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Queen Esther

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  1. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in The nature has the best surviving - tricks !   
    We can fly over in an airplane, and drop them straw to eat.
  2. Sad
    Queen Esther reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Does Anxiety Indicate a Lack of Faith? ~ ???   
    I have found that the people with the very best of intentions are the ones who cause the most damage to the innocent.
    LIke the Boy Scout who took the old lady's elbow and guided her across the busy street to the opposite corner ....... causing her to miss her bus.
  3. Haha
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in The nature has the best surviving - tricks !   
    YES,  I  saw  in  a  TV  report !   Many  animals  have  not  an  easy  life    Maybe  better  in  the  NW
  4. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Does Anxiety Indicate a Lack of Faith? ~ ???   
    I  had  such  a  person  before  a  time...  but  one  day  I  learned  it  and  changed  step by step  -  Now  I've  more  rest  and  peace
    But  its  not  easy  to  do....  it  takes  time  when  you  will  be  friendly,  bec.  this  person  also  loves  Jehovah,  but  is  not  a  JW !   We're  all  humans @James Thomas Rook Jr.  thats  it  
  5. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Does Anxiety Indicate a Lack of Faith? ~ ???   
    Anxiety and stress are caused by caring too much  about things that crazy people care about.
    Most anxiety can be eliminated by ELIMINATING FROM YOUR LIFE crazy  people, drama queens,  hypochondriacs, and people who want "just a minute of your time ...", and complain when you give them an hour.
    Learn to say NO! ... and learn to be extremely rude about it !
    When someone monopolizes the conversation ... walk away, or disconnect the phone in mid-sentence.
    FREEDOM and PEACE come when you tell the willfully clueless to go take a hike, and refuse to be a part of their panic state.
    Learn to whistle!
  6. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in The Only Way Any Battles Spiritual or Physical should be fought, through *Jehovah God Word * ~ ? ? ?   
    IF THEY STAY OUT OF MY FENCED IN YARD, I agree with you..
  7. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Home 143rd Gilead Graduation—Concluding Talk and Assignments, video, 37:43 Enjoy !   
    I  enjoyed  the  video....   also  the  talk  with  Brother  S. Herd !  VERY  INTERESTING  POINTS....
  8. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in The nature has the best surviving - tricks !   
    Emperor penguins - The Greatest Wildlife Show on Earth - BBC
    In the centre of Antarctica, a colony of male Emperor penguins are left quite literally 'holding the baby' as, nearing starvation, they eagerly await the return of the females fresh from their fishing trip!
  9. Sad
    Queen Esther reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in The Only Way Any Battles Spiritual or Physical should be fought, through *Jehovah God Word * ~ ? ? ?   
    When a snake comes in my yard ... even a non-venomous one, I shoot its head off.  It can still punch holes in my leg with fangs, or my dog's noses.
    It's hard for a snake to plan a determined attack with no head, and besides ... I cannot fly.
    That applies to reptiles, and two legged snakes.
  10. Haha
    Queen Esther got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in The nature has the best surviving - tricks !   
    Again.... get  out  of  the  middle  for  your  colder  Brothers  -  okay??   OR  WE  MUST  PULL  YOU  OUT,  haha
  11. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in The nature has the best surviving - tricks !   
    Again.... get  out  of  the  middle  for  your  colder  Brothers  -  okay??   OR  WE  MUST  PULL  YOU  OUT,  haha
  12. Confused
  13. Haha
  14. Thanks
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Bible Speaks in How did you learn the Truth? I was raised in the Truth. ?   
    Informal,  by  my  long  pioneer  GF     My  son  was  searching...  the sense,  why  he  is  living  on  Earth?  I  was  never  searching,  bec.  I  always  believed  to  God,  since  my  childhood !   My  brother  was  often  praying  with  me  before  sleeping
    He  died  before  many  years   But  after  his  resurrection,  he  will  be  of  sure  our  brother,  I  know  that !  We  had  a  wonderful  understanding  in  our  life
  15. Haha
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Elisabeth Dolewka in The nature has the best surviving - tricks !   
    The  nature  has  the  best  surviving - tricks !   People  so  often  copy  from  plants  and  animals...
    Yes,  Jehovah  has  the  BEST  idea's  bec. HE  was  creating  all  things !  An  elder  gave  us  a  nice similar  example  to  the  penguins  -  'We  and  the  Congregation'....   always  try  being  in  the  middle  of  ALL    then  we're  more  safer  and  warm  with  love  etc.  -  More  outside  we're  feeling  the  cold  of  the  bad  system...
    NOT  nice  and  getting  in  danger
    Look  here,  how  the  clever  penguins  that  doing
    Emperor Penguins Huddle for Warmth
    To survive frigid temperatures, emperor penguins all converge on the same central point and begin to form a huddle. As those on the outside take the brunt of the cold, those on the inside take tiny steps that move the huddle in waves. The pack continues to shift and rotate from the center, so no one is left permanently in the cold.
  16. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in You Cold? - What Do These Penguins ? Do In -30 Below and more?   
    The  nature  has  the  best  surviving - tricks !   People  so  often  copy  from  plants  and  animals...
    Yes,  Jehovah  has  the  BEST  idea's  bec. HE  was  creating  all  things !   An  elder  gave  us  a  similar  example  to  the  penguins  -  'WE  and  the  Congregation'...  always  try  being  in  the  middle  of  ALL    then  we're  more  safer  and  warm  with  love  etc. -  More  outside  we're  feeling  the  cold  of  the  bad  system...   NOT  nice  and  getting  in  danger
    Look  here,  how  the  clever  penguins  that  doing
    Emperor Penguins Huddle for Warmth
    To survive frigid temperatures, emperor penguins all converge on the same central point and begin to form a huddle. As those on the outside take the brunt of the cold, those on the inside take tiny steps that move the huddle in waves. The pack continues to shift and rotate from the center, so no one is left permanently in the cold.
  17. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Melinda Mills in A 5 yrs. young girl gave birth to a Baby boy ~~~ (NO fake)   
    Read about it on Internet a few years ago.  She never told them who the father was.  Maybe she did not know.
  18. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to JW Insider in Home 143rd Gilead Graduation—Concluding Talk and Assignments, video, 37:43 Enjoy !   
    Learning a new language used to be a major component of Gilead assignments. Just a few years ago, this was determined to be a big waste of time because there are places with need in countries where the missionaries already came from. No language to learn, no ex-pat papers, no visas, no suspicion that JWs promote only Western values, etc.
  19. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Daily text, Friday, December 29. 2017   
    What is Jehovah requiring of you? Only to exercise justice, to cherish loyalty, and to walk in modesty with your God!—Mic. 6:8.
    In the dead of night, David and Abishai silently make their way through 3,000 sleeping troops. At the center of the camp, the two men find King Saul fast asleep. He has journeyed to the Judean wilderness in order to find David and kill him. Abishai whispers: “Let me pin [Saul] to the ground with the spear just once, and I will not need to do it twice.” David’s reply is astonishing! “Do not harm him, for who can lift his hand against the anointed of Jehovah and remain innocent? . . . It is unthinkable from Jehovah’s standpoint for me to lift my hand against the anointed of Jehovah!” (1 Sam. 26:8-12) David understood what loyalty to God involves. He had no intention of harming Saul. Why not? Because Saul was God’s anointed king over Israel. Loyal servants of Jehovah respect those whom he appoints. Indeed, Jehovah requires that all of his people “cherish loyalty.” w16.02 4:1, 2
  20. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from JW Insider in Home 143rd Gilead Graduation—Concluding Talk and Assignments, video, 37:43 Enjoy !   

    143rd Gilead Graduation—Concluding Talk and Assignments  -   Length 37:43  -  Enjoy !
    1. First we have brother and sister Akmatov, who return to Kyrgyzstan.
    2. and now we have brother and sister Arencibia returning to the United States.
    3. Brother and Sister Bois return to Benin.
    4. Then we have brother Boseovski, who will return to Canada.
    5th and we have sister Galashina, who will return to Eastern Europe.
    6th and that is our singer. Brother Habab returns to the Philippines.
    7. Brother and sister Jacob will return to Germany.
    8. Brother and sister katalinic will return to Croatia.
    9. Then we have sister Khang, who will return to the United States.
    10th and now we have brother and sister Komáromi, who will return to Serbia.
    11. Brother and sister kumagai will return to Japan.
    12. and now we have Brother and Sister Maganha returning to Brazil.
    13. Brother and sister Mapfumo return to Zimbabwe.
    14. Brother and sister Marynovych return to Ukraine.
    15th and then we have brother and sister Mhlongo returning to South Africa.
    16. And now we have the brother and the sister who return to Kenya.
    17. Brother and sister nishikura will return to Asia.
    18th and we have brother Ogele, who will return to Nigeria.
    19. Brother and sister ouatchome will return to Cameroon.
    20. Brother and Sister Perera will return to Sri Lanka.
    21st and we have sister Prangishvili, who will return to Georgia.
    22. Sister Prayogo returns to Indonesia.
    23. Brother Reabow returns to South Africa.
    24. Brother Savolainen returns to Finland.
    25th and brother and sister Scherrer will return to France.
    26. Brother and sister Sztankovits will return to Hungary.
    27. Brother Thollie returns to Sierra Leone.
    28. Brother and sister Vasilev will return to Eastern Europe.
    29. And finally brother and sister return white to the Congo (Kinshasa).
    I count 4 unmarried sisters, 6 unmarried brothers and 19 couples for a total of 48 students.
    I think every person in the class photo (26 minutes and 12 seconds) was named by name this time. Usually, some are removed when they return to banned countries.
    It is interesting that all send, from where they came, not to new countries.
  21. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Evacuated in A 5 yrs. young girl gave birth to a Baby boy ~~~ (NO fake)   
    I  saw  this  picture  yesterday  in  our  Gallery,  I  had  to  prove it,  bec. never  seen...
    Hard  to  believe...  but  I  proved  it  in  the  Internet !  Poor  little  girl  of  the  past
    I  thought,  that's  NOT  possible  -  but  it  IS  - YES    ( Her  body  was  ready,  curious..)
    The  story  is  really  true...   I  found  different  link's  and  special  video's  -
    She  was  more  mature  than  other  girls  in  her  age,  very  very  rare !
    Whatever...  for  me  she  was  a  poor  girl  in  the  past,  bec. thats  NOT  normal.
    WORLD'S YOUNGEST MOTHER (A Medical History) - Lina Medina was 5 years...
    What do you think about that rare story ?  Belongs to our imperfect end-time ?
  22. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in A 5 yrs. young girl gave birth to a Baby boy ~~~ (NO fake)   
    For  any  special - old  video  please  click  by  youtube. THANK  YOU !
  23. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Look, our little sister was NOT drawing an Xmas-tree at school... Bravo, well done!   
    This photo I meant,  sister @Bible Speaks    Maybe not seen? Is ok.
  24. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Home 143rd Gilead Graduation—Concluding Talk and Assignments, video, 37:43 Enjoy !   

    143rd Gilead Graduation—Concluding Talk and Assignments  -   Length 37:43  -  Enjoy !
    1. First we have brother and sister Akmatov, who return to Kyrgyzstan.
    2. and now we have brother and sister Arencibia returning to the United States.
    3. Brother and Sister Bois return to Benin.
    4. Then we have brother Boseovski, who will return to Canada.
    5th and we have sister Galashina, who will return to Eastern Europe.
    6th and that is our singer. Brother Habab returns to the Philippines.
    7. Brother and sister Jacob will return to Germany.
    8. Brother and sister katalinic will return to Croatia.
    9. Then we have sister Khang, who will return to the United States.
    10th and now we have brother and sister Komáromi, who will return to Serbia.
    11. Brother and sister kumagai will return to Japan.
    12. and now we have Brother and Sister Maganha returning to Brazil.
    13. Brother and sister Mapfumo return to Zimbabwe.
    14. Brother and sister Marynovych return to Ukraine.
    15th and then we have brother and sister Mhlongo returning to South Africa.
    16. And now we have the brother and the sister who return to Kenya.
    17. Brother and sister nishikura will return to Asia.
    18th and we have brother Ogele, who will return to Nigeria.
    19. Brother and sister ouatchome will return to Cameroon.
    20. Brother and Sister Perera will return to Sri Lanka.
    21st and we have sister Prangishvili, who will return to Georgia.
    22. Sister Prayogo returns to Indonesia.
    23. Brother Reabow returns to South Africa.
    24. Brother Savolainen returns to Finland.
    25th and brother and sister Scherrer will return to France.
    26. Brother and sister Sztankovits will return to Hungary.
    27. Brother Thollie returns to Sierra Leone.
    28. Brother and sister Vasilev will return to Eastern Europe.
    29. And finally brother and sister return white to the Congo (Kinshasa).
    I count 4 unmarried sisters, 6 unmarried brothers and 19 couples for a total of 48 students.
    I think every person in the class photo (26 minutes and 12 seconds) was named by name this time. Usually, some are removed when they return to banned countries.
    It is interesting that all send, from where they came, not to new countries.
  25. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Daily text, Friday, December 29. 2017   
    What is Jehovah requiring of you? Only to exercise justice, to cherish loyalty, and to walk in modesty with your God!—Mic. 6:8.
    In the dead of night, David and Abishai silently make their way through 3,000 sleeping troops. At the center of the camp, the two men find King Saul fast asleep. He has journeyed to the Judean wilderness in order to find David and kill him. Abishai whispers: “Let me pin [Saul] to the ground with the spear just once, and I will not need to do it twice.” David’s reply is astonishing! “Do not harm him, for who can lift his hand against the anointed of Jehovah and remain innocent? . . . It is unthinkable from Jehovah’s standpoint for me to lift my hand against the anointed of Jehovah!” (1 Sam. 26:8-12) David understood what loyalty to God involves. He had no intention of harming Saul. Why not? Because Saul was God’s anointed king over Israel. Loyal servants of Jehovah respect those whom he appoints. Indeed, Jehovah requires that all of his people “cherish loyalty.” w16.02 4:1, 2
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