan dat hij die een ziel van een zondaar van de dwaling zijns wegs doet terugkeren, diens ziel van de dood zal redden en een menigte van zonden zal bedekken." Jakobus 5:19,20 Een Christen zou van het pad der waarheid kunnen afdwalen. Ofschoon hij is " Overgegaan van de dood tot het leven," kan het zijn dat hij terugdrijft naar de duisternis en de dood. Het is de PLICHT van iedere Christen, niet slecht de Ouderlingen, om hem te helpen terug te keren. Om een dwalende te kunnen terugbrengen, is het noodzakelijk dat men ijverig Gods Woord toepast en ernstig bidt. Als er GEEN HULP wordt geboden, kan de persoon ZO VER AFDWALEN dat hij niet meer tot berouw gebracht kan worden. Hij of Zij heeft dan niet meer het verlangen om tot berouw te komen en terug te keren tot de ware aanbidding van Jehovah God. En dat verlangen KAN NIET MEER OPGEWEKT worden. De uitdrukking " Doet hem terugkeren," geeft te kennen dat hier NIET gesproken wordt over een zondaar die zich nog in de wereld bevindt en de waarheid nooit heeft aanvaard, het gaat hier om een Christen die is AFGEWEKEN van de waarheid die hij eens heeft geloofd en gevolgd. Jezus was voor zijn discipelen net zo bezorgd als wij dit voor elkaar dienen te zijn. Zie Hebr 6:6-8 en 10. 26-29 ( by Roger D. Bamps )
  16. I think that I shall never see A poem lovely as a tree A tree whose hungry mouth is pressed Against the earth's sweet flowing breast A tree that looks at God all day And lifts her leafy arms to pray A tree that may in Summer wear A nest of robins in her hair Upon whose bosom snow has lain Who intimately lives with rain Poems are made by fools like me But only Jehovah God can make a tree ? By Joyce Kilmer, was published in August 1913 Kilmer died from a sniper's bullet on a battlefield in France on July 30, 1918 at the age of 31
  17. Hello @Kurt.... We know that from TV & the press !  Why we had to watch it now here??  Many sisters and brothers won't see that. Jehovah hates such of doings !! All JW learned, a wedding is forbidden between 2 women or 2 men. Jehovah created the wedding for 1 man & 1 woman  that makes sense !
  18. Thanks dear sister @Melinda Mills... exactly my thoughts too Sunny, but nice snow - greetings from Germany
  19. Text am Tablet zoomen - oder unten ausführlich lesen... Jehovas Zeugen führen Hausbesuche durch und nutzen die auf ihrer Website jw.org zur Verfügung stehenden Print-, Audio- und Videodateien in mehr als 870 Sprachen. Gladbeck: Gemeindesaal der Zeugen Jehovas, Johannastraße 19, 45968 Gladbeck | Bibellehrer ohne Grenzen Jehovas Zeugen zeigten 2016, dass christliche Nächstenliebe nicht an der eigenen Haustür endet Einerseits wird viel von Globalisierung gesprochen. Andererseits wurden 2016 Grenzen geschlossen, neue Zäune gezogen und bereits geschlagene Brücken eingerissen. Dagegen setzten sich die rund 170 000 Bibellehrer von Jehovas Zeugen in Deutschland auch 2016 weiterhin dafür ein, möglichst vielen Menschen zu helfen, christliche Nächstenliebe zu erfahren – über alle Grenzen hinweg. Dafür investierten sie ihre Zeit und privaten Mittel. Beispielsweise lernten viele eine neue Fremdsprache, um mit ihren ausländischen Nachbarn besser kommunizieren zu können. Neben praktischer Hilfe erhielten diese Menschen so auch die Gelegenheit, sich in ihrer Muttersprache über Glaubensfragen auszutauschen. Auf diesem Weg bekommen in Deutschland derzeit wöchentlich rund 81 500 Bibelschüler Antworten auf ihre Fragen – unabhängig von ihrer Herkunft, Bildung oder Religion. In Gladbeck sind aktuell 99 Zeugen Jehovas als Bibellehrer aktiv. An Samstagen stellen sie in der Gladbecker Innenstadt an mobilen Wagen oder Trolleys biblisches Material zur Verfügung. Außer in deutscher Sprache werden Zeitschriften und Bücher in durchschnittlich 10 Sprachen angeboten und Interessierten kostenfrei überlassen. Hauptsächlich aber führen Jehovas Zeugen Hausbesuche durch, stellen sich Glaubensfragen und führen Bibelkurse durch. Das Kursmaterial wird dem Bibelschüler kostenfrei zur Verfügung gestellt, der Ort und die Länge des Bibelkurses werden flexibel abgesprochen. In Gladbeck nutzten 2016 monatlich durchschnittlich 27 Personen das Angebot den Weltbestseller, die Bibel, über einen meist wöchentlich stattfindenden Bibelkurs kennenzulernen. Im Jahr 2016 setzten die ehrenamtlichen Gladbecker Bibellehrer für diesen „Dienst am Menschen“ über 12 300 Stunden ein. Im April besuchten in Gladbeck über 170 Personen die Gedenkfeier an den Tod Jesu, den für Jehovas Zeugen wichtigsten Feiertag. Um Sprachbarrieren zu überwinden und um Menschen möglichst in ihrer Muttersprache Antworten auf ihre Fragen in Glaubensangelegenheiten geben zu können, nutzen auch die Gladbecker Zeugen mobile Geräte, Handys und Tablets. Jehovas Zeugen stellen dafür spezielle Sprach-Apps sowie die Website jw.org zur Verfügung, die Print-, Audio- und Videodateien in mehr als 870 Sprachen zum kostenlosen Download bereithält. Sie sind davon überzeugt, dass die biblische Botschaft für alle Menschen zugänglich sein muss – über alle Sprachbarrieren hinweg. Zahlen für 2016 weltweit (für Deutschland in Klammern) Aktuell sind rund 8,3 Millionen Zeugen Jehovas rund um den Globus als Bibellehrer aktiv. Sie haben 2016 weltweit mehr als 1,9 Milliarden Stunden (in Deutschland 29,3 Millionen) dafür investiert. 264 535 (3 224) neue Mitglieder schlossen sich ihnen an. Über 20 Millionen (274 000) besuchten im April die Gedenkfeier an den Tod Jesu – der für Zeugen Jehovas wichtigste Feiertag. ( Die diesjährige GEDÄCHTNISMAHL - FEIER ist am 31. März 2018 ) http://www.lokalkompass.de/.../bibellehrer-ohne-grenzen...
  21. He pecado contra Jehová (2 Sam. 12:13). David aceptó la corrección que le dio el representante de Dios, el profeta Natán. También oró a Jehová, le confesó sus pecados y expresó su deseo sincero de recuperar su favor (Sal. 51:1-17). No permitió que el sentimiento de culpabilidad lo paralizara, sino que aprendió de sus errores. De hecho, nunca repitió aquellos graves pecados. Años después, murió fiel. Jehová nunca olvidará su vida de lealtad (Heb. 11:32-34). ¿Qué aprendemos del ejemplo de David? Si cometemos un pecado grave, tenemos que arrepentirnos de corazón y buscar el perdón de Jehová. Debemos confesarle nuestros pecados (1 Juan 1:9). También tenemos que hablar con los ancianos, para que nos den ayuda espiritual (Sant. 5:14-16). Si aprovechamos todo lo que Jehová ha puesto a nuestra disposición, demostramos que confiamos en su promesa de sanarnos y perdonarnos. Además, debemos aprender de los errores cometidos, seguir sirviendo a Jehová y mirar al futuro con confianza (Heb. 12:12, 13). w17.01 1:13, 14 https://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2018/2/23
  22. Feliz es aquel cuya sublevación le es perdonada (Sal. 32:1). Algunas personas tal vez estén angustiadas debido a errores que cometieron en el pasado. A veces, el rey David no podía dejar de pensar en sus faltas y reconoció que gemía por la angustia que sentía en el corazón (Sal. 38:3, 4, 8, 18). ¿Qué era lo mejor que podía hacer? Confió en que Jehová le mostraría misericordia y lo perdonaría (Sal. 32:2, 3, 5). En otras ocasiones, lo que nos inquieta tal vez sea el presente. Por ejemplo, cuando David escribió el Salmo 55, temía por su vida (Sal. 55:2-5). Pero no permitió que la ansiedad acabara con su confianza en Jehová. Oró intensamente sobre sus problemas, aunque también sabía que debía dar pasos concretos para resolverlos (2 Sam. 15:30-34). Aprendemos una lección de David. En lugar de permitir que nos domine la ansiedad, tomemos las medidas que podamos para hacer frente a la situación y dejémosla con confianza en manos de Jehová. w16.12 3:14, 15 https://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2018/2/22
  23. Los que viven en conformidad con la carne fijan la mente en las cosas de la carne; pero los que viven en conformidad con el espíritu, en las cosas del espíritu (Rom. 8:5). Algunos podrían pensar que en este texto se está hablando de la diferencia entre los que no están en la verdad y los que sí lo están, entre quienes no son cristianos y quienes sí lo son. Sin embargo, Pablo escribió a “los que están en Roma como amados de Dios, llamados a ser santos” (Rom. 1:7). Por lo tanto, el contraste es entre cristianos que andaban en conformidad con la carne y cristianos que andaban en conformidad con el espíritu. El apóstol relacionó vivir “en conformidad con la carne” con “las pasiones pecaminosas” que actuaban en su cuerpo (Rom. 7:5). Al hablar de “los que fijan la mente en las cosas de la carne”, Pablo estaba hablando de personas que se dejan dominar por los deseos de su carne imperfecta o que están centradas en satisfacerlos. Son, por lo general, los que siguen sus deseos, impulsos y pasiones, ya sean sexuales o de otra clase. w16.12 2:5, 7 https://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2018/2/21
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