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Queen Esther

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  1. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Olena Masovets in Vladimir Putin gets face-to-face with Jehovah's Witnesses Family in Russia... Listen - the Father was talking by the microphone to ALL ;-)) a new video !   
    Listen....  what  the  speaker  was  telling  and  the  Father  of  the  JW - family  was  talking  by  the  microphone  to  all !!   I  never  saw  before     video  -  2:50 min.
  2. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in DO YOU REMEMBER THESE OLD, RARE DIFFERENT BOOKS ?   
    Yes,  English  is  not  my  home - language,  sorry   But  we've  a  good  understanding,  I  think  so...   Your  Bible - scripture  is  working  right,   Prov.  4:18,
    18 But the path of the righteous is like the bright morning light
    That grows brighter and brighter until full daylight.
    I  copied  your  study - book  titles  for  our  Brother  ARchiv@L...  maybe  he  find  it  in  our  Archives  here  for  showing ?  That  were  nice !
    10  degrees  centigrade,  is  that  minus - 10 ?  bec. frozen  morning  hands...   Are  you  living  near  the  Arctis  or  similar ?   I  thought,  you  are  from  Australia,  perhaps ?  or  high  in  the  north  of  America ?  Tell  me  please....
    I  can  see,  also  our  nice  older  JW.  ones  learned  alot  good  theocratic  things !   We've  today  many  video's  etc. more  technology,  but  the  old  teachings /doctrines  were  very  good.  "A  waiting  attitude"  was  of  sure  a  very  interesting  book !   Thanks  for  you  nice  explanations  Brother  Colin...   I  think,  some  of  us  enjoy  it !   Until  soon  and  bye bye  for  now  ~~~~~~
  3. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Colin Browne in DO YOU REMEMBER THESE OLD, RARE DIFFERENT BOOKS ?   
    Yes it's difficult for you to convey your thoughts to English. As you said, the correct way is, to say, "We now have new light on the matter" Prov. 4:18.
    Where I'm living, it's 10 degrees centigrade this morning and my fingers are frozen.
    One of the old books I remember was made for publishers, "Equipped for every good work."
    It was good news for us this time when our society explained "This generation." Before that we couldn't understand. But we maintained "A waiting attitude" knowing that Jehovah would give us 'new light'.
  4. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Merkel met Putin... FINALLY I FOUND BACK THE VIDEO - she was talking about "JW " and more !!   
    I am really pleased,  Angela Merkel take side with JW. by meeting with Pres. Putin !  Not all video's showing the same...  by some video's they cut passages !
    By my 'face to face'  video, I saw to first time, the JW. Father was speaking to all from the stage...  Pres. Putin allowed him some words !  He used the moment very good and clever✔️ 
  5. Thanks
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Rosaleen Kayes in Vladimir Putin gets face-to-face with Jehovah's Witnesses Family in Russia... Listen - the Father was talking by the microphone to ALL ;-)) a new video !   
    Its NOT the same !  Here, the Father was speaking to all on the stage....  with some words from the Bible, WOW ?   Listen...  and watch it again please.  Of course, Jehovah will manage all the rest, until Armageddon. Humans always too much thinking about all...  Jehovah has a power - control, we can't imagine that, bec. we're his little children   Many mistakes in Russia and other countries, oh yes !  But our Russian JW family was a great example for all❤️  
    Our female Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel,  gave also a good example by President Putin in my posted video !  Step by step we will see all results - Jehovah will give all HE wants into the hearts of the special politicians. HE is able, making that all alone, dear @Bible Speaks  Agape?  
  6. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to The Librarian in One Man, One Woman   
    One Man, One Woman
  7. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Vladimir Putin gets face-to-face with Jehovah's Witnesses Family in Russia... Listen - the Father was talking by the microphone to ALL ;-)) a new video !   
    Listen....  what  the  speaker  was  telling  and  the  Father  of  the  JW - family  was  talking  by  the  microphone  to  all !!   I  never  saw  before     video  -  2:50 min.
  8. Like
  9. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Melinda Mills in DO YOU REMEMBER THESE OLD, RARE DIFFERENT BOOKS ?   
    Brother  Colin,  I  not  meant  any  writing  mistakes  by  our  organisation....   I  mean  the  different  *new  lights*  we  got  and  still  get  step  by  step,  after  a  better  understanding,  example  1995,  the  new  generation...   and  now  our  last  anointed  Brothers,  not  coming  with  us  into  the  NW  !!   Until  Armageddon  they  now  all  completed  their  temporal  life...  so  we  learned  it  lastly !  You  now  understand  what  I  mean ?  These  mistakes  the  JW.org  always  made  public  for  all,  bec. stay  honest,  yes ?  Tell  me  please  your  opinion,  thank  you
    Wish  you  a  great  weekend  and  stay  healthy !  We  had  very  hot  weather  last  days  here...  now  better !  How  is  the  weather  in  your  area ??
    Until  to  next  time,  Brother  @Colin Browne   
  10. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to ARchiv@L in Nie poddawaj się!” - (!!!!)   
  11. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to ARchiv@L in Σάββατο 24 Ιουνίου, εδάφιο της ημέρας   
    Σάββατο 24 Ιουνίου    , εδάφιο της ημέρας
    Βοήθα με όπου χρειάζομαι πίστη!—Μάρκ. 9:24.    
    Μάρτυρες του Ιεχωβά    
    Saturday, June 24    , daily text
    Help me out where I need faith!—Mark 9:24.    
    Jehovah's Witnesses    
    Sábado 24 de junio    texto diario
    ¡Ayúdame donde necesite fe! (Mar. 9:24).    
    Testigos de Jehová    
    Sábado, 24 de junho    texto do dia
    Ajude-me onde preciso de fé! — Mar. 9:24.    
    Testemunhas de Jeová    
    Суббота, 24 июня    СТИХ НА ДЕНЬ
    Помоги мне в том, в чем мне недостает веры! (Мар. 9:24).    
    Свидетели Иеговы    
    Sobota 24 czerwca    , tekst dzienny
    Dopomóż mi w tym, w czym mi brakuje wiary! (Marka 9:24).    
    Świadkowie Jehowy    
    Samedi 24 juin    texte du jour
    Aide-moi là où j’ai besoin de foi ! (Marc 9:24).    
    Témoins de Jéhovah     
    Samstag, 24. Juni    tagestext
    Hilf mir, wo ich des Glaubens bedarf! (Mar. 9:24)    
    Zeugen Jehovas    
    Sabato 24 giugno    scrittura del giorno
    Aiutami dove ho bisogno di fede! (Mar. 9:24)    
    Testimoni di Geova    
    zaterdag 24 juni    dagtekst
    Kom mij te hulp waar ik in geloof te kort schiet! — Mark. 9:24.    
    Jehovah’s Getuigen    
    Lördag 24 juni    dagens text
    Hjälp mig där jag brister i tro! (Mark. 9:24)    
    Jehovas vittnen    
    24 Haziran Cumartesi    gunun ayeti
    İmanımın yetmediği yerde sen bana yardımcı ol! (Mar. 9:24).    
    Yehova’nın Şahitleri    
    E shtunë, 24 qershor    shkrimi i dites
    Më ndihmo kur të kem nevojë për më shumë besim!—Mar. 9:24.    
    Dëshmitarët e Jehovait    
    Събота, 24 юни    ТЕКСТ ЗА ДЕНЯ
    Помогни ми там, където не ми достига вяра! (Мар. 9:24)    
    Свидетели на Йехова    
    Sâmbătă, 24 iunie    textul zilei
    Ajută-mă unde am nevoie de credință! (Mar. 9:24)    
    Martorii lui Iehova    
    Sabado, Hunyo 24    teksto ngayon
    Tulungan mo ako kung saan ako nangangailangan ng pananampalataya!—Mar. 9:24.    
    Mga Saksi ni Jehova    

  12. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Peace Will Prevail Between Humans and Animals   
    Even when the animals live in peace ... slowly starving to death from malnutrition,  there will always be that ONE exception. 
    1.) This is my Daughter at age 12, with a picture we took at a shopping mall.
    2.) This is a picture of a hippo, saving a poor crocodile from drowning.
    3. Another picture of a mammal and an amphibian getting along well . and
    4. There is ALWAYS that ONE Exception ...
    ...sigh ...

  13. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Peace Will Prevail Between Humans and Animals   
    I  found  other  video's  with  especially  humans  and  wild  animals  in  our  old  system, Brother  Barltrop. -  Seems  NOT  so  rare  as  we  thougtht  before....
    Here  is  the  first  one !   Watch  and  enjoy ;-)   I  hope  you  like  it....
    Here  is  another  one....   it  does  give  alot  similar  video's !  Yes,  only  few  humans,  but  for  me  its  a  nice  foretaste  of  the  NW  and  the  PARADISE ❤   Enjoy !
    I  have  the  book  in  German,  *Tippi  in  Afrika*  -  wonderful  photos  and  text....
  14. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Peace Will Prevail Between Humans and Animals   
    Yes Brother Barltrop, really nice and rare,  but it seems...  you not like that in our current system ?
    I still have similar videos - example, a man is playing, cuddling, swimming with different lions together, with big joy. And thats really all in our old system ;-)  These humans are rare, but very very especially !  ( a little like paradise...) 
  15. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to John Lindsay Barltrop in Peace Will Prevail Between Humans and Animals   
    Yes Queen Esther, as you said very, very rare in this system , BUT, common place in Jehovah's new order when man and the animal creation will be at peace with one another..........that will certainly be something to behold.
  16. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Peace Will Prevail Between Humans and Animals   
    You can hear by her voice and the impressive shows of affection, how strong is the bond between this full grown lion and the woman who rescued him,  when  he  was  young !  VERY VERY  RARE....
  17. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Quiteria Martins in Which one brought you to the truth ? MANY NICE THEOCRATIC BOOKS !   
    What  a  wonderful  story  you  shared  with  us,  dear  @Mihiroa Pritchard  thank  you  so  much ❤   YES,  sometimes  Jehovah  is  going  special  ways...  HE  saw  into  your  good  heart !  So  the  sisters  came  again  to  you
    WOW....  46  yrs  now !   My  baptism  was  1997  in  Dec. 6.  soon  20 years !  But  for  Jehovah  we  are  all  little  childs   and  HE  is  our  God,  Father  and  Friend ❤
    WHAT  a  big  gift !
    Arohanui (love)  back  to  you   and   GREETINGS  FROM  FAR  AWAY  GERMANY...  Agape ❤
  18. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Quiteria Martins in Which one brought you to the truth ? MANY NICE THEOCRATIC BOOKS !   
    Thank you very much for your wonderful comment,  @Robert Velazquez  I am sure, all Jehovah's Witnesses agree with you !  Only the poor 'world-people', living in the darkness, can't agree...  and the people who against our God Jehovah.  Yes, we are so proud, belong to Jehovah's folk and want worship HIM everlasting life❤️  Very soon, the scene our world will change and all humans in the world will know, JEHOVAH  is the one and only true God !  We all longing for that day, yes?? 
    Again, thank you my Brother !  Greetings from Germany, Agape !
  19. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Quiteria Martins in Which one brought you to the truth ? MANY NICE THEOCRATIC BOOKS !   
    Wonderful,  dear  Sister  @Carol Ann Torres     For  me  it  was  the  Paradise - book  and  the  red / brown  Knowledge - book.  First  I  started  the  study  with  my  long-time  girlfriend,  but  later,  with  a  Sister  of  my  right  congregation...  and  that  was  better,  yes !  We  all  belong  to  our  own  cong.  thats  the  straight  and  best  way  I  learned
    May  Jehovah  bless  you ❤    Greetings  from  Germany !
  20. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Quiteria Martins in NOT SO EASY TODAY, PREACHING IN NIGERIA, AFRICA....   
    Yes,  thats very hard,  preaching in some countries and area's....  Africa, also on the Philippines, south America and on some islands...  We have many example photo's,  showing that,  but our Brothers and Sisters often in good mood.  They know the difficulties !  Its mostly the many rain or the difficult ways,  going over simple selfmade wood-bridges or little deep water. Thats really not easy and sometimes a little dangerous   But angles are near them for help, I am sure??
    Thanks to all our Brothers and Sisters❤️ we need you and Jehovah is very happy !
  21. Thanks
    Queen Esther got a reaction from ARchiv@L in Merkel met Putin... FINALLY I FOUND BACK THE VIDEO - she was talking about "JW " and more !!   
    Merkel  met  Putin....  Raises Treatment  of  Gays  and  Jehovah’s Witnesses !!    ( 1:30 min.)
    FINALLY  I  FOUND  BACK  THE  VIDEO.....     English  text  in  subtitles !
  22. Thanks
    Queen Esther got a reaction from ARchiv@L in Russia’s Supreme Court to Hear Appeal by Jehovah’s Witnesses on July 17, 2017 - THE DATE IS NEAR.....   
    Russia’s Supreme Court to Hear Appeal by Jehovah’s Witnesses on July 17, 2017
    The  date  is  near....  let's  all  pray  for  our  dear  Brothers   ❤
    Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia filed an appeal against the Supreme Court ruling that effectively banned their worship. The April 20 ruling, handed down by Judge Yuriy Ivanenko, terminated all activity of the Witnesses’ legal entities throughout the country. A three-judge panel of the Appellate Chamber of the Supreme Court will hear the appeal on July 17, 2017.
    The appeal requests a full reversal of the ruling. It emphasizes that the ruling is not based on factual evidence and that Jehovah’s Witnesses are not guilty of extremist activity in any way. The appeal also highlights that the charges that led to the Supreme Court ruling are the same charges that authorities used as a basis to persecute the Witnesses during the Soviet era. They were later rehabilitated and exonerated from these charges. Additionally, the appeal emphasized that the ruling contradicts the guarantees of religious freedom embodied in Russia’s Constitution and its international commitments.
    The ruling is already affecting the Witnesses in ways reminiscent of the oppression they experienced under Communist rule. Authorities are prosecuting some Witnesses for “extremist activity,” employers have dismissed Witnesses from their jobs, schoolteachers have intimidated Witness students in front of their classmates, and biased individuals have vandalized Kingdom Halls and firebombed two homes of Witnesses—burning the homes to the ground.
    Jehovah’s Witnesses worldwide hope that the Appellate Chamber of Russia’s Supreme Court will see the injustice of the earlier ruling and reverse it, thus protecting religious freedom and the security of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia.
  23. Thanks
    Queen Esther got a reaction from ARchiv@L in Which one brought you to the truth ? MANY NICE THEOCRATIC BOOKS !   
    PS.  @ARchiv@L ....  WOW,  I  FOUND  THE  SPECIAL  VIDEO,  WHERE  OUR  ANGELA  MERKEL  WAS  TELLING  ABOUT  THE  RUSSIAN  *AWARD - FAMILY*.....   and  the  Father  of  that  family  still  spoken  into  the  microphone  to  ALl !!   Watch  it  please....  thank  you  
  24. Thanks
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Dianaa Soibam in Merkel met Putin... FINALLY I FOUND BACK THE VIDEO - she was talking about "JW " and more !!   
    Merkel  met  Putin....  Raises Treatment  of  Gays  and  Jehovah’s Witnesses !!    ( 1:30 min.)
    FINALLY  I  FOUND  BACK  THE  VIDEO.....     English  text  in  subtitles !
  25. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Texto Diario, Sábado 24 de junio 2017   
    ¡Ayúdame donde necesite fe! (Mar. 9:24).
    Como la fe es parte del fruto del espíritu santo, no es posible fortalecerla sin la ayuda de Dios (Gál. 5:22). Por eso debemos seguir el consejo de Jesús y pedir a Jehová que nos dé su espíritu. Jesús aseguró que su Padre se lo daría a todo el que se lo pidiera (Luc. 11:13). Una vez que hemos fortalecido nuestra fe, debemos mantenerla así. La fe es como una fogata. Al principio, las llamas son muy intensas, pero si la fogata se deja sola, poco a poco se irá apagando hasta convertirse en cenizas. En cambio, si la alimentamos con leña, podemos mantenerla encendida el tiempo que queramos. Del mismo modo, podemos mantener nuestra fe viva y fuerte alimentándola todos los días con la Biblia. De ese modo crecerá el amor que le tenemos a ese libro y a su Autor, y eso mantendrá fuerte nuestra fe. w15 15/10 2:6, 7
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