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Queen Esther

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  1. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from JW Insider in The Bible is all you need   
    JEHOVAH  IS  NOT  THE  JW.ORG,  JEHOVAH  WE  FIND  ONLY  IN  THE  BIBLE,  HIS  SPIRITUAL  WORD !  ANTIQUE  OR  CURRENT,  ITS  ALWAYS  THE  SAME.  ----  Jesus  respected  all  people  what  they  had  to  say  -  he  NEVER   was  judging  like  some  members  doing  here...   WE'VE  NO  RIGHT  TO  THAT !   We're  all  only  little  people  on  earth....  Only  ONE  has  to  judge,  thats  our  GOD  JEHOVAH ?   THANK  YOU  ALL !
  2. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Israeli Bar Avaddhon in The Bible is all you need   
    Dear AllenSmith,
    you will surely have noticed that I use the translator (with many errors) because my english is poor.
    So if I misunderstand a question or the purpose of a question, you will understand the reason.
    Regarding the meaning of the article, I speak of personal experience (and not presumption). I know very well that with many of my brothers, who have many good qualities, you can not talk about doctrines, you can not challenge an "official truth" because otherwise you are automatically a murmur or apostate.
    It's not a novelty that we can not recapture a doctrine so we're not talking about science fiction.
    Continue to apply the scriptures to whomever you want. It is not my problem. You will not be judging
  3. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Horst Henschel: *Jehovah Is a Strong Tower for Me* ( jw.org video, 4:25 )   

    Horst Henschel:  *Jehovah Is a Strong Tower for Me*    ( jw.org  video,  4:25 )  ENJOY
  4. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from E dub in The Dolomites are absolutely amazing.... It is hard to put into words, just how incredible this place truly is !   
    It is hard to put into words, just how incredible this place truly is !
      ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.  ? ? ?

    The Dolomites are absolutely amazing !  ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.  ? ?
    By  Michael  Shainblum
    Breath of the Dolomites is a collection of timelapse clips and aerial clips from my recent trip to the Dolomites mountains in Italy. The aerial scenes in this film were shot by Andrew Studer.
    The Dolomites (Italian: Dolomiti [dolo?mi?ti]; Ladin: Dolomites; German: Dolomiten [do?lo??m?tn?]; Venetian: Do?omiti [do?o?miti]: Friulian: Dolomitis) are a mountain range located in northeastern Italy. They form a part of the Southern Limestone Alps and extend from the River Adige in the west to the Piave Valley (Pieve di Cadore) in the east. The northern and southern borders are defined by the Puster Valley and the Sugana Valley (Italian: Valsugana). The Dolomites are nearly equally shared between the provinces of Belluno, South Tyrol and Trentino.
  5. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Blanchie DeGrate in A preview of the NEW WORLD.... ENJOY !   
    Enjoy your weekend as well! Looking forward to future photos and posting. 
  6. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Daily text, Sunday, November 5. 2017   
    The word of God is alive and exerts power.—Heb. 4:12.
    While they were growing up, some young brothers were not encouraged to pursue spiritual goals. The truth never came first in the life of such young ones. (Matt. 10:24) Therefore, an elder should take time to develop a friendly relationship with a brother he wishes to train for congregation privileges and let him know that he is needed in the congregation. Then, over the course of time, the elder should sit down with the brother to reason on specific scriptures and help him think about his dedication to Jehovah. (Eccl. 5:4; Isa. 6:8; Matt. 6:24, 33; Luke 9:57-62; 1 Cor. 15:58; 2 Cor. 5:15; 13:5) The elder might ask him, ‘What did you promise Jehovah when you dedicated yourself to him?’ He could try to stir his heart by asking, ‘How do you think Jehovah must have felt when you got baptized?’ (Prov. 27:11) ‘What were Satan’s feelings?’ (1 Pet. 5:8) Elders should never underestimate how deeply a brother can be affected by the reading of carefully selected Bible passages. w15 4/15 2:9, 11
  7. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Daily text, Saturday, November 4. 2017   
    Let us by love grow up in all things.—Eph. 4:15.
    Using the example of the human body, Paul focused on unity under the head of the congregation, Jesus Christ. The apostle spoke of cooperating “through every joint that gives what is needed.” (Eph. 4:16) How can each of us, whether young or old, strong or frail, contribute to the unity and spirituality of the congregation? A key is to submit ourselves to and respect those whom Jesus has designated to provide direction in the congregation, the elders. (Heb. 13:7, 17) We may not always find this easy to do. However, we can with confidence request God’s guidance. His active force can help us to support the congregation arrangements wholeheartedly. So if we on occasion do not feel inclined to follow the direction given, we should reflect on how our humbly cooperating will contribute to the unity in the congregation. Furthermore, cooperating in matters like these will likely help all of us to grow in love. w16.03 3:8, 9
  8. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in A preview of the NEW WORLD.... ENJOY !   
    Me too, dear Blanchie???  I love such of colored garden and the full nature, with fresh eggs and alot more    What a wonderful life !  THANK YOU JEHOVAH??
    Also thanks to @MIKE JONS   @Tennyson   and @Blanchie DeGrate  
    Wish you all a great weekend ! 
  9. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Texto Diario, Domingo 5 de noviembre 2017   
    La palabra de Dios es viva, y ejerce poder (Heb. 4:12).
    Algunos padres no motivaron a sus hijos a ponerse metas espirituales. Como consecuencia, el servicio a Dios nunca fue una prioridad en su vida (Mat. 10:24). Por esta razón, el anciano debe dedicar tiempo a hacerse amigo del hermano al que quiere capacitar para que tenga más responsabilidades. Debe decirle que la congregación lo necesita y razonar con él usando versículos de la Biblia. Ha de ayudarlo a reflexionar en lo que ha estado haciendo con su vida desde que se dedicó a Jehová (Ecl. 5:4; Is. 6:8; Mat. 6:24, 33; Luc. 9:57-62; 1 Cor. 15:58; 2 Cor. 5:15; 13:5). Podría preguntarle algo como: “¿Qué le prometiste a Jehová cuando te dedicaste a él?”. Podría intentar llegar a su corazón con estas otras preguntas: “¿Cómo crees que se sintió Jehová cuando te bautizaste?” (Prov. 27:11). “¿Cómo se habrá sentido Satanás?” (1 Ped. 5:8). Los pasajes bíblicos bien seleccionados pueden llegar a lo más hondo del corazón y motivar al hermano a cambiar. w15 15/4 2:9, 11
  10. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Texto Diario, Sábado 4 de noviembre 2017   
    Por el amor crezcamos en todas las cosas (Efes. 4:15).
    Pablo puso como ejemplo al cuerpo humano para explicar que la congregación debe trabajar unida bajo la dirección de la cabeza, Cristo. Dijo que las distintas partes del cuerpo trabajan en armonía gracias a las coyunturas o articulaciones que las unen (Efes. 4:16). En nuestro caso, sin importar si somos jóvenes o mayores, fuertes o débiles, ¿qué podemos hacer para que la congregación se mantenga unida? Respetar y obedecer a quienes Jesús ha nombrado para que la dirijan: los ancianos (Heb. 13:7, 17). Esto no siempre es fácil, pero podemos pedirle con confianza a Jehová que nos guíe. Su espíritu santo nos ayudará a apoyar con entusiasmo las decisiones que se tomen en la congregación. Así que, si alguna vez nos cuesta obedecer las instrucciones que recibimos, recordemos que nuestra humildad contribuirá a la unidad de la congregación y a que crezca el cariño que sentimos por nuestros hermanos. w16.03 3:8, 9
  11. Confused
    Queen Esther reacted to Matthew9969 in Look, WHAT a different ! JEHOVAH has really changed the new brother's life❤   
    Then you are like other religions and Christians.
  12. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in A preview of the NEW WORLD.... ENJOY !   
    Me too, dear Blanchie???  I love such of colored garden and the full nature, with fresh eggs and alot more    What a wonderful life !  THANK YOU JEHOVAH??
    Also thanks to @MIKE JONS   @Tennyson   and @Blanchie DeGrate  
    Wish you all a great weekend ! 
  13. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Zivana Todorovic in POWERFUL example..... by GB Brother David Splane !   
    This experience was given by  Brother Splane  of the Governing Body at an assembly in Oahu.
    They said,  everyone at the assembly was tearing up.
    In an Eastern European country in 1989  there was a huge 8.9 earthquake.
    30,000 people died in 4 minutes. It happened in the morning and a man
    had just returned from taking his small son to school. After he made sure his
    wife was alright, he went straight back to the school to find his son.
    When he got there he saw the school was completely flattened like a pancake.
    Just rubble. He stood there devastated, completely destroyed.
    Then he remembered a promise he made to his son sometime back. He told him that as long as there was life
    and breath in his body he would always be there for him. So with that promise in his mind he
    went around to the northeast side of the rubble where his son's classroom had been and started digging through the debris.
    The neighbor came out and said, " Sir, I know you're distraught but you have to accept that your child is dead.
    There's nothing you can do."  The man didn't stop digging, he just looked at the neighbor and said,
    "Are you going to help me ?"
    Later the fire chief came and told him and he had to stop, there was no one
    left alive and he was putting himself in danger. Again, the father simply ask
    "Are you going to help me now ?"
    After many hours of digging the chief of police came and told him he was putting other people in danger and
    ordered him to go home and to leave it to the professionals. The man again said nothing but,
    "Are you going to help me now ?"
    Finally, after 38 hours of digging through concrete and twisted metal the man moved a final boulder.
    There he found a small space where several children have been protected. His son was among them.
    The first thing he said to his father was, "Daddy,  I told them not to be scared. I told them you would come."
    Brother Splane paused then he said... " The faithful slave is engaged in a massive search and rescue mission.
    It is an enormous task, and what they are asking from you and me is,
    "Are you going to help me now?"  -  Then he walked off the stage."  ------

  14. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Blanchie DeGrate in A preview of the NEW WORLD.... ENJOY !   
    Yes, these photos and videos are some of the best!! I can picture myself in the garden. (I love ?? flowers) 
  15. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to MIKE JONS in A preview of the NEW WORLD.... ENJOY !   
  16. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in True Theocratic Words !   
    THANK  YOU,  DEAR  BLANCHIE   Yes, we  try  doing  our  best,  then  we  can  come  in  into  the  PARADISE !  What  a  great  gift  from  JEHOVAH   ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.  ? ? ?
  17. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in A preview of the NEW WORLD.... ENJOY !   
                                ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.  ? ? ?
  18. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from MIKE JONS in A preview of the NEW WORLD.... ENJOY !   
                                ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.  ? ? ?
  19. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from MIKE JONS in True Theocratic Words !   
                     ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.  ? ? ?
  20. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from MIKE JONS in True Theocratic Words !   
    The  Angel's  to  our support.... 

  21. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from MIKE JONS in True Theocratic Words !   
    Trials  and  Temptations  are  my  exams.....


    Finding  a  lost  sheep  is  my  assignment 
  22. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from MIKE JONS in True Theocratic Words !   
    THANK  YOU,  DEAR  BLANCHIE   Yes, we  try  doing  our  best,  then  we  can  come  in  into  the  PARADISE !  What  a  great  gift  from  JEHOVAH   ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.  ? ? ?
  23. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from MIKE JONS in True Theocratic Words !   
                         ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.  ? ? ?
  24. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in The Origins of Halloween — What Does the Bible Say About Them?   
    Yes....  I  saw  it,  thank  you    See  us  later  Brother  @Colin Browne   I  had  now  to  rest  a  little,  sorry   Wish  you  a  great  day  in  your  wonderful  home - area....
  25. Thanks
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