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Queen Esther

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    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in ❤ JEHOVAH LOVES YOU ❤   
    If you ever feel depressed, lonely, helpless, hopeless, worthless or simply you thought you did not have any value ..  look how a different thinks about you Jehovah, our beloved God.
                                           ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.  ? ? ?
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    Queen Esther reacted to JW Insider in I'm spending this whole week at the British Museum. Any Questions?   
    I have been in contact with a couple research coordinators at the British Museum and one has already met with me twice in person this week. I meet another one tomorrow. I have been working from a list of questions, some of which are common questions from religious circles, and some of which are a little more specific to the interest of JWs. It's not that any one person can answer the questions but I can get good leads on recent, ongoing and upcoming research projects. I have found that when I want to contact someone who is working on a project that being able to say I spoke to so-and-so at the BM (or similar place) is an excellent way to start out.
    My list of questions have included the following topics and research areas. In some of the topics I have dozens of specific questions already on my list. The general topics below might remind anyone of their own questions they might have always wanted to ask someone.
    The earliest evidence of the use of a cross among Christians. Any Christian and Christian-related iconography prior to 200 C.E. Assyrian, Neo-Babylonian, Persian, Greek research on chronology from about 750 to 400-ish B.C.E. Habitation/Population evidence of Israel/Judea/Palestine from 740 to 605 to 589 to 539 to 518 B.C.E. etc. Questions related to identities of rulers mentioned in Daniel Questions about the date of the death of Herod the Great Questions about the identification of the Pharaohs who interacted with Israelites Linguistic "crossover" from Egyptian, Phoenician, Hebrew in religious subjects (priesthood, circumcision, temple-related artifacts) Religion of the Canaanite-related people before and during the Israelite conquest Dead Sea Scrolls as they relate to Second Temple period, and Essene, early Pharisee, and early Christian traditions  
    (I am here for more than a week, staying across from Kensington Gardens, Hyde Park -- also here for a wedding.)
  3. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to JW Insider in I'm spending this whole week at the British Museum. Any Questions?   
    I met a group of Witnesses from Paris in a tour group - tagged along for a bit and enjoyed their company. Also a Japanese group of Witnesses, but without enough language in common to communicate. I'm sure there were other Witness tours that I missed. This was my fourth time here in 40 years, and I have been on a Witness-sponsored tour here before, too.
    This was the first time I ever got to meet with some staff and get a little bit of a behind-the-scenes look. This was not because of anything I had done or researched, I was just taking advantage of an opportunity. (A BM project leader was meeting with the non-Witness roommate of a relative of mine at his college in 2015 and I got to meet the same person at the university at that time.) The roommate's project was not religious: it was related to restoring pigmentation and original color to old statues and paintings. But I found that this project leader had been in archaeological digs in Sudan and had studied the Kushites. I asked him what he knew of the claim that the Bible's mention of Tirhakah of "Cush/Ethiopia" had been doubted by authorities until the discovery of statues of him (or rather, the correct translation of inscriptions on previously discovered statues.) It had supposedly been doubted because the Sennacherib Prism (and Taylor's Prism) along with the mural pictorials at Nineveh had mentioned many of the same points from 2 Kings 19, but it never mentioned the diversion from Tirhakah's intended attack on Sennacherib when he was threatening Hezekiah. The prisms mention Hezekiah and some of his actions.
    The British Museum houses the Taylor Prism mentioning his first and second incursion to Hezekiah without success, a mural from Nineveh that includes the battle of Lachish, a statue of Tirhakah and, of course, the Rosetta Stone that held the key to the correct translation of the inscriptions. So this particular instance of Bible corroboration is often pointed out in tours.
    At any rate, many Bible tours are given by many different religious groups, as the British Museum was set up in such a way that it encourages (and intrigues) persons with Biblical interest. Various items are still labeled with Bible stories in mind:
    Gilgamesh and the Flood. Abraham's home of Ur and Ur's "Ram in a Thicket" motif. What did the Tower of Babel look like? What Pharaoh was the Pharaoh of the Exodus? If Jehu, or Hezekiah, or another Bible personage is mentioned or alluded to, it's often mentioned in the descriptions of items. The British Museum is one of the best places to give a tour of Bible related items.
    Several of the museum staff are very happy to accommodate well-meaning researchers whose only goal is to provide more accurate information when giving tours, for example. Apparently, a few people take advantage. And of course, there are those who go through and give outlandishly wrong information in their tours, just to push an agenda about UFO's or racial issues. I am uncomfortable with the way a lot of the tour guides claim that this or that artifact "proves" that the Bible is right. They often support the Bible's historical narratives perfectly, but no material item "proves" the Bible is right, just as the Bible doesn't "prove" that the artifact is right.
    Still, there is a lot of wonderment and even a kind of thrill at finding corroborating evidences carved in stone, almost contemporaneous with Biblical events. I am always amazed and appreciative of the experience that such a museum can provide to a Bible believer.
  4. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from JW Insider in I'm spending this whole week at the British Museum. Any Questions?   
    Enjoy  your  wonderful  tour...  @JW Insider
  5. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in ❤ JEHOVAH LOVES YOU ❤   
    ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.  ? ? ?
  6. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Joanne Williams in ❤ JEHOVAH LOVES YOU ❤   
    If you ever feel depressed, lonely, helpless, hopeless, worthless or simply you thought you did not have any value ..  look how a different thinks about you Jehovah, our beloved God.
                                           ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.  ? ? ?
  7. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Bible Speaks in Do You Know Elephants Can Sense Thunderstorms From 186Miles Away? – ?⚡️?⚡️?   
    Do You Know Elephants Can Sense Thunderstorms From 186Miles Away? – ???????
    Researchers who followed fourteen different elephant herds in Western Namibia for seven years have concluded that the animals have the ability to sense thunderstorms up to 186 miles away — most likely from rain system generated infrasound — and can predict approaching rain up to twelve days before it occurs.
    Western Namibia is a vast expanse of land with a protracted dry season, and different herds in disparate locations, which desperately need the water and the vegetation that comes with it, will simultaneously change their migratory path, and pace, to head towards rain that is pending or falling great distances away.
    This discovery could have major implications for conservation efforts, helping wildlife officials to better predict the location and movement of elephant herds sought by poachers. more than 100 thousand african elephants were killed for their ivory, and with many experts estimating there to be no more than 400 thousand left, the animal could be extinct within the decade.
    Soon God's Kingdom will save the whole earth. Humans and all creatures great and small.
    (Matthew 6:10).
    Remember: “An Elephant ? Never Forgets”

  8. Sad
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Do You Know Elephants Can Sense Thunderstorms From 186Miles Away? – ?⚡️?⚡️?   
    And they can feel a Tsunami MANY MANY hours before it was coming over the beach to the islands and into the towns !  Before the horrible Tsunami on 26. Dec. 2004 near the Maldives, Thailand and Indonesia, they warned all people on a small inhabited island, follow them above to the mountains !  All people followed the elephants and no one died 
    On many other hotel islands, without elephants, immense people died in the floods ;-( so very sad....  My girlfriend lost some friends on the beautiful, but very destroyed island  *Khao Lak* !  We all know the different sad video's from TV 
    Many animals, also cat's and dog's, often warning the people before danger !  But the hotel islands doesn't have mountains there and no elephants...
    By youtube are many video's, but its too terrible for posting here, sorry ! 
  9. Thanks
  10. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Daily text, Saturday, October 21. 2017   
    There will be no dew or rain except by my word !—1 Ki. 17:1.
    In Israel’s early history, people had the opportunity to see and hear about how God acted in Israel’s behalf. Jehovah miraculously delivered his people out of Egypt, and then king after king fell before them. (Josh. 9:3, 9, 10) Israel’s opponents refused to acknowledge that God was fighting for Israel, and that led to their defeat. Later, wicked King Ahab had every opportunity to see God’s hand in events. Ahab saw fire come down from heaven when Elijah prayed for his offering to be consumed. Elijah then indicated that Jehovah would bring the drought they were experiencing to an end, telling Ahab: “Go down so that the downpour may not detain you!” (1 Ki. 18:22-45) Ahab saw all of this happen but still refused to acknowledge that it was a mighty display of God’s power. This and other examples teach us an important lesson—we must recognize Jehovah’s hand when it is in action. w15 10/15 1:4, 5
  11. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Daily text, Friday, October 20. 2017   
    Friday, October 20 2017 ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.  ? ? ?
  12. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Daily text, Thursday, October 19. 2017   
    Thursday, October 19.  2017
  13. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Gloria Medina in ZIMBABWE, AFRICA, ONE DAY DEPARTURE ASSEMBLY.....   
    ZIMBABWE,  AFRICA,  ONE  DAY  DEPARTURE  ASSEMBLY....   So  many  Brothers  &  Sisters,  of  sure they  enjoyed  the  wonderful  day     ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.  ? ? ?
  14. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Gloria Medina in Preaching in MADAGASCAR..... not so easy, its a poor island - country....   
    Preaching  in  MADAGASCAR.....   not  so  easy,  its  a  poor  island - country....
    Please  Jehovah,  be  near  our  dear  Brothers  &  Sisters
                     ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.  ? ? ?
  15. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Prof. Dr. Rechenberg of the Technical University of Berlin explains how the LOTUS EFFECT....   
    All of this is HUMOR, Queen Ester ... but don't feel bad... half the people in the United States do not understand.
    I am 71 years old, and I tell myself these stories, 'cause I like hearing them!
  16. Confused
    Queen Esther reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Prof. Dr. Rechenberg of the Technical University of Berlin explains how the LOTUS EFFECT....   
    I always have nails handy .... sometimes when I am watching TV I eat a half- bowl of nails .... they have plenty of iron, and I like the way sparks come off of my teeth in the darkened room. Sometimes I break rocks  with my fingers and sprinkle the sand on the nails, like putting cheese on a Pizza.
    Ever wonder why there are no Dinosaurs anywhere on Earth?
    ... that was me..
  17. Thanks
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Gloria Medina in Signs Of The Last Days - WORLDWIDE WARNING - for ALL people !   
    GO  AWAY  SATAN  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

                                     ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.  ? ? ?
  18. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Jehovah Is Not Finished With You Yet....   
    Jehovah  Is  Not  Finished  With  You  Yet...    ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.  ? ? ?
  19. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Dora Espinosa in ❤ JEHOVAH LOVES YOU ❤   
    If you ever feel depressed, lonely, helpless, hopeless, worthless or simply you thought you did not have any value ..  look how a different thinks about you Jehovah, our beloved God.
                                           ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.  ? ? ?
  20. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Theocratic Pins   
    YES:... I  remember  that  beautiful  photo  and  her  sad  Master  JTR    I  wrote  a  comment  to  you  on  our  last  website,  do  you  remember  it ?  Cubby  had  very  alert  eyes  on  this  picture !  I  like  these  race...  mostly  they  belong  to  Alaska,  very  good  dogs  for  sledding !  They  love  running >>>>>>>>>>>>>    Cubby  also  liked  running,  with  you ?  I  like  the  beautiful  blue  eyes   I  remember  a  cinema - movie,  played  in  New York  and  Alaska,  must  thinking  for  the  title,  try  write  you  tmw...
  21. Sad
    Queen Esther reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Theocratic Pins   
    When my dog Cubby died several years ago, I put her obituary here on the Archive, but when they switched formats or providers (?) her picture was lost.  She died of eye cancer spread to her intestines. She was  a wonderful dog, and I taught her to play the card game "Poker". 
    She was very loving and affectionate, but not very smart ... when playing Poker, every time she got good cards, she would wag her tail.

  22. Confused
    Queen Esther reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Prof. Dr. Rechenberg of the Technical University of Berlin explains how the LOTUS EFFECT....   
    Before I left my mother's home, growing up in Virginia, I had heard about the Indian Fakirs sleeping on a bed of sharp nails, and as I wanted to be a tough guy, I made one for me with a 4'x8" sheet of plywood, and about two thousand nails. 
    There were problems during the "adjustment period", however, as the anxiety made me wet the bed, and the nails were getting rusty, it was SO hard to get fitted sheets, and the screaming kept my mother awake at night.
  23. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in A JW.ORG - LEGO Pioneer - Sister.... a nice training for our kids ;-)) read more !   
    This  little  Brother  was  his  half  life  a  Missionary  together  with  his  wife    He  died  2014  with  more  than  90 years.  A  Brother  from  his  old  Congregation  told  us  in  a  comment,  when  he  saw  this  picture.  A  nice,  old,  true  story
  24. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in A photo - or a painting ? Look that beautiful dog....   
    ALL  paintings.....   like  real        ? ? ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•.  ? ? ?
  25. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Theocratic Pins   
    I  understand  our  BIG  love  for  ALL  dogs    Brother  James   I  love  also  many  different  animals  on  our  Earth.   But,  can  you  tell  me  some  words  to  the  nice  pictures  too ?   I  like  especially  the  dog - pics...   THANK  YOU !
    YES,  DOG'S  ARE  THE  BETTER  *HUMANS*  I  READ....   Very  special  *people*  thats  right !
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