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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. Every year, they will tell us from coming such a 'Doomsday'... I read before ca. 2 weeks from the 24.June 2018...
  2. A Poem for a Special Friend..... I've thought about so many things throughout the days gone by... People that I've known so well... some dear friends who have died. Their cherished memory lives within my mind, and in my heart... I sometimes see them in my dreams - although we're far apart. I've made some good friends through the years who did enrich my life... Some of them were my mentors -- others helped me cope with strife. I shared with them warm laughter, and I've shared with them sad tears. Their loving kindness oft'times helped to quell my many fears. Things happen for a reason... That's what I've heard some say... We all experience miracles in our lives every day. Jehovah knows our needs, and when he sees the time is right He brings a friend into your life - your sadness takes to flight. Jehovah truly blesses us with friendships that are true... And when I think of special friends, I often think of you. Because you've touched a very special place inside my heart... I always pray to Jah above that we will never part. Your pleasant ways and kindness have endeared you so to me... We've shared so many good times - How I love your company! You're like my own dear sister - that's the closeness that I feel. The friendship that we share is just so genuine and real. I always pray Jehovah will keep you safe from harm... and keep you in his tender, loving care that is so warm... May his spirit guide you on the narrow and cramped road... as we always help each other to bear life's heavy load. Take care, and know I love you... I pray you'll always be... Alive and well forever on earth's paradise with me. I'd like for us to be here when our loved ones do return to our outstretched arms to hold again... for this our hearts do yearn! Yes, Jehovah richly blesses us with friendships that are grand... which lovingly sustains us while the new world is at hand... Keep putting Jah first in your life... For he will give us rest From trials and tribulations -- Yes... he sure gives us the BEST!!!      ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  3. I think, thats all the same generations ! And down is a woman   First I thought, all standing on the shoulders, but then I saw, they all stand alone on the stones ! Thats a funny picture
  4. I know, you're a VERY BIG and special dog - friend   Much more then women can, maybe...  And, you had that certain something, what makes such an espacially friendship ! For that the most women are powerless, haha  I can imagine, you always need a dog, yes??  But how does it come, this special relationship ? Just curious....  All dogs more in your nearness and YOU fed them all ? And daily walking with them ? But dogs realize between a man and woman, the voice and other talking ! Its very fascinating, animals and humans.... yes, it does give differences ! ENJOY YOUR DOG'S - JTR !   Thats some of the best friends
  5. We are passers-by. Through a dead world! We have colds When death does not forgive! We're pulling money out of everything Doctors, many cure! All for death It's just a little trick! Life to scrub it For two three years Because we die anyway Even we have money! . Jehovah tells us, Everlasting I give you life At heart, My Holy Father! As a curse all, Jehovah flees Favorites of death What are you attracted to the rug? Jehovah says, "I am the source of life! It does not happen to me The morning dew !" How weird! All of us, Jehovah flees In the arms of death Even burning on the rug. ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  6. He is looking sad   but of sure he was a Sweetie   and funny too   I hope, in the NW the animals living a bit longer !  JTR. is hoping, his loving dog's may come back home, but I can't believe it. The resurrection shall be only for humans, right ?
  7. Thats JEHOVAH, YES                    ( Thank you sister Beth...) Psalm 32 : 8 I shall make you have insight and instruct you in the way you should go. -     ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
  8. A Prayer of Moses..... (Based on Psalm 90:10) Some people live to a ripe old age, while others may die in their youth. The unexpected befalls us all, and we all know that this is the truth. Of what benefit is it to live to old age if one hasn't served God above? The One who created all things and gave life to us all... The God of true love... What if we didn't make a good name with Jehovah, the one to whom we all owe every breath we take - all the blessings we get? What if we never did know... The True God, Jehovah, or his purpose so grand? What if we never did find... An accurate knowledge of the Truth? What if we left these things behind? "You are worthy, Jehovah, to receive all our praise - you are worthy to receive honor too... for none of us would have life at all if it weren't for the fact that you created all things in the heavens and earth.... because of your will, we exist... Therefore, we should take stock of you all of our days, and from serving you never desist." So what do we do when we're up in years? What do we do in old age? Do we keep serving Jah with all of our might? Do we, in his service, engage? Do we make a good name for ourselves with the One who gives life to one and all? Do we make it our aim to obey all of his commands? Do we, on his Grand Name, call? If we do, then we can be like a mighty tree - absorb nourishment from his Word... With mightiness we can serve him all of our days.. obeying the things we have heard... So, what benefit is it to reach old age? What benefit is longevity? They're only as good as the years we spend serving Jehovah God faithfully. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
  9. I became a minister of this according to the free gift of God’s undeserved kindness.—Eph. 3:7. If we met all of JehovahÂ’s requirements perfectly, his kindness toward us would be deserved. As it is, we fail to do so. Thus, wise King Solomon wrote: “There is no righteous man on earth who always does good and never sins.” (Eccl. 7:20) The apostle Paul likewise stated: “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” and “the wages sin pays is death.” (Rom. 3:23; 6:23a) That is what we deserve. Jehovah, however, expressed his love toward fallen mankind in an incomparable act of undeserved kindness. He sent his greatest gift of all, “his only-begotten Son,” to earth to die in our behalf. (John 3:16) So Paul wrote concerning Jesus that he is “now crowned with glory and honor for having suffered death, so that by GodÂ’s undeserved kindness he might taste death for everyone.” (Heb. 2:9) Yes, “the gift God gives is everlasting life by Christ Jesus our Lord.”—Rom. 6:23b. w16.07 3:3, 4 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2018/2/9
  10. Llegué a ser ministro de estas conforme a la dádiva gratuita de la bondad inmerecida de Dios (Efes. 3:7). Si hiciéramos a la perfección todo lo que Dios nos pide, mereceríamos su bondad. Desde luego, este no es el caso. Por eso, el rey Salomón afirmó: “No hay en la tierra hombre justo que siga haciendo el bien y no peque” (Ecl. 7:20). De la misma manera, el apóstol Pablo dijo: “Todos han pecado y no alcanzan a la gloria de Dios”. Y más tarde añadió: “El salario que el pecado paga es muerte” (Rom. 3:23; 6:23a). Eso es lo que merecemos. Sin embargo, Jehová le demostró su amor a la humanidad pecadora mediante un acto sin igual de bondad inmerecida: envió a la Tierra a “su Hijo unigénito”, el mayor regalo de todos, para que muriera por nosotros (Juan 3:16). Por eso, Pablo escribió que Jesús había sido “coronado de gloria y honra por haber sufrido la muerte, para que por la bondad inmerecida de Dios gustase la muerte por todo hombre” (Heb. 2:9). Así es, “el don que Dios da es vida eterna por Cristo Jesús nuestro Señor” (Rom. 6:23b). w16.07 3:3, 4 https://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2018/2/9
  11. Dejen de inquietarse respecto a su alma (Mat. 6:25). Los que escuchaban a Jesús se preocupaban demasiado por cosas que no debían inquietarlos. Jesús tenía buenas razones para decirles que dejaran de hacerlo. La preocupación innecesaria, aunque sea legítima, divide la atención de la persona y la distrae de las cosas espirituales, que son más importantes. A Jesús le importaban tanto sus discípulos que en su Sermón del Monte les advirtió cuatro veces más que tuvieran cuidado con esta tendencia (Mat. 6:27, 28, 31, 34). Conocía muy bien las necesidades diarias de la gente. Y no solo eso, conocía las duras condiciones a las que sus discípulos se enfrentarían siglos después, en “los últimos días”, que serían “críticos, difíciles de manejar” (2 Tim. 3:1). Entre otras cosas, habría desempleo, inflación, falta de comida y la pobreza extrema que aflige a tantas personas. Pero Jesús también sabía que la vida vale más que el alimento y el cuerpo que la ropa. w16.07 1:8, 9 https://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2018/2/8
  12. Stop being anxious about your lives.—Matt. 6:25. JesusÂ’ listeners were anxious about things they ought not be anxious about. Jesus said to stop that—and for good reason. Needless anxiety or worry, even about legitimate concerns, can divide a personÂ’s mind and distract him, shutting out the more important spiritual matters of life. Jesus was so concerned for his disciples that he warned them about this dangerous tendency four more times in his Sermon on the Mount. (Matt. 6:27, 28, 31, 34) Jesus was well-aware of peopleÂ’s day-to-day needs. More than that, he knew of the difficult conditions facing his disciples who centuries later would live during “the last days,” characterized by “critical times hard to deal with.” (2 Tim. 3:1) Such conditions include unemployment, inflation, food shortages, and abject poverty that many experience. Yet, Jesus also realized that ‘life means more than food and the body than clothing.Â’ w16.07 1:8, 9 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2018/2/8
  14. BIOGRAFÍA, GB. Hermano SAMUEL F. HERD (video)               ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  15. Thats a beautiful picture, but similar our Astrology  PS. Our dog  'Bora', a German shepherd, died with 14 yrs. - She protected me, when I was a Baby Â
  16. YES.... it does give different kinds of shrimps !  tiny, small, bigger and more bigger - and all have other names !   Look by google....  bec. my time is over now   I can tell you tmw. the names ! All are very tasty....
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