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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. JW Animated DAILY TEXT Friday, February 16 2018 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
  2. Sexta-feira, 16 de fevereiro No seu coração [tenha] fé. — Rom. 10:9. https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dtsync/r1/lp-e/r5/lp-t/2018/2/16
  3. Quinta-feira, 15 de fevereiro 2018 Ele estende os céus do norte sobre o vazio, suspende a terra sobre o nada. — Jó 26:7. https://wol.jw.org/pt/wol/dt/r5/lp-t/2018/2/15
  5. PS. Plenty informations about that theme..... Dreaming and waking: similarities and differences revisited. Abstract Dreaming is often characterized as lacking high-order cognitive (HOC) skills. In two studies, we test the alternative hypothesis that the dreaming mind is highly similar to the waking mind. Multiple experience samples were obtained from late-night REM sleep and waking, following a systematic protocol described in Kahan (2001). Results indicated that reported dreaming and waking experiences are surprisingly similar in their cognitive and sensory qualities. Concurrently, ratings of dreaming and waking experiences were markedly different on questions of general reality orientation and logical organization (e.g., the bizarreness or typicality of the events, actions, and locations). Consistent with other recent studies (e.g., Bulkeley & Kahan, 2008; Kozmová & Wolman, 2006), experiences sampled from dreaming and waking were more similar with respect to their process features than with respect to their structural features. Dreaming: The real dreams are actually not controlled by our mind i-e they are involuntary. While Thinking: It is absolutely controlled by our mind and we construct emotions and images by our own imagination. https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/dream-catcher/201109/the-dreams-men-and-women https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/dreaming-in-the-digital-age/201705/short-vs-long-dreams-are-there-any-differences-in-content-0 A lucid dream, even a lucid dream (from Latin lux, l?cis "light"), is a dream in which the dreamer is aware that he is dreaming. Paul Tholey, the most important German Klartraumforscher formulated this as follows: "Dreams are dreams in which one has complete clarity that one dreams and can act according to their own decision." [1] In this definition, Tholey relied on the philosopher Celia Green and the psychologist Charles Tart. Tholey and the American psychologist Stephen LaBerge are the two key pioneers in the field of modern lucid dream research. Everyone has the ability to experience lucid dreams, and one can learn to bring about this form of dreaming. A person who can specifically experience lucid dreams is also called Oneironaut (from gr. Oneiro's "dream" and naut?s "navigator"). Haha.... maybe you're an "Oneironaut"   In any case, we've alot fantasy, always dreaming ! On and off I've night-mares, but I don't speak by sleeping !! Perhaps you still find an interesting link for me @James Thomas Rook Jr. ??  THANK YOU !
  6. WOW JTR...  very rare, I hear such of dream experiences from a man.   Very interesting your control experiences, thats new for me. But I saw a link and read about  "cleardream"... I know these dreams, but I can't remember about using control over my dream - very interesting !  Mostly, the dreamstories coming from alone   NO force or sway over it. Often I'm on my Maldives island, but it looks different in the dream... also 'rest - room' dreams, haha - but all ok by wake up ! My brain mostly free after all dreams. I will send a link for you in some min.
  7. I'm a special, cool dreamer??  Every night or day or by a nap, always dreaming   Mostly very interesting dreams  In a plane flying to holiday, or I move my home. To ca. 80% I've no problems with sleeping and dreaming. Its very importend for us to dream. Many people saying they never dream, but thats not true !  They forget it,  maybe too short dreams? Long dreams can be very nice? also emotionally dreams can be very real, amazing, yes! We need ca.90 min. sleep, otherwise difficult with dreaming... I can smell and taste while my dream, very rare I wake up with tears, or I realize by dreaming, its ONLY a dream and not real, thats very rare by peoples!  And I dream always in color, never black/white. Some people are in another age in my dream  My son is often a child, but in real he is adult   Maybe I enjoyed the kiddy-time!  Sometimes I'm glad to wake up, when the dream was terrible or sad... Yes,  I'm an intensive dreamer,  and my brain likes it...  haha?? I'm sure, Jehovah gave us the gift to dream - good for body and soul ! THANKS??
  9. On the Maldives, I had more times the rare pleasure, swimming near or some meters WITH a turtle in the Indian ocean  They came not every time when we were snorkeling far from the island, but on and off we could see them and made some photo's. The world under water is so colorful and fantastic ! Maybe I find a turtle photo.... Its a little like in paradise... ????? ??? ?  Thank you Jehovah
  10. YES, pets and little Babies /children, really SO cute together Â
  11. Apart from the calculate about Noah's times.... The next Supermoon is indeed in *2034* Its only 16 years...... The Moon’s orbit is far from circular and its distance at closest approach to Earth, termed perigee, varies each lunar month. Tonight sees the nearest perigee of 2018 and there won’t be one closer until 25 November 2034. This will only be surpassed by the 356,447-kilometre (221,486-mile) perigee of 6 December 2052 — the closest of the century. Tonight he full Moon will be almost 8 percent larger than average on this occasion, it is commonly called a supermoon.
  12. Apart from your calculate about Noah's times.... The next Supermoon is indeed in 2034 The Moon’s orbit is far from circular and its distance at closest approach to Earth, termed perigee, varies each lunar month. Tonight sees the nearest perigee of 2018 and there won’t be one closer until 25 November 2034. This will only be surpassed by the 356,447-kilometre (221,486-mile) perigee of 6 December 2052 — the closest of the century. Tonight he full Moon will be almost 8 percent larger than average on this occasion, it is commonly called a supermoon. January 31. - Supermoon 2018 - Tonight Best - *Until 2034* Wait and enjoy..... its ONLY 16 years !
  14. Oh yes, I agree with your both comments, my Brothers @John Houston  and@TrueTomHarley My post was going only at the unlimited omnipotence of Jehovah. Thats, what me gave goosebumps and a special new thinking about our so unique created universe. The very hight counts so hardly conseivable,  but that brought me Jehovah to another, better understanding point of view !  Much more awing,  but also love, safeness and unlimited faith??  I hope, anyone can understand what I mean Thanks! ???
  15. I wrote CA. @Kurt.....  NOT exactly counts like you in comment !  I know, that no peoples knowing the exactly counts! But I believe more an CO. as your source website....  Right is, the counts are very very high and thats okay for me. We all never will know the counts, only ONE is able for that, JEHOVAH, the Creator of ALL !! I will a little change my title and then its okay for me and the others too    Thanks for your detailed comment, but it does not really help us, bec. NOBODY is knowing any exactly counts of our universe,  especially,  bec. we know, its growing more and more, maybe daily... Greetings from Germany, Agape !
  16. I agree.....  and I would help him too, yes  I hope, he will find people and a room for living. Also a brother or sister for little more help and tell him from Jehovah and the big news, the truth and BIG hope for him   THINK TO THE BLIND / DEAF JW !!  ALL CAN UNDERSTAND THE BIBLE.... of a simple kind of teaching, also this man, why not?? When a person want it, we've to try it, YES !  Thats our mission / order... Thanks for your comments, dear Brother Colin
  17. Thank you sister @Dee Gordon thats a wonderful idea !  Yes, in my Birth-town Hamburg, we've a very new Planetarium now. In the older one I was before many many years ! Now I looked by google and found interesting pictures, the weekly program etc. Thank you so much for that great reminder ! Here some photo's.... Its in a nice big park in Hamburg... The Foyer.... The round big room with 3D glasses for that special program !  Very cosy I will try enjoying soon.... again,    THANK YOU
  18. Thats right, sister @Rosalie Barry and I wish you Jehovah's blessing all week-ends YES.... but also we can give witness per phone or per letter, when we're very sick or have another physical limitation ;-( Thats nicer, bec. we can speak with that person. Many older JW doing on this way. Also sending literature - and when a person shows more interest, then a sister was going with the older sister to the person for study the Bible, or both visit the older sister and all study the Bible. It does give many different possibilities. I heard from sisters, they had a Bible study on a park-bank, or one sister, she had a HB - study before a closed door, bec. the husband not allowed his wife to open or go out  thats very rare and difficult, but it worked  This woman felt, that must be the truth   Yes, we know, of sure many different Bible studies around the world ! When the heart is open, Jehovah can draw that person on the right way. Thats so nice for a sister. One of the best feelings... Thanks for your nice comment sister Rosalie, Agape !
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