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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

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    Que el esposo dé a su esposa lo que le es debido; pero que la esposa haga lo mismo también a su esposo (1 Cor. 7:3).

    Aunque la Biblia no da normas específicas sobre cómo debe ser la estimulación erótica en las relaciones sexuales ni pone límites concretos, sí habla de algunas muestras de cariño entre la pareja (Cant. de Cant. 1:2; 2:6). Los casados tienen que tratarse con ternura. Nada ni nadie se interpondrá entre el esposo y la esposa si los dos aman profundamente a Dios y al prójimo. Hay matrimonios a los que les ha hecho mucho daño la adicción de uno de los cónyuges a la pornografía, y otros hasta han acabado rotos por este motivo. Tenemos que rechazar con firmeza hasta el más mínimo deseo de ver pornografía o de buscar algún tipo de satisfacción sexual fuera del matrimonio. Y no debemos ni siquiera dar la apariencia de que estamos coqueteando con alguien que no es nuestro cónyuge. Eso demostraría falta de amor. Si recordamos que Dios conoce todos nuestros pensamientos y acciones, desearemos con más fuerza agradarle y permanecer castos (Mat. 5:27, 28; Heb. 4:13). w16.08 2:7-9

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    We have a struggle . . . against the wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places.—Eph. 6:12.

    It is vital that we resist being affected by the world’s “strongly entrenched things.” These include its doctrines, philosophies, and harmful practices, such as committing immorality, using tobacco, and abusing alcohol and drugs. And we must constantly fight against our fleshly weaknesses and discouragement. (2 Cor. 10:3-6; Col. 3:5-9) Is it really possible to defeat such powerful opponents? Yes, but not without a struggle. Drawing on the example of a boxer of ancient times, Paul said of himself: “The way I am aiming my blows is so as not to be striking the air.” (1 Cor. 9:26) Just as a boxer fights off his opponent, we must fend off our enemies. Jehovah trains us and helps us in our fight. He provides lifesaving instructions in his Word. He also helps us through our Bible-based publications, Christian meetings, assemblies, and conventions. Are you putting into practice what you are learning? w16.09 2:2, 3


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    We have never stopped praying for you and asking that you may be filled with the accurate knowledge of [God’s] will.—Col. 1:9.

    With such accurate knowledge, the Colossian Christians would be able “to walk worthily of Jehovah in order to please him fully.” This would enable them to continue “bearing fruit in every good work,” especially in the preaching of the good news. (Col. 1:10) To serve effectively, a worshipper of Jehovah must follow a routine of Bible study. We do well to help Bible students grasp that fact. Moreover, we ourselves must be convinced of its value. In fact, we ourselves need to have good Bible study habits. So you might ask yourself, ‘When householders express opinions that are contrary to Scriptural teachings or they ask difficult questions, am I able to give answers that are based on the Bible?’ If we tell others how much we have benefited from our personal study of the Bible, we may encourage them to obtain such benefits by being diligent students of the Scriptures. w16.08 4:3, 4


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    Let the husband give to his wife her due, and let the wife also do likewise to her husband.—1 Cor. 7:3.

    Although the Bible does not provide specific rules about the kinds and limits of love play that might be associated with natural sexual intimacy, it mentions displays of affection. (Song of Sol. 1:2; 2:6) Christian marriage partners should treat each other with tenderness. Strong love for God and neighbor will not allow anyone or anything to interfere with the marriage bond. Some marriages have been strained or even ruined by a mate’s addiction to pornography. Any tendency toward being attracted to this or toward sexual interests of any sort outside marriage should be firmly resisted. Even giving the appearance of flirting with someone to whom one is not married is unloving and should be avoided. Remembering that God is aware of all our thoughts and actions will reinforce our desire to please him and to remain chaste.—Matt. 5:27, 28; Heb. 4:13. w16.08 2:7-9


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    Bravo  our  dear  Brother :x  You  will  bring  the  Internationale  Invitations  with  a  boat  to     the  far  away  people !    GREAT  JOB  ~~~~  JEHOVAH  WILL  HELP  YOU :x

    You  are  preaching  in  ECUADOR  and  so  wonderful  smiling :D 

    Thank  you  SO  much      ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? ? ?  

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    We all received . . . undeserved kindness upon undeserved kindness.—John 1:16.

    A winegrower went to the marketplace early one morning to hire men to work in his vineyard. The men he found agreed to the wage he offered and went to work. The owner needed more workers, however, and returned to the marketplace throughout the day to hire more and more men, offering a fair wage even to those whom he hired at the end of the afternoon. When evening came, he gathered the workers together to give them their wages, and he gave the same amount to each of them, whether they had labored many hours or just one. When those first hired realized this, they complained. The winegrower replied: ‘Did you not agree to the wage I offered? Do I not have the right to give all my workers whatever I want? Are you envious because I am generous?’ (Matt. 20:1-15, ftn.) Jesus’ parable reminds us of one of Jehovah’s qualities that is often mentioned in the Bible—his “undeserved kindness.”—2 Cor. 6:1. w16.07 3:1, 2


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    Every  week  we  will  find  the  new  pearls  in  our  Bible :x   THANK  YOU  JEHOVAH :)


                                ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? ? ?

  8. Absolutely  right,  my  Brother  JTR.!   We're  all  imperfect,  thats  the  big  problem :(   But  Jehovah  is  knowing  us  perfect.  All  JW  are  different,  bec. we're  all  so  special  humans...  haha :)

    Jehovah  NOT  wanted  robots,  NO xD   HE  wants  different  people  multifaceted !!

    Mostly  we're  all  soft.....  YES !


              ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

  9. NO  question.....   ALL  animals  came  first,  bec. Jehovah  created  perfect  animals  and  NO  eggs,  hahaha  -  also  the  perfect  plants  we  saw  and  NO  seeds....  The  same  last  with  Adam  and  Eve  -  NOT  Babies  HE  created,  but  perfect  adult  humans !  FIRST  ADAM  AND  THEN  EVE.





    Does a Hen Need a Rooster to Lay Eggs?

    This is the most-asked question by people curious about chickens. Most people are quite relieved to learn that the answer is "no"-- the hen (female) will lay eggs with or without a rooster (male) present.

    WHAT  DO YOU  THINK ?  :)

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    Keep your eyes open and guard against every sort of greed.—Luke 12:15.

    Satan wants us to slave for Riches rather than for Jehovah. (Matt. 6:24) Those who spend most of their energy accumulating material things end up with a life that is, at best, shallow because it appeals to selfish gratification or that is, at worst, spiritually empty and full of grief and frustration. (1 Tim. 6:9, 10; Rev. 3:17) It is as Jesus described in his illustration of the sower. When the Kingdom message is “sown among the thorns . . . , the desires for everything else make inroads and choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful.” (Mark 4:14, 18, 19) As we near the end of this system of things, now is not the time to amass more and more material things for ourselves. We should not expect that any of our possessions, regardless of how treasured or valuable they may be, will survive with us through the great tribulation.—Prov. 11:4, ftn.; Matt. 24:21, 22. w16.07 1:5, 6


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    BEC. THIS  NEW  LINK:    https://www.jw.org/en/terms-of-use/ 

    Then Brother David Splane discussed the serious, thought-provoking theme, "Have you entered into God's rest?" As he noted, God's rest does not mean inactivity. For Jehovah and his Son are continually working to realize God's purpose for the earth (John 5:17). How can we enter into God's peace? On the one hand, it is necessary to refrain from sinning and to no longer try to justify oneself through works. Second, we must practice faith, never lose sight of Jehovah's purpose and do everything we can to act in accordance with it. That's not easy sometimes. However, it is essential to stick to what Jehovah's organization advises us to work with. Brother Splane challenged the audience to do everything in their power to enter God's peace.
    The final presentation entitled "What are we waiting for?" Was given by Brother Anthony Morris. In a fatherly tone and yet insistently he entered into prophecies that will be fulfilled. Something that all the faithful await is the cry of "peace and security!" And the annihilation of the false religion (1 Thessalonians 5: 2, 3; Rev. 17: 15-17). From what is reported in the media, one should not prematurely conclude that it is the fulfillment of the prophecies, and think, "That must be Armageddon." He urged everyone to wait as confidently and patiently as he did in Micah 7: 7 is described. At the same time, however, we should also work closely with the governing body and fight shoulder to shoulder like soldiers in the heaviest combat. Brother Morris ended his lecture with the words: "May your hearts be strong, all you who are waiting for Jehovah" (Ps. 31:24).
    Finally there was some exciting news. Brother Geoffrey Jackson inaugurated that there will be a simplified Watchtower Study Edition that will benefit those with limited English language skills. Brother Lett then announced that pastoral visits are planned for district overseers and their wives in the United States. He next announced that the Continuing Education School is now called the Bible School for Unmarried Brothers and will begin a new class: the Bible School for Married Couples. The goal is to be able to use married couples even better in Jehovah's organization. He also announced that two classes a year will soon be taught in Patterson at the school for traveling overseers and their wives and at school for members of the branch committees and their wives. If you have already visited the school, you will be invited a second time.
    A moving end to the program was the humble and heartfelt prayer of 97-year-old John E. Barr, a longtime governing body member. All those present actually went home convinced that this General Assembly was a historic event.
    See the Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses 2011, 62, 63.
    Brother Barr completed his ministry on Earth on December 4, 2010.

  12. #3. Moth Orchid (Phalaenopsis amabilis).jpg

    Beautiful..... WOW  :x        #3. Moth Orchid (Phalaenopsis amabilis)

    With more than 25,000 different kinds of orchids on the planet, it’s no wonder that more than a couple of them made our weird list. The Moth Orchid is the most common type of orchid and bears the name because of its supposed resemblance to a moth in flight. Native to Southeast Asia, the Philippines, and northern Australia, the Moth Orchid isn’t exactly hard to find, and it comes in nearly every colour of the rainbow. So what exactly sets it apart from its 24,999+ orchid siblings? The Moth Orchid’s uncanny ability to have multiple blooming periods— when grown in optimal conditions of course!

    #5. Naked Man Orchid (Orchis italica).jpg

    #5. Naked Man Orchid (Orchis italica)  Haha...  a so funny name for a flower xD

    Is it an alien? Is it a sea anemone? Nope, itÂ’s the Naked Man Orchid! This little guy (or guys) also known as the Hanging Man Orchid, are native to the Mediterranean regions and resemble tiny little hanging naked men, from their dotted eyes and smiles right down to their you-know-whats. Naked Man Orchids come in all sizes and usually, range in colour from light purplish white to deep purply-pink. The Naked Man Orchid is classified as having a threatened status, perhaps because of its popularity as an antidiarrheal, antiflatulent and aphrodisiac.

    Another crazy fact about these fun flowers: theyÂ’re used in making the drink Salep, also called Turkish Delight. :P

  13. OH,   you're  welcome  my  sister  @DeeDee  :x     A  wonderful  Psalm-verse....

    We  never  had  it,  but  Jehovah  will  give  it  to  us  all,

    what  a  precious  gift,  for  everlasting  time  and  life !

                          ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?

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