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Queen Esther

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  1. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from The Librarian in Tesla Model X on Summon drives through garage door after HomeLink closes it   
    COOOOOOL.... YES,  Tesla  seems  the  best,  I  think  so !
  2. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from John Houston in NEWS RELEASES | Witnesses at Convention in Angola Overcome by Toxic Fumes   
    I  JUST  ALSO  SEEN  BY  jw.org !
    AUGUST 29, 2017
    Witnesses at Convention in Angola Overcome by Toxic Fumes
    On Friday morning, August 25, 2017, during a convention being held at the Viana Assembly Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Luanda, Angola, 405 attendees were rendered unconscious when assailants released toxic gas in the main auditorium and separate restroom facilities. Fortunately, the gas was not lethal and no one was killed. The victims were taken to local hospitals and most were treated and released within a few hours. The incident is being investigated by the local authorities; three men were arrested and taken into police custody on Friday afternoon.
    The branch office in Luanda reports that all of the victims are recovering well. It was noted that those in attendance did not panic and worked together to care for the injured. In cooperation with recommendations from the local police, the Friday afternoon session of the convention was canceled. However, the convention resumed successfully without major incident on Saturday, August 26, and Sunday, August 27. Attendance reached a peak of over 12,000, and 188 were baptized as Jehovah’s Witnesses.
    Media Contacts:
    International: David A. Semonian, Office of Public Information, +1-845-524-3000
    Angola: Todd Peckham, +244-923-166-760
  3. Thanks
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Sabina Hernández: With Jehovah, I Can Do Almost Anything   
    Oh  Danke  my  dear  Blanchie,  I  so  much  appreciate  your  loving  thoughts ?  YES,  a  little  hard  time  now   But  Jehovah  is  helping ! 
  4. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Blanchie DeGrate in Sabina Hernández: With Jehovah, I Can Do Almost Anything   
    With so much to handle right now, you still have a beautiful, positive and above all, a loving attitude .  Love ❤️ you. ???
  5. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Noble Berean in Sabina Hernández: With Jehovah, I Can Do Almost Anything   
    Yes,  I  heard  it  from  my  pioneer - girlfriend   Thank  you  Nicole !    I'm  still  by  camping  some  weeks  and  hear  it  tmw  by  phone....   My  husband  is  just  in  hospital  since  Monday  night,  bummer!   But  after  the  surgery,  he  is  feeling  better.  It  was  a  femoral -neck- fracture  after  falling,  very  painful,  I  called  our  special  number 112 !   He  also  got  a  new  hip joint,  good  for  him.  Now  I stay  here  and  3 weeks  rehabilitation,  4 weeks  alone,  not  so  nice,  but  I've  all  what  I  need  and  4  flatrates !    Greetings  from  Germany....
  6. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Henriette in New preaching the Good News Photos 2017 around the Earth!   
    Exactly thats it,  dear @SuziQ1513  . All little different, thats normal...  but ALL united in love for Jehovah   YES ???  Thanks for your nice comment !
    Best wishes from Germany???
  7. Sad
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in NEWS RELEASES | Witnesses at Convention in Angola Overcome by Toxic Fumes   
    I  JUST  ALSO  SEEN  BY  jw.org !
    AUGUST 29, 2017
    Witnesses at Convention in Angola Overcome by Toxic Fumes
    On Friday morning, August 25, 2017, during a convention being held at the Viana Assembly Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Luanda, Angola, 405 attendees were rendered unconscious when assailants released toxic gas in the main auditorium and separate restroom facilities. Fortunately, the gas was not lethal and no one was killed. The victims were taken to local hospitals and most were treated and released within a few hours. The incident is being investigated by the local authorities; three men were arrested and taken into police custody on Friday afternoon.
    The branch office in Luanda reports that all of the victims are recovering well. It was noted that those in attendance did not panic and worked together to care for the injured. In cooperation with recommendations from the local police, the Friday afternoon session of the convention was canceled. However, the convention resumed successfully without major incident on Saturday, August 26, and Sunday, August 27. Attendance reached a peak of over 12,000, and 188 were baptized as Jehovah’s Witnesses.
    Media Contacts:
    International: David A. Semonian, Office of Public Information, +1-845-524-3000
    Angola: Todd Peckham, +244-923-166-760
  8. Sad
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in NEWS RELEASES | Witnesses at Convention in Angola Overcome by Toxic Fumes   
    I  JUST  ALSO  SEEN  BY  jw.org !
    AUGUST 29, 2017
    Witnesses at Convention in Angola Overcome by Toxic Fumes
    On Friday morning, August 25, 2017, during a convention being held at the Viana Assembly Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Luanda, Angola, 405 attendees were rendered unconscious when assailants released toxic gas in the main auditorium and separate restroom facilities. Fortunately, the gas was not lethal and no one was killed. The victims were taken to local hospitals and most were treated and released within a few hours. The incident is being investigated by the local authorities; three men were arrested and taken into police custody on Friday afternoon.
    The branch office in Luanda reports that all of the victims are recovering well. It was noted that those in attendance did not panic and worked together to care for the injured. In cooperation with recommendations from the local police, the Friday afternoon session of the convention was canceled. However, the convention resumed successfully without major incident on Saturday, August 26, and Sunday, August 27. Attendance reached a peak of over 12,000, and 188 were baptized as Jehovah’s Witnesses.
    Media Contacts:
    International: David A. Semonian, Office of Public Information, +1-845-524-3000
    Angola: Todd Peckham, +244-923-166-760
  9. Sad
  10. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Henriette in New preaching the Good News Photos 2017 around the Earth!   
    Marvelous.!!!!!  Jehovah's blessings
  11. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Martha Braun Amistadi in New preaching the Good News Photos 2017 around the Earth!   
    Dearest Brothers and Sisters, We just read our daily text and then I checked my emails, and when I read this one --- my heart leapt for joy!! All of the smiling faces doing the witnessing work --- such a shout of praise to Jehovah worldwide! Thank you for your love and godly devotion, all of you!
  12. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Sabina Hernández: With Jehovah, I Can Do Almost Anything   
    Thanks for that wonderful report @Nicole ???  I appreciate such of Brothers or Sisters so much ! 
  13. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Peter Kutzer-Salm in EIN TEST ! Albert Einstein im Gespräch mit seinem Professor... ( es geht wieder um GOTT )   
    EIN  TEST !   Albert  Einstein  im  Gespräch  mit  seinem  Professor...
    Professor: Du bist ein Christ,  nicht wahr Junge ?
    Student: Ja, Sir.
    Professor: Also glaubst du an Gott?
    Student: Absolut, Sir.
    Professor: Ist Gott gut?
    Student: Sicher.
    Professor: Ist Gott allmächtig?
    Student: Ja.
    Professor: Mein Bruder starb an Krebs, obwohl er zu Gott gebetet hat ihn zu heilen. Die meisten von uns würden versuchen anderen die krank sind zu helfen.  Aber Gott tat es nicht.
    Wieso ist dieser Gott dann gut?  hmm?
    (Student war still.)
    Professor: Du kannst das nicht beantworten, nicht wahr?  Lass uns erneut beginnen junger Freund.
    Ist Gott gut ?
    Student: Ja.
    Professor: Ist Satan gut?
    Student: Nein.
    Professor: Woher kommt Satan her?
    Student:  Von…   Gott ….
    Professor: Das ist richtig. Sag mir, Junge, gibt es in dieser Welt das Böse?
    Student: Ja.
    Professor: Wer hat das Böse erschaffen?
    (Student antwortete nicht.)
    Professor: Gibt es Krankheit? Unmoral? Hass? Hässlichkeit? All diese schrecklichen Dinge existieren in der Welt, nicht wahr?
    Student: Ja, Sir.
    Professor: So, wer hat sie erschaffen?
    (Student hatte keine Antwort.)
    Professor: Die Wissenschaft sagt, das du 5 Sinne hast um die Welt und alles herum zu identifizieren und zu beobachten. Sag mir, Junge, hast du jemals Gott gesehen?
    Student: Nein, Sir.
    Professor: Hast du jemals Gott gefühlt, Gott gekostet, Gott gerochen?
    Hattest  du jemals eine Sinneswahrnehmung was Gott betrifft?
    Student:  Nein, Sir. Ich fürchte ich habe nicht.
    Professor: Aber du glaubst immer noch an ihn?
    Student:  Ja.
    Professor:  Laut empirischen, prüfbaren, nachweisbaren Protokollen sagt die Wissenschaft das Gott nicht existiert.  Was sagst du dazu Junge?
    Student: Nichts. Ich habe nur meinen Glauben.
    Professor: Ja, der Glaube. Das Problem das die Wissenschaft hat.
    Student: Professor, gibt es so etwas wie Wärme?
    Professor: Ja.
    Student: Und gibt es so etwas wie Kälte?
    Professor: Ja.
    Student: Nein, Sir. gibt es nicht.
    ( Im Hörsaal war auf einmal sehr ruhig)
    Student: Sir, Es gibt mehrere Arten von Wärme, mehr Wärme, Überhitzung, mega Hitze, weiße Hitze, ein wenig Hitze oder gar keine Wärme. Wir können 458 Grad unter Null haben, was gar keine Wärme wäre. Aber danach gibt es nichts mehr. Es gibt keine Kälte. Kalt ist nur ein Wort das wir verwenden um die Abwesenheit der Wärme zu beschreiben. Wir können Kälte nicht messen. Wärme ist Energie. Kälte ist nicht das Gegenteil von Wärme, Sir, lediglich die Abwesenheit.
    (Im Hörsaal war es still, man hätte einen Stift fallen hören können.)
    Student: Was ist mit der Dunkelheit, Herr Professor? Gibt es so etwas wie eine Finsternis?
    Professor: Ja. Was ist die Nacht, ist das keine Finsternis?
    Student: Sie irren sich schon wieder, Sir. Die Dunkelheit ist die Abwesenheit von etwas. Sie können wenig Licht, normales Licht, helles Licht, Blinklicht haben. Wenn es aber gar kein Licht gibt, haben Sie nichts, dann ist es dunkel. Ist es nicht so? In Wirklichkeit gibt es keine Dunkelheit, sonst könnten sie die Dunkelheit dunkler machen, nicht wahr?
    Professor: Also Gut, was willst du mir damit sagen junger Mann?
    Student: Sir, was ich sagen möchte ist das Ihre philosophische Prämisse fehlerhaft ist.
    Professor: Fehlerhaft?  Kannst du mir das erklären?
    Student: Sir, Sie denken mit der Voraussetzung der Dualität. Sie argumentieren, es ist das Leben und dann ist der Tod, ein guter Gott und ein böser Gott. Sie sehen die Vorstellung von Gott als etwas Endliches, etwas was wir messen können. Sir, die Wissenschaft kann einen Gedanken nicht erklären. Es nutzt Elektrizität und Magnetismus, wurde aber noch nie gesehen, geschweige denn verstanden. Um den Tod als das Gegenteil von Leben zu betrachten müsste man die Tatsache, dass der Tod nicht als materielle Sachen existieren kann, ignorieren.
    Der Tod ist nicht das Gegenteil vom Leben, nur die Abwesenheit davon. Nun sagen Sie mir, Professor, bringen Sie ihren Schülern bei dass sie von einem Affen abstammen?
    Professor: Wenn du auf die natürliche Evolutionstheorie verweist, ja, natürlich tue ich.
    Student: Haben Sie schon einmal eine Evolution mit eigenen Augen beobachtet?
    (Der Professor schüttelte den Kopf mit einem Lächeln. Er begann zu erkennen wohin das führte.)
    Student: Da niemand jemals den Prozess der Evolution beachtet hat, kann niemand es beweisen das dieser Prozess ein laufendes Bestreben ist. Lehren Sie nicht Ihre Meinung, Sir? Sind Sie deswegen nicht ein Wissenschaftler, sondern ein Prediger?
    (Die Klasse war in Aufruhr.)
    Stundet: Gibt es jemanden in der Klasse der jemals Herrn Professors Gehirn gesehen hat?
    (Die Klasse brach in Gelächter aus.)
    Student:  Gibt es hier jemanden, der schon einmal Herrn Professors Gehirn gehört hat,  gefühlt hat,  es berührt oder es gerochen hat? Niemand scheint das getan zu haben. Das bedeutet nach den gängigen Regeln der empirischen, stabilen, nachweisbaren Protokollen sagt die Wissenschaft, das sie kein Gehirn haben, Sir.  Bei allem Respekt Sir, wie können wir dann auf Ihre Vorträge vertrauen, Sir?
    ( Der Raum war still. Der Professor starrte auf den Studenten, sein Gesichtsausdruck war unergründlich.)
    Professor: Ich denke, du musst daran Glauben, Junge.
    Student: Das ist es, Sir...  Genau !  Die Verbindung zwischen Mensch und GOTT  ist  der GLAUBE.
    Das ist alles, was Dinge lebendig und in Bewegung hält.
    By the Way,  der  junge  Student  war  Albert  EINSTEIN !

    Albert  EINSTEIN  in  späteren  Jahren...  1921  ---
  14. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Witness in Who can really explain *GOG from MAGOG* ?   
    Queen Esther,  I get the feeling this post will be moved to controversial.  Nonetheless, I do hope you read it.
    From “God’ Kingdom Rules” Book -  Attack on religion. Recall that Paul wrote: “Whenever it is that they are saying, ‘Peace and security!’ then sudden destruction is to be instantly on them.” Just as a flash of lightning is closely followed by the crash of thunder, so the time of saying “Peace and security!” will be instantly followed by “sudden destruction.” What will be destroyed? First, “BABYLON THE GREAT,” the world empire of false religion, also known as “the prostitute.” (Rev. 17:5, 6, 15)
    What religion declares “peace and security” within its borders?
    Wt 15/7/15 pp. 1,2 - “Jehovah’s people enjoy a special environment of peace in the earthly part of his organization.”
    Wt -5/2/15 pp. 17-2 – “Our spiritual heritage can also infuse in us a deep sense of spiritual security that can be enjoyed only within Jehovah’s organization.” 
    Babylon the Great is a covenant -  a promise of death. Isa 28:15,18
    Covenants are represented as “mothers” in scripture; (Gal 4:24,26)  This promise or covenant is the “mother” of her “harlot/daughters”, and there have been many of these daughters over history. The last of ‘Babylon’s’ daughters are unfaithful anointed ones who are no longer spiritual ‘virgins’ belonging to Christ, but have entered another “marriage” with their new King, Satan. 2 Cor 11:2  They are harlots, who love the authority and power Satan bestows on them in order to “wage war” with the “remaining ones of her seed”.   Rev 12:15; 12:7,11,17; 16:13-16; 17:14; 19:11,14; 20:8
    Captive to lies and the threat of disfellowshipping, a spiritual “killing” results if one does choose to follow the Lamb and not an organization. Luke 21:24,20; Rev 13:5-9, 11, 14-18.  We clearly see this fulfillment now.  With the false prophet/harlot’s deceitful tongue, spiritual “Israel” is offered a false sense of “peace and security”, which is only a piece of the puzzle constituting the entire ‘refuge’ of falsehood.  
    “False messiahs (false christs/anointed) and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.”  Matt 24:24
     “Now when the thousand years have expired, Satan will be released from his prison and will go out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle, whose number is as the sand of the sea.  They went up on the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city.  Rev 20:7-9
    When attending the kingdom hall, can this attack by Satan, the Master of Delusion, be easily perceived?  As the Watchtower below says, the cry of peace and security is a clever facade that hides well what Satan and his harlots, disguised as “ministers” of the “angel of light” are operating against the anointed ones. 2 Cor 11:14,15; Ezek 38:10,11
     “Who will make this significant future declaration of “Peace and security”? The Scriptures do not tell us. What we do know is that no matter what form the proclamation takes or how convincing it might sound, IT WILL ONLY BE A VENEER. “w13 11/15 pp. 10-14
    Not all “battles” are fought with physical weapons.
    “Finally, be strengthened by the Lord and by His vast strength.  Put on the full armor of God so that you can stand against the tactics (schemes, tricks)  of the Devil.  For our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the world powers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens.  This is why you must take up the full armor of God, so that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and having prepared everything, to take your stand.”  Eph 6:10-13
    There are two teachings by the Watchtower on this attack by Gog and Magog against the anointed ones.
    As the “ GREAT TRIBULATION” moves toward its climax, God’s people will be the target of an all-out attack by “Gog of the land of Magog.” During this attack, “a numerous military force” will come against God’s people “like clouds to cover the land.” (Ezek. 38:2, 14-16) No human agency will come to the defense of Jehovah’s people. Their survival will depend on God alone. (ws12 4/15 pp. 21-26
    And also:
    “We are told that AT THE END OF THE 1,000 YEARS, Satan will be released from the abyss, and “he will go out to mislead those nations in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together for the war.” (Rev. 20:8) ws15 5/15 pp. 27-28
    Ezek 38 and Rev 20, have seldom been referred together in Wt. magazines to describe this attack.  Why?  The Wt. teaches that the thousand year reign of Christ is initiated after Armageddon.  Yet, Ezekiel is used to point out that this attack happens during the great tribulation.  Is Gog and Magog defeated by Christ twice?  
    Ezek 38:18-23 describe God’s judgment is executed.  Rev 20:10 states:
    “The Devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur where the beast and the false prophet are, and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.”  In both cases, judgment is final as Armageddon reaches its peak.
    Ezek 38:2,14-23   
     Should you believe this attack comes before or after Armageddon?  Interestingly, in one rare occurrence of using both Ezekiel and Revelation,  the Wt. asks, “Are these different attacks? That is not likely.” (Wt 15/5/15)
    Satan’s deceptive arrows of deceit are targeted in all directions leading JWs down a confusing, windy path of lies.  Babylon, in fact, means “confusion”.  
    Ezek 13:6,7 
    The original “Gog” was an Israelite from the tribe of Reuben; a chief who ruled over his nation of Magog by employing a skilled army from the “north”.  1 Chron 5:4 
    Take a moment and read the etymology of the name, “Gog”.
    Jones' Dictionary of Old Testament Proper Names:
    “The masculine noun גג (gag) means ROOF OR TOP, or (as HAW Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament puts it) THE HIGHEST POINT OF AN EDIFICE. Its root is unknown and it has no sibling derivations.
    The noun גג (gag) denotes most commonly the flat roof of a building on which things can take place; USUALLY TO DO WITH IDOLATROUS WORSHIP (Judges 16:27, Joshua 2:6, 2 Samuel 11:2, 2 Kings 23:12, Jeremiah 19:13 and 32:29, Zephaniah 1:5; but also Acts 10:9). Roofs were also used to PUBLISH MESSAGES, news or expressions of grief into the neighborhood (Isaiah 15:3, Matthew 10:27, Luke 12:3), and possibly as a PLACE OF REFUGE (Joshua 2:6, Isaiah 22:1, Matthew 24:17) or lodging (1 Samuel 9:25-26, 2 Samuel 16:22).
    The housetop seems to indicate a CERTAIN SPIRITUAL EXPOSURE. Someone on the housetop opens himself for something, preferable something SOOTHING, or higher. Note that the ominous names Gog and Magog are derived from this root.”
     “Possibly, the rooftop is semi-synonymous to a place of worship, ESPECIALLY PAGAN WORSHIP, and Magog denotes that same inclination.”
    JWs, what is your roof, your covering, your perceived spiritual high place? Is it not what your adulterous GB leaders and organization call, EARTHLY MOUNT ZION – a title deceitfully given to an earthly organization that applies only to God’s anointed TEMPLE priesthood, “the beloved city”? Ps 132:7-9,13,14;Eph 2:20-22; 1 Pet 2:5,9; 1 Cor 3:16; Rev 14:1; 21:2,3
    “Gog” and “Magog” apply to both the false prophet/harlot GB, -  fallen anointed ones of spiritual “Israel” -  and to Satan and his “sea”, the organization, who spearheaded this deception.  Rev 13:1; 20:8; 16:13-16  The “northern army” that Ezekiel describes as coming against “Israel” is already upon them; it is the elder body and the pulsing heart of the organization.  God’s Temple priesthood has been replaced by a “Gentile” false priesthood that demands obedience from all. It is the abomination standing in the sanctuary/holy place/Temple, “trampling” God’s Temple by “setting itself up” over God’s priesthood.    Joel 2:2,20,25; Rev 9:3-11; 2 Thess 2:3,4; Matt 24:15; Rev 11:2 
  15. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Nana Fofana in Who can really explain *GOG from MAGOG* ?   
    I  can  give  you  3  Bible - scriptures....    Ezec. 38:10, 18   and  Isahia, 26:20    -   Thank  you ! 
  16. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Alzasior Lutor in Gas attack.   
    The Librarian    2 434
    Advanced Member   Administrators 2 434 6 964 posts     "Read it here = http://www.portaldeangola.com/2017/08/mais-de-400-fieis-desmaiam-no-congresso-da-igreja-testemunhas-de-jeova/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  
    Posted samedi at 22:07

    According to news sources in Luanda, Angola (read it here, although it's in Portuguese language), a regional convention of the JW's taking place this weekend at the outskirts of capital Luanda was targeted yesterday, friday, by what may be described as a 'terrorist attack'.

    More than 400 attendees (mostly female) passed out in rapid succession in the vicinity of a toilet at the convention place. Reportedly, toxic gas devices were planted there by 3 young members of UNITA, the main political party that opposed MPLA, the dominant regime party in Angola since its independence in 1975. 43 people were rushed to the hospital and a few remain there, under medical surveillance. No deaths were reported.
    The attack seems to be a retaliation for the fact that JW's do not vote - and Angola just underwent presidential elections during last week. 3 perpetrators were seized by the police while trying to change clothes at the convention hall, and 2 more are being hunted down.
  17. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Daily text, Sunday, August 27. 2017   
    The earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah as the waters cover the sea.—Isa. 11:9.
    In many lands, Bibles are expensive and not readily available, so just receiving a Bible is a great blessing. A report from Rwanda stated: “For a long time, many people with whom the brothers were studying had not progressed because they had no Bibles. They could not afford to purchase the local church edition. And they often could not clearly understand the meaning of certain verses, which hindered their progress.” Things changed when the New World Translation in their language became available. A Rwandan family with four teenagers said: “We really thank Jehovah and the faithful and discreet slave for giving us this Bible. We are very poor and had no money to purchase Bibles for every member of the family. But now each of us has his own Bible. To show our gratitude to Jehovah, we read the Bible as a family every day.” w15 12/15 2:15, 16
  18. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Texto Diario, Domingo 27 de agosto 2017   
    La tierra ciertamente estará llena del conocimiento de Jehová como las aguas cubren el mismísimo mar (Is. 11:9).
    En muchos lugares no es fácil conseguir una Biblia, y las que hay son demasiado caras. Un informe de Ruanda explica: “Por años, muchas personas que estudiaban con nosotros no progresaban porque no tenían Biblia. La versión que vendían en las iglesias era demasiado cara y tenía muchos versículos difíciles de entender”. Cuando la Traducción del Nuevo Mundo se presentó en su idioma, una familia de Ruanda con cuatro hijos adolescentes dijo lo siguiente: “Les damos muchísimas gracias a Jehová y al esclavo fiel y discreto por darnos esta Biblia. Somos muy pobres y no podíamos comprar una para cada uno, pero ahora todos tenemos una. Para demostrarle a Jehová que de verdad estamos agradecidos, leemos su Palabra todos los días en familia”. w15 15/12 2:15, 16
  19. Confused
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Cesar Espindola da Silva in Theocratic Pins   
    A  new  PIN  is  coming
  20. Thanks
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Cesar Espindola da Silva in Theocratic Pins   
    Alot  more  beautiful  Pins  I  found  -  you  can  see  very  soon  here -  also  I  saw  some  prices....
  21. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Joanne Williams in Theocratic Pins   
    JW.Org  love  apples... 
  22. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Daily text, Sunday, August 27. 2017   
    The earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah as the waters cover the sea.—Isa. 11:9.
    In many lands, Bibles are expensive and not readily available, so just receiving a Bible is a great blessing. A report from Rwanda stated: “For a long time, many people with whom the brothers were studying had not progressed because they had no Bibles. They could not afford to purchase the local church edition. And they often could not clearly understand the meaning of certain verses, which hindered their progress.” Things changed when the New World Translation in their language became available. A Rwandan family with four teenagers said: “We really thank Jehovah and the faithful and discreet slave for giving us this Bible. We are very poor and had no money to purchase Bibles for every member of the family. But now each of us has his own Bible. To show our gratitude to Jehovah, we read the Bible as a family every day.” w15 12/15 2:15, 16
  23. Thanks
    Queen Esther got a reaction from kaijafon in Theocratic Pins   
    You're  welcome  dear  sister @kaijafon    You  can  find  me  now  by  Gallery,  Daily texts  and  some  other  topics / area's...    Greetings  from  Germany,  Agape !
  24. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Carol Ann Torres in My hubby gave the public talk last sunday   
    I mean no mail from the forum. Usually I get an email and is says. Date and sends diff topics everyday.
  25. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in My hubby gave the public talk last sunday   
    Dear  sister  @Carol Ann Torres...   I  wanted  bring  your  nice  picture  of  your  hubby - talk  once  more  to  above,   bec. its  a  wonderful  reminder  for  you  and  more  of  our  JW  can  see  it  
    Sister  'Bible Speaks'  posted  daily  so  very  much,  that  some  nice  other  postings  too  fast  away  and  unseen  on  the  first  page   sorry...    Greetings  from  Germany !
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