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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. 18.2..jpg

    Elas iam aonde o espírito as impelia. — Eze. 1:20.

    Jesus designou um grupo específico para dar instrução ao povo de Jeová. (Mat. 24:45-47) Desde 1919, o Rei Jesus Cristo está usando o ‘escravo fiel’ para ajudar seus discípulos a entender a Palavra de Deus e seguir os conselhos dela. Se obedecermos às instruções da Bíblia, vamos contribuir para que a congregação seja limpa e tenha paz e união. Cada um de nós deve se perguntar: ‘Será que sou leal a Jesus por obedecer às orientações do escravo fiel?’ A Bíblia nos ajuda a entender melhor a parte celestial da organização de Jeová. Por exemplo, o profeta Ezequiel teve uma visão: ele viu o carro celestial de Jeová. Esse carro representa a parte celestial da organização de Jeová. (Eze. 1:4-28) Jesus e os anjos vão destruir este mundo mau, limpar o nome de Jeová e provar que o modo de Jeová governar é o melhor de todos! w16.11 3:9, 10


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    17. 2..jpg

    O principal oficial da corte deu-lhes outros nomes: chamou Daniel de Beltessazar. — Dan. 1:7.

    Quando Daniel e seus amigos foram levados como prisioneiros para Babilônia, os babilônios tentaram fazer com que eles aceitassem a cultura do país. Por exemplo, ensinaram a eles “a língua dos caldeus”, ou seja, a dos babilônios. Além disso, deram a eles nomes babilônicos. (Dan. 1:3-7) O nome dado a Daniel era uma referência ao principal deus de Babilônia, que se chamava Bel. Pelo visto, o rei Nabucodonosor queria fazer Daniel pensar que esse deus era mais forte que o Deus de Daniel, Jeová. (Dan. 4:8) Os babilônios ofereceram a Daniel os melhores alimentos da corte. Mas ele “decidiu no coração” que “não se tornaria impuro” com os alimentos que eram proibidos na Lei de Deus. (Dan. 1:8) Daniel continuou estudando os “livros sagrados” na sua língua materna. Por isso, ele conseguiu manter forte sua amizade com Deus enquanto vivia em outro país. (Dan. 9:2, nota) Assim, mesmo depois de uns 70 anos vivendo em Babilônia, ele ainda era conhecido pelo seu nome hebraico. — Dan. 5:13. w16.10 2:7, 8


  3. MEXICO CITY — A 7.2-magnitude earthquake struck MexicoÂ’s southern Pacific Coast on Friday, according to the United States Geological Survey.

    The quake was reported at 5:39 p.m. local time, shaking buildings about 225 miles away in Mexico City, where the memory of a Sept. 19 earthquake that killed more than 300 people in the capital and other parts of the country is still fresh. FridayÂ’s tremors left tall buildings swaying for more than two minutes.

    The epicenter of the quake was near the town of Pinotepa Nacional, in the Pacific state of Oaxaca.

    A presidential spokesman, Eduardo Sánchez, told the Televisa network two hours after the earthquake that there were no reports of deaths or injuries.

    Luis Felipe Puente, Mexico’s national coordinator of civil protection, wrote on Twitter that there were no immediate reports of major damage. In Oaxaca, the state director of civil protection, Heliodoro Díaz Escárraga, said that homes were damaged in the town of Santa María Chimalapas and walls fell in the town of Jamiltepec.

    In Mexico City, the capital, residents streamed from buildings and into the streets, texting to see if their loved ones were safe, gripped by a sense of dread just a few months old.

     17 February 2018 • 12:27am

    A powerful earthquake shook south and central Mexico on Friday, causing people to flee buildings and office towers in the country's capital.

    Crowds of people streamed out on to the streets of Mexico City as the ground shook as well as on streets in Oaxaca state's capital, nearer the quake's epicenter.

    "It was awful," said Mercedes Rojas Huerta, 57, who was sitting on a bench outside her home in Mexico City's trendy Condesa district, too frightened to go back inside. "It started to shake; the cars were going here and there. What do I do?"

    Last SeptemberÂ’s seismic eruption has left people frightened at the slightest tremor, and the tears in the faces of those who endured the last major quake were easy to spot on the streets.

    Many could be heard repeating the words “Oh God, not again.”

    Video footage from inside the Mexico City newsroom of a daily newspaper, Milenio, showed employees ducking underneath desks as light fixtures swung wildly.


    People react after an earthquake shook buildings in Mexico City Credit,  (Reuters)

    People embracing in Mexico City, where the effects of a powerful earthquake about 225 miles away were felt. Credit Yuri Cortez Agence France-Presse — Getty Images.jpg People embracing in Mexico City, where the effects of a powerful earthquake about 225 miles away were felt. ( Credit Yuri Cortez/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images )

    People stand on the street after an earthquake shook buildings in Mexico City.jpeg

    People stand on the street after an earthquake shook buildings in Mexico City






    Debris from buildings in the streets

    The first signs of damage is emerging, but the scale of it is far from clear. These images were posted in Oaxaca, the state where the epicentre is located.


  4. Muito tarde....   prezado @I want see you in paradise  :)

    Eu entendi e agora sabe quem ela é ....
    Ontem teve o vídeo errado postado, desculpe.
    Ela não é a Testemunha de Jeová, mas um pastor
    Brasil com intenções comerciais -
    está correto? Eu não podia saber disso.
    Isso acontece tanto no Youtube, Facebook etc., infelizmente!

    Obrigado por sua pequena sugestão!   Contente, podemos aprender uns com os outros.

    Mas agora tudo está bem para mim.    Obrigada!

  5. YOU  was  right...  @I want see you in paradise  -  I  looked  to  your  last  link !


    (Isaiah 11:6-9) Do these words not touch the heart? Notice that the peace described here results from the knowledge of Jehovah. Hence, more is involved than mere safety from wild animals. The knowledge of Jehovah will not change animals, but it will affect people.

    Neither on the way home nor in their restored land will the Israelites need to fear wild beasts or beastlike men.—Ezra 8:21, 22; Isaiah 35:8-10; 65:25.

    I  hope,  the  other  sisters  will  also  read  it !   I'm  sorry,  Agape :x

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