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Queen Esther

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    Queen Esther got a reaction from The Librarian in "Looking for one Heart !" ❤   
    "Looking  for  one  Heart !"
    "Looking for one Heart"
    And I'm Seeking everyone's Part
    My Family is like one spirit
    But with Jehovah, all don't want to hear it
    If all of us understand what is best
    All of us will be eternally Blesses
    Because days and ages has gotten us all down
    And the pain and sorrow it just seems to Drown
    Me with the feelings of Grief I've gotten to a Slump
    And sometime I feel like I live in a Garbage Dump
    Even with my health, I'm weak in the knees,
    Boy I miss my youth, when I could run with ease
    But I don't mind getting older
    Because It has make me bolder
    In my faith to Preach
    Of Jehovah's New System that I Teach
    Where all my Pain and Fears Will disappear
    And to Jehovah God we all must adhere
    Regardless the fact my family's not united in the Lord
    It will not stop me from being in full accord
    With Jehovah my God I will never Leave
    Because he is the only one that I will belive
    Especially for my Oldest son lost in death
    I have the faith that Jehovah will give him new breath
    To bring him back to life
    So He may one day see his Wife
    That never stopped loving his mother
    Even falling in love with his Brother
    Marrying him like in days of old
    When they obeyed Jehovah in what they were told
    Who will get her in the resurrection the bible does say
    But the only thing that matters is that we obey
    His word and law today and forever
    So those that love him will never sever
    A relationship I want all my family to get
    So every one of us will emit
    The Love and Joy that Jesus Displayed
    This is my prayer that all I can persuade
    That all my living sons and their wives will see
    My lost son that has a guarantee
    Of everlasting life that we all can attain
    If our love for Jehovah we don't break the chain
    That our whole family must impart
    That we all are "Looking for one Heart"
       ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  2. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Texto Diario Viernes 2 de febrero 2018   
    Consideren con humildad mental que los demás son superiores a ustedes (Filip. 2:3).
    La gente suele presumir de su raza, tribu, cultura, ciudad o país. Eso está en contra del punto de vista de Jehová sobre los gobiernos y sobre la humanidad. Claro, él no nos pide que renunciemos a nuestra cultura. De hecho, todas las culturas que hay muestran la increíble variedad de la familia humana. Aun así, recordemos que todos somos iguales para Jehová (Rom. 10:12). Sentirnos demasiado orgullosos del sitio donde nacimos da lugar al nacionalismo, y puede ser el primer paso para violar la neutralidad. Los cristianos no somos inmunes a ese tipo de orgullo. Hasta en el primer siglo, algunos discriminaron a sus hermanos por su nacionalidad (Hech. 6:1). ¿Cómo podemos saber si estamos desarrollando ese orgullo? Supongamos que un hermano de otro lugar nos da una sugerencia. ¿La rechazaríamos, pensando: “Aquí lo hacemos mejor”? Más bien, sigamos el consejo de la Biblia en el texto de hoy. w16.04 4:12, 13
  3. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Daily text, Sunday, February, 4. 2018   
    Let each one do just as he has resolved in his heart.—2 Cor. 9:7.
    As Kingdom publishers, we may desire to enter the full-time ministry as regular pioneers. In order to make this possible, we begin taking steps to simplify our life. At the same time, we may find ourselves worrying about whether we could be genuinely happy with less in a material way. Of course, there is no Bible command that we pioneer; we could continue serving Jehovah as faithful publishers. However, Jesus assures us that those who make sacrifices for the Kingdom will receive abundant blessings. (Luke 18:29, 30) Moreover, the Scriptures show that it pleases Jehovah when we make “voluntary offerings of praise” to him and cheerfully do what we can to advance true worship. (Ps. 119:108) From these Scriptural points, along with prayers for guidance, can we not perceive Jehovah’s thinking? Reflecting on these thoughts may help us come to a decision that will be practical for us and will have our heavenly Father’s blessing. w16.05 3:13
  4. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Daily text, Saturday, February, 3. 2018   
    I must....  declare the good news of the Kingdom.—Luke 4:43.
    Jesus preached “the good news of the Kingdom,” and he expects his disciples to do the same. What group of people are preaching that message in “all the nations”? (Matt. 28:19) The answer is obvious—only Jehovah’s Witnesses. A missionary priest once told a Witness that he had lived in many different countries and that he had asked the Witnesses in each country what message they were preaching. What answer was he given? The priest said: “They were all so stupid that they gave the same answer: ‘The good news of the Kingdom.’” Far from being “stupid,” however, those Witnesses were speaking in unity, as true Christians should. (1 Cor. 1:10) And they were echoing the message contained in The Watchtower Announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom. This magazine is available in 254 languages, and an average of nearly 59 million copies of each issue are produced, making it the most widely circulated magazine in the world. w16.05 2:6
  5. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Daily text, Friday, February, 2. 2018   
    With humility consider others superior to you.—Phil. 2:3.
    We know that taking undue pride in tribe, culture, or nation puts us at odds with Jehovah’s view of human rule and the human family. Of course, God does not expect us to renounce our culture. In fact, cultural differences illustrate the marvelous diversity of the human family. Still, we must remember that in God’s sight, all people are equal. (Rom. 10:12) Taking undue pride in our place of origin is at the heart of nationalism and could be the first step on a path to compromise. Christians are not immune to such pride, for even some in the first-century congregation discriminated against their brothers because of their nationality. (Acts 6:1) How can we tell if undue pride is taking root in us? Suppose a brother or sister from another land offered you a suggestion. Would you reject it, immediately thinking, ‘We do things better around here’? Instead, we should all apply the inspired counsel of today’s text. w16.04 4:12, 13
  6. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Poison Tacos?   
    That  makes  sense  -  Thank  you  Brother  @David Normand...
    Bec. its  also  from  a  Theocratic - Poem  page...  maybe  more  a  warning ! 
  7. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to David Normand in Poison Tacos?   
    " Be Careful Brothers and Sisters " ....
    Caution !!!  Matthew 10:16...  Look, I am sending you
    out as sheep among wolves so prove yourselves
    cautious as serpents and yet innocent as doves."
    Love you all 
    Good advice surly.
    However, this particular story does not ring true. Mainly because of the implication that the angels and by extension Jehovah caused the death of the innocent person perhaps to teach her a lesson. Though there is no doubt that in Bible times Jehovah via the angels directly interacted with his servants on numerous occasions. Not sure Jehovah would do that today without giving clear warning about what he was doing.
    Second, there are many examples where Jehovah's people in modern were adversely impacted by people because they were witnesses. Think back to the second world war. In most of those instances Jehovah did not step in and thwart the agent of harm in such a way as to cause harm to somebody else. 
    Don't misunderstand me on this point. Jehovah can and I am sure he does interact in our behalf when his act furthers his purpose, but in most cases his purposes is not impacted at all. There is no evidence in the example above that what these sisters were doing was so important and that the poison tacos being eaten by the woman's son was related to Jehovah's purpose. Could be, but based upon the information provided it is doubtful. 
    This really seems like a story contrived by somebody to stir appreciation for Jehovah in some way, but sadly the likely result if it were shared outside of Jehovah's organization would be to heap scorn and ridicule upon Jehovah and his organization due to the fanciful nature of the story. 
  8. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Alzasior Lutor in Poison Tacos?   
    I  just  looked  again.....  and  its  from  a  *THEOCRATIC  POEM*  - page !  So,  I  don't  know  exactly  if  it  was  true  or  not ?   I  will  ask  for  you  @Alzasior Lutor & tell  it  here !  Maybe  its  a  warning  for  us  all ?    I  hope,  will  soon  get  an  answer !!
    Thank  you
  9. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in All 7 GB. Brother's on the way preaching, a rare photo ! ( now we've eight GB. Brother's again..)   
    We have no right, putting the Bible or our anointed Brothers in such of doubts ! 
    Of sure, the GB. Brothers are gone in service with different Brothers and  not always with the same... thats improbable !  We all can't prove, what is true and what is not true...  First is our belief,  the Bible is not telling us all just now.  Who are we little humans, all put to query??   Thanks !
  10. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Kaieteur Falls ~ Created Only by Jehovah God!   
    Sometimes, the nature is making similar things of itself....  bec. the earth has strong moving area's !  Example, also Tsunamis not created by Jehovah. Thanks 
  11. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Rahsa Celades in Brother DeGrate   
    Jehovah well strengthen you sister wr pray for you.
  12. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to John Houston in All 7 GB. Brother's on the way preaching, a rare photo ! ( now we've eight GB. Brother's again..)   
    But know did in fact engage in the door to door ministry. I know that for a personal fact.
  13. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Colin Browne in Super Blue Moon –San Francisco Eclipse, from Wednesday, Enjoy!   
    Here's a drawing of a solar observation of a heavenly event.
    Venus Transit.docx
  14. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in TEXTO DIARIO con PREGUNTAS para MEDITAR 2 DE FEBRERO DE 2018   
  15. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in JW Animated DAILY TEXT Friday, February 2, 2018   
    JW Animated DAILY TEXT Friday, February 2, 2018
  16. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in JW Animated DAILY TEXT Thursday February 1, 2018   
    JW Animated DAILY TEXT Thursday February 1, 2018
  17. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Unsere 2 jungen Missionare - Dominic u. Romina Strickle, glücklich in Paraguay !   
    UNSERE  2 MISSIONARE  -  Dominic  und  Romina  Strickle,
    aus  GRENZACH - WYHLEN / HERTEN.....
    Herten.....  Dominic Strickle geht mit seiner Frau Romina nach Hause, um eine neue Mission im Dienst der Zeugen Jehovas in Paraguay zu erfüllen.
    Am 6. Oktober fliegen Beide nach Ciudad del Este.
    Bereits während seiner Schulzeit,  war  Dominic Strickle,
    nach dem Verband der Zeugen Jehovas, im Evangelisierungsministerium, und später in der Ausbildung und Pflege von Gemeindemitgliedern tätig.
    Nachdem er seine Frau Romina auf einer Reise nach Chile getroffen hatte, beschlossen sie, in ein Gebiet zu ziehen,   "Wo mehr Evangelisten benötigt werden" !!
    Möge Jehova deine harte Arbeit segnen
    Mit  Paraguay wird dieser Wunsch für beide  jetzt wahr werden.
    Mit guten Spanischkenntnissen im Gepäck,  freuen sie sich auf die neue Aufgabe.
    Trotzdem  bedauert  die  Gemeinde,  die  ZWEI  zu verlieren....
    doch  sie  werden  nun  woanders  SEHR  gebraucht !
                                              ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? ? ?
  18. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in A full *Milky Way* panorama over Death Valley National Park in California.   
    *Michael Shainblum*  Photography....        ( one  of  the  best...)
    A full Milky Way panorama over Death Valley National Park in California !
    "One of my favorite places to take photographs"
    BEAUTIFUL      ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? ? ?
  19. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Alzasior Lutor in Jehovah ~ the only God....   
    Jehovah, the only God !
    The corridor world
    Surrounded by mourning,
    Increase our longing,
    Stay on your way!
    The Christian is tough,
    To cross it,
    I always mocked,
    No the world's hypotheses!
    Ugly smell emanates,
    Of the corridor world,
    And rains have mana,
    And the souls die!
    Bad smell of fish,
    What's wrong with your head,
    Invariably increases
    Honor the sin!
    What a corridor, o Lord.
    With heaps of speech,
    "Poison"  that's  asleep,
    In spirit not  to  see !!!!
    Of the world corridor,
    It's sad,  it's  hospital,
    With people who die.
    Steal of the world wave!
    Lord of the corridor world,
    It's the nightmare of a dream,
    Which makes us miss:
    "We want with you again in Paradise !!
    Jehovah, we love you,
    Passing through the corridor,
    The loyal ones we want You to be,
    Let's preach with indignation!
    In the eyes we get our hands,
    Ears we get stuck ,.
    For a moment,
    Towards Paradis we're flying!
    We climb our nose,
    "Hard  smell" we  face!
    We are going up to You,
    I sing,  I  worship  you!
    We rely on You,
    Only You, give us power,
    Before You to sit
    In times of pain!
    It's a lot of sorrow,
    And world a 'hospital'!
    The system is too rough,
    Haotic and brutal !!
    You are with everyone,
    In constant trials,
    Give him a drop of "sun".
    Spirit of God!
    It's no shadow of change,
    You lean towards us all the time,
    To give us rescue.
    Being  the  Only  God !!
    ( Author  unknown )
  20. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Colin Browne in Super Blue Moon –San Francisco Eclipse, from Wednesday, Enjoy!   
    Yes, the short distance from one side of the earth to the other makes little difference to all phases and changes of the moon. I have also taken photos of these. The one in the attachment was taken many yeas ago.

  21. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Blanchie DeGrate in Brother DeGrate   
    These last few days in my home, there has been standing room only. The friends have been remarkably!!! They have just about taken care of everything. When I get some time, I will check more posts. I love ❤️ you. Pray that I get through the next few days. Big hugs and kisses my dear sweet Sister ❤️?❤️
  22. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Blanchie DeGrate in Brother DeGrate   
    Thank you so much Sis. I will try with Jehovah's help to keep moving. He was my life! So I can't give up now. Thank you for those encouraging words.???
  23. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Brother DeGrate   
    Dear  Blanchie,  I  already  wrote  you  at  weekend  in  private, when  you  told  me  this  very  sad  message
    You  know,  I  pray  since  longer  time  for  you  and  family   I  am  very  sad  and  take  you  in  my  arms  ~~  I  am  very  near  you  my  dear  Sister....   good  to  know,  you're  not  alone  at  home !   All  words  just  not  really  helpful  - but  prayers  will  do   The  first  time  is  so  terrible    You  can  write  me  as  always,  I  will  have  time  for  you ?  Love  and  hugs  for  you  my  dear  Blanchie  and  from  all  Brothers  and  Sisters  here. You're  daily  in  our  prayers,  we  all  love  you  too   
    See  us  later  when  you  want,  alot  Love  from  A.
                                          JEHOVAH  WILL  EMBRACE  YOU  DAILY.......
                              ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? ? ?
  24. Sad
    Queen Esther reacted to Blanchie DeGrate in Brother DeGrate   
    The Memorial service will be Saturday morning at 9:00am Keep us in your prayers so I can get through these terrible times. Dynka.......I am devastated. Love ❤️ you❤️️?❤️️?
  25. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Елена Михайловна in Brother DeGrate   
    For he hath delivered me out of all trouble; And mine eye hath seen (my desire) upon mine enemies...

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