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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. My  fav.  Bible  Scripture  was  by  starting  my  study,  always  Prov. 18:10 !   Now  i've  so  many  favorities :D:xThe  same  by  our  KD  songs....  In  the  past  ONLY  the  older  Nr. 91  and  now  many  songs  I  love :x                                                                    

  2. I know what you mean,  read the link by jw.org too !  I sent the link to our Librarian, bec. our website posted alot from the jw.org website....  Very difficult now, yes, we must be careful with our postings, not so easy. I will ask the Librarian, bec. jw.org is knowing our website !  But photos not first, I think more the many reports. We shall see, step by step we must post in other ways. But we can take our own text, I think. Yes, only marker and posting, seems over now. I saw our website in our literature....

    I will read the special link once more !  Also send it to our brother Jose... 

    Thank you and Agape, ???

  3. 390125_10200859357080063_237750578_n.jpg.84165238a3b46e30302aa7da888bf775.jpg

    Moving reports and heartfelt interviews....
    Tab Honsberger of the Branch Committee in Haiti gave a report on the earthquake on January 12, 2010, which was very close to everyone. An estimated 300,000 people died in the disaster. Clergymen said that God punished the victims for their unbelief and protected the good. However, thousands of criminals escaped when the walls of a prison collapsed during the quake. However, many Haitians are comforted when they learn the real reasons for today's hard times. Brother Honsberger told about a faithful brother who lost his wife in the earthquake. He said: "To this day, I have shed many tears and I do not know when I get over the loss. But it feels so good to feel the love in Jehovah's organization. We have a unique hope and I am determined to continue talking to others. "
    Brother Mark Sanderson from Bethel Brooklyn reported on the Philippines, where he spent some time in the branch committee. He enthusiastically talked about the 32 consecutive Proclaimers and that there are far more Bible studies than publishers. Then he told me about Miguel, who had made a great effort to get his grandson's murderer arrested and imprisoned. When Miguel preached some time later in the prison, he met the murderer. Despite his inner tension, he spoke calmly and kindly with him. Finally, they studied with each other. The man learned to love Jehovah and was baptized. The two are now good friends and Miguel is committed to his new brother being released from prison soon.
    Next, Mark Noumair, an instructor from Theocratic Schools Department, Alex and Sarah Reinmueller, interviewed David and Krista Schafer and Robert and Ketra Ciranko. This gave the listeners some interesting insights into their lives. Brother Reinmueller, an assistant of the publishing committee, told how he learned to love the truth from an early age and started pioneering in Canada at the age of fifteen. He was often traveling alone on duty. When asked who had influenced him most during his Bethel period, he spoke about three faithful brothers. The friendship with each individual was a special enrichment for him. After that, his wife reported her friendship with a sister who spent two decades in Chinese prisons for her beliefs. From her she had learned to really turn to Jehovah for everything and to trust in him completely.



    Tears flows from my eyes
    As I used it to pen down my pains….
    And sadness as my paper
    My heart achingÂ…

    Loneliness is pain in different color
    My life so filled with bitter tears

    Somewhere inside of me Â….
    Sorrow has over shadow ,happiness
    And the world seems to be at peace
    It never noticed my pains
    And I was so lonely and unhappyÂ…

    When will redemption come???
    When will i have love as my sister
    Or joy as my brother
    Even happiness as my family

    Will I ever be happy?
    I tried to look back on memories
    Hoping to be happyÂ…

    Why do I have to be aloneÂ…?
    Why so many pains ?
    Why must I shed these tears?
    So many times I tried to create my own little world
    But it always come crashing down

    Maybe coz I donÂ’t have faith as my foundation
    Nor love as my bricks
    Not even peace as my building materialsÂ….

    I have the voice,
    I called out, to the world
    But no one answers
    The world seems deaf…  to my calls
    And again I call silently
    For in my heart I was shouting outÂ….

    And I cried out againÂ….
    Jehovah God…  himself heard my cry
    Coz I have nowhere to turn toÂ….
    For though I canÂ’t see you
    But in my heart I feel you
    For your sake, I survive this world
    To you I own my allÂ….
    To have lived ,till this day Â…is not by my makingÂ….

    And on my kneels
    I wentÂ….
    Silently pouring out my heartsÂ…
    For I go speechless
    But you know my hearts desiresÂ…

    My depression ,youÂ’ve seen
    My painsÂ…you knowsÂ…
    My painsÂ…not hidden from your faceÂ…

    And then like a flash
    He show meÂ…what he had in store for meÂ…
    And he console me and sayÂ…..
    DonÂ’t worry my dearÂ…
    And just a little longer, and the wicked ones
    Will be on moreÂ….and you will certainly give
    attention to his place, and he will not be,,,(psalms37vs10)
    and He sayÂ…look at all that I promise youÂ….
    For I have not hid them from your faceÂ….

    And I lookedÂ….and sawÂ…thatÂ…very soon
    No residents will say ,I am sick(Isaih 33vs 24)
    At that time the eyes of the blind one will be opened
    The very ears of the deaf ones will be unstopped
    At that time the lame one will climb up just
    As a stag does
    And the tongue of the speechless one will cry out in gladness(Isaih35vs5,6)

    And now Â….i am smiling
    My face glitters with happiness
    And I look further and saw the part that makes my heart skipÂ….
    It reads:
    Do not marvel at this, because the hour is coming
    In which all those in the memorial tombs will hear
    His voice and come outÂ…(john5vs28,29)
    And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes
    And death will be no more, neither will mourning
    Nor outcry, nor pain be anymoreÂ…(Rev.21vs4)

    And tears roll down my cheeks
    And I smiledÂ…..
    For this tears of mineÂ….
    DidnÂ’t taste salty but sweet
    it was full of hope..and joy
    and a relieve to my soulÂ….

    Then he sayÂ….
    Arise my daughter
    “for I Jehovah your God, am grasping
    Your right hand Â….the one saying to you
    Do not be afraid .I myself will help youÂ….(Isaih 41vs13)

    And thatÂ’s the sweetest of all wordsÂ….
    Coz nowÂ… I have everything doubleÂ…
    One big happy family…  I have….

    And the world ,began to wonderÂ….
    ‘’why is she sooo happy?
    And one said to the otherÂ…
    She is one of JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES  (Isaih 43vs10)

                    ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?

  5. 26167071_549639002053179_4538387454728049213_n.jpg

    IF  JEHOVAH  IS  YOUR  GOD  ~~~~

    If Jehovah is your God
    You will not need to quake with Fear,
    For protection God will give you from Snares,
    And never will you falter in dismay or Fear,
    Because He is our Father and ever so Near.

    If Jehovah is your God
    In times of distress you will seek His protection and Aid,
    Always trusting in Him and never be Afraid.

    If Jehovah is your God
    His word will be your comfort strength
    and refuge when you are Weak,
    Expressing feelings dear to you in words that
    you can not Speak.

    If Jehovah is your God
    You will be moved to seek first His kingdom and its
    righteousness as a result blessings
    and treasures Abound,
    Trusting in Him to care for your needs,
    In all things contentment is Found.

    If Jehovah is your God
    Problems in marriage will be Few,
    For each mate will render his/her marriage Due,
    As a family each day you will serve the God Above,
    As He shows the way you will display unfailing Love.

    If Jehovah is your God
    You will not mourn 'like the rest of the word' does when
    a loved one looses his Life,
    For Jehovah's beautiful promise of resurrection
    will forever remain in our minds and hearts Alive.

    If Jehovah is your God
    As a young person you will take pleasure in giving Him your All,
    Having confidence that no matter how many times you stumble
    Jehovah will raise you up when you Fall.
    Growing up you will meet people who will

    fail you and prove to be Untrue,
    But in Jehovah you will forever have a
    loyal and true friend who will
    cherish You.

    If Jehovah is your God
    Alone in depths of deep shadow you will walk and yet
    fear no Harm,
    Jehovah will hold you tight like a loving and protective father
    in His mighty right Arm...


                             ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?

  6. Oh  yes,  dear  Sister @DeeDee  I  agree  and  I'm  really  so  happy,  we've  such  a  wonderful  God  and  the  BEST  artist  ever ! :x:) 

    WE  ONLY  CAN  ENJOY  AND  LEARN  FROM  JEHOVAH  WHEN  WE  CAN  LIVING  FOREVER.....   otherwise  its  NOT  possible,  sorry :(   We're  all  SO  in  longing  of  the  NW  and  the  PARADISE !

                                               ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?

  7. The chariot is on the move and we must move right along with it. For we do not want to be like the sluggish slave with one talent or the five of the ten virgins who were not prepared and lose out on life..jpg

    The chariot is on the move and we must move right along with it. For we do not want to be like the sluggish slave with one talent or the five of the ten virgins who were not prepared and lose out on life....

    Vision of Ezekiel Chapter 1 ~~~  The  heavenly  chariot....


    A historical event..... 
    "If you go home today, you will say, 'This General Assembly will go down in our history!'" These words increased the tension in the congress hall in Jersey City (New Jersey, USA). Brother Stephen Lett, Jehovah's Witness Governing Body, welcomed all attendees to the 126th General Assembly of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania on October 2, 2010. What were some highlights?

    First, Brother Lett spoke enthusiastically about Jehovah's heavenly chariot from the Bible book Ezekiel. This imposing wagon depicts Jehovah's organization, which he directs and directs as Highest. Their heavenly part is spirit creatures and moves unimaginably fast - as fast as Jehovah's mind. The earthly part of Jehovah's organization is also on the move and has seen some exciting developments in recent years.

    For example, some branches have been merged. As a result, many who previously served in Bethel's countries have the opportunity to focus more on preaching. Brother Lett urged the audience to continue praying for the governing body so that they, as representatives of the slave class, not only remained faithful, but wise and wise (Matt. 24: 45-47).   ( soon  more..)

  8. This is a Happy Orchid (also called Bee Orchid or Ophrys apifera)..jpg

    What  a  funny  God  Jehovah  we  have...  xD:x

    This  is  a  *Happy Orchid*   ( also  called  *Bee Orchid*  or  *Ophrys apifera* ) :x:)

    This happy little guy gets its name from its uncanny resemblance to a smiling bumblebee; that is if bumblebees could smile. Its name comes from the Greek word “Ophrys” meaning eyebrow, perhaps referring to the fuzzy bits around the edge of the flower. The Bee Orchid is widespread across Europe the Middle East and even North Africa. However, it’s becoming more and more scarce because the propagation process is so complicated. You see, the Bee Orchid requires a symbiotic relationship with a particular type of fungus to successfully grow, making transplanting tough. This orchid is more clever than it appears; the flowers are almost exclusively self-pollinating in the northern ranges, but the colouring and shape of the flower mimic the look and smell of a female bee which entices male bees towards it to mate, thus expediting the pollination process!

                             ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?

    Not  all  these  Creations  are  photoshopped....

    I  looked  by  Google  and  saw  many  of  funny  flowers xD

    #1. Monkey Face Orchid (Dracula simia).jpg

    #1. Monkey Face Orchid (Dracula simia)

    I  found  this  text  by  google....

    Let’s face it (pun intended), this little guy didn’t take a whole lot of imagination to name; “Dracula” because of it’s two long, fang-like petals and “simia” for its resemblance to primates. The two dark little eyes, fuzzy dotted eyebrows, and furry little nose and beard area bear striking simian similarities that become even more apparent when viewed from a distance.
    The Monkey Face Orchid is rare oddity so donÂ’t get upset if youÂ’ve never seen one before. It is only found in the cloud forests of Peru and southeastern Ecuador at altitudes of more than 3,000 feet. It can bloom all year round, and its flowers smell like ripe oranges, making it a prized addition to any orchid connoisseurs garden.

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