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Queen Esther

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Everything posted by Queen Esther

  1. When a JW has made a decision - then he will do ! *CONGRATULATIONS*  dear Brother   May Jehovah bless you.... Welcome in our worldwide Brotherhood                            ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? ? ?
  2. Jehovah's Warm Appeal  *Be Wise, My Son*   Enjoy !                   ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? ? ?
  4. The power beyond what is normal [is] God’s.—2 Cor. 4:7. We have ample reason to believe that Jehovah is active in peopleÂ’s lives today. Time and again, we have heard experiences of how individuals prayed for spiritual help and then received it. (Ps. 53:2) While preaching from house to house on a small island in the Philippines, Allan met a woman who started to cry. He states: “Just that morning, she prayed to Jehovah that his Witnesses would find her. God answered her prayer so quickly that she was visibly moved.” Within a year, she dedicated her life to Jehovah. Many of GodÂ’s servants have seen evidence of his help when they broke free from such addictive habits as smoking, drug abuse, or the viewing of pornography. Some say that they repeatedly tried to stop on their own but were not successful. However, when they turned to Jehovah for help, he supplied “the power beyond what is normal,” and they finally conquered their weakness.—Ps. 37:23, 24. w15 10/15 1:10, 11 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/12/20
  5. Mary . . . kept listening to what [Jesus] was saying.—Luke 10:39. Martha is busy preparing a special meal for Jesus, and she becomes irritated with Mary. Jesus notices that Martha is trying to do too much, so he kindly says: “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and disturbed about many things.” He then suggests that just one dish of food would be sufficient. Jesus now turns his attention to Mary and clears her of any negligence, saying: “For her part, Mary chose the good portion, and it will not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10:38-42) Mary may soon have forgotten what she ate on that special occasion, but she would never forget the commendation and fine spiritual food she received by giving Jesus her undivided attention. More than 60 years later, the apostle John wrote: “Jesus loved Martha and her sister.” (John 11:5) These inspired words surely indicate that Martha took to heart JesusÂ’ loving correction and that she strove to serve Jehovah faithfully for the rest of her life. w15 10/15 3:3, 4 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/12/19
  6.                        ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  7.                             ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  8. Those whom Jehovah loves he reproves.—Prov. 3:12. Accounts of Joseph, Moses, and David are among the most detailed and vivid of all Bible characters. Reading about how Jehovah was with them throughout their trials and how they came to be used mightily by Jehovah makes us feel all the more Jehovah’s care and love for his servants. Discipline from Jehovah helps us see another aspect of his love. When those who have done wrong are disciplined by Jehovah and they respond and repent, “he will forgive in a large way.” (Isa. 55:7) What does that mean? David gave a touching description of Jehovah’s forgiveness in these words: “He forgives all your errors and heals all your ailments; he reclaims your life from the pit and crowns you with his loyal love and mercy.” (Ps. 103:3, 4) May we always be sensitive to Jehovah’s counsel, even his discipline, and be quick to respond, recognizing that it is an expression of his boundless love for us.—Ps. 30:5. w15 9/15 4:13, 14 https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/dt/r1/lp-e/2017/12/18
  9. You're welcome !  YES, seems alot growing.... I will take a look in our current Yearbook!
  10. 3 wonderful Russian Sister's by Cart-witnessing in MOSCAU !! Its cold with snow, but they SO nice smiling     May Jehovah bless you ALL    ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  11. Happy, young, laughing Brothers & Sisters on the way service in Switzerland They are showing a very good mood ~~~~~~~~~~~                ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? ? ?
  12. ***A nice Kingdom Hall in the snowy Sweden***Â
  13. YES, I miss them alot - and I want work it into the NW ?
  14. I also believe more women !  But, based on every cong. - card's, one of Jehovah's- Witnesses'  New World Headquarters should know the counts, or not ? Â
  15. At @Matthew9969.... Please, put your answer to MY text here and NOT to any WT - text !  I used my own words and NOT cited anything from WT !  I know, our Literature has some other rules. I've my own view points of some things, but in Jehovah's sense - and nobody has to judge ! The best is, ask older singles to their rules, but not here... Btw. they not will tell you, haha The most will go through this difficult time together with Jehovah, the BEST idea
  16.                       Brother Stephen LETT of the *GOVERNING BODY*  and his wife, at the REG. - CONVENTION of LAGOS in NIGERIA ! ( he is always funny laughing...) and many many JW knowing him !
  18. Kingdom Hall in San Francisco de Macoris, Dominikanische Republik.... ( very simple but nice and clean )
  19. Construction of a new hall of the Kingdom of several halls in Belgium, in which 17 groups of different languages come together.... WOW - Thank you JEHOVAH
  20. RARE PHOTO - Preaching from house to house in ALBANIA - Europe                         ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  21. Hello my funny Blanchie... I see you always dancing to the many balls near the music macchine??????????? yes, ENJOY?
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