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Queen Esther

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  1. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Tiny laughing dormouse.... and loud snoring, sweet ! ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫.♪ ♫   
    Hazel Ryan, Wildwood Trust's Senior Conservation Officer demonstrates how to feed a baby dormouse. The dormouse was rescued from the back of a Land-rover. The dormice will Join Wildwood's dormouse conservation project and be reintroduced to areas where they have gone extinct.
                                               ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.  ? ? ?
  2. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in ARE YOU BEAUTIFUL? – MANY WOMEN WORRY THEY ARE NOT BEAUTIFUL ENOUGH.. ?????????   
    ALL  women  are  little  Beauty's   outside & inside  or  both !  FOR  JEHOVAH  WE'RE  ALL  BEAUTY'S ?   INSIDE,  bec. HE  wants  first  our  pure  honest  heart  for  HIM   that's  the  greatest  compliment  we  can  get !
  3. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in WORLD PRESS COMMENTS ON JEHOVAHS WITNESSES REFUSAL TO TAKE BLOOD   
    Different  JW  children  gave  us  lessons  bec. staying  loyal  to  Jehovah !  They  said  'NO'  to  ALL  Blood  ways. I  know,  it  does  give  more ways  by  a  surgery  or  by  a  blood - dialysis.  We  all  have  our  own  a  conscience  for  all  these  decisions.

                                                       ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.  ? ? ?
  4. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Bible Speaks in The whole story, "A POOR BEGGAR BECAME A CONGREGATION ELDER" ;-))   
    ( I had goosebumps and tears running down my cheeks while reading this experience )
     One Sunday morning, two brothers were preaching on the streets, could not talk to anyone, the brothers decided to talk to a beggar who sat on the bench in the square, who ate trash heaps that were there.
    The brothers began talking to him about the hope of a new world where there would be no more misery, there would be no more hunger, no violence, etc. The beggar was very much interested in the message and he accepted a bible study of with the brochure "What does God require of us? ", and the brothers made arrangements to continue studying in the same place. When the day came, that beggar was anxious to see the brothers were falling behind a bit, but came and went with the study. This beggar continued to study for two months ... one Saturday morning, the brothers were doing the preaching from house to house in that same territory when suddenly they saw the beggar also talking with people about the Bible, the brothers went where the beggar was and told him that he could not be doing this, on the doors, because it was necessary to have a good appearance and fill certain requirements.
    Then one brother took him to his home, where he bathed, shaved, cut his hair, nails, brushed his teeth and gave him decent and clean clothes ... This beggar began to attend all meetings, without missing one, he began to participate in the theocratic ministry school; shortly thereafter he made one of his two dreams: he began to preach the good news from house to house. By that time this beggar was an example for all in the congregation and everyone who knew him, knew his history. After studying for 8 months, he was baptized at an international meeting held at Morumbi stadium in Sao Paulo Brazil.
    The brother who gave this experience during his talk concluded by saying :
    " Do you know what was the result of  'That beggar who became a brother'  experience?....  ME !!! .... Today I have a privilege of being here telling my own story, to all of you brothers and sisters. Currently, in addition to serving Jehovah, I have my family, my house, I have a son and I serve as an elder in my congregation (... kept the audience not to applaud ...) . So brothers, keep in mind that, in this world we preach to ALL kinds of people !  We demonstrate Christlike humility and willingness to give help to those in need,  knowing that before God we are  ALL beggars.... "
    What a heartwarming experience !
                                                  ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.  ? ? ?
  5. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Daily text, Wednesday, November 15. 2017   
    [God] cares for you.—1 Pet. 5:7.
    There are many ways to express our love for Jehovah. For example, we show love for God and neighbor by having a zealous share in the Kingdom-preaching work. (Matt. 24:14; 28:19, 20) We show that we truly love Jehovah by enduring tests of faith as integrity keepers. (Ps. 84:11; Jas. 1:2-5) If our trials become severe, we can be sure that God is aware of our suffering and will help us, for we are precious to him. (Ps. 56:8) Our love for Jehovah moves us to meditate on his creative works and other marvelous deeds. We show that we love God and highly value his Word by diligently studying the Bible. Love for Jehovah draws us ever closer to him in prayer. And our love for God grows deeper as we reflect on the ransom sacrifice he provided for our sins. (1 John 2:1, 2) These are just some of the many reasons we have for loving Jehovah in response to his enduring love for us. w15 8/15 1:6, 17, 18
  6. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in A family visiting the World Headquarters, also had the privilege to visit our Broadcasting studio ;-)   
  7. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Daily text, Thursday, November 16. 2017   
    [It is] better to be patient.—Eccl. 7:8.
    In the new world, there may be times when we will need to exercise patience. For example, we may hear of individuals who, to the delight of their relatives and friends, have been raised from the dead. However, we ourselves may have to wait for the resurrection of our loved ones. If that is the case, will we rejoice with others and be patient? (Rom. 12:15) Learning to wait patiently for the fulfillment of Jehovah’s promises now will help us to exercise patience then. We can also prepare for life in the new world by exercising patience regarding revealed truth. Are we studious and patient as our understanding of Bible truth is progressively clarified today? If so, we will likely have no difficulty showing patience in the new world as Jehovah makes known his requirements for mankind.—Prov. 4:18; John 16:12. w15 8/15 3:9, 10
  8. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Daily text, Wednesday, November 15. 2017   
    [God] cares for you.—1 Pet. 5:7.
    There are many ways to express our love for Jehovah. For example, we show love for God and neighbor by having a zealous share in the Kingdom-preaching work. (Matt. 24:14; 28:19, 20) We show that we truly love Jehovah by enduring tests of faith as integrity keepers. (Ps. 84:11; Jas. 1:2-5) If our trials become severe, we can be sure that God is aware of our suffering and will help us, for we are precious to him. (Ps. 56:8) Our love for Jehovah moves us to meditate on his creative works and other marvelous deeds. We show that we love God and highly value his Word by diligently studying the Bible. Love for Jehovah draws us ever closer to him in prayer. And our love for God grows deeper as we reflect on the ransom sacrifice he provided for our sins. (1 John 2:1, 2) These are just some of the many reasons we have for loving Jehovah in response to his enduring love for us. w15 8/15 1:6, 17, 18
  9. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in The whole story, "A POOR BEGGAR BECAME A CONGREGATION ELDER" ;-))   
    ( I had goosebumps and tears running down my cheeks while reading this experience )
     One Sunday morning, two brothers were preaching on the streets, could not talk to anyone, the brothers decided to talk to a beggar who sat on the bench in the square, who ate trash heaps that were there.
    The brothers began talking to him about the hope of a new world where there would be no more misery, there would be no more hunger, no violence, etc. The beggar was very much interested in the message and he accepted a bible study of with the brochure "What does God require of us? ", and the brothers made arrangements to continue studying in the same place. When the day came, that beggar was anxious to see the brothers were falling behind a bit, but came and went with the study. This beggar continued to study for two months ... one Saturday morning, the brothers were doing the preaching from house to house in that same territory when suddenly they saw the beggar also talking with people about the Bible, the brothers went where the beggar was and told him that he could not be doing this, on the doors, because it was necessary to have a good appearance and fill certain requirements.
    Then one brother took him to his home, where he bathed, shaved, cut his hair, nails, brushed his teeth and gave him decent and clean clothes ... This beggar began to attend all meetings, without missing one, he began to participate in the theocratic ministry school; shortly thereafter he made one of his two dreams: he began to preach the good news from house to house. By that time this beggar was an example for all in the congregation and everyone who knew him, knew his history. After studying for 8 months, he was baptized at an international meeting held at Morumbi stadium in Sao Paulo Brazil.
    The brother who gave this experience during his talk concluded by saying :
    " Do you know what was the result of  'That beggar who became a brother'  experience?....  ME !!! .... Today I have a privilege of being here telling my own story, to all of you brothers and sisters. Currently, in addition to serving Jehovah, I have my family, my house, I have a son and I serve as an elder in my congregation (... kept the audience not to applaud ...) . So brothers, keep in mind that, in this world we preach to ALL kinds of people !  We demonstrate Christlike humility and willingness to give help to those in need,  knowing that before God we are  ALL beggars.... "
    What a heartwarming experience !
                                                  ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.  ? ? ?
  10. Like
    Different  JW  children  gave  us  lessons  bec. staying  loyal  to  Jehovah !  They  said  'NO'  to  ALL  Blood  ways. I  know,  it  does  give  more ways  by  a  surgery  or  by  a  blood - dialysis.  We  all  have  our  own  a  conscience  for  all  these  decisions.

                                                       ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.  ? ? ?
  11. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Bible Speaks in ARE YOU BEAUTIFUL? – MANY WOMEN WORRY THEY ARE NOT BEAUTIFUL ENOUGH.. ?????????   
    ESTHER was an orphan. When Esther’s parents died, a kindly, much older cousin (Mordecai) took pity on the child treated her as his own daughter; he taught her about Jehovah.
    A loving loyal bond grew between these two who lived as Jewish exiles. Esther proved to be humble, obedient, courageous. The Bible describes her as “pretty in form beautiful in appearance” (Esther 2:7).
    Even when she out of his sight of her cousin, she still showed the same wise obedient spirit!
    Many Woman Worry Today They Are Not Beautiful Enough!
    Many women have beauty but not Jehovah! Some are not humbled if they are beautiful, they become haughty! 
    Some are like Queen Esther ?? who had it all and a Love ?? for Jehovah and His People.
    They say beauty is only skin deep! Yes, Godly wisdom and Love of Jehovah are forever and that's what truly matters!
    Beyond the look, there lies something more important..
    Check Proverb 31: 27-31. - Bible Speaks

  12. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in ARE YOU BEAUTIFUL? – MANY WOMEN WORRY THEY ARE NOT BEAUTIFUL ENOUGH.. ?????????   
    ALL  women  are  little  Beauty's   outside & inside  or  both !  FOR  JEHOVAH  WE'RE  ALL  BEAUTY'S ?   INSIDE,  bec. HE  wants  first  our  pure  honest  heart  for  HIM   that's  the  greatest  compliment  we  can  get !
  13. Haha
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Bible Speaks in FEMALE Nose rings - Would You Wear One? –??‍????‍????‍?   
    I saw these 3 pictures today by FB too. Terrible.... NOT nice !  Thats nothings for JW sisters,  NEVER !  No question, haha  
  14. Haha
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in FEMALE Nose rings - Would You Wear One? –??‍????‍????‍?   
    I saw these 3 pictures today by FB too. Terrible.... NOT nice !  Thats nothings for JW sisters,  NEVER !  No question, haha  
  15. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in This report will bring you to tears... JEHOVAH, I'm going to put you first ❤   
    SISTER  Anneliese  did  it  very  well  -  with  Jehovah  together  she  found  the  right  way  BACK
                                ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.  ? ? ?
  16. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Daily text, Monday, November 13. 2017   
    They will see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.—Luke 21:27.
    This will be a time for rewarding those who are faithful and for punishing those who are not. (Matt. 24:46, 47, 50, 51; 25:19, 28-30) According to Matthew, Jesus finished giving the composite sign with the parable of the sheep and the goats, saying: “When the Son of man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit down on his glorious throne. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate people one from another, just as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. And he will put the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on his left.” (Matt. 25:31-33) What judgment will the sheep and the goats hear pronounced on them? The parable finishes with the words: “These [the goats] will depart into everlasting cutting-off, but the righteous ones into everlasting life.”—Matt. 25:46. w15 7/15 2:11, 12
  17. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Daily text, Tuesday, November 14. 2017   
    Look! How good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in unity!—Ps. 133:1.
    It is understandable that we might feel some affection for the land, the culture, the language, and the food of the country we were raised in. However, we must avoid the “mine is best” attitude. For our pleasure, Jehovah has created great variety in all things. (Ps. 104:24; Rev. 4:11) So why insist that one way of doing things is superior to another? God wants people of all sorts to come to an accurate knowledge of truth and to enjoy everlasting life. (John 3:16; 1 Tim. 2:3, 4) Open-mindedness toward a diversity of acceptable ideas enriches us and protects our Christian unity. As we maintain our loyalty to Jehovah, we must avoid involvement in the world’s controversies. Partisan allegiances have no place among us. How thankful we are to Jehovah for freeing us from the divisive, prideful, competitive practices that dominate Satan’s world! w15 7/15 3:17, 18
  18. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in THAT IS VERY RARE.....   
    ISBN 982-9027-02-3
    First Published in 1999 by Oceania Printers, Suva, Fiji
    Cover Design: Geoff Jackson Front and Back Cover Photos: Vaughan Guy
    English Proofreading: Vaughan & Jeanne
    Guy Composition: Geoff Jackson on Word  '97
    © Geoffrey W. Jackson, Suva, Fiji  - 60 PAGES
    The Watchtower, August 15, p. 6  "May the many islands be happy"
    A project that was worth it....
    In 1979, I [Geoffrey Jackson] started putting together a list of Tuvaluan words and their meanings. For about 20 years, I worked on it every morning for an hour. Over time, a whole dictionary has been created from it. In 2001, it had the Australian government print as a gift to the people of Tuvalu. In 1999, Jenny and I also wrote a grammar book of the Tuvaluan language.      ( very  interesting )
  19. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Nice kiddy - preaching with tablet in HONDURAS ;-))   
    Nice  kiddy  -  preaching  with  tablet  in  HONDURAS      OUR  LITTLE  ONES 
                                      ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.  ? ? ?
  20. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from E dub in A COMMEMORATIVE PLAQUE TO REMEMBER !   
    This building was the * SYNAGOGUE * until 1938
    The Jewish community Osterode -
    The ones prayed to GOD here /
    were persecuted and destroyed -
    GOD You know my folly
    my guilt is not hidden from you.
    Psalm 69: 6
    For many already forgotten:
    In the Reichsprogromnacht from the 9th to the 10th of November 1938, the SS and SA shamed the Osterode synagogue and destroyed the inventory. Numerous Easter or Jews were abused, their homes devastated.
    Not only Jews, but also other groups of people were persecuted, some of them since 1933. These included people who disagreed politically, asocial, Gypsies (now Sinti and Roma), emigrants, religious persecutees, including the Bible Students (today: Jehovah's Witnesses ), People who belonged to enemy stations, homosexuals, the disabled, so everything that did not fit into the then worldview.
    You should NEVER forget this.

    Also seen in Osnabrück ... (2 small plaques)
  21. Like
    Thank you so much for your true and clear words, dear Brother @Johnny Paulick  You are very right,  THE  BLOOD  IS  JEHOVAHS??
    Greetings, Esther from Germany 
  22. Upvote
    When you look at the principle of the texts that forbid the intake of blood, it is not a matter of eating or consuming through a vein ... When Jehovah forbids blood or describes that they should let it run on the ground at slaughter, "Let it be holy, it's mine." The blood is Jehovah's. We do not have the right to use it as our own. We are subject to the principle that the blood is sacred that Jesus by his blood could run away from mankind. We do not have the right to administer and neglect the meaning of the blood .. IT IS JEHOVAS!
    Have use Google translate..!   Johnny from Danmark.! 
  23. Like
    Heading should be "...refusal to take blood".   
  24. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Eine Erinnerung an den Kongress "GÖTTLICHER SIEG" 1973 !   
    Läuft  die  Zeit  für  die Menschheit  ab....?
    Auf dem Kongess  "Göttlicher Sieg"  kam die Nr.16 der Königreichsnachrichten heraus. Sie Auflagenhöhe betrug 130 000 000 Exemplare. In der Zeit vom 21.-30.09.1973 wurden sie weltweit verbreitet.
    Die Nummern 1-15 kamen in den Jahren 1918-1946 heraus.
    Dann kam eine große Pause.
    1918, No. 1 (Religious Intolerance—Pastor Russell’s Followers Persecuted Because They Tell the People the Truth—Treatment of Bible Students Smacks of the ‘Dark Ages’) (Königreichs-Nachrichten Nr. 1 [Religiöse Unduldsamkeit — Pastor Russells Anhänger verfolgt, weil sie den Menschen die Wahrheit sagen — Die Behandlung der Bibelforscher riecht nach dem „finsteren Mittelalter“]): jv 69-70
    No. 2 (“The Finished Mystery” and Why Suppressed—Clergymen Take a Hand)
    (Nr. 2 [„Das vollendete Geheimnis“, weshalb unterdrückt — Geistliche haben dazu beigetragen]): jv 70
    No. 3 (Two Great Battles Raging—Fall of Autocracy Certain—Satanic Strategy Doomed to Failure—The Birth of Antichrist)
    (Nr. 3 [Zwei große Schlachten toben — Sturz der Autokratie gewiss — Satans Strategie zum Scheitern verurteilt — Die Geburt des Antichristen]): jv 70
    1939, No. 4 (Attempt to Wreck Garden Assembly—The Facts) (Nr. 4 [Die Tatsachen über den Versuch, den Kongress im Garden zu vereiteln]):
    No. 5 (Can Religion Save the World From Disaster?) (Nr. 5 [Kann die Religion die Welt vor der Katastrophe bewahren?]):
    No. 6 (London) (Which Will Give You Freedom? Religion or Christianity?) (Nr. 6, London [Wer wird dir Freiheit geben? Die Religion oder das Christentum?]):
    No. 6 (Time of Darkness—Isaiah 60:2) (Nr. 6 [Zeit der Finsternis — Jesaja 60:2]):
    No. 7 (Do You Condemn or Wink at Unspeakable Crimes?)
    (Nr. 7 [Entsetzliche Verbrechen — Verurteilst oder ignorierst du sie?]):
    No. 7 (London) (Religionists Devise Mischief to Destroy Christians)
    (Nr. 7, London [Religionisten führen Unheil herbei, um Christen zu vernichten]): 1941,
    No. 8 (If the Bill Becomes Law) (Nr. 8 [Falls der Entwurf Gesetz wird]):
    No. 8 (London) (Jehovah’s Mandate to His Servants; Witness Against Papal Rome, Nazism, Fascism—Enemies of Christianity) (Nr. 8, London [Der Auftrag Jehovas für seine Diener; Zeugnis gegen die Feinde des Christentums — das Papsttum in Rom, den Nationalsozialismus und den Faschismus]):
    No. 9 (London) (Where Does the Church of Scotland Stand?) (Nr. 9, London [Wo steht die Kirche von Schottland?]):
    No. 9 (Victories in Your Defense) (Nr. 9 [Zu deinem Schutz errungene Siege]):
    1942, No. 10 (Life in the New Earth Under New Heavens)
    (Nr. 10 [Leben auf der neuen Erde unter neuen Himmeln]):
    No. 11 (The People Have a Right to Good News Now)
    (Nr. 11 [Die Menschen haben jetzt das Recht auf eine gute Botschaft]):
    1943, No. 12 (The Last War Wins the Peace Eternal)
    (Nr. 12 [Der letzte Krieg führt den ewigen Frieden herbei]):
    1944, No. 13 (Education for Life in the New World)
    (Nr. 13 [Erziehung für das Leben in der neuen Welt]):
    No. 14 (Overcoming Fear of What Is Coming on the Earth)
    (Nr. 14 [Furcht vor dem, was über die Erde hereinbricht, überwinden]):
    1946, Nr. 15 (Weltweite Verschwörung wider die Wahrheit):
  25. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in A reminder of the Congress "DIVINE VICTORY" 1973 !   
    Is the time running out for humanity....?
    At the Kongess "Divine Victory" came the No.16 of the Kingdom News. The circulation was 130.000.000  specimens. In the period from 21.-30.09.1973, they were distributed worldwide.
    The numbers 1-15 came out in the years 1918-1946.
    Then there was a big break.
    1918, No. 1 (Religious Intolerance Pastor Russell's Followers Persecuted Because They Tell People to the Humans.) (Kingdom News  No. 1 [Religious Intolerance Pastor Russell's Followers Persecuted Because They Tell the People the Truth Treatment of Bible Students To tell the truth - The treatment of Bible Students smells of the "dark Middle Ages"]: jv 69-70
    No. 2  ("The Finished Mystery" and Why Suppressed Clergymens Take a Hand) (# 2 [
    "The Perfect Mystery," which is why oppressed - clergymen contributed to it]): jv 70
    No. 3 (Two Great Battles Raging Case of Autocracy Certain-Satanic Strategy Doomed to Failure-The Birth of Antichrist)
    (No. 3 [Two Great Battles Rage - Fall of the Autocracy Certainly - Satan's Strategy Fails - The Birth of the Antichrist]) : jv 70  1939,
    No. 4 (Attempt to Wreck Garden Assembly-The Facts) (# 4 [The Facts about Trying to Thwart the Congress in the Garden]):
    No. 5 (Can Religion Save the World From Disaster?) (# 5 [Can Religion Save the World from Disaster?]):
    1940, no. 6 (London) (Which Will Give You Freedom? Religion or Christianity?) (No. 6, London [Who Will Give You Liberty? Religion or Christianity?]):
    No. 6 (Time of Darkness-Isaiah 60: 2) (No. 6 [Time of Darkness - Isaiah 60: 2]):
    No. 7 (Do You Condemn or Wink at Unspeakable Crimes?) (No. 7 [Dreadful Crimes - Condemn or Ignore Them?]):
    No. 7 (London) (Religionists' motto Mischief to Destroy Christians) (No. 7, London [Religionists bring disaster to destroy Christians]): 1941, no. 8 (If the Bill Becomes Law) (No 8 [If the draft becomes law]):
    No. 8 (London) (Jehovah's Mandate to His Servants, Witness Against Papal Rome, Nazism, Fascism-Enemies of Christianity) (No 8, London [Jehovah's Assignment to His Servants, Testimony to the Enemies of Christianity - the Papacy in Rome, National Socialism and Fascism]):
    No. 9 (London) (No 9, London [Where is the Church of Scotland?]):
    No. 9 (Victories in Your Defense) (# 9 [Victories earned for your protection]):  1942,
    No. 10 (Life in the New Earth Under New Heaven) (Item 10 [Life on the new earth under new skies]):
    No. 11 (The People Have a Right to Good News Now) (# 11 [People now have the right to a good message]):  1943,
    No. 12 (The Last War Wins the Peace Eternal) (# 12 [The Last War Brings Eternal Peace]):
    1944, no. 13 (Education for Life in the New World)
    (No. 13 [Education for Life in the New World]):
    No. 14 (Overcoming Fear of What Is Coming on the Earth) (# 14 [Fearing Overcoming Earth's Fall]):  1946,
    No. 15 (Worldwide Conspiracy Against the Truth):
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