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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. It's so hard for me to say 'goodbye'... to those folks that we hold dear... how my heart too often, aches just because they are not here... They are living in my dreams... When I wake, tears fill my eyes... For the emptiness I feel in my heart, I can't disguise. They all passed this way but once How they touched my heart & soul in a very special way! Their departure left a "hole." None will ever take their place... Oh, how my eyes long to see all these dear ones who are gone... For they meant the world to me! How I long for their embrace - just to hear their voice once more... and to see their loving smiles - These are things that I long for! Are these hopes we entertain nothing more than wishful thinking? Or is there a firm foundation that our hopes will be the real thing? Yes, we all have a real hope There's a time when we will see earthly paradise restored Then all the dead will be... Restored to life again.. Never more to separate... from their families and friends... This God's promises do state. Loving kindness will be shown.. by Jehovah through his Son... Who lay down his perfect life So that God's will would be done. What a grand time that will be! When death will be no more All in 'Hades" are set free... What a grand hope lies in store! We won't have to say 'goodbye' We'll cry tears of joy instead... For our hearts will overflow when we welcome back the dead! Thank you JEHOVAH  ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  2. In our congregation we never need a microphone - sister for wandering  ONLY by giving comments or on the stage by different exercises, thats all !
  3. Not "could"....  they EXIST   bec. our UNIVERSE is more & more expanding ! Meanwhile we know from Milliards / Billions of galaxies.... In the past, we thought to one galaxy  but that was a big mistake !  We never can imagine, how really giant will be Jehovah's importend UNIVERSE - bec. its never-ending expanding, WOWÂ
  4. The heart is more treacherous than anything else.—Jer. 17:9. Pride can cause us to justify our actions, making us quite the opposite of malleable. Have you ever been hurt by a fellow Christian or by the loss of certain privileges? If so, how did you respond? Did pride come into play? Or was your main concern that of making peace with your brother and remaining loyal to Jehovah? (Ps. 119:165; Col. 3:13) Making a practice of sin, perhaps even committing secret sins, can also make one unresponsive to divine counsel. Sinning can then become easier. (Eccl. 8:11) One brother, who got into the habit of viewing pornography, later admitted, “I found myself developing a critical attitude toward the elders.” His habit was hurting him spiritually. Eventually, his conduct came to light, and he received much-needed help. Of course, we are all imperfect. If, however, we begin to develop a critical attitude or to excuse a wrong course rather than seek GodÂ’s forgiveness and help, our heart may already be hardening. w16.06 2:5, 6 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2018/2/7
  5. Listen, O Israel: Jehovah our God is one Jehovah. You must love Jehovah your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your strength.—Deut. 6:4, 5. “Jehovah our God is one Jehovah.” What a powerful statement! That reminder fortified the Israelites to confront the challenges facing them as they entered and took possession of the Promised Land. Our taking those words to heart will empower us to face the great tribulation just ahead and contribute to the Paradise to follow. Let us go on rendering exclusive devotion to Jehovah by loving and serving him whole-souled and putting forth earnest effort to maintain oneness in the Christian brotherhood. If we continue to do so, we can look forward with confidence to seeing fulfilled what Jesus said about those whom he will judge as sheep: “Come, you who have been blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the founding of the world.”—Matt. 25:34. w16.06 3:2, 20 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2018/2/6
  6. Remember..... your Grand Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of distress come.—Eccl. 12:1. Many of the problems addressed in our publications for young people are not unique to them. All of us need to defend our faith, control our emotions, reject harmful peer pressure, and avoid unwholesome associations and entertainment. These topics and many others have been addressed in material designed for teenagers. Should adult Christians feel that it is demeaning for them to read publications directed to young people? Not at all! Although the material is presented in a way that appeals to youths, the information is based on timeless Scriptural principles, and all of us can benefit from these spiritual provisions. Besides helping young people to deal with problems, our publications help them to grow spiritually and draw close to Jehovah. Here, too, adult Christians can benefit.—Eccl. 12:13. w16.05 5:15, 16 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2018/2/5
  7. Seit 1999 darf ich in der leitenden Körperschaft dienen! LIFE STORY  -  The Watchtower—Study Edition | May 2018 A Poor Start—A Rich Ending --- https://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/watchtower-study-may-2018/poor-start-rich-ending/ As told by Samuel F. Herd ~~~ The full story by the link ! I was born in a one-room log cabin in a very small town called Liberty, Indiana, U.S.A. My parents already had three children when I came along — my older brother and two sisters. Later, my mother gave birth to my two younger brothers and my younger sister. Gloria, was a jewel when I married her, and she still is...
  8. El corazón es más traicionero que cualquier otra cosa (Jer. 17:9). El orgullo puede llevarnos a justificar nuestros actos, haciendo que dejemos de ser fáciles de moldear. ¿Nos ha herido alguna vez un hermano o nos ha dolido perder algún privilegio? ¿Cuál fue nuestra reacción? ¿Dejamos que el orgullo nos afectara? ¿O nos preocupó más hacer las paces con el hermano y ser leales a Jehová? (Sal. 119:165; Col. 3:13). Si practicamos algún pecado, quizás en secreto, es posible que nos convirtamos en personas indiferentes a los consejos que nos dé Jehová. Cada vez nos será más fácil pecar (Ecl. 8:11). Un hermano, que tenía el hábito de ver pornografía, admitió con el tiempo: “Empecé a tener una actitud crítica hacia los ancianos”. Su hábito estaba dañando su espiritualidad. Al final todo salió a la luz, y recibió la ayuda que tanto necesitaba. Claro, todos somos imperfectos. Pero si comenzamos a tener una actitud crítica o a excusar nuestra mala conducta en vez de pedirle a Jehová que nos perdone y nos ayude, quizás nuestro corazón ya se esté endureciendo. w16.06 2:5, 6 https://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2018/2/7
  9. Escucha, oh Israel: Jehová nuestro Dios es un solo Jehová. Y tienes que amar a Jehová tu Dios con todo tu corazón y con toda tu alma y con toda tu fuerza vital. (Deut. 6:4, 5). “Jehová nuestro Dios es un solo Jehová”. Esa declaración tan llena de significado les dio a los israelitas las fuerzas necesarias para enfrentarse a los desafíos que les esperaban al entrar y conquistar la Tierra Prometida. Si hacemos nuestras esas palabras, también tendremos la fortaleza necesaria para sobrevivir a la cercana gran tribulación. Además, podremos contribuir a la paz y unidad en el Paraíso. Sigamos adorando exclusivamente a Jehová, amándolo y sirviéndole con toda el alma, esforzándonos intensamente para mantener la unidad en la congregación. Si lo hacemos, miraremos al futuro con la confianza de que se cumplirán las palabras de Jesús dirigidas a quienes juzgue como ovejas: “Vengan, ustedes que han sido bendecidos por mi Padre, hereden el reino preparado para ustedes desde la fundación del mundo” (Mat. 25:34). w16.06 3:2, 20 https://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2018/2/6
  10. Acuérdate de tu Magnífico Creador en los días de tu mocedad, antes que procedan a venir los días calamitosos (Ecl. 12:1). Muchos de los problemas que se tratan en nuestras publicaciones no son exclusivos de los jóvenes. A fin de cuentas, todos tenemos que defender nuestra fe, controlar las emociones, rechazar la presión de grupo y evitar las malas compañías y el entretenimiento perjudicial. Las publicaciones para los jóvenes han hablado de temas como estos y de muchos más. Si usted es un cristiano adulto, ¿debería pensar que esa información es demasiado simple para usted? Desde luego que no. Está basada en principios bíblicos eternos, y todos podemos beneficiarnos de ella, aunque esté redactada de manera que atraiga a los jóvenes. Nuestras publicaciones no solo han ayudado a los jóvenes a enfrentarse a sus problemas; los han ayudado a crecer espiritualmente y a acercarse a Jehová. Los adultos también pueden beneficiarse de ellas (Ecl. 12:13). w16.05 5:15, 16 https://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2018/2/5
  11. I believe, the first title were my own words. I like it more, bec. better understanding for all....  My home-language is German, you know. - Meanwhile, the Librarian has changed the title above, so your wish is complied.  I'm not a friend of huge English comments here, bec. of the language, also the different German clock-time and my own time. Thanks for your engagement, but my work is now done for this post. Maybe, you want post it similar in another area @JW Insider.... again with ton's of comments Greetings from Germany and a great week for you !
  12. Also preaching in India.... our brave disabled Brother MAY JEHOVAH BLESS YOU - OUR DEAR BROTHER !                      ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  13. Hello our smiling Brother in India...  Jehovah will bless you !                     ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  14. Zwei junge Schwestern.... Da waren zwei junge Schwestern in einer Versammlung. Beide waren gute Verkündigerinnen. Eine setzte sich den Pionierdienst zum Ziel und war glücklich, endlich damit beginnen zu können. Die andere kaufte sich ein Auto. Wie stolz war sie auf ihr Auto - sie polierte und pflegte es und genoss es, damit zu fahren. Die Pionierin hingegen wollte mehr Zeit für den Dienst und fand in ihrem Gebiet eine nette Frau, mit der sie ein Bibelstudium begann. Ganz begeistert erzählte sie davon und mit welcher Wertschätzung die Frau studierte. Bald schon kam sie zur ersten Zusammenkunft. Die Pionierin war ganz aus dem Häuschen. Inzwischen hatte die andere Schwester ihre Freude mit ihrem Auto. Die Pionierin konnte ihrer Studentin weiterhelfen und es kam der ganz grosse Tag, an welchem sich ihre Bibel-Studentin taufen lies. Ihre Freude kannte keine Grenzen und wie dankbar war sie Jehova für all die Freuden, die ihr Dienst mit sich brachte Dann kam Harmagedon und was geschah? Beide überlebten, doch die Garage der Schwester stürzte ein und ihr Auto wurde völlig zerstört. Wieviel Liebe hatte sie reingesteckt, wieviel Zeit  jetzt war alles umsonst. Die Pionierin hingegen, die geistige Werte vorangestellt hatte, wird während der ganzen Ewigkeit die Freude verspüren, einer Person oder mehreren geholfen zu haben Harmagedon zu überleben und im Paradies zu sein. Ihre Freude wird nie aufhören, sondern sich sogar mehren, denn immer wird sie an ihre lohnende Arbeit erinnert werden. So können wir durch das was wir heute tun, Schätze sammeln die NIE vergehen werden und die ewige Dividende bringen ! Ich bin sicher, daß sich unsere "Auto - Schwester" auch an der großen Predigt -Aktion nach Harmagedon beteiligen wird             ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
  15. Two young Sisters.... There were two young Sisters in a Congregation. Both were good publishers. One put the pioneer service to the goal and was happy to be able to begin it finally. The other bought a car for itself. How proud she was of her car, so polled and cared for it, enjoying driving away with it. The pioneer, however, had more time to serve and found a nice woman in her area, with whom she began a Bible study. Full of enthusiasm, she told about it and with what esteem the woman studied. Soon, she came to the first meeting. The pioneer was ecstatic. Meanwhile, the other sister was enjoying her car. The pioneer was able to help her studies and the big day came when her "student" was baptized. Her joy knew no bounds, and how grateful she was to Jehovah for all the joys of her ministry. Then came Armageddon and what happened? Both survived, but her sister's garage collapsed and her car was completely destroyed. How much love had she put in, how much time  Now, everything was free. On the other hand, the pioneer who pioneered spiritual values will feel joy throughout eternity, helping one or more of Armageddon to survive and be in paradise. Her joy will never stop, but will increase, for she will always be reminded of her rewarding work. So, through what we do today, we can accumulate treasures that will NEVER perish and bring the eternal dividend ( I could imagine, the 'car-sister' was now also helping by the plenty new Bible-studies )       ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
  16. “My Father is glorified in this, that you keep bearing much fruit and prove yourselves my disciples.”—JOHN 15:8.
  17. Mi Padre es glorificado en esto, que ustedes sigan llevando mucho fruto y demuestren ser mis discípulos” (JUAN 15:8).
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