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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. 24.12..jpg

    Like apples of gold in silver carvings is a word spoken at the right time.—Prov. 25:11.

    Since cultures and religious beliefs vary greatly, we need to be discerning when it comes to choosing the right time to speak. And there are many occasions when we may need to discern that. For example, someone may offend us, even with well-intentioned words. It would be prudent on our part to take time to reflect on whether the matter is serious enough to say something. If we must speak, it would not be wise to approach the offender when we are upset and perhaps might speak a bit rashly. (Prov. 15:28) Similarly, we need to be discerning when speaking about the truth to our unbelieving relatives. We want them to come to know Jehovah, but we must be patient and perceptive. Speaking the right words at the right time may help to open their hearts. w15 12/15 3:6, 8, 9


  2. 23.12..jpg

    Clothe yourselves with the tender affections of compassion, kindness, humility, mildness, and patience. . . . Clothe yourselves with love, for it is a perfect bond of union.—Col. 3:12, 14.

    Genuine love and unity identify Jehovah’s servants as the ones who practice the true religion, for Jesus said: “By this all will know that you are my disciples—if you have love among yourselves.” (John 13:34, 35) And the apostle John wrote: “The children of God and the children of the Devil are evident by this fact: Whoever does not practice righteousness does not originate with God, nor does the one who does not love his brother. For this is the message that you have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another.” (1 John 3:10, 11) Love that results in extraordinary unity marks Jehovah’s Witnesses as Christ’s true followers, the ones whom God is using to serve his purpose to have the good news of the Kingdom preached in all the inhabited earth.—Matt. 24:14. w15 11/15 4:10, 11


  3. 22.12..jpg

    Peter took [Jesus] aside and began to rebuke him, saying: “Be kind to yourself, Lord; you will not have this happen to you at all.”—Matt. 16:22.

    The apostle Peter meant well when he urged Jesus to be kind to himself in order not to be killed. Jesus, however, knew that PeterÂ’s comment reflected faulty thinking. To help him and the other disciples, Jesus gave frank counsel, stated the consequences of a self-sparing attitude, and outlined the blessings of a self-sacrificing spirit. (Matt. 16:21-27) Peter learned the lesson. (1 Pet. 2:20, 21) Pray to Jehovah to give you insight so that you can understand where your teenager needs help. (Ps. 32:8) For example, what might indicate that your childÂ’s faith is wavering? Perhaps his joy is waning, he is speaking critically of fellow believers, or he has become secretive. Do not hastily conclude that these are signs of a double life involving serious sin. On the other hand, do not ignore such signs or dismiss your teenagerÂ’s isolation as a mere phase. w15 11/15 2:12, 13


  4. 702017180_univ_lsr_xl.jpg


    Jehovah’s Witnesses Resume - Their Public Preaching in Turku, Finland....

    HELSINKI—Just days following the deadly terrorist attack in Turku, Finland, on August 18, 2017, city officials welcomed Jehovah’s Witnesses back to the market square to continue their public ministry efforts.

    “The Witnesses are a permanent fixture in the square and a fundamental part of the cityscape,” stated Mr. Teemu Rissanen, who oversees the market square in Turku. “In the past, when the Witnesses have been absent, residents have become concerned and have asked, ‘Where are they?’ The Witnesses have a kind and positive attitude, and it fits in well with the atmosphere at the square.”

    Veikko Leinonen, a spokesman at the branch office in Finland states: “We have appreciated the kind response of city officials and the warm concern expressed to us by the residents of Turku. Officials have even allowed us provisional use of a booth that provides additional security and shelter. We are happy to continue sharing the Bible’s comforting message with our neighbors in Turku.”

    Media Contacts:

    International: David A. Semonian, Office of Public Information, +1-845-524-3000

    Finland: Veikko Leinonen, +358-400-453-020


                           ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.  ? ? ?

  5. I  also  dislike  some  of  JTR.  postings...  but  he  is  honest  and  funny,  @JW Insider   Also  showing  on and off  special  emotions,  first  by  dogs  and  kids  etc. :x   I  like  it !   We've  generally  speaking  a  good  understanding :)   I  think,  with  the  most  of  us  I've  it...  :D   I  know  you  as  a  long-time  very  good   'Bible-knowledge'  Brother,  similar  our  Librarian !   Show  that,  bec. we  need  it !   I  appreciate  such  of  Brothers  and  Sisters !  Good  comments  for  learning  are  a  blessing !  Thank  you  my  Brother :)

  6. Don't  feel  annoyed  about  some  comments  here,  @James Thomas Rook Jr. .... 


    I  remember,  the  green  Food  were  dead  people ~~~~~~~~~~~  :(  right ??

    My  sticker  is  working  perfect,  hahaha xD  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   



  7. Thank  you  my  dear  sisters :)   I  think,  its  a  very  good  exercise  for  our  young  children,  learning  this  relat. new  Kingdom  song  No. 138,  by  different  instrumets !  Its  a  very  easy  key...  my  fav.  when  I  was  young  and  learned  fipple pipe,  accordion  or  piano :D  

  8. A  dying  human  can't  speak  a  long  text,  but  some  words  he  may  can....  So  let's  believe  to  his  last  words :

     Steve’s final words were:

    OH WOW. OH WOW. OH WOW.    ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?

    He  was  very  weak  and  not  able  for  long  'poems'.....  Its  now  so  otiose,  searching  for  any  last  words !

    I  remember  these  words,  @Nathan Russell   does  and  @JW Insider  just  found  out  too.  Thats  a right-minded  result  and  not  nice  for  long  debates  and  'perhaps'  any  other  last  words...

    We've  many  Bible - questions  you  can  looking  for ! :)  THANK  YOU  Brothers....

  9. YOU  WAS  ABSOLUTELY  RIGHT,  @Nathan Russell  These  words  were  his  LAST,  I  remember  that !!   He  was  SO  overwhelmed  about  the  last  new  technology  of  Apple,  his  last  thoughts  and  words  were :

    Steve’s  final  words  were:  OH  WOW.  OH WOW.  OH WOW. :)  ~~~~

    then  he  started  to  his  last  journey :( >>>>>>>>>>>>



                    ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?

  10. We Will See Them Again (Resurrection Hope)


    Everyone of us has lost someone to death. It's a painful and devastating thing when we lose someone we deeply love. Jehovah feels our pain and knows how much we yearn to see them again. He gives us hope and assurance that we will see them again in Paradise. Yes, He gives us the hope of the resurrection. Please find comfort and hope from God's word and know that he will bring back those you hold dear.



    *News Alerts*

    BREAKING NEWS | New World Translation Remains Banned in Russia

    Today, the Leningrad Regional Court denied our appeal of the Vyborg City Court’s August ruling that banned the Russian-language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (NWT), declaring it an extremist publication. Approximately 30 people attended the hearing, including representatives of the Britain, the Netherlands, the Switzerland, and the United States embassies.

    Several times during the course of the hearing, the defense presented clear evidence demonstrating the bias and unqualified nature of the court-appointed expert study, which claimed the NWT is not a Bible, paving the way for it to be declared “extremist.”

    The so-called experts were resolute in their claim that the NWT is not a Bible because it allegedly does not refer to itself as one. The defense, however, drew attention to page five of the 2007 Russian-language NWT, which clearly states: “This is a new translation of the Bible into Russian.” The defense criticized the so-called experts, who worked for 287 days on their review and yet missed this simple fact in the third paragraph of the NWT’s foreword.

    When questioned, one of the court-appointed experts further defended her original claim by stating that the NWT cannot be considered a Bible unless it is marked "by the blessing of the patriarch" or matches word for word with such a translation. The “experts” also objected to the use of God’s personal name, Jehovah, and claimed that the text of the NWT does not support certain church dogma. The judge rejected any motion by the defense for a new unbiased expert study of the NWT.

    After their appeal was rejected today, our brothers have no other remedy available within the Russian legal system and will submit the case to the European Court of Human Rights.

    Jehovah’s Witnesses around the world are confident that no human institution can succeed in wiping out God’s Word and that present attempts to prevent its spread will ultimately fail.Isaiah 40:8.

  12. 20.12..jpg
    El poder que es más allá de lo normal es de Dios (2 Cor. 4:7).

    Tenemos muchísimas razones para creer que Jehová sigue ayudando a la gente. Vez tras vez oímos las historias de personas que le han pedido su ayuda a Dios y la han recibido (Sal. 53:2). Veamos un caso. Mientras Allan estaba predicando de casa en casa en Filipinas, encontró una señora que al verlo se puso a llorar. Allan recuerda: “La señora me contó que justo esa mañana le había pedido a Jehová que un Testigo la encontrara. Su oración fue contestada tan rápido que se emocionó mucho”. En menos de un año se dedicó a Jehová. Muchas personas han visto pruebas del poder de Dios en sus vidas. Por ejemplo, hay quienes tenían adicciones como el tabaco, las drogas y la pornografía. Habían luchado por librarse de ellas y no lo habían logrado. Pero cuando conocieron a Jehová, le pidieron su ayuda, y él les respondió. Les dio “el poder que es más allá de lo normal” para que pudieran ganar la batalla (Sal. 37:23, 24). w15 15/10 1:10, 11


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