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Queen Esther

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Posts posted by Queen Esther

  1. 9.12..jpg

    They have no wine.—John 2:3.

    At a marriage feast in Cana of Galilee, Jesus performed his first miracle. The number of guests may have been greater than expected. But whatever the case, the wine ran out. Among the guests was Mary, Jesus’ mother. For years, she had no doubt pondered all the prophetic promises associated with her son, who she knew would be called “Son of the Most High.” (Luke 1:30-32; 2:52) Did she believe that in him there were powers not yet revealed? What is evident is that at Cana, Mary and Jesus felt compassion for the newly married couple and wanted to save them embarrassment. Jesus knew that hospitality was a duty. So he miraculously turned some 100 gallons (380 L) of water into “fine wine.” (John 2:6-11) Was Jesus obligated to perform this miracle? No. He simply cared about people and was imitating his heavenly Father by being generous. w15 6/15 1:3


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    [Moses] considered the reproach of the Christ to be riches greater than the treasures of Egypt, for he looked intently toward the payment of the reward.—Heb. 11:26.

    From his natural parents, Moses evidently learned about Jehovah and His purpose to free the Hebrews from slavery and give them the Promised Land. (Gen. 13:14, 15; Ex. 2:5-10) As Moses thought deeply about what Jehovah had promised to do for the Israelites, his faith and his love for God grew. Like other God-fearing humans, he could likely conceive of the time when Jehovah would set mankind free from death. (Job 14:14, 15; Heb. 11:17-19) It is no wonder that Moses was moved to love the God who felt compassion for the Hebrews and for all mankind. Faith and love motivated Moses throughout his life. (Deut. 6:4, 5) Even when Pharaoh threatened Moses with death, his faith, love for God, and likely a mental picture of a bright future strengthened him to face the threat courageously.—Ex. 10:28, 29. w15 5/15 3:11-13


  3. Ants  drinking  blue  liquid  candy....  (Time lapse)

    Watch  the  body,  its  getting  more & more  blue,  from  the  blue  liquid,  haha  funny :D

    RAINBOW  ANTS  !!!!.jpg

    EXPERIMENT !!!!.jpg

    Exactly  like  this.......  :D   The  color  always  going  into  the  body !  xD


    Queen  of  Honey  Ants  drinking  Honey :)     sweet.... :x

    Honeypot ants, also called honey ants, are ants which have specialized workers that are gorged with food by workers to the point that their abdomens swell enormously. Other ants then extract nourishment from them.

  4. tatatatatattaaaa.jpg

    Iconic Brooklyn sign removed after 50 years....

    Look closely, because you may not see it again :(

    The Watchtower signal, a coastal icon of Brooklyn for 50 years, was removed on Wednesday from the top of the old Jehovah's Witnesses building at 30 Columbia St.

    The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is moving north of the Warwick state. The non-profit organization sold five Dumbo buildings last year for $ 340 million to a joint venture of the Kushner Companies, CIM Group and LIVWRK, which plans to convert the properties into an office complex called Panorama.

    The letters are each 15 feet tall and weigh up to 860 pounds. A sign named for a future tenant of the office will eventually replace them. The Witnesses will keep the old letters, but it is not known what they will do with them.

  5. YES,  thats  right  my  dear  Brother  from  INDIA :)   I  love  our  worldwide  Brotherhood  very  much !  Its  wonderful,  we  work  that  all  with  our  LOVE  from  Jehovah :x   Its  like  a  little  wonder....   I  hope,  we  can  see  us  in  the  NW  -  after  Armageddon !  I  appreciate  all  doings  of  our  dear  Brothers  from  the  GB,  yes !  SO  many  things  they  have  to  work,  thats  not  easy....

    In  Germany,  we  still  so  wait  of  our  new  silver  Bible :)  but  I  know,  some  few  languages  from  little  islands  just  more  importend !  Example,  see  JW  Broadcasting : 


    Declaring Jehovah’s Praise in the Islands — A Look Into Nicobarese Translation....

    Many  greetings  and  Love  to  you  and  your  family :x   Nice,  when  we  meet  us  on  and  off !

    ENJOY  my  postings.....  :)  Thank  you  so  much.

  6. Thank  you  dear  @devarajjh ...   I  am  really  glad  you  like  my  funny  post :)   Daily  a  little  laughing,  we  can  try  it :D    The  best  for  you,  incl. a great  weekend  and  love  from  far  away  Germany  too....


    A nice sunset of our widely known  harbour part,  in my birthtown HAMBURG ?

  7. Many  different  comments  I'm  missing  here....  how  does  it  come?  The  last  comments  from  today  I  see  all  by  my  emails,  but  NOT  here !  Thats  very  mystery....   My  comments  from  Tuesday,  also  @Nicole 's  comments  all  away :(    I  can't  understand  why?

    I  explained  alot  about  the  GERMAN  *KRAMPUS  & KNECHT  RUPRECHT*  and  a  little  communication  with  Nicole  about  that :)

  8. I  found  some  diff.  JW - wedding  video's  by  youtube !  One  of  these  was  a  very  luxury  wedding,  WOW....

    NEVER  thought,  thats  a  JW - wedding...  but  theses  Brother's  seems  very  rich,  not  a  normal  wedding :)

    I  will  make  a  new  post  for  these  video's ~~~~~~~  ONE  IS  COMING  HERE.......


    Boda Bethel y Yohendris, Testigos de Jehová 2015 :x      ENJOY..... :)

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