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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. Oh yes, a very good movie attachment and  wonderful explained !  Could you watch this rare spectacle from your place in South Africa?  The next one is on 19. January, 2019,  I saw in your nice video ! Thank you, Brother @Colin Browne Â
  2. OUR 2 MISSIONARIES - Dominic and Romina Strickle from GRENZACH - WYHLEN / HERTEN .... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Herten's Dominic Strickle leaves home with his wife Romina to perform a new mission in Jehovah's Witness service in Paraguay. On the 6th of October you will fly to Ciudad del Este. Already during his school years, Dominic Strickle, according to the Jehovah's Witnesses' - Association, at the evangelizing ministry, and later engaged in training and caring for parishioners. After meeting his wife Romina on a trip to Chile, they decided to move to an area "where more gospel publishers are needed" !! May Jehovah bless your hard work With Paraguay this wish will come true for her now. With good knowledge of Spanish in their luggage, they look forward to the new task. Nevertheless, the congregation regrets the witnesses to lose them...             ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? (Report from 2009)
  3. Super Blue Moon – San Francisco Eclipse.... Here is the first image from the night. This is a single exposure taken with the Sony A7RII and Canon 70-200 lens. Settings for this shot were 2.0 seconds F4 ISO1000. For this photo I did some light color correction, noise reduction and sharpening. I love the way you can see the stars shine over the city as the moon goes into shadow. I was also surprised by the clarity of the stars, given how much light pollution exists in the San Francisco Bay Area. The second image is just a cropped view of the same photograph, so that you can see the detail in totality. This photo is an even closer view of the moon during totality. Taken with my friend RaphyÂ’s 600 millimeter lens. Which he generously allowed me to use for a shot. Overall this was a really wonderful event. I tried not to worry so much about getting a great shot and instead experienced the moment with some good people! Did you get a chance to see the eclipse? Let me know what your experience was like! Enjoy these beautiful photo's.... and the video !  Adventure Dolomites.....      Enjoy ! Michael Shainblum is a landscape, timelapse and aerial photographer based in San Francisco, California. He has been working professionally as a photographer and filmmaker for 11 years since the age of 16. - Michael first made a name for himself through his unique creativity and the ability to capture scenes and moments in his distinct style of surreal, visual story telling. A dedication to challenging the boundaries of creativity, as well as a flair for coming up with unique ideas, has since resulted in this dynamic visual artist being commissioned by large clients including Nike, Samsung, Facebook, LG, Apple and Google. You will also be able to find MichaelÂ’s work published widely by media outlets such as National Geographic, Wired Magazine and The Weather Channel.  in Uncategorized on February 1, 2018
  4. "Looking for one Heart !" "Looking for one Heart" And I'm Seeking everyone's Part My Family is like one spirit But with Jehovah, all don't want to hear it If all of us understand what is best All of us will be eternally Blesses Because days and ages has gotten us all down And the pain and sorrow it just seems to Drown Me with the feelings of Grief I've gotten to a Slump And sometime I feel like I live in a Garbage Dump Even with my health, I'm weak in the knees, Boy I miss my youth, when I could run with ease But I don't mind getting older Because It has make me bolder In my faith to Preach Of Jehovah's New System that I Teach Where all my Pain and Fears Will disappear And to Jehovah God we all must adhere Regardless the fact my family's not united in the Lord It will not stop me from being in full accord With Jehovah my God I will never Leave Because he is the only one that I will belive Especially for my Oldest son lost in death I have the faith that Jehovah will give him new breath To bring him back to life So He may one day see his Wife That never stopped loving his mother Even falling in love with his Brother Marrying him like in days of old When they obeyed Jehovah in what they were told Who will get her in the resurrection the bible does say But the only thing that matters is that we obey His word and law today and forever So those that love him will never sever A relationship I want all my family to get So every one of us will emit The Love and Joy that Jesus Displayed This is my prayer that all I can persuade That all my living sons and their wives will see My lost son that has a guarantee Of everlasting life that we all can attain If our love for Jehovah we don't break the chain That our whole family must impart That we all are "Looking for one Heart"   ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  5. I PRAYED TO JEHOVAH....    ( I shared it for us all...) I dreamed that I prayed to Jehovah on high, Complained of my troubles and started to cry. I said to Jehovah, I can't take it anymore! Please bring it real soon, your great day of war! I endure every day at the end of my rope, I just do not see any way I can cope. I face constant pressure each day without doubt. With all of my problems there's just no way out. He patiently listened as if on bended knee, I griped and complained about what bothered me. His loving concern as I emptied my head, Made me feel so secure in his love, when He said: I understand just what you're going through, This time of the end makes it harder for you. But you see, I too have been waiting so long, And I must make sure my people are strong! Since the very first couple, Adam and Eve, My heart many times had been made to grieve. Though I sent my son down to earth just to die, Most people rejected what his life could buy. I've been pushed aside by all those I love, For other false gods they have put high above. They even say I don't exist or I'm dead, That life just evolved from the monkey instead. I surely don't want you to suffer or cry, I'll give you my strength on which to rely. You need to endure but please do not doubt, If it gets too tough, I will provide the way out. The new world is near so endure to the end, For I am Jehovah and I am your friend. The life that's ahead is worth oh so much more You'll take such delight in what I have in store. Just think what it will be like in paradise, Why even the dead from the tombs will arise! You'll feel so much better and have joy each day, Your memories of troubles will soon pass away >>>> These promises given will surely come true, And it won't be long before all becomes new. So please be determined endure to the end, For I am Jehovah, your savior, your friend   ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  6. The Greatest Humanitarian Work In The World Is Preaching, the Life Saving Message of God's Kingdom ! You can see our GB. Brother's on the way preaching with their wife's ~ or together with Brothers. All seven... but now we've eight again ( A very rare photo - all together serving ! )
  7. We are from Arizona on our Vacation to san Diego California. On our visit to 'Balboa park' we had the pleasure to meet a local Brothers and Sisters. It was a beautiful day and they had their literature and smiles ready Look : What a beautiful picture. To see a Brother on a wheelchair, but yet he still finds the will the strength to serve Jehovah and preach the good news ! What a good example.... Thank you dear Brother             ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
  8. ON THE WAY TO OUR BETHEL??  UGH....  Not so nice and NO fun ! No blessing, this silver beard is ugly  ~~~~ Or you mean for a "Drama" ??  Ok, but I don't like the weird silver beard ! Beards are very special ~~~ not all looking good hahahahahaaaaa...   I only like very short beards !
  9. I just looked again..... and its from a *THEOCRATIC POEM* - page ! So, I don't know exactly if it was true or not ?  I will ask for you @Alzasior Lutor & tell it here ! Maybe its a warning for us all ?   I hope, will soon get an answer !! Thank you
  10. Two pioneer sisters who were newly assigned to a congregation were given territory to work in the afternoon but the brother failed to tell them about a certain house that was marked as, Do not knock. They arrived at the house, knocked on the door and a very kind lady opened.She told them she was happy to meet them and that she had much interest to study the Bible that she asked them to come in,... The two Jehovah Witnesses entered and spoke to her over a Bible topic and the lady showed much attention and interest,... After a while she invited them to eat but the sisters did not accept because they didn't want to be a bothersome and told her thank you but that they must continue preaching,...The lady then told them she would make them a taco so they could eat on their way,... The sisters kindly accepted and went on their way,... After a while they came upon a young man whom they approached to speak about the Bible but the young man said he had interest to listen but that he was very hungry because he had not eaten since the previous day... Upon hearing this, the sisters told him they were just given some tacos that they were not going to eat and they would share them with him... The young man accepted the tacos, they spoke with him about the Bible a good while and then he went on his way,... Two days later the sisters learned the young man they had shared their food with was dead and the autopsy revealed that it was poisoning... Upon hearing this, the sisters could not believe that the lady who appeared to be so kind wanted to kill them... When the brothers investigated about this young man what was the surprise ?...The young man was the son of the lady who had given the poisoned food... This experience was told by a brother in the circuit, who was at a dinner that was held at a home of the overseer of a congregation for the pioneers on a Saturday visit... All those that heard were impacted some said that Jehovah had moved matters and had protected the sisters... One of us said that : Maybe seeing this the lady was convinced that Jehovah is the true God.... But the brother continued saying after listening to our comments all this could be true but that this act confirms that... " Be Careful Brothers and Sisters " .... Caution !!! Matthew 10:16... Look, I am sending you out as sheep among wolves so prove yourselves cautious as serpents and yet innocent as doves." Love you all
  11. Que el aguante tenga completa su obra (Sant. 1:4). ¿Qué “obra” tiene que terminar el aguante? La de ayudarnos a ser “completos y sanos en todo respecto, sin tener deficiencia en nada” (Sant. 1:4). Muchas veces las pruebas revelan cuáles son nuestras debilidades y qué aspectos de nuestra forma de ser tenemos que mejorar. Si aguantamos esas pruebas, perfeccionaremos nuestra personalidad cristiana. Por ejemplo, aprenderemos a ser más pacientes, más agradecidos y más compasivos. En vista de que el aguante nos hace cristianos más completos, no queremos violar los principios de la Biblia solo para poner fin a las pruebas. Por ejemplo, ¿qué hay si estamos luchando contra pensamientos inmorales? En vez de ceder a la tentación, oremos para librarnos de ellos. Así aprenderemos autodominio. ¿Y si alguien de nuestra familia se opone a que adoremos a Jehová? En lugar de rendirnos, sigamos sirviendo a Dios con todo el corazón. Recordemos: para que Jehová nos apruebe, tenemos que aguantar (Rom. 5:3-5; Sant. 1:12). w16.04 2:15, 16 https://wol.jw.org/es/wol/dt/r4/lp-s/2018/2/1
  14. Let endurance complete its work.—Jas. 1:4. What “work” must endurance complete? It helps us to “be complete and sound in all respects, not lacking in anything.” (Jas. 1:4) Trials often reveal our weaknesses, aspects of our personality that we need to refine. If we endure those trials, however, our Christian personality becomes more complete, or sound. For example, we may become more patient, appreciative, and compassionate. Because endurance completes the vital work of molding us as Christians, do not compromise Scriptural principles to bring an end to tests that come your way. For instance, what if you struggle with unclean thoughts? Rather than give in to temptation, prayerfully reject such desires. You will thus fortify your self-control. Are you facing opposition from an unbelieving family member? Instead of yielding under pressure, be determined to maintain your pattern of wholehearted worship. Remember: To have GodÂ’s approval, we must endure.—Rom. 5:3-5; Jas. 1:12. w16.04 2:15, 16 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2018/2/1
  15. JW Animated DAILY TEXTÂ Tuesday January, 30, 2018
  16. HEY, NEVER SAW SUCH A BEARD !  BUT SUDDENLY I CHECKED IT, I figured it out, there is a *dog* in front of the man's face ! hahahahahahahahahaaaaaÂ
  17. REFUGEES, WITNESSESÂ INÂ FINLAND Russian Jehovah's Witnesses who have come to Finland in search of asylum. Also a Finnish presidential candidate mentioned that the highest percentage of asylum seekers in a particular Finnish refugee center at this time are the Russian Jehovah's Witnesses. The immigration office states that 1,000 Russian Witnesses have sought asylum last year and even earlier. Apparently, there was systematic harassment of Witnesses in Russia and a law was passed that the Witnesses can lose custody of their children, if it is proved that the children are indoctrinated by their parents. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
  18. My dear Brothers & Sisters, Cart - witnessing in Germany                ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  19. My Sister Angelika by preaching near my camping-vacation in Tessin, Switzerland ! They have 2 Congregation's in this town, German and Italian ! I still remember the day's and times.... Thursday, 7:00pm / Saturday, 4:00pm Â
  20. Oh BOY....  thats now another answer ~~~ not so simple               ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  21. I will finally try it too.... haha  I will inform you here !
  22. Jehovah always will see the good and positive things by a human,. that we must learn too ! A reason, Jehovah give us 1000 years to learn such of many things ! THANK YOU JEHOVAH Â
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