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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. Very good !!   Jehovah is helping alot ~ we only must read in HIS word.... mostly we're feeling better after that. And with a prayer it works, YES
  2. Hahaha.... YES !!   I like and need that ! Its positive for our body
  3. Thanks for your comment, my thinking too !  I've still more of these nice theocratic thoughts / poem's.... Want post it step by step - you of sure will see it   Thank you
  4. Oh yes, dear Sister @DeeDee I agree and I'm really so happy, we've such a wonderful God and the BEST artist ever !  WE ONLY CAN ENJOY AND LEARN FROM JEHOVAH WHEN WE CAN LIVING FOREVER.....  otherwise its NOT possible, sorry   We're all SO in longing of the NW and the PARADISE !                       ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  5. The chariot is on the move and we must move right along with it. For we do not want to be like the sluggish slave with one talent or the five of the ten virgins who were not prepared and lose out on life.... Vision of Ezekiel Chapter 1 ~~~ The heavenly chariot.... A historical event..... "If you go home today, you will say, 'This General Assembly will go down in our history!'" These words increased the tension in the congress hall in Jersey City (New Jersey, USA). Brother Stephen Lett, Jehovah's Witness Governing Body, welcomed all attendees to the 126th General Assembly of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania on October 2, 2010. What were some highlights? First, Brother Lett spoke enthusiastically about Jehovah's heavenly chariot from the Bible book Ezekiel. This imposing wagon depicts Jehovah's organization, which he directs and directs as Highest. Their heavenly part is spirit creatures and moves unimaginably fast - as fast as Jehovah's mind. The earthly part of Jehovah's organization is also on the move and has seen some exciting developments in recent years. For example, some branches have been merged. As a result, many who previously served in Bethel's countries have the opportunity to focus more on preaching. Brother Lett urged the audience to continue praying for the governing body so that they, as representatives of the slave class, not only remained faithful, but wise and wise (Matt. 24: 45-47).  ( soon more..)
  6. What a funny God Jehovah we have... This is a *Happy Orchid*  ( also called *Bee Orchid* or *Ophrys apifera* ) This happy little guy gets its name from its uncanny resemblance to a smiling bumblebee; that is if bumblebees could smile. Its name comes from the Greek word “Ophrys” meaning eyebrow, perhaps referring to the fuzzy bits around the edge of the flower. The Bee Orchid is widespread across Europe the Middle East and even North Africa. However, it’s becoming more and more scarce because the propagation process is so complicated. You see, the Bee Orchid requires a symbiotic relationship with a particular type of fungus to successfully grow, making transplanting tough. This orchid is more clever than it appears; the flowers are almost exclusively self-pollinating in the northern ranges, but the colouring and shape of the flower mimic the look and smell of a female bee which entices male bees towards it to mate, thus expediting the pollination process!              ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? Not all these Creations are photoshopped.... I looked by Google and saw many of funny flowers #1. Monkey Face Orchid (Dracula simia) I found this text by google.... Let’s face it (pun intended), this little guy didn’t take a whole lot of imagination to name; “Dracula” because of it’s two long, fang-like petals and “simia” for its resemblance to primates. The two dark little eyes, fuzzy dotted eyebrows, and furry little nose and beard area bear striking simian similarities that become even more apparent when viewed from a distance. The Monkey Face Orchid is rare oddity so don’t get upset if you’ve never seen one before. It is only found in the cloud forests of Peru and southeastern Ecuador at altitudes of more than 3,000 feet. It can bloom all year round, and its flowers smell like ripe oranges, making it a prized addition to any orchid connoisseurs garden.
  7. PARADISE ~~ WONDERFUL THOUGHTS ~~        Enjoy ! A World Without Tears Think of a world, a world without tears ... Rev. 7:14 Where a man can live for a thousand years .... Isa. 33:34 With never a grief, an ache or a pain ..Rev. 24:3-5 And never a thought of dying again ... Isa. 25:8 Think of a world where a man plants a vine ... Ps. 107:37 He can sit in it's shade and say 'This is mine'.... Isa. 22:25 He will dwell in the house his own hands have made ... Isa. 65:21 And none shall molest him, or make him afraid .. Mic. 4:4 Think of world without bloodshed and strife ... Ps. 46:9 Where no man can take another man's wife ... Prov. 12:28 Where man everywhere will unite in peace ... Ps. 37:11 And malice and hatred forever will cease ... John 13:35 Think of a world as a green paradise ... Isa. 36:12 Where mountains and deserts dazzle your eyes ....Isa. 53:12 With bountiful flowers, trees and skies ... Isa. 3: 1, 2 With animals, birds and butterflies ... Ps. 10: 24 Think, just as sure, as God's word is truth .... John 17:17 A man will go back to the days of his youth ... Job 33:25 His flesh will become as the flesh of a child... And the words that he speaks will be gentle and mild . Matt. 5:5 Think of a world where a lame man will leap ... Isa. 35:6 Bounding for joy, like a deer or a sheep ...... Where none will be deaf and the blind ones will see .. And mute ones will speak and sing joyfully ... Isa. 35:6 Think of a world where men are all Brothers ... Matt. 23:8 Esteeming themselves not above any others ... Phil. 2:3 Where a man greets a man as a friend to a friend ... John 15:13-19 In a world without tears that will never end .... John 10:28 Think of a world where the dead will arise ... Jer. 31:17 From their silent tombs to a dream paradise ... John 11:23-26 To live forever in true peace and Love ... 1Cor. 16:14 And all will be cared for by the Great One above ... 1Pet. 5:6,7 Now a world without tears is not just a dream .... Heb. 6:10 To some, too good to be true it may seem ... Tit. 1:2 But just as sure, as God's word is true ... John 17:17 A world without tears now lies before you ... 2Pet.. 3:13 So if these words have opened your eyes ... Luke 21:28 Would you like to live in Earth's Paradise ..... Luke 23:43 To share all the blessings that God has in store ... 1Cor. 2:9 For all who would do His Will evermore ... Ps. 37:4 'Good News' of this Kingdom is still being sung .... Rev.. 14:6 Through out every nation and people and tongue ... Matt. 24:14 And all who are thirsting for Truth are invited .... Rev. 7:16,17 To accept this Good news, be warmly united ... Rev.7:9 In Praising our God, our Savior and King ... Jer. 10:10 Who gives to us all, our life, everything ... Ps. 36:9 So that we might live through endless years .... John 6:51 In a world without sorrow.. A world without tears ... Rev. 21:3, 4 ( Endless love for the Manklnd...  ????????? ) ( you can share it - and reading the Bible - Scriptures in rest...)
  8. CREATED BY OUR SISTER  Beth. A. Fox    Thank you Beth.  Your different posters always wonderful   ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  9. Its not Thai - language....   more Korean, yes Thai is looking like this, ??? ????????? ??? ???? Korean is looking like this,  (???/???) Maybe any member will know it more exactly ~~~
  10. Many thanks for your wonderful comments ! Sister @Rosalie Barry and Brother @the Sower of Seed Greetings from Germany???
  11. BTW: @Rosalie Barry... We have a special Daily text area in diff. languages ! I will send you the link to here, okay ?
  12. Thanks for your loving words sister @Rosalie Barry ... I know, you also was serving a long time in the cold Canada !  I am so proud, we have such wonderful sisters worldwide, yes   THANK YOU SO MUCH ?Â
  13. THE FERN AND THE BAMBOO..... One day I decided to quit...  I wanted to quit my job, my relationship, my spirituality. I wanted to quit my life! I went to the woods to have one last talk with JEHOVAH. "JEHOVAH," I said. "Can you give me one good reason NOT to quit ?" His answer surprised me...  "Look around", He said. "Do you see the FERN and the BAMBOO ?" "Yes", I replied.... "When I planted the FERN and the bamboo seeds, I took very good care of them. I gave them light. I gave them water. The fern quickly grew from the earth. Its brilliant green covered the floor." "Yet nothing came from the BAMBOO seed.  But I did not quit on the BAMBOO." "In the second year the FERN grew more vibrant and plentiful. "And again, nothing came from the BAMBOO seed. But I did not quit on the BAMBOO." He said, "In the third year, there was still nothing from the BAMBOO seed. But I would not quit." In the fourth year, again, there was nothing from the BAMBOO seed. But I would not quit." He said, "Then in the fifth year a tiny sprout emerged from the earth. Compared to the FERN it was seemingly small and insignificant. But just six months later the BAMBOO rose to over 100 feet tall. It had spent the five years growing roots !!  Those roots made it strong and gave it what it needed to survive." "I would not give any of my creations a challenge it could not handle." JEHOVAH said to me, "Did you know, my child, that all this time you have been struggling, you have actually been growing roots. I would not quit on the bamboo. I will NEVER quit on you. Don't compare yourself to others." !! He said, "The BAMBOO had a different purpose than the FERN, yet, they both make the forest beautiful." "Your time will come," Jehovah said to me. "You will rise high !" "How high should I rise?"  I asked... "How high will the BAMBOO rise?"  He asked in return. "As high as it can?" I questioned. "Yes."  He said,  "Give me glory by rising as high as you can." I hope, these words can help you see that JEHOVAH will NEVER give up on you. Never regret a day in your life. Good days give you HAPPINESS. Bad days give you EXPERIENCES. Both are essential to life.   Keep going..... Happiness keeps you SWEET. Trials keep you STRONG. Sorrows keep you HUMAN. Failures keep you HUMBLE. Success keeps you GLOWING. But ONLY JEHOVAH keeps you GOING !  FERN WITH FORGET ME NOT.... German tiny blue flowers.... CINNAMON - FERN... Very nice, strong and 'blue' BAMBOO from Asia.... I love that talk with Jehovah in forest !                             ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? ? ?
  14. A current, very nice *DAILY - TEXT POSTER* of our Sister Beth  Thank you, BETH                        ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? ? ?
  15. I will answer you little later in rest, dear Brother @Jerry Coates Thank you !
  16. Its okay, we are posting in different ways..... And such a wonderful message we can bring more times ! I posted that in different languages and all JW seems happy about that. In the last year I remember, we all posted daily about our dear Russian Brothers? Lets be happy about that great success from Jehovah. HIS idea's always wonderful. This report made my day??? and I am really happy for our dear Russian Brothers❤️ They work and manage their theocratic life, thats GREAT ! Thank you, dear Bible Speaks ???
  17. Yes, Brother @Jerry Coates , a very good comment. You are totally right, seeing all clear ! We've a wonderful worldwide Brotherhood, a top organization with so many possibilities and all managed and organized by unpaid JW !  bec. big Love to our God Jehovah   Thats really unique in our bad and sick system. We can be proud of that all  My pioneer GF is learning Indonesian and already in such a congregation. Another little older JW couple is learning Arabian, bec. so many refugees here in Germany and they all need help, learning Jehovah and his love for all people... just the GOOD NEWS, yes !  I saw about the Maya's some TV reports - an interesting folk !  I also have some photo's from preaching, maybe special Missionaries in these area's !  When I were young and single, I would like to do our preaching work in these special countries. My husband is no Brother, sorry  but our son ! I wish you a wonderful day and send you greetings from north Germany ~~~~~~~
  18. Trust in Jehovah with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding. In all your ways take notice of him, and he will make your paths straight.—Prov. 3:5, 6. To acquaint ourselves with JehovahÂ’s thinking, we need to make personal study a priority. When reading or studying GodÂ’s Word, we might ask ourselves, ‘What does this material reveal about Jehovah, his righteous ways, and his thinking?Â’ We need to have an attitude like that of the psalmist David, who sang: “Make me know your ways, O Jehovah; teach me your paths. Cause me to walk in your truth and teach me, for you are my God of salvation. In you I hope all day long.” (Ps. 25:4, 5) As you meditate on a Bible passage, you might consider questions like these: ‘How can I apply this information in my family? Where can I apply it? At home? At work? At school? In the ministry?Â’ Once we have determined where the material can be applied, it may become easier to perceive how we can put it to work. w16.05 3:9, 11 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2018/1/5
  19. Go, therefore, and make disciples.—Matt. 28:19. We must make disciples, baptize them, and teach them, but what is the first thing we need to do? Jesus said: “Go”! With regard to this command, one Bible scholar commented: “To ‘goÂ’ is the task of each believer, whether across the street or across the ocean.” (Matt. 10:7; Luke 10:3) Was Jesus referring only to the individual efforts of his followers, or was he alluding to an organized campaign to preach the good news? Since one individual would not be able to go to “all the nations,” this work would require the organized efforts of many. Jesus indicated as much when he invited his disciples to become “fishers of men.” (Matt. 4:18-22) The type of fishing he referred to here was not that of a lone fisherman using a line and a lure, sitting idly while waiting for the fish to bite. Rather, it involved the use of fishing nets—a labor-intensive activity that at times required the coordinated efforts of many.—Luke 5:1-11. w16.05 2:3, 4 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2018/1/4
  20. Prove yourselves cautious as serpents and yet innocent as doves.—Matt. 10:16. We show caution by recognizing dangers early, and we remain innocent by not letting them lead us into compromise. We must exercise caution when political issues are brought up. For example, when presenting the Kingdom message, avoid either praising or criticizing the policies of a political party or leader. Try to establish common ground with the householder by focusing on the underlying problem rather than on any proposed political solution. Then, show from the Bible how GodÂ’s government will solve the problem completely and permanently. If such volatile issues as same-sex marriage or abortion come up, defend GodÂ’s standards and explain how we follow these in our own lives. During the discussion, remain strictly neutral on the political aspects of these topics. We take no position regarding what laws should be enacted, repealed, or changed, and we do not pressure others to agree with our view. w16.04 4:8, 9 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2018/1/3
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