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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. A  little  REMINDER  VIDEO....

    Jehovah's  Witnesses - Time Lapse video....  of a  *Kingdom Hall*  Quick Build :)

     Wonderful  and  so  diligent  our  Brothers  and  Sisters   ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? ? ?

    A  very  interesting  video...   Enjoy :)

    At  the  end  its  looking  like  our  Kingdom  Hall's  at  home !

    Its growing very fast....  A little wonder,  to what our dear Brothers and Sisters are able with Jehovah's SPIRIT ??

    A  BIG THANKS  to ALL  Brothers  &  Sisters  around the world :x

      ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

  2. Obrigada.... :)

    Sim, eu sei ... de qualquer forma, não acredito em tudo o que coloquei
    Vídeo e veja. - Há tantas falsificações na internet,
    estas são fotos ou histórias falsas.
    Eu sou muito avisado por relatórios de TV!

    Especialmente as celebridades JW poderia dar um bom relatório, porque eles têm tantos fãs ...
    Mas não estou preocupado porque Jeová vai
    TUDO muito sábio ...
    Obrigado por seus relatórios agradáveis.
    Estou muito cansado hoje e partirá em breve.

  3. Maybe the  "HOW"  was the start for our today  'Top-models'  with such a crazy, SO expensive FASHION....  a huge Industry !   I often made my own  'fashion clothes',  more cheaper and unique. My style is very normal and nice for the Kingdom Hall and for Jehovah :x   In Switzerland /Ticino,  by camping holiday, I saw a sister in a white   skirt, with a very long slot /slit...  not just Meeting-like.  I heard, she is away from the truth :(  Sorry, she was a very kindly sister???

    But Jehovah is looking deep into our heart??

  4. I miss sometimes a translation in English :(  We know alot about Michael J. and  JW or Prince and JW....  A Pop star, Tennis - Model or Movie star, can't be like the normal JW's !  They have so less time for that all.  We've examples, where Sport stars stopped as idol,  and changed their life to 100 % for Jehovah. Thats honest, loyal and believable. But by many of our celebrities I can't believe it, sorry :) 

  5. 575853_417552091620322_763425471_n.jpg

    preaching  JESUS  AND  JW.jpg


    If Jesus came to your house, to spend a day or two,

    If he came unexpectedly, I wonder what you'd do?

    I know you'd give your nicest room to such an honored guest

    And all the food that you would serve would be the very best.

    And you would keep assuring him you're glad to have him there,

    That serving him in your own home is joy beyond compare.

    But when you saw him coming, would you meet him at the door,

    With outstretched arms in welcome, to your heavenly visitor?

    Or would you need to change your clothes before you let him in?

    Or hide some worldly magazines and put Bibles where they had been?

    Would you turn off the radio, and hope he hadn't heard...

    And would you wish you hadn't said that last, loud nasty word?

    Would you hide your rock and roll albums and put the songbook out?

    Could you let Jesus walk right in?...or would you rush about?

    And I wonder...If the Savior spent a day or two with you...

    Would you go on doing the things you always do?

    Would you keep right on saying the things you always say?

    And would your life continue as it does from day to day?

    Would you sing the songs you always sing and read the books you read?

    And let him know the things on which your mind and heart do feed?

    Would you take Jesus with you everywhere you'd planned to go?

    Or would you, maybe, change your plans just for a day or so?

    Would you be glad to have him meet your very closest friends?

    Or hope that they would stay away until his visit ends?

    Would you be glad to have him stay forever on and on?

    Or would you sigh with great relief when he at last was gone?

    It might be interesting to know the things that you would do?

    If Jesus Christ in person came to spend some time with you?
      ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? ? ?

  6. 571d195c79400_SLPREACHING!!.jpg.4b03b5279cecdca13e3938295f58a813.jpg


    I've set upon an arduous course,

    But, oh joy I'll see,

    Jehovah accepted, I'm a regular pioneer,

    Lord, here I am, send me!

    Many prayers have I supplicated,

    Jehovah, can I see this through?

    I make my vow and dedication,

    Your will I want to do

    Notes and scriptures about pioneering

    Coincidence I would find

    Those encouraging talks and experiences

    Were indelibly on my mind

    My goal was set, a schedule, too.

    Boy, that was hard for me

    But Jehovah knows my weaknesses

    He's pulled me through to be

    A good for nothing slave I am,

    Only did what I was told.

    Declared the Kingdom Good News,

    Be courageous, firm and bold.

    So, a point I made to work with those

    Who chose the best career

    Nowhere else would they rather be

    Than serving as a regular pioneer

    We know the sheep are out there yet,

    The angels will direct

    Please bless the ministry, my God,

    From the wicked one he'll protect

    Oh, what joy at heart we feel

    When a meek one does agree,

    That there has to be a better life,

    And start a Bible study.

    What patience it does take for us,

    So many not at home,

    The listening ears are getting few

    But remember we are not alone

    Encouragement from one another

    Experiences to share

    Such a joyful praises and happy faces

    All God's true servant's wear.

    So if you have the pioneer spirit

    For a day, a month, a year,

    You'll see how rich Jehovah blesses

    In being a regular pioneer.

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

  7. 19.2..jpg

    Anímense unos a otros, y tanto más al contemplar ustedes que el día se acerca (Heb. 10:25).

    Tal como lo hacían los primeros discípulos de Jesús, nos reunimos para aprender y estimularnos mutuamente (1 Cor. 14:31). Los siervos de Dios necesitan ánimo aunque tengan años de experiencia. Tomemos por caso a Josué, quien había servido fielmente a Jehová desde hacía mucho tiempo. Aun así, Jehová le dio este mandato a Moisés: “Comisiona a Josué y anímalo y fortalécelo, porque él es quien ha de atravesar delante de este pueblo y él es quien ha de hacer que hereden la tierra que tú verás” (Deut. 3:27, 28). Josué estaba a punto de asumir la gran responsabilidad de liderar a los israelitas en la conquista de la Tierra Prometida. Se enfrentaría a obstáculos y sufriría al menos una derrota militar (Jos. 7:1-9). No nos sorprende que Josué necesitara ánimo y fuerzas. Igualmente, los ancianos y superintendentes de circuito, que trabajan duro cuidando el rebaño de Dios, necesitan que les demos ánimo. ¿Lo estamos haciendo? (1 Tes. 5:12, 13). w16.11 1:12, 13


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    Adondequiera que el espíritu se inclinaba a ir, ellas iban (Ezeq. 1:20).

    Jesús solo usa un medio para darnos alimento espiritual: el “esclavo fiel” que ha nombrado (Mat. 24:45-47). Desde 1919, Jesús, ya en su gloria celestial, ha utilizado a este esclavo para ayudar a sus discípulos a entender el libro de Dios y seguir sus instrucciones. Si somos obedientes, contribuimos a la limpieza, la paz y la unidad de la congregación. Por ello, hacemos bien en preguntarnos: “¿Apoyo con lealtad al medio que Jesús está usando para alimentarnos?”. La Palabra escrita de Dios nos ayuda a conocer mejor la parte celestial de su organización. Por ejemplo, el profeta Ezequiel tuvo una visión en la que se representaba a esta parte de la organización de Dios con un carro celestial (Ezeq. 1:4-28). Ahora que Cristo y los santos ángeles están a punto de aniquilar este sistema malvado, el carro de Jehová avanza con rapidez hacia la vindicación de la soberanía de Dios y la santificación de su sagrado nombre. w16.11 3:9, 10


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    El oficial principal de la corte se puso a asignarles nombres. De modo que asignó a Daniel el nombre de Beltsasar (Dan. 1:7).

    Cuando Daniel y sus compañeros fueron deportados, los babilonios intentaron que asimilaran su cultura. Por eso, les enseñaron “la lengua de los caldeos”, y el oficial de la corte encargado de su educación le dio un nombre babilonio a cada uno (Dan. 1:3-7). El nombre que le dio a Daniel hacía referencia a Bel, el dios más importante de Babilonia. El rey Nabucodonosor tal vez quería grabar en Daniel la idea de que su Dios, Jehová, había sido sometido por el dios babilonio (Dan. 4:8). Aunque a Daniel le ofrecieron comer de los manjares exquisitos del rey, él “se resolvió en su corazón a no contaminarse” con ellos (Dan. 1:8). Mantuvo la salud espiritual en una tierra extranjera gracias al estudio constante de los libros sagrados en su lengua materna (Dan. 9:2). Por eso, unos setenta años después de su llegada a Babilonia, todavía se le conocía por su nombre hebreo (Dan. 5:13). w16.10 2:7, 8


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    [Encourage] one another, and all the more so as you see the day drawing near.—Heb. 10:25.

    Just like Jesus’ early followers, we meet together to learn and to be encouraged. (1 Cor. 14:31) Even experienced servants of God need encouragement. Consider Joshua. He had served God faithfully for many years. Yet, Jehovah told Moses to encourage him, saying: “Commission Joshua and encourage him and strengthen him, because he is the one who will cross over before this people and he is the one who will cause them to inherit the land that you will see.” (Deut. 3:27, 28) Joshua was about to take on the huge responsibility of leading the Israelites in the conquest of the Promised Land. He would face setbacks and at least one military defeat. (Josh. 7:1-9) No wonder Joshua needed to be encouraged and strengthened! So let us personally encourage elders, including circuit overseers, who work hard to care for the flock of God.—1 Thess. 5:12, 13. w16.11 1:12, 13


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    They would go where the spirit inclined them to go.—Ezek. 1:20.

    Jesus has appointed the ‘faithful slave’ to be the only channel for dispensing spiritual food. (Matt. 24:45-47) Since 1919, the glorified Jesus Christ has been using that slave to help his followers understand God’s own Book and heed its directives. By obeying the instructions found in the Bible, we promote cleanness, peace, and unity in the congregation. Each one of us does well to ask himself, ‘Am I loyal to the channel that Jesus is using today?’ Jehovah’s written Word acquaints us with the heavenly part of his organization. For example, the prophet Ezekiel received a vision in which the heavenly part of God’s organization is represented by a celestial chariot. (Ezek. 1:4-28) With Christ and the holy angels about to destroy this wicked world, Jehovah’s chariot is rapidly moving toward the vindication of his sovereignty and the sanctification of his holy name! w16.11 3:9, 10


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    The principal court official assigned names to them; he gave to Daniel the name Belteshazzar.—Dan. 1:7.

    When Daniel and his companions were exiled, the Babylonians tried to assimilate them into their culture by teaching them “the language of the Chaldeans.” Moreover, the court official in charge of their training gave them Babylonian names. (Dan. 1:3-7) The name given to Daniel referred to Bel, the main divinity of Babylon. King Nebuchadnezzar likely wanted to impress Daniel with the idea that his God, Jehovah, had been subjected by Babylon’s god. (Dan. 4:8) Although Daniel was offered food to eat from the king’s delicacies, he “resolved in his heart” that he would not “defile himself.” (Dan. 1:8) Because he kept studying “the sacred books” in his mother tongue, he maintained his spiritual health while living in a foreign land. (Dan. 9:2, ftn.) Thus, some 70 years after his arrival in Babylon, he was still known by his Hebrew name.—Dan. 5:13. w16.10 2:7, 8


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    [Encorajem] uns aos outros, e ainda mais ao passo que vocês veem chegar o dia. — Heb. 10:25.

    Assim como os primeiros seguidores de Jesus, nós nos reunimos para aprender e ser encorajados. (1 Cor. 14:31) Até os que já servem a Jeová por muitos anos precisam de encorajamento. Um exemplo que encontramos na Bíblia é Josué. Ele tinha servido a Deus fielmente por muitos anos. Ainda assim, Jeová achou que era importante encorajá-lo. Jeová disse a Moisés: “Designe Josué como líder, encoraje-o e fortaleça-o, porque é ele quem atravessará diante deste povo e é ele quem os fará herdar a terra que você verá.” (Deut. 3:27, 28) Jeová sabia que Josué estava para assumir uma pesada responsabilidade: ser o líder dos israelitas nas batalhas para conquistar a Terra Prometida. E, como sabemos, Josué enfrentou dificuldades, e pelo menos uma vez seus soldados foram derrotados. (Jos. 7:1-9) Fica claro que Josué precisava ser encorajado e fortalecido! Hoje também, os anciãos e os superintendentes de circuito se esforçam para cuidar do rebanho de Deus e precisam de encorajamento. Que acha de encorajar esses irmãos? — 1 Tes. 5:12, 13. w16.11 1:12, 13


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