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Queen Esther

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  1. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Johnny Paulick in REGIONAL CONVENTION IN GHANA, AFRICA... A wonderful smiling Sister enjoying !   
    REGIONAL  CONVENTION   IN   GHANA,  AFRICA...  A  wonderful  smiling  Sister    She  is  enjoying !
  2. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Melinda Mills in How do Jehovah’s Witnesses explain the dinosaurs?   
    They  came  and  before  the  humans  coming,  these  giant  animals  had  to  go  again !  I  hope  and  not  believe,  the  Dinosaurs  living  together  with  us !   We  will  see,  how  Jehovah  decided.   Now  its  all  only  conjectures,  not  more.   HUMAN - THINKING
  3. Sad
  4. Sad
    Queen Esther reacted to The Librarian in ISIS Kills a JW Sister in Finland Terror Attack   
    One of them was a 23 year old sister at her witnessing cart, she was stabbed in the throat and died very soon thereafter :
    Read more:
  5. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Daily text, Friday, August 18. 2017   
    Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers.—2 Cor. 6:14.
    Watching their associations is particularly important for single Christians who want to get married. The Bible counsels God’s servants who are seeking a marriage mate to marry “only in the Lord,” that is, to marry only a dedicated, baptized worshipper of Jehovah who lives according to Scriptural teachings. (1 Cor. 7:39) By marrying fellow believers, Christians gain companions who are dedicated to Jehovah and will help them maintain their integrity to him. Jehovah knows what is best for his servants, and he has been consistent in stating his viewpoint regarding marriage. Note his easily understood command to Israel through Moses. With reference to the inhabitants of surrounding nations—people who did not serve Jehovah—the Israelites were instructed: “You must not form any marriage alliances with them. . . . For they will turn your sons away from following me to serve other gods.”—Deut. 7:3, 4. w15 8/15 4:12, 13
  6. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from JayDubya in Theocratic Pins   
  7. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Melinda Mills in Clarification of Field service time   
    Seems like nobody knows so make your own decision. 
    Continue to have the family worship/study that is four to five hours a month.  You should endeavour also to study with persons outside your family not just your family. That is probably where the suggestion/rule that limits to about 4 hours, 4 return visits, etc., comes in.  It is an encouragement not to just rely on your family (captive audience) for your field service time.
    But your children are your most important disciples.
    I agree that it is your responsibility to study with your children and not that of other people in the congregation. This was brought to our attention several times in past study material.
    The important thing is to reach the children  and teach them while they are malleable and you have the energy.  They will leave the nest before you get around to doing everything you wish to do for them.  Each child is an individual and will have unique challenges. You might even have different material for each of them. While you have the energy  (yes, it is hard work) be generous with your time, you will be happy later on knowing you did your best for each one and you were not inconsistent or careless.   Bro Joyce quoted a scripture that applies – dare to die (make a sacrifice) for a good person – your children are worth it. Paul said he poured out himself as a drink offering for the congregation, which he frequently referred to as his children.
    But I think it is your conscience that would tell you what time you report.  As your service is to Jehovah, he expects an accurate report.  
    Jesus said not to bind up many rules on people.  Whenever you can’t find a rule, make your own decision. Use your conscience. Sometimes policy is also unwritten. One person says one thing, the other says something else. It is not important so you make your own decision.
     The suggestion below in the footnote of the w15 11/15 shows that there is nothing wrong with studying with the children individually, as each child might be at a different level of spirituality and development.
    Work before “the night comes when no man can work”. Children will grow up to make their own decisions and will not always accept the disciplining of Jehovah (Eph 6:4).Do your utmost to help them and give Jehovah something to bless by working hard to reach their hearts.
    *** w15 11/15 Train Your Child to Serve Jehovah ***
    Your Most Important Bible Students
    ON MOST Bible studies, we use the book What Does the Bible Really Teach? to help students come to know Jehovah and learn Scriptural truths. We study the book “Keep Yourselves in God’s Love” to help Bible students come to love Jehovah and his standards.
      The most important Bible studies you will ever have are those you conduct with your children. They need to learn about Jehovah and to grow in love for him and his righteous principles. Therefore, even if you are the only believing parent in your family, we urge you to study the Bible Teach and “God’s Love” books with your children. (Prov. 6:20) If possible, use the study guides on jw.org to help your young ones reason on the material in the Bible Teach book so that it reaches their heart.—Look under BIBLE TEACHINGS > TEENAGERS.
    Parents may decide to have one parent study these books with a child apart from the regular Family Worship sessions."
    See  also September 1, 2007, Watchtower - Teach Your Children to Love Jehovah
    NB: Underscoring - mine
  8. Like
  9. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to The Librarian in •2 Kings 6:16 —"But he said: “Do not be afraid! For there are more who are with us than those who are with them.” – ??❄️??   
    You could have posted the Gallery photo with a link to your article located above.  
    I know we are all transitioning here... ;-)
  10. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Noble Berean in Theocratic Pins   
    Its  okay  your  opinion,  @Witness   but  we're  all  different  JW's !   Many  of  us  want  to  wear  a  jw.org  sign,  button  or  similar  pin...   maybe  to  show,   "I'm  a  JW" !    Some  people  already  start  a  little  talk  about  that,  thats  nice    It  does  give  ties  for  men,  bag's  for  our  children  and  adult  JW  and  still more !   Many  sister's  making  special,  beautiful  jw.org  cakes  for  our  pioneers  or  other  especially  JW !   That  are  all  nice  idea's  and  I  like  that  very  much.  Thats  MY  opinion  to  that.   Perhaps  some  of  us  want  tell  us  their  special  opinion ?
  11. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Noble Berean in Theocratic Pins   
    I think, its very simple  @kaijafon....many of us like this or that pin I read here, so I found today very nice different jw.org  pins /  labels   Thats it !  Greetings from Germany?
  12. Confused
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Cesar Espindola da Silva in Theocratic Pins   
    A  new  PIN  is  coming
  13. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Theocratic Pins   
    Its  okay  your  opinion,  @Witness   but  we're  all  different  JW's !   Many  of  us  want  to  wear  a  jw.org  sign,  button  or  similar  pin...   maybe  to  show,   "I'm  a  JW" !    Some  people  already  start  a  little  talk  about  that,  thats  nice    It  does  give  ties  for  men,  bag's  for  our  children  and  adult  JW  and  still more !   Many  sister's  making  special,  beautiful  jw.org  cakes  for  our  pioneers  or  other  especially  JW !   That  are  all  nice  idea's  and  I  like  that  very  much.  Thats  MY  opinion  to  that.   Perhaps  some  of  us  want  tell  us  their  special  opinion ?
  14. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Witness in Theocratic Pins   
    Dare we wear a pin that says, Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life?  It's pretty simple, isn't it?   The apostles were in a "congregation" (not an organization), and clearly, their pledge - their dedication -  was to Christ and the Father.  
    Peter said,  "Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind (by YHWH) by which we must be saved.”  Acts 4:12
  15. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Joanne Williams in I selected that picture for today ❤   
    I think iam in love with this bird,so beautiful 
  16. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Joanne Williams in I selected that picture for today ❤   
  17. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Harry Dewith in THINK OF A WORLD AS THIS.. – ???????   
    Thank you for this article and the house in the "Paradise".
    Harry Dewith.
  18. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to The Librarian in Advertise, Advertise, Advertise, the King ? and His Kingdom! ???? JW.ORG ????   
    If you upload this to the gallery it should play as an actual video. 
    Let me know if it works or not.
  19. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to The Librarian in Theocratic Pins   
    @Queen Esther please start using the gallery for photos like these. Thank you. ;-)
  20. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to butchsweet in I selected that picture for today ❤   
  21. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Harry Dewith in THINK OF A WORLD AS THIS.. – ???????   
    YES...   I  really  think  of  a  similar  WORLD  like  this,  under  Jehovah  and  with  humans,  living  in  LOVE  &  PEACE
  22. Thanks
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Jim Seward in I selected that picture for today ❤   
  23. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Texto Diario, Jueves 17 de agosto 2017   
    TEXTO DIARIO  ANIMADO  17 de agosto de  2017 
  24. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Texto Diario, Jueves 17 de agosto 2017   
    Que trabajen en lo bueno para que logren asirse firmemente de la vida que realmente lo es (1 Tim. 6:18, 19).
    Imagínese que está a punto de mudarse al extranjero. ¿Cómo se prepararía para el cambio? Una buena manera sería aprendiendo el idioma y las costumbres del país. También sería bueno probar la comida típica del lugar. Tal vez hasta podría comenzar a vivir como si ya estuviera allá. Todo eso haría que al llegar fuera menos difícil la adaptación. Con el Paraíso sucede algo parecido: lo mejor es prepararse desde ahora tratando de vivir como si ya estuviéramos allí. Mucha gente cree que no tiene por qué darle cuentas a nadie, y mucho menos a Dios. Lamentablemente, ese espíritu de independencia ha causado mucho sufrimiento (Jer. 10:23). ¡Qué diferente será la vida en el nuevo mundo! Allí, todos respetaremos el derecho de Jehová a decirnos lo que debemos hacer. w15 15/8 3:4, 5
  25. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Daily text, Thursday, August 17. 2017   
    Tell them to work at good, . . . so that they may get a firm hold on the real life.—1 Tim. 6:18, 19.
    How might we prepare now for life in GodÂ’s new world? Well, suppose we were planning to move to another country. How could we prepare for that change? We might start learning the language of the people who live there. Learning about their customs would be beneficial. We might sample some of their foods. To a certain extent, we would begin to live as if we were already residents of that land. After all, that is the way we expect to live once we arrive there. Similarly, we can prepare for life in the new world by living now, to the extent possible, as we expect to live then. Independence and an unreasonable insistence on personal preference may be highly regarded by some, but what has been the result? Failure to accept GodÂ’s direction has led to suffering, misery, even tragedy. (Jer. 10:23) How we look forward to the time when all mankind will submit to JehovahÂ’s loving sovereignty! w15 8/15 3:4, 5
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