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Queen Esther

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  1. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Brother Stephen LETT, we follow an Organization, but NO men !   
    That  is  just  people - thinking....   IMPORTEND  IS :  Noah  obeyed  loyal,  what  Jehovah  wanted  from  him !   He  complied  exactly  the  plan  of Jehovah  -  so  he  helped  to  rescue  the  mankind  in  the  future,  maybe  also  YOU  and  ME     in  40 years  on  and  off  a  little  more  drinking...  hahaha 
    He  was  building  a  HUGE  ship,  the  ark,  in  a  difficult  time  and  he  worked  it     WHAT  a  great  deed,  WOW !!   -   YES,  let  us  think  in  THIS  way...   and  being  grateful  for  all  his  wonderful  doings !!
    THANKS,  @John Houston  
  2. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to John Houston in Brother Stephen LETT, we follow an Organization, but NO men !   
    Yes, this is Jehovah's organization, in the care of men on earth overseen by his Son in heaven. I have always looked at it this way. I would have been grateful for the ark being built and listening to Noah's preaching gained access to board it and survived the waters that destroyed all life. But later whe it came to my knowledge that Noah was a drunk, even for one time, I would not be incensed at him for this reason, but still grateful that he did just so in building the ark and made the way for my salvation. What happens now is between him and Jehovah.
    This organization is the one way through the great tribulation, even with the imperfect men at the helm. What happens after we survive, will be between them and Jehovah, because Jehovah will indeed clean out all wickedness, before any enter into the new world of righteousness. Leaving now would be quite detrimental to any who do, like those who did not give ear to Noah!
  3. Confused
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    Queen Esther reacted to The Librarian in BESONDERE LIEDER | Dein Wort besteht für immer   
    Danke Gott dafür, dass er sein Wort für die Menschheit bewahrt hat!
  5. Haha
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in 2017's FIRST and ONLY Supermoon rises on Dec. 3. DEC. - Don't miss it !   
    You're a funny brother too, @JW Insider  ??
  6. Haha
    Queen Esther reacted to JW Insider in 2017's FIRST and ONLY Supermoon rises on Dec. 3. DEC. - Don't miss it !   
    Yes, but surely you have heard of the "MAN in the MOON."
    Or we could compromise with "MON"

    Anyway, these are very nice pictures of the moon. Also I saw it for that last couple of evenings, and it's very beautiful.
  7. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Penny Corbin in Love is all-- Malcolm Roberts   
    WOW,  goosebumps feeling? WHAT a beautiful song, wonderful voice !  I love such of songs...  Thank you so much for posting that   I will share it for me, to hear it on and off...  Obrigado, Brother Abel ???
  8. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Penny Corbin in A little HIGHLIGHT in our current, gloomy season.... ENJOY ❤   
    WOW..... what  an  AUTUMN - FIRE !
    I've  to  share  with  you  still  the  next  BEAUTIFUL  pictures     ENJOY

    A  wonderful  golden  sunset  in  autumn.....  (my birthtown  Hamburg)

    Oh  yes,  the  winter  is  coming  soon !  Tonight  we've  only  -2' degrees ~
    But  Jehovah  gave  us  that  season  with  a  reason....  Snow  is  nice
    See  us  later  here ~~~~~~~~
  9. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Carolyn Parker in Brother Stephen LETT, we follow an Organization, but NO men !   
    Last meeting before the foundation of the new community 193
                                            ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? ? ?
  10. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Texto Diario, Tuesday, December 5 2017   
    Felices son todos los que se mantienen en expectativa de él (Is. 30:18).
    Jehová conoce a la perfección nuestras limitaciones (Sal. 103:14). Él no espera que salgamos adelante solo con nuestras propias fuerzas; es nuestro Padre y nos ofrece su ayuda. Claro, habrá veces que sintamos que ya no podemos más. Pero Jehová nos asegura que si el problema es tan grande que no podemos soportarlo, nos dará una salida (1 Cor. 10:13). Él sabe lo que podemos y lo que no podemos aguantar. Confiemos en él. No se desespere si ve que la ayuda de Jehová no llega de inmediato. Recuerde que él desea venir en nuestro auxilio, pero espera con paciencia el mejor momento para darnos lo que necesitamos. Como dice el texto de hoy: “Jehová se mantendrá en expectación de mostrarles favor a ustedes, y por lo tanto se levantará para mostrarles misericordia. Porque Jehová es un Dios de juicio”. w15 15/4 4:8, 9
  11. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Texto Diario, Lunes 4 de diciembre 2017   
    Ha jurado a lo que es malo para sí, y no obstante no lo altera (Sal. 15:4).
    Saúl insistía en que Jonatán pensara en su futuro (1 Sam. 20:31). Pero en vez de ser egoísta y tratar de convertirse en el siguiente rey, Jonatán mantuvo su promesa de amistad a David y su lealtad a Jehová. Tal como Jonatán cumplió su promesa, nosotros debemos cumplir lo que prometemos. Por ejemplo, si hacemos un acuerdo de trabajo, tenemos que cumplirlo, aunque sea más difícil de lo que creíamos al principio. Cumpliremos nuestra palabra porque respetamos lo que dice la Biblia. Lo mismo sucederá si nuestro matrimonio no va tan bien como esperábamos. Seremos leales a nuestro esposo o esposa. Así demostraremos que amamos a Jehová (Mal. 2:13-16). También seamos leales a nuestros hermanos, aunque a veces cometan errores. Y, pase lo que pase, seamos siempre leales a Jehová. Así alegraremos su corazón y seremos felices (Prov. 27:11). Podemos estar seguros de que él siempre hará lo que sea mejor para nosotros y nos cuidará. w16.02 3:16, 17
  12. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Daily text, Tuesday, December 5. 2017   
    Happy are all those keeping in expectation of him.—Isa. 30:18.
    Jehovah is fully aware of our limitations. (Ps. 103:14) Therefore, he does not expect us to endure trials in our own strength but offers us his fatherly help. Of course, at times, we might feel that we cannot go on anymore. But Jehovah assures us that he will never allow his servants to suffer beyond their limit of endurance. Yes, he will “make the way out.”(1 Cor. 10:13) Therefore, we have good reason to trust that Jehovah’s assessment of what we can bear is right. When relief does not immediately follow our prayers for help, let us wait on the One who knows just when to act in our behalf. Remember that he too is exercising patience, for he is ever eager to come to our rescue. “Jehovah is waiting patiently to show you favor, and he will rise up to show you mercy. For Jehovah is a God of justice.” w15 4/15 4:8, 9
  13. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Daily text, Monday, December 4. 2017   
    He does not go back on his promise, even when it is bad for him.—Ps. 15:4.
    Saul urged Jonathan to pursue his own interests. (1 Sam. 20:31) But loyalty to God moved Jonathan to befriend David rather than seek the advantages of the kingship for himself. Jonathan did not “go back on his promise” to David; neither should we go back on our promises. For example, if a business agreement becomes harder to honor than expected, our loyalty to God and regard for the Bible should move us to keep our word. And what if our marriage proves to be more challenging than anticipated? Love for God will surely move us to be loyal to our mate. (Mal. 2:13-16) Also, let us prove our loyalty to Jehovah by being loyal to his people, even those who may disappoint us. When we are loyal to Jehovah God in the face of challenging situations, we make his heart rejoice. (Prov. 27:11) If we remain loyal to Jehovah, we will see how he eventually works everything out for the good of those who love him. w16.02 3:16, 17
  14. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in 2017's FIRST and ONLY Supermoon rises on Dec. 3. DEC. - Don't miss it !   
      I checked your math, as I do not believe anybody on the face of it .. and you are right ... a fairly standard rifle bullet travels at approximately 1100 feet per second(fps), which if it were in space with no air resistance and gravitational centers far away that would be about 750 miles per hour.  I picked the 1100 fps as a generalization.
    The theme  music from the 1951 "Superman" TV show is on this link.
    Your browser does not support the HTML5 audio tag.

    Where this ties into the conversation is that (notice his yellow belt with the plain belt buckle...) some times when flying at supersonic speed in the atmosphere, the wind catches in his leotards, and he .... *koff* .... "MOONS" the Earth.
    ... and now you know the REST of the story ... of why Superman wears a long red cape.
  15. Haha
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in 2017's FIRST and ONLY Supermoon rises on Dec. 3. DEC. - Don't miss it !   
    Men  are  amazing....  from  a  SUPERMOON  to  SUPERMAN....   GREAT !! 
    PS.  I  NEVER  SAW  A  MOVIE  WITH  SUPERMAN,  sorry  hahaha
  16. Haha
    Queen Esther reacted to JW Insider in 2017's FIRST and ONLY Supermoon rises on Dec. 3. DEC. - Don't miss it !   
    I fixed it twice, and each time I checked it, it had stayed the same -- my fix didn't take. I just finally fixed it and it looks like it will stay this time.
    The twist on your picture is, of course, from the Superman series, which always included the words:
    Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. The infant of Krypton is now the Man of Steel: Superman!   -- Superman (1941) - Quotes - IMDb
  17. Haha
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in 2017's FIRST and ONLY Supermoon rises on Dec. 3. DEC. - Don't miss it !   
  18. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in 2017's FIRST and ONLY Supermoon rises on Dec. 3. DEC. - Don't miss it !   
    ScienceCasts:  The  Super  Moon  of  May  2012
  19. Confused
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in 2017's FIRST and ONLY Supermoon rises on Dec. 3. DEC. - Don't miss it !   
    THATS  NOT  MY  TEXT  -  @JW Insider 
  20. Thanks
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in 2017's FIRST and ONLY Supermoon rises on Dec. 3. DEC. - Don't miss it !   
    Looks Bigger and Brighter....
    A Supermoon happens when a Full Moon or New Moon coincides with the Moon's closest approach to Earth; also called perigee.
    Full Moon over Denver, Colorado, US.
    A Supermoon can be a Full or New Moon.
    ©bigstockphoto.com/ duallogic
    A Super Full Moon looks around 12% to 14% bigger than its counterpart, the Micromoon.
    Moon phases and events....
    Next Supermoon, December  3. 2017
    The next Supermoon will be on December 3, 2017.
    The Supermoon on November 14, 2016, was the closest since January 26, 1948. The next time a Full Moon will come even closer to Earth is on November 25, 2034 (dates based on UTC time).
    How can Full Moon be in the daytime?
    Perigee and Apogee
    The Moon's orbit around Earth is not a perfect circle, but elliptical, with one side closer to Earth than the other.
    As a result of the Moon's elliptical orbit, the distance between the Moon and Earth varies throughout the month and the year. On average the distance is about 382,900 kilometers (238,000 miles).
    The point on the Moon's orbit closest to Earth is called the perigee and the point farthest away is the apogee.
    Moon phases in your location
    Super Full Moon and Super New Moon
    Illustrative comparison of a Supermoon and Micromoon.
    According to NASA, a Super Full Moon looks around 12% to 14% bigger than a Micromoon.
    When a Full Moon coincides with its closest approach to Earth, it is called a Super Full Moon. A New Moon that takes place when the Moon is around its perigee is known as a Super New Moon.
    A Micromoon, on the other hand, is when a Full or a New Moon is farthest from the Earth, around apogee. It's also known as a Minimoon, Mini Full Moon, or a Mini New Moon.
    Astronomical terms & definitions
    Not an Official Name
    Supermoon is not an official astronomical term. It was first coined by an astrologer, Richard Nolle, in 1979. He defined it as ‘a New or a Full Moon that occurs when the Moon is at or near (within 90% of) its closest approach to Earth in its orbit’. It is not clear why he chose the 90% cut off in his definition.
    There are no official rules as to how close or far the Moon must be to qualify as a Supermoon or a Micro Moon. Different outlets use different definitions. Due to this, a Full Moon classified as a Supermoon by one source may not qualify as a Super Full Moon by another.
    Supermoon Definition
    The following definitions are used at timeanddate.com:
        Supermoon: A Full or New Moon that occurs when the center of the Moon is less than 360,000 kilometers (ca. 223,694 miles) from the center of Earth.
        Micromoon: A Full Moon or New Moon that takes place when the center of the Moon is farther than 405,000 kilometers (ca. 251,655 miles) from the center of Earth.
    Technical Name: Perigee-syzygy
    The technical term for a Supermoon is perigee-syzygy of the Earth-Moon-Sun system. In astronomy, the term syzygy refers to the straight-line configuration of three celestial bodies.
    When the Moon is close to the lunar nodes of its path during syzygy, it causes a total solar eclipse or a total lunar eclipse
    Looks Bigger and Brighter....
    The Full Moon setting over Jobs Peak, Carson Valley, Nevada.
    A Full Moon near the horizon looks bigger and brighter than when the same Full Moon is higher  in the Sky.
    ©iStockphoto.com/Jason Woodcock
    Because it's  SO  close to Earth, a Super Full Moon looks about 7% bigger than an average Full Moon. When compared to a Micromoon, it looks about 12% to 14% larger.
    A Super Full Moon also looks about 30% brighter than a Micro Full Moon and about 16% brighter than an average Full Moon.
    Biggest During Winter....
    Supermoons during Northern Hemisphere winter months tend to look larger than Supermoons that occur during the rest of the year. At this time of the year, Earth is closer to the Sun. Because of this, the Sun's gravity pulls the Moon closer to Earth, making any winter Super Full Moons look bigger than summer Super Full Moons.
    Best at Moonrise
    The best time to enjoy a Super Full Moon is after moonrise when the Moon is just above the horizon, weather permitting. At this position, a Super Full Moon will look bigger and brighter than when it's higher up in the sky because you can compare the apparent size of the Moon with elements in the landscape like hills, foliage, and buildings. This effect is called the Moon Illusion.
    Taking pictures of the Moon 
    Higher Tides at Supermoon
                                   ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? ? ?
  21. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Brother Stephen LETT, we follow an Organization, but NO men !   
    Last meeting before the foundation of the new community 193 NORTH - MARITIBA - BRAZIL
    Nord-Maritiba, Brasilien
    Today's Saturday text has been John 6:38. Our slave does not walk with half measures to tell us clearly that once dedicated, it is wrong to live a double life. If there is ever a conflict between what we want and what Jehovah wants, what will we do?
    This could illustrate the position of Jehovah's Witnesses and their dedication in the so-called baptismal vows that have been written by the slave, so since 1985 every person who wants to be baptized must publicly proclaim "yes" to the following question: " Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in association with the organization led by the spirit of God? "
    Why is it required to publicly confess to belonging to the organization? Has God required this from you? Did the first century Christians declare that they were in association with the apostles led by the spirit? The truth is that this question must be answered publicly.
    In fact, some identified themselves as belonging to prominent Christian elders, which is why in the first words of his first letter, the apostle Paul rebuked some of the Corinthians who claimed to belong to Paul, Cephas and others. So why did the apostle so vigorously oppose some of the Corinthians who claimed to belong to him? Paul's answer says it all: "Paul was not fixed on a tree for you, was he not, or were you baptized in the name of Paul?" 1. Corinthians 1:13
    The real problem is this: we all tend to be followers of men. It is a trend in all of us. That is why although they were anointed and received miraculous gifts of the spirit, some of the members of the Corinthian congregation claimed to belong to certain prominent apostles. Paul took strong measures to crush that trend. And that is a problem.
    Given the fact that there is now a growing number of people who are ceasing to associate with what they once confessed to recognizing as the organization directed by the spirit of God, it is evident that the dissociated are followers of men to a large extent. This becomes more evident when people stop striving to fulfill God's will because they stumble over the misconduct of some pastors of our organization. In other words, these people base their dedication to God on the actions of others. As long as they perceive that their elders are true, they stay the course. When they perceive that their elders have a bad behavior, that cancels their dedication.
    We follow an organization, but not men.
    r the practice. This is because the State -which the Family Judge represents- has the non-derogable responsibility of ensuring the human and personal rights of all persons and even more of those in special vulnerable condition. (ANB / ANR)
  22. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Brother Stephen LETT, we follow an Organization, but NO men !   
    Last meeting before the foundation of the new community 193
                                            ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? ? ?
  23. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Theocratic wedding in BRAZIL ❤   
    Theocratic  wedding  in  BRAZIL         ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? ? ?
  24. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Theocratic wedding in BRAZIL ❤   
    Theocratic  wedding  in  BRAZIL         ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? ? ?
  25. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Brother Stephen LETT, we follow an Organization, but NO men !   
    Last meeting before the foundation of the new community 193
                                            ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ? ? ?
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