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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. 21.12..jpg

    Compren todo el tiempo oportuno que queda (Efes. 5:16).

    Algunos se levantan temprano para leer, meditar y orar. Otros aprovechan la pausa del mediodía, y hay quienes lo hacen al anochecer o antes de irse a dormir. Otros más leen la Biblia en la mañana y en la noche (Jos. 1:8). No importa cuándo lo haga. Lo que importa es que aproveche bien el tiempo y sea constante. No deje que nada le impida meditar a diario en la Palabra de Dios. La Biblia promete que Jehová bendecirá a quienes se esfuerzan por meditar y poner en práctica lo que aprenden (Sal. 1:1-3). Y Jesús dijo: “Felices son los que oyen la palabra de Dios y la guardan” (Luc. 11:28). Pero lo más importante es que meditar todos los días en la Biblia nos ayudará a honrar a Jehová, quien nos recompensará con felicidad ahora y con vida eterna en su justo nuevo mundo (Sant. 1:25; Rev. 1:3). w15 15/10 4:17, 18


  2. 21.12..jpg

     [Make] the best use of your time.—Eph. 5:16.

    Some get up early in the morning to read, meditate, and pray. Others do so during their lunch break. You might find that this can be done early in the evening or before you go to bed. Some enjoy reading the Bible in the morning and again before retiring. Thus they “read it . . . day and night,” or regularly. (Josh. 1:8) The important thing is to buy out time from less important things for daily meditation on God’s Word. God’s Word repeatedly promises blessings to all who meditate on it and who strive to apply what they learn. (Ps. 1:1-3) “Happy are those hearing the word of God and keeping it,” said Jesus. (Luke 11:28) Most important, meditating on spiritual things each day will help us to bring honor to the Grand Creator of our marvelous brain, and he will reward us with happiness now and everlasting life in his righteous new world.—Jas. 1:25; Rev. 1:3. w15 10/15 4:17, 18


  3. Best of 3D Street Art Painting | Amazing 3d Street Art Illusion WOW...  BIG  talents !

    In this video you can see best 3D street art painting and amazing street art Illusion 3D Street Art known as 3D mark art is two-dimensional art work drawn on the street that gives you a three-dimensional optical illusion from a certain viewpoint. Kurt Wenner the street painter developed a new form of street art, the 3D street painting, to produce three-dimensional optical illusion on a two-dimensional horizontal surface.This new art form of street painting has been gaining significance all around the world and is disseminated by various artists. It is admired at street painting festivals as well as advertising events. Street artists do not desire to change the definition of 3D artwork, but rather to question the present environment with its own language. I hope you will enjoy these 3D street art works. :x

  4. 19.12..jpg
    María se quedó escuchando las palabras de Jesús (Luc. 10:39).

    Marta estaba atareada tratando de preparar una comida especial para Jesús, y acabó enfadándose con María. Jesús se dio cuenta de que Marta quería hacer demasiado, así que le dijo con bondad: “Marta, Marta, estás inquieta y turbada en cuanto a muchas cosas”; además, le dio a entender que bastaba con cocinar un solo plato. Luego defendió a su hermana diciendo: “María escogió la buena porción, y no le será quitada” (Luc. 10:38-42). Es probable que con el tiempo María olvidara lo que comió en aquella ocasión; lo que de seguro nunca olvidó fueron las palabras de felicitación que recibió de Jesús y las cosas que aprendió por haberle prestado toda su atención. Más de 60 años después, el apóstol Juan escribió: “Jesús amaba a Marta y a su hermana” (Juan 11:5). Estas palabras inspiradas nos hacen pensar que Marta escuchó el consejo de Jesús y siguió esforzándose por servir fielmente a Jehová el resto de su vida. w15 15/10 3:3, 4


  5. 10850289_766334180108071_8519840251880643662_n.jpg

    When  a  JW  has  made  a  decision  -  then  he  will  do !

    *CONGRATULATIONS*   dear  Brother :x   May  Jehovah  bless  you....

    Welcome  in  our  worldwide  Brotherhood :)

                                ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? ? ?

  6. 20.12..jpg

    The power beyond what is normal [is] God’s.—2 Cor. 4:7.

    We have ample reason to believe that Jehovah is active in people’s lives today. Time and again, we have heard experiences of how individuals prayed for spiritual help and then received it. (Ps. 53:2) While preaching from house to house on a small island in the Philippines, Allan met a woman who started to cry. He states: “Just that morning, she prayed to Jehovah that his Witnesses would find her. God answered her prayer so quickly that she was visibly moved.” Within a year, she dedicated her life to Jehovah. Many of God’s servants have seen evidence of his help when they broke free from such addictive habits as smoking, drug abuse, or the viewing of pornography. Some say that they repeatedly tried to stop on their own but were not successful. However, when they turned to Jehovah for help, he supplied “the power beyond what is normal,” and they finally conquered their weakness.—Ps. 37:23, 24. w15 10/15 1:10, 11


  7. 19.12..jpg
    Mary . . . kept listening to what [Jesus] was saying.—Luke 10:39.

    Martha is busy preparing a special meal for Jesus, and she becomes irritated with Mary. Jesus notices that Martha is trying to do too much, so he kindly says: “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and disturbed about many things.” He then suggests that just one dish of food would be sufficient. Jesus now turns his attention to Mary and clears her of any negligence, saying: “For her part, Mary chose the good portion, and it will not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10:38-42) Mary may soon have forgotten what she ate on that special occasion, but she would never forget the commendation and fine spiritual food she received by giving Jesus her undivided attention. More than 60 years later, the apostle John wrote: “Jesus loved Martha and her sister.” (John 11:5) These inspired words surely indicate that Martha took to heart Jesus’ loving correction and that she strove to serve Jehovah faithfully for the rest of her life. w15 10/15 3:3, 4


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