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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. 29.12..jpg
    Con alguien leal tú actuarás en lealtad (Sal. 18:25).

    El rey Saúl había reunido 3.000 soldados para buscar a David en el desierto de Judá y acabar con él. Pero una noche, mientras todo el campamento estaba profundamente dormido, David y Abisai lograron colarse hasta donde estaba el rey. Abisai quiso aprovechar la oportunidad para matarlo. “Déjame clavarlo a tierra con la lanza una sola vez”, le pidió a David. Por increíble que parezca, David le dijo que no lo hiciera: “¿Quién ha alargado la mano contra el ungido de Jehová y ha quedado inocente? [...] ¡Es inconcebible, por mi parte, desde el punto de vista de Jehová, alargar la mano contra el ungido de Jehová!” (1 Sam. 26:8-12). ¿Por qué se negó David a matar a Saúl? Porque sabía que si lo hacía, sería desleal a Dios. Saúl era rey porque Dios lo había nombrado, y los siervos leales de Jehová respetan a las personas que él ha puesto a cargo de su pueblo. Jehová espera que todos sus siervos sean leales. w16.02 4:1, 2


  2. YES  -  OF  SURE  IT  WAS  @John Houston

    I  read  different  texts...  they  said, maybe  the  father  or  the  uncle?  Seems  they  not  searched  after  the  truth !  In  the  past  it  was  more  difficult  to  find  out...  and  in  a  little  poor  village  in  Peru?  But  now  its  too  long  ago  -  and  the  young  girl  worked  her  life  pretty  good,  I  read.   But  its  all  very  mystery,  yes !

    I  couldn't  believe,  such  a  little  girl,  but  its  possible !   We  know  similar  girls  from  the  war - times....   all  very  sad,  yes :(   ITS  REALLY  TIME  FOR  THE  NW !!


  3. large.5a446e4217cf0_ScreenShot2017-12-27at7_52_22PM.png.971ef7b70aab639128f8d9fddf3fc6fa.png

    I  saw  this  picture  yesterday  in  our  Gallery,  I  had  to  prove it,  bec. never  seen...

    Hard  to  believe...  but  I  proved  it  in  the  Internet !  Poor  little  girl  of  the  past :(

    I  thought,  that's  NOT  possible  -  but  it  IS  - YES :(   ( Her  body  was  ready,  curious..)

    The  story  is  really  true...   I  found  different  link's  and  special  video's  -

    She  was  more  mature  than  other  girls  in  her  age,  very  very  rare !

    Whatever...  for  me  she  was  a  poor  girl  in  the  past,  bec. thats  NOT  normal.




    WORLD'S YOUNGEST MOTHER (A Medical History) - Lina Medina was 5 years...

    What do you think about that rare story ?  Belongs to our imperfect end-time ?

  4. That sounds like in cinema....  but NOT in a Kingdom Hall,  nooo, never JTR,   you was making again some of your night jokes, right ??   In my Kingdom Hall is  ALL clean ! Nothings on the seats or carpet.....

    Haha,  in  KD Halls such of things not allowed and nobody is doing !!   Tell me the truth...  You're a German 'Schlawiner' !!  Telling me nonsense here :D   Not so bad JW we have :(  I know, you're a fun-maker.  -  Tmw its looking all different.... xD

    Sleep well my Brother ????   Dream from hamburgers and birping, with Cola ~~~~  Thats a  JTR  BREAKFAST FOR FUN  :D

  5. 26112387_10214847515925379_1523464203289156183_n.jpg

    Showing Respect for Life and Blood....

    How should we view life? (1) abortion? (1)
    How do Christians show that they are safety conscious? (2)
    Is it wrong to kill animals? (3)
    What are some practices that do not show respect for life? (4)
    What is God’s law on blood? (5)
    Does this include blood transfusions? (6)

    1. Jehovah is the Source of life. All living things owe their life to God. (Psalm 36:9) Life is sacred to God. Even the life of an unborn child inside its mother is precious to Jehovah. To kill such a developing baby on purpose is wrong in God’s eyes.—Exodus 21:22, 23; Psalm 127:3.

    2. True Christians are safety conscious. They make sure that their cars and their homes are safe. (Deuteronomy 22:8) God’s servants do not take unnecessary risks with their lives just for pleasure or excitement. So they do not share in violent sports that deliberately hurt other people. They avoid entertainment that encourages violence.—Psalm 11:5; John 13:35.

    3. Animal life is also sacred to the Creator. A Christian may kill animals to provide food and clothing or to protect himself from sickness and danger. (Genesis 3:21; 9:3; Exodus 21:28) But it is wrong to mistreat animals or to kill them just for sport or pleasure.—Proverbs 12:10.

    4. Smoking, chewing betel nut, and taking drugs for pleasure are not for Christians. These practices are wrong because (1) they make us their slaves, (2) they harm our bodies, and (3) they are unclean. (Romans 6:19; 12:1; 2 Corinthians 7:1) It can be very hard to give up these habits. But we must do so to please Jehovah.

    5. Blood is also sacred in God’s eyes. God says that the soul, or life, is in the blood. So it is wrong to eat blood. It is also wrong to eat the meat of an animal that has not been properly bled. If an animal is strangled or dies in a trap, it should not be eaten. If it is speared or shot, it must be bled quickly if it is to be eaten.—Genesis 9:3, 4; Leviticus 17:13, 14; Acts 15:28, 29.

    6. Is it wrong to accept a blood transfusion? Remember, Jehovah requires that we abstain from blood. This means that we must not take into our bodies in any way at all other people’s blood or even our own blood that has been stored. (Acts 21:25) So true Christians will not accept a blood transfusion. They will accept other kinds of medical treatment, such as transfusion of nonblood products. They want to live, but they will not try to save their life by breaking God’s laws.—Matthew 16:25

    ( Jehovah  will  bless  us  by  obeying ) :x

  6. WOW....  dear  sister  @Rosalie Barry....  thats  very  cold,  Brrrrrrr.!!   I  can't  endure  too  hot  or  too  cold,  sorry :(  Our  weather  in  Germany  is  just  good  in  balance  for  me....   When  I  was  very  young,  hot  or  cold  was  okay  -  but  since  some  years  I  like  it  between  max.  - 10° C  and  ca. + 25° C  ~  thats  enough !  Some  days  in  summer,  we  get  more  than  + 30° C  -  but  after,  normal  again.  In  Sept. 2016  we had  2 heat-waves,  hot  air  from  Africa...  In  autumn  SO  hot,  thats  very  rare,  I  not  remember  it.  YES,  our  weather  is  alot  changing  around  the  world !  Greetings  and  best  wishes  from  Germany :)

  7. Myth 3,  All Good People Go to Heaven.jpg

    Myth 3:  All Good People Go to Heaven....
    What is the origin of the myth? After the death of Jesus’ apostles, by the beginning of the second century C.E., the early Church Fathers gained prominence. Describing their teachings, the New Catholic Encyclopedia (2003), Volume 6, page 687, says: “The general stream of teaching was that heavenly bliss is granted to the disembodied soul immediately after whatever necessary purification follows death.”
    What does the Bible say? “Happy are the mild-tempered ones, since they will inherit the earth.”—Matthew 5:5.
    Although Jesus promised his disciples that he would “prepare a place” for them in heaven, he indicated that the righteous do not automatically go there.)(John 3:13; 14:2, 3 Did he not pray that God’s will take place “as in heaven, also upon earth”? (Matthew 6:9, 10) In reality, one of two destinies awaits the righteous. A minority will rule in heaven with Christ, but the majority will live forever on earth.—Revelation 5:10.
    Over time, the early church changed its view of its own role on the earth. With what result? “The institutional church increasingly replaced the expected Kingdom of God,” states The New Encyclopædia Britannica. The church began solidifying its power by becoming mixed up in politics, ignoring Jesus’ explicit statements that his followers were to be “no part of the world.” (John 15:19; 17:14-16; 18:36) Under the influence of the Roman Emperor Constantine, the church compromised some of its beliefs, one of which involved the very nature of God.
    Compare these Bible verses: Psalm 37:10, 11, 29; John 17:3; 2 Timothy 2:11, 12

    The majority of good people will live forever on earth—not in heaven....

  8. Myth 2,  The Wicked Suffer in Hell.jpg

    Myth 2: The Wicked Suffer in Hell....
    What is the origin of the myth? “Of all classical Greek philosophers, the one who has had the greatest influence on traditional views of Hell is Plato.”—Histoire des enfers (The History of Hell), by Georges Minois, page 50.
    “From the middle of the 2nd century AD Christians who had some training in Greek philosophy began to feel the need to express their faith in its terms . . . The philosophy that suited them best was Platonism [the teachings of Plato].”—The New Encyclopædia Britannica (1988), Volume 25, page 890.
    “The teaching of the Church affirms the existence of hell and its eternity. Immediately after death the souls of those who die in a state of mortal sin descend into hell, where they suffer the punishments of hell, ‘eternal fire.’ The chief punishment of hell is eternal separation from God.”—Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1994 edition, page 270.
    What does the Bible say? “For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing, . . . for there is no work or thought or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol, to which you are going.”—Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10, Revised Standard Version.
    The Hebrew word Sheol, which referred to the “abode of the dead,” is translated “hell” in some versions of the Bible. What does this passage reveal about the condition of the dead? Do they suffer in Sheol in order to atone for their errors? No, for they “know nothing.” That is why the patriarch Job, when suffering terribly because of a severe illness, begged God: “Protect me in hell [Hebrew, Sheol].” (Job 14:13; Douay-Rheims Version) What meaning would his request have had if Sheol was a place of eternal torment? Hell, in the Biblical sense, is simply the common grave of mankind, where all activity has ceased.
    Is not this definition of hell more logical and in harmony with Scripture? What crime, however horrible, could cause a God of love to torture a person endlessly? (1 John 4:8) But if hellfire is a myth, what about heaven?
    Compare these Bible verses: Psalm 146:3, 4; Acts 2:25-27; Romans 6:7, 23

    God does not punish people in hell

  9. Myth 1,  The Soul Is Immortal.jpg

    Myth 1:  The Soul Is Immortal...       ( following  2  and  3...)
    What is the origin of the myth? “The early Christian philosophers adopted the Greek concept of the soul’s immortality and thought of the soul as being created by God and infused into the body at conception.”— The New Encyclopædia Britannica (1988), Volume 11, page 25.
    What does the Bible say? “The soul that sinneth, it shall die.”—Ezekiel 18:4, King James Version.
    Regarding the creation of the first human soul, the Bible says: “Jehovah God proceeded to form the man out of dust from the ground and to blow into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man came to be a living soul [Hebrew, ne?phesh].”—Genesis 2:7.
    The Hebrew word ne?phesh, translated “soul,” means ‘a creature that breathes.’ When God created the first man, Adam, He did not infuse into him an immortal soul but the life force that is maintained by breathing. Therefore, “soul” in the Biblical sense refers to the entire living being. If separated from the life force originally given by God, the soul dies.—Genesis 3:19; Ezekiel 18:20.
    The doctrine of the immortality of the soul raised questions: Where do souls go after death? What happens to the souls of the wicked? When nominal Christians adopted the myth of the immortal soul, this led them to accept another myth—the teaching of hellfire.
    Compare these Bible verses: Ecclesiastes 3:19; Matthew 10:28; Acts 3:23

    At death a person ceases to exist !

  10. How Do You React to Warnings That Come From God Himself.jpg

    How Do You React to Warnings That Come From God Himself ?
    The Bible vividly described long in advance the events that mark the last days. In connection with that, it urges us to consider “the days of Noah.” “In those days before the flood,” people were busy with the customary activities of life, though they were no doubt concerned about the prevalence of violence. As for the warning that God gave through his servant Noah, “they took no note until the flood came and swept them all away.” (Matthew 24:37-39) Would you have heeded the warning? Do you do so now?
    What if you had lived in Sodom, near the Dead Sea, in the days of the man Lot, a nephew of Abraham? The countryside was like a paradise. The city was prosperous. The people were carefree. In the days of Lot, “they were eating, they were drinking, they were buying, they were selling, they were planting, they were building.” The society in which they lived was also grossly immoral. Would you have taken to heart the warning when Lot spoke out against bad practices? Would you have listened when he told you that God had determined to bring the city of Sodom to ruin? Or would you have treated it as a joke, as did Lot’s prospective sons-in-law? Might you possibly have begun to flee but then turned back, as did Lot’s wife? Though others did not take the warning seriously, on the day that Lot came out of Sodom, “it rained fire and sulphur from heaven and destroyed them all.”—Luke 17:28, 29.
    The majority in our day take no note. But these examples have been preserved in God’s Word as a warning to us, to encourage us to 

    ( a good  example...)

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