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Queen Esther

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    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Daily text, Tuesday, June 20. 2017   
    Whoever does the will of God, this one is my brother and sister and mother.—Mark 3:35.
    Although we want to be kind even to those who do not follow God’s laws, we should not become their intimate associates or close friends. It would therefore be wrong for one of Jehovah’s Witnesses who is a single person to date such an individual who is not dedicated and faithful to God and who does not respect His high standards. Maintaining Christian integrity is far more important than becoming popular with people who do not live by Jehovah’s laws. Our close associates should be those who do God’s will. The disastrous results of bad associations were experienced by the Israelites. (Ex. 23:24, 25; Ps. 106:35-39) Because they became unfaithful to God, Jesus later told them: “Look! Your house is abandoned to you.” (Matt. 23:38) Jehovah cast off Israel, transferring his blessing to the newly formed Christian congregation.—Acts 2:1-4. w15 8/15 4:7, 8
  2. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Texto Diario, Martes 20 de junio 2017   
    Cualquiera que hace la voluntad de Dios, este es mi hermano y hermana y madre (Mar. 3:35).
    Aunque tratamos de ser amables con todo el mundo, no debemos ser amigos íntimos de las personas que no obedecen las leyes de Dios. Por eso, estaría mal que un cristiano soltero saliera con una persona que no estuviera sirviendo fielmente a Jehová. Ser fieles a Jehová es muchísimo más importante que ser aceptados por el mundo. Nuestros amigos íntimos deben hacer la voluntad de Dios. Juntarse con las personas equivocadas trae muy malas consecuencias, como lo demuestra el caso de los israelitas (Éx. 23:24, 25; Sal. 106:35-39). Por esa razón, siglos después, Jesús dijo: “¡Miren! Su casa se les deja abandonada a ustedes” (Mat. 23:38). Así es, Jehová abandonó o rechazó a la nación de Israel y formó una nación nueva: la congregación cristiana (Hech. 2:1-4). w15 15/8 4:7, 8
  3. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Texto Diario, Lunes 19 de junio 2017   
    Presten atención a sí mismos para que sus corazones nunca lleguen a estar cargados y de repente esté aquel día sobre ustedes instantáneamente como un lazo (Luc. 21:34, 35).
    Las cosas que vemos hoy día demuestran sin lugar a dudas que las profecías de la Biblia se están cumpliendo y que el fin está a punto de ocurrir. No piense que tiene que pasar mucho más tiempo para que Babilonia la Grande, el imperio mundial de la religión falsa, sea atacada por “los diez cuernos” y “la bestia salvaje” (Rev. 17:16). Recuerde que será Dios quien plantará en sus corazones el deseo de llevar a cabo ese ataque, lo que puede ocurrir en cualquier momento y sin previo aviso (Rev. 17:17). Así es, el fin no está lejos. Por eso debemos obedecer la advertencia de Jesús que encontramos en el texto del día (Rev. 16:15). Sirva a Jehová y no olvide que los tiempos son urgentes. Puede estar seguro de que él actuará “a favor del que se [mantenga] en expectación de él” (Is. 64:4). w15 15/8 2:17
  4. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in BAUTISMO EL PASADO FIN DE SEMANA EN SANTA LUZ, BAHIA, BRASIL ❤   
    Que Jehová los bendiga a todas nuestras nuevas queridas hermanas ;-)
  5. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Abegail Sheldon in Different baptismal.... by Convention, baptized from the own father ❤ and still more !   
    Regional  Assembly  in  RICHMOND,  USA  ------

    She  was  baptized  by  her  father ❤   AMAZING,  the  joy  they  felt  was  overwhelming
  6. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Daily text, Monday, June 19. 2017   
    Pay attention to yourselves that your hearts never become weighed down . . . and suddenly that day be instantly upon you as a snare.—Luke 21:34, 35.
    Events on the world scene clearly indicate that Bible prophecy is now being fulfilled and that the end of this wicked system of things is imminent. Therefore, we should not assume that much time is needed for the state of this world to develop to the point where “the ten horns” and “the wild beast” of Revelation 17:16 turn on Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion. Let us bear in mind that God will “put it into their hearts” to make that move—and this could happen swiftly and at any time! (Rev. 17:17) The end of this entire system of things is not far off. With good reason, we should heed Jesus’ warning as given in today’s text. (Rev. 16:15) Let us be resolved to serve Jehovah with a sense of urgency, confident that he “acts in behalf of those who keep in expectation of him.”—Isa. 64:4. w15 8/15 2:17
  7. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Different baptismal.... by Convention, baptized from the own father ❤ and still more !   
  8. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Sylvia Sanchez Cordova in Different baptismal.... by Convention, baptized from the own father ❤ and still more !   
    Regional  Assembly  in  RICHMOND,  USA  ------

    She  was  baptized  by  her  father ❤   AMAZING,  the  joy  they  felt  was  overwhelming
  9. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Charlotte Krokene in Which one brought you to the truth ? MANY NICE THEOCRATIC BOOKS !   
    Hahaha.....  thats  funny  but  nice    YES,  first  62  years  young,  great !    Lets  wait  a  little,  soon  we  are  all  very  young  again....   what  a  JOY !!   42  years  baptized,  thats  a  long  time,  yes !   Of  sure  you  made  alot  of  nice  experiences  with  Jehovah     May  Jehovah  bless  you  my  dear  Sister  Peppa ❤     @Peppa Hatcher
    PS.  I  just  posted  different  baptismal  pictures  here....    you  can  take  a  look  when  you  want  -  one  picture  shows  a  Brother  of  my  own  Cong. !   I  posted  also  our  kiddies  by  worship  and  on the  stage,  etc.  -  ENJOY  our  post  dear  Peppa...  we  have  many  different  area's  with  alot  themes !  Also  study  helping  for  the  midweek  meetings,  the  Daily texts,  Health & Medicine...  music  and  so  much  more
    You  can  click  on  another  page  Nr. for  looking  -  bec. sometimes  daily  the  page  is  changing  and  some  posts  are  unseen  on  page  one....
    By  questions  you  can  ask  me,  The  Librarian  or  our  dear  ARchiv@L  Brother...  he  will  mostly  find  what  you  want !
  10. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Peppa Hatcher in Which one brought you to the truth ? MANY NICE THEOCRATIC BOOKS !   
    Dear Queen Esther,
    My baptism was in June 1975, so while I am almost 62 years young, Jehovah is the best beauty preservation anyone could have. Thank you for your kind words.
  11. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Different baptismal.... by Convention, baptized from the own father ❤ and still more !   
    Some  baptismal  last  weekend  in  Santa  Luz,  Bahia,  BRAZIL ❤
  12. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Different baptismal.... by Convention, baptized from the own father ❤ and still more !   
    A  Brother  of  my  own  Congregation  in  Germany...    Alex  is  married  and  has  now  5  children  in  the  Truth ❤   A  special  and  funny  Brother
  13. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Quiteria Martins in Which one brought you to the truth ? MANY NICE THEOCRATIC BOOKS !   
    What  a  wonderful  story  you  shared  with  us,  dear  @Mihiroa Pritchard  thank  you  so  much ❤   YES,  sometimes  Jehovah  is  going  special  ways...  HE  saw  into  your  good  heart !  So  the  sisters  came  again  to  you
    WOW....  46  yrs  now !   My  baptism  was  1997  in  Dec. 6.  soon  20 years !  But  for  Jehovah  we  are  all  little  childs   and  HE  is  our  God,  Father  and  Friend ❤
    WHAT  a  big  gift !
    Arohanui (love)  back  to  you   and   GREETINGS  FROM  FAR  AWAY  GERMANY...  Agape ❤
  14. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Mihiroa Pritchard in Which one brought you to the truth ? MANY NICE THEOCRATIC BOOKS !   
    I had never heard the name Jehovah before Jehovahs Witnesess called at our home,..I can remember gradually becoming very frustrated because I was trying to comprehend,..so I sent them away ,...they met my husband on the way out ,...after speaking to him an arrangement was made for them to comeback,...we lived a very very  long way from where these people lived but they came back much to my surprise,...They gave me the truth book ,...I opened it to the first page and couldnt stop reading ,......I became so hungry for what the words were telling me,..... I could'nt believe my eyes,...as soon as I read no birthdays, no christmas, no easter etc, I knew this was for me ,...I marked the answers to all the questions b4 they were due to come back again,...........Baptized dedicated Witness of Jehovah 46 yrs now.....even after all those yrs, the Truth still feels new and exciting and wonderful .    Arohanui (love) to you,.. Mihiroa Pritchard  from New Zealand xxx
  15. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Which one brought you to the truth ? MANY NICE THEOCRATIC BOOKS !   
    Thanks, dear sister @Peppa Hatcher  for your comment !  Thats very interesting, which books we all studied before our baptism ?   My baptism was 1997 in Dec. You are looking young ??? maybe your baptism not so long ago ?  Thanks again ! Greetings from Germany,  Agape?
  16. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Melinda Mills in Animals in Paradise - What Will They Eat?   
    We  don't  have  the  answer  today....  sorry   await  &  drinking  tea  ~~~~~
  17. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Peppa Hatcher in Which one brought you to the truth ? MANY NICE THEOCRATIC BOOKS !   
    Paradise Lost and Truth Book!
  18. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in THE WONDERS OF CREATIONS.... Enjoy !   
    Yes, I agree with you dear Brother @Peter Stamenkovic   So many beautiful and unique creations from our God Jehovah....  Its daily a big  joy,  watching the flowers, animals, the stars and more?❤️   Thanks for your comment  and
    Greetings from Germany !
  19. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Quiteria Martins in Which one brought you to the truth ? MANY NICE THEOCRATIC BOOKS !   
    Wonderful,  dear  Sister  @Carol Ann Torres     For  me  it  was  the  Paradise - book  and  the  red / brown  Knowledge - book.  First  I  started  the  study  with  my  long-time  girlfriend,  but  later,  with  a  Sister  of  my  right  congregation...  and  that  was  better,  yes !  We  all  belong  to  our  own  cong.  thats  the  straight  and  best  way  I  learned
    May  Jehovah  bless  you ❤    Greetings  from  Germany !
  20. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Quiteria Martins in Which one brought you to the truth ? MANY NICE THEOCRATIC BOOKS !   
    Thank you very much for your wonderful comment,  @Robert Velazquez  I am sure, all Jehovah's Witnesses agree with you !  Only the poor 'world-people', living in the darkness, can't agree...  and the people who against our God Jehovah.  Yes, we are so proud, belong to Jehovah's folk and want worship HIM everlasting life❤️  Very soon, the scene our world will change and all humans in the world will know, JEHOVAH  is the one and only true God !  We all longing for that day, yes?? 
    Again, thank you my Brother !  Greetings from Germany, Agape !
  21. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Robert Velazquez in Which one brought you to the truth ? MANY NICE THEOCRATIC BOOKS !   
    The truth that leads to eternal life..1968.  I started studying in 1974 right after I got married. Was baptized in 1983. There is no better life than to serve Jehovah God. It's truly a shame that many don't know or want to know Jehovah. Especially since it is a life or death decision. I am glad and proud to say that of all the gods people worship in this world, I worship the one and true God. I know many will disagree with me but there is no other god but Jehovah. And soon he will show everyone that he is the Alpha and Omega, the only true God. 
  22. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in DO YOU REMEMBER THESE OLD, RARE DIFFERENT BOOKS ?   
    @Alzasior Lutor   Did you see my other post with younger books for the Truth ?
    I am sure, there you will recognize your right Truth book !  My books also there by the younger ones ?❤️   Thank you, dear Brother !
  23. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Linda Griffin in DO YOU REMEMBER THESE OLD, RARE DIFFERENT BOOKS ?   
    @derek1956.  WOW....  thats really rare, so old books you know. Can you tell us the difference  between the older and the younger ones ?  Thank you,  Agape ! ???
  24. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Linda Griffin in DO YOU REMEMBER THESE OLD, RARE DIFFERENT BOOKS ?   
    Look to my post with the younger books....  There you will find your own book for the TRUTH ?❤️  
  25. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Which one brought you to the truth ? MANY NICE THEOCRATIC BOOKS !   
    And which book brought YOU and YOU to the TRUTH ??
    These books are little younger...  maybe you recognize this or that book ?
    Tell us please    Thank you ???
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