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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  2. I WANTÂ COMPLETEÂ MYÂ SPECIALÂ POSTÂ OFÂ THATÂ WONDERFULÂ HISTORICALÂ EVENT...... AFTERÂ -Â WEÂ HAVEÂ TOÂ BEÂ CAREFULÂ WITHÂ POSTING -TEXTSÂ FROMÂ THEÂ JW.ORGÂ WEBSITEÂ - BEC. THISÂ NEWÂ LINK: Â Â https://www.jw.org/en/terms-of-use/Â Then Brother David Splane discussed the serious, thought-provoking theme, "Have you entered into God's rest?" As he noted, God's rest does not mean inactivity. For Jehovah and his Son are continually working to realize God's purpose for the earth (John 5:17). How can we enter into God's peace? On the one hand, it is necessary to refrain from sinning and to no longer try to justify oneself through works. Second, we must practice faith, never lose sight of Jehovah's purpose and do everything we can to act in accordance with it. That's not easy sometimes. However, it is essential to stick to what Jehovah's organization advises us to work with. Brother Splane challenged the audience to do everything in their power to enter God's peace. The final presentation entitled "What are we waiting for?" Was given by Brother Anthony Morris. In a fatherly tone and yet insistently he entered into prophecies that will be fulfilled. Something that all the faithful await is the cry of "peace and security!" And the annihilation of the false religion (1 Thessalonians 5: 2, 3; Rev. 17: 15-17). From what is reported in the media, one should not prematurely conclude that it is the fulfillment of the prophecies, and think, "That must be Armageddon." He urged everyone to wait as confidently and patiently as he did in Micah 7: 7 is described. At the same time, however, we should also work closely with the governing body and fight shoulder to shoulder like soldiers in the heaviest combat. Brother Morris ended his lecture with the words: "May your hearts be strong, all you who are waiting for Jehovah" (Ps. 31:24). Finally there was some exciting news. Brother Geoffrey Jackson inaugurated that there will be a simplified Watchtower Study Edition that will benefit those with limited English language skills. Brother Lett then announced that pastoral visits are planned for district overseers and their wives in the United States. He next announced that the Continuing Education School is now called the Bible School for Unmarried Brothers and will begin a new class: the Bible School for Married Couples. The goal is to be able to use married couples even better in Jehovah's organization. He also announced that two classes a year will soon be taught in Patterson at the school for traveling overseers and their wives and at school for members of the branch committees and their wives. If you have already visited the school, you will be invited a second time. A moving end to the program was the humble and heartfelt prayer of 97-year-old John E. Barr, a longtime governing body member. All those present actually went home convinced that this General Assembly was a historic event. [Footnotes] See the Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses 2011, 62, 63. Brother Barr completed his ministry on Earth on December 4, 2010.
  3. Beautiful..... WOW      #3. Moth Orchid (Phalaenopsis amabilis) With more than 25,000 different kinds of orchids on the planet, it’s no wonder that more than a couple of them made our weird list. The Moth Orchid is the most common type of orchid and bears the name because of its supposed resemblance to a moth in flight. Native to Southeast Asia, the Philippines, and northern Australia, the Moth Orchid isn’t exactly hard to find, and it comes in nearly every colour of the rainbow. So what exactly sets it apart from its 24,999+ orchid siblings? The Moth Orchid’s uncanny ability to have multiple blooming periods— when grown in optimal conditions of course! #5. Naked Man Orchid (Orchis italica) Haha... a so funny name for a flower Is it an alien? Is it a sea anemone? Nope, it’s the Naked Man Orchid! This little guy (or guys) also known as the Hanging Man Orchid, are native to the Mediterranean regions and resemble tiny little hanging naked men, from their dotted eyes and smiles right down to their you-know-whats. Naked Man Orchids come in all sizes and usually, range in colour from light purplish white to deep purply-pink. The Naked Man Orchid is classified as having a threatened status, perhaps because of its popularity as an antidiarrheal, antiflatulent and aphrodisiac. Another crazy fact about these fun flowers: they’re used in making the drink Salep, also called Turkish Delight.
  4. OH, you're welcome my sister @DeeDee    A wonderful Psalm-verse.... We never had it, but Jehovah will give it to us all, what a precious gift, for everlasting time and life !                      ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  6. FIRST PARADISE MEETINGS    ENJOY  SISTER @DeeDee AND ALL OTHERS.....   ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  7. Thank you dear sister, searching to all simple and poor people... Maybe he has a good and loving heart for Jehovah              ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  8. My fav. Bible Scripture was by starting my study, always Prov. 18:10 !  Now i've so many favorities The same by our KD songs.... In the past ONLY the older Nr. 91 and now many songs I love                                                                  Â
  9. YES, my sister... we were thinking the same  I had NO other thought to that picture ! But men often thinking different - we all know that....  SO simple your way  THANK YOU @DeeDee .....
  11. I know what you mean, read the link by jw.org too ! I sent the link to our Librarian, bec. our website posted alot from the jw.org website.... Very difficult now, yes, we must be careful with our postings, not so easy. I will ask the Librarian, bec. jw.org is knowing our website ! But photos not first, I think more the many reports. We shall see, step by step we must post in other ways. But we can take our own text, I think. Yes, only marker and posting, seems over now. I saw our website in our literature.... I will read the special link once more ! Also send it to our brother Jose... Thank you and Agape, ???
  12. YES, they send us many Brother-greetings from NIGERIA, AFRICA THANK YOU SO MUCH OUR DEAR BROTHERS JEHOVAH BLESS YOU ALL   ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  13. Moving reports and heartfelt interviews.... Tab Honsberger of the Branch Committee in Haiti gave a report on the earthquake on January 12, 2010, which was very close to everyone. An estimated 300,000 people died in the disaster. Clergymen said that God punished the victims for their unbelief and protected the good. However, thousands of criminals escaped when the walls of a prison collapsed during the quake. However, many Haitians are comforted when they learn the real reasons for today's hard times. Brother Honsberger told about a faithful brother who lost his wife in the earthquake. He said: "To this day, I have shed many tears and I do not know when I get over the loss. But it feels so good to feel the love in Jehovah's organization. We have a unique hope and I am determined to continue talking to others. " Brother Mark Sanderson from Bethel Brooklyn reported on the Philippines, where he spent some time in the branch committee. He enthusiastically talked about the 32 consecutive Proclaimers and that there are far more Bible studies than publishers. Then he told me about Miguel, who had made a great effort to get his grandson's murderer arrested and imprisoned. When Miguel preached some time later in the prison, he met the murderer. Despite his inner tension, he spoke calmly and kindly with him. Finally, they studied with each other. The man learned to love Jehovah and was baptized. The two are now good friends and Miguel is committed to his new brother being released from prison soon. Next, Mark Noumair, an instructor from Theocratic Schools Department, Alex and Sarah Reinmueller, interviewed David and Krista Schafer and Robert and Ketra Ciranko. This gave the listeners some interesting insights into their lives. Brother Reinmueller, an assistant of the publishing committee, told how he learned to love the truth from an early age and started pioneering in Canada at the age of fifteen. He was often traveling alone on duty. When asked who had influenced him most during his Bethel period, he spoke about three faithful brothers. The friendship with each individual was a special enrichment for him. After that, his wife reported her friendship with a sister who spent two decades in Chinese prisons for her beliefs. From her she had learned to really turn to Jehovah for everything and to trust in him completely.
  14. Real Bamboo for privat, in garden and nice beside the streets I will look for Bamboo in our little Camping - garden ~~~ Always thinking to that nice talk to Jehovah.....  Thank you
  15. JW Animated DAILY TEXT Sunday, January 7, 2018
  16. An older interested woman near street - Cart - witnessing.... After a talk, she was giving her address, she wanted a visit  how nice THANK YOU JEHOVAH  ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?  A quickly blessing
  17. 2 Brothers showing WT - videos to a poor family in a small village in Kenia, Africa All seems very interested ~ I want, it will touch their hearts                       ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  18. "JEHOVAH HIMSELF HEARD MY CRY" Tears flows from my eyes As I used it to pen down my pains…. And sadness as my paper My heart achingÂ… Loneliness is pain in different color My life so filled with bitter tears Somewhere inside of me Â…. Sorrow has over shadow ,happiness And the world seems to be at peace It never noticed my pains And I was so lonely and unhappyÂ… When will redemption come??? When will i have love as my sister Or joy as my brother Even happiness as my family Will I ever be happy? I tried to look back on memories Hoping to be happyÂ… Why Why do I have to be aloneÂ…? Why so many pains ? Why must I shed these tears? So many times I tried to create my own little world But it always come crashing down Maybe coz I donÂ’t have faith as my foundation Nor love as my bricks Not even peace as my building materialsÂ…. I have the voice, I called out, to the world But no one answers The world seems deafÂ…Â to my calls And again I call silently For in my heart I was shouting outÂ…. And I cried out againÂ…. Jehovah GodÂ…Â himself heard my cry Coz I have nowhere to turn toÂ…. For though I canÂ’t see you But in my heart I feel you For your sake, I survive this world To you I own my allÂ…. To have lived ,till this day Â…is not by my makingÂ…. And on my kneels I wentÂ…. Silently pouring out my heartsÂ… For I go speechless But you know my hearts desiresÂ… My depression ,youÂ’ve seen My painsÂ…you knowsÂ… My painsÂ…not hidden from your faceÂ… And then like a flash He show meÂ…what he had in store for meÂ… And he console me and sayÂ….. DonÂ’t worry my dearÂ… And just a little longer, and the wicked ones Will be on moreÂ….and you will certainly give attention to his place, and he will not be,,,(psalms37vs10) and He sayÂ…look at all that I promise youÂ…. For I have not hid them from your faceÂ…. And I lookedÂ….and sawÂ…thatÂ…very soon No residents will say ,I am sick(Isaih 33vs 24) At that time the eyes of the blind one will be opened The very ears of the deaf ones will be unstopped At that time the lame one will climb up just As a stag does And the tongue of the speechless one will cry out in gladness(Isaih35vs5,6) And now Â….i am smiling My face glitters with happiness And I look further and saw the part that makes my heart skipÂ…. It reads: Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming In which all those in the memorial tombs will hear His voice and come outÂ…(john5vs28,29) And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes And death will be no more, neither will mourning Nor outcry, nor pain be anymoreÂ…(Rev.21vs4) And tears roll down my cheeks And I smiledÂ….. For this tears of mineÂ…. DidnÂ’t taste salty but sweet it was full of hope..and joy and a relieve to my soulÂ…. Then he sayÂ…. Arise my daughter “for I Jehovah your God, am grasping Your right hand Â….the one saying to you Do not be afraid .I myself will help youÂ….(Isaih 41vs13) And thatÂ’s the sweetest of all wordsÂ…. Coz nowÂ… I have everything doubleÂ… Mother Father Sister Brother One big happy familyÂ…Â I haveÂ…. And the world ,began to wonderÂ…. ‘’why is she sooo happy? And one said to the otherÂ… She is one of JEHOVAHÂ’S WITNESSES (Isaih 43vs10)         ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  19. IF JEHOVAH IS YOUR GOD ~~~~ If Jehovah is your God You will not need to quake with Fear, For protection God will give you from Snares, And never will you falter in dismay or Fear, Because He is our Father and ever so Near. If Jehovah is your God In times of distress you will seek His protection and Aid, Always trusting in Him and never be Afraid. If Jehovah is your God His word will be your comfort strength and refuge when you are Weak, Expressing feelings dear to you in words that you can not Speak. If Jehovah is your God You will be moved to seek first His kingdom and its righteousness as a result blessings and treasures Abound, Trusting in Him to care for your needs, In all things contentment is Found. If Jehovah is your God Problems in marriage will be Few, For each mate will render his/her marriage Due, As a family each day you will serve the God Above, As He shows the way you will display unfailing Love. If Jehovah is your God You will not mourn 'like the rest of the word' does when a loved one looses his Life, For Jehovah's beautiful promise of resurrection will forever remain in our minds and hearts Alive. If Jehovah is your God As a young person you will take pleasure in giving Him your All, Having confidence that no matter how many times you stumble Jehovah will raise you up when you Fall. Growing up you will meet people who will fail you and prove to be Untrue, But in Jehovah you will forever have a loyal and true friend who will cherish You. If Jehovah is your God Alone in depths of deep shadow you will walk and yet fear no Harm, Jehovah will hold you tight like a loving and protective father in His mighty right Arm... IF JEHOVAH IS YOUR GOD !              ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  20. WOW..... what really bad news! I could imagine such of weird idea's to our End-time ~~~ BITCOINS is ONLY an online valuta / currency! One day is coming a big crash again - HILARIOUS
  21. Then I will a little help by feeling closer.... OKAY
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