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Queen Esther

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    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Your Smile is a gift to share... ;-))   
  2. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Your Smile is a gift to share... ;-))   
    @ARchiv@L      LOL...
  3. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Philippines... Our Brother wanted, giving his Bible-reading exercise, lying on a sick-bed from the stage ! What a BIG JOY for JEHOVAH ❤   
    If  disabled  or  our  older  Brothers  and  Sisters....  what  great  paragons  for  us  all ❤
  4. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Texto Diario, Jueves 15 de junio 2017   
    Perdónanos nuestras deudas, como nosotros también hemos perdonado a nuestros deudores (Mat. 6:12).
    Jehová desea que nos preocupemos no solo por nuestra salud espiritual, sino también por la de quienes nos rodean, incluidos los que han cometido un pecado contra nosotros. Ese tipo de pecados —que por lo general no son graves— nos dan la oportunidad de demostrar que de verdad queremos a nuestros hermanos y que estamos dispuestos a perdonarlos, tal como Dios nos perdona a nosotros (Col. 3:13). Lamentablemente somos imperfectos, por lo que a veces es difícil perdonar a nuestros hermanos (Lev. 19:18). Si hacemos público el problema, puede que algunos se pongan de nuestra parte y se divida la congregación. Si no resolviéramos el conflicto, estaríamos demostrando falta de agradecimiento por la compasión de Dios y por el rescate. Él no nos perdonará mientras no seamos perdonadores (Mat. 18:35). Jesús habló de este punto justo después de enseñar a sus discípulos a orar (Mat. 6:14, 15). Por otro lado, para recibir el perdón de Dios, debemos esforzarnos por no cometer pecados graves (1 Juan 3:4, 6). w15 15/6 5:9-11
  5. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Daily text, Thursday, June 15. 2017   
    Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.—Matt. 6:12.
    Jehovah wants us to be concerned not only about our own spiritual welfare but also about that of others, including those who might have sinned against us. Usually, such sins are minor and give us an opportunity to show that we truly love our brothers and are willing to forgive, as God has mercifully forgiven us. (Col. 3:13) Sadly, as imperfect humans, we may sometimes harbor a grudge against another. (Lev. 19:18) If we talk about the matter, others may side with us, causing a division in the congregation. If we allow such a situation to continue, it would show a lack of appreciation for God’s mercy and the ransom. Our Father will cease to apply to us the value of his Son’s sacrifice if we display an unforgiving spirit. (Matt. 18:35) Jesus elaborated on this immediately after giving the model prayer. (Matt. 6:14, 15) Finally, to benefit from God’s forgiveness, we must strive to avoid making a practice of serious sin.—1 John 3:4, 6. w15 6/15 5:9-11
  6. Thanks
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Peppi in A Lesson on Geese!   
    WE  CAN  LEARN  FROM  THE  GEESE....   An  alive  story  -   Enjoy
  7. Thanks
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Elisabeth Dolewka in Jehovah's Witnesses.... WAKING UP IN THE *NEW WORLD* (very hopefully)   
    Jehovah's  Witnesses....   WAKING  UP  IN  THE  *NEW  WORLD*
    The  time,  step by step  after  Armageddon....  very  hopefully ❤  with  Kingdom  songs ;-))
  8. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Leonor Patan in Jehovah Witnesses - Just remember to keep your fork.... (true story)   
    Jehovah Witnesses  - Just  remember  to  keep  your  fork.....

    I  hope,  you  like  that  true  story  too...   ENJOY ❤  my  Brothers  and  Sisters -  Thanks !
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  11. Sad
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in PRESSEMITTEILUNGEN | Präsident Putin verleiht Zeugen Jehovas Auszeichnung für vorbildliche Erziehung   
    PUTIN  KONNTE  DEM  VATER  NOCH  NICHT  MAL  IN  DIE  AUGEN  SCHAUEN....   Was  für  eine  verrückte  WELT !!  Was  wir  wohl  NOCH  alles  erleben...
  12. Haha
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Your Smile is a gift to share... ;-))   
    Your  Smile  is  a  gift  to  share...
     When someone gives you a beaming smile, how do you respond ?
    Most likely you smile back
    And you probably feel happier too !
    Yes, genuine smiles—whether from friends or total strangers—are infectious, and they evoke good feelings
    When you smile you may also be doing yourself a favor...
    The benefits, studies suggest, include increased confidence and happiness and reduced feelings of stress.
    Frowning, by comparison, may have the opposite effect !
    Smiles Boosted My Morale  -
    Magdalena, was one of Jehovah’s Witnesses during World War II
    She was sent with other family members to the Ravensbrück concentration camp in Germany,  for refusing to adopt Nazi ideology...
    “ At times the guards stopped us from speaking with other prisoners,” she recalled.
    “ But they had no control over our facial expressions !
    Just seeing my mother and sister smile boosted my morale and strengthened my resolve to endure”.
    Also,  do not wait for others to smile at you...
    Take the initiative,  add a little happiness to someone else’s day
    Yes, see your smile for what it really is,  a divine gift that enriches you and the people who see  it.
    Jehovah  gave  us  our  smile  after  the  birth....  lets  use  it  daily  many  times !   THANKS  ❤

  13. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Do you know, how many times GOD said, "Do not be afraid" - in the Bible ? (read more)   
    Do  you  know,  how  many  times  GOD  said,  "Do  not  be  afraid" -  in  the  Bible ?
    YES....   365 times !   Every  day  HE  is  doing  that  -  365  days  ;-))  Read  Jeremiah  1:8 ~~~
  14. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Wilma in Philippines... Our Brother wanted, giving his Bible-reading exercise, lying on a sick-bed from the stage ! What a BIG JOY for JEHOVAH ❤   
  15. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Texto Diario, Miércoles 14 de junio 2017   
    Traten a las mujeres de más edad como a madres, a las de menos edad como a hermanas, con toda castidad (1 Tim. 5:2).
    A fin de combatir los malos deseos, la Biblia nos da consejos sobre la manera de tratar al sexo opuesto. Este pasaje deja claro que no está bien coquetear. Hay quienes piensan que no hay nada de malo en los gestos, poses o miradas insinuantes siempre que no haya contacto físico. Pero coquetear o corresponder a los coqueteos suele producir pensamientos indebidos que podrían terminar en un pecado grave. No debemos confiarnos; ya les ha pasado a muchos. José nos dejó un excelente ejemplo. Cuando la esposa de Potifar, su amo, intentó seducirlo, él la rechazó. Sin embargo, la mujer no se dio por vencida. Día tras día lo invitaba a “continuar con ella” (Gén. 39:7, 8, 10). Pero José tenía algo bien claro en su mente: no iba a fomentar ni a tolerar las insinuaciones de la mujer. Así evitaría que nacieran malos deseos en su corazón. w15 15/6 3:10, 11
  16. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Daily text, Wednesday, June 14. 2017   
    [Treat] older women as mothers, . . . younger women as sisters, with all chasteness.—1 Tim. 5:2.
    The Bible helps us to avoid improper desires by giving counsel on how to treat those of the opposite sex. Such counsel clearly rules out flirting. Some may view the use of body language, gestures, and glances that have romantic overtones as harmless in that these do not involve any physical contact. But flirting, or responding to it, may arouse unclean thoughts that can lead to serious sexual wrongdoing. It has happened before—it can happen again. Joseph acted wisely in this regard. When the wife of his master, Potiphar, tried to seduce him, Joseph rejected her efforts. But she did not give up. Day after day she invited him to remain with her. (Gen. 39:7, 8, 10) However, Joseph was determined never to encourage, or even tolerate, her seductive overtures, thus preventing any wrong desire from taking root in his heart. w15 6/15 3:10, 11
  17. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Many different and beautiful JW - Pioneer Cakes ❤ (step by step some more) !   
    Awww...  this  artwork  his  really  SO  wonderful  ;-))  Can't  believe,  all  we  can  eat !
  18. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Many different and beautiful JW - Pioneer Cakes ❤ (step by step some more) !   
    Good  Morning.....  ALL  Brothers  &  Sisters  in  the  school  ;-))  A  little  pause  for  Cafe  &  Cake !    After,  we  go  on.....
  19. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Many different and beautiful JW - Pioneer Cakes ❤ (step by step some more) !   
    Another  Teamwork  - *Pioneer-Cake*   -  wonderful  made  ;-)) ❤
  20. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Many different and beautiful JW - Pioneer Cakes ❤ (step by step some more) !   
    A  wonderful  Team - work  Pioneer-Cake  for  many  Brother's  &  Sister's ❤
    Unbelievable....  all  you  can  eat  ;-))
  21. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Many different and beautiful JW - Pioneer Cakes ❤ (step by step some more) !   
    I  like  that  very  much !    So  tiny,  but  for  eating... 
  22. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in I NEVER thought to that... but JEHOVAH really changed my life ❤   
    I  NEVER  thought  to  that...  but  JEHOVAH  really  changed  my  life ❤
    Now  I  am  married  and  more  happy  than  before !
    *THANK  YOU*  JEHOVAH      Yes,  Jehovah  is  always  watching  'HIS'  humans  ;-))
  23. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Many different and beautiful JW - Pioneer Cakes ❤ (step by step some more) !   
    WOW  !!   Look  these  details  of  a  Pioneer - Cake  ;-))   Its  looking  SO  real !  What  a  Master - piece....  and  ALL  to  eat !   So  tasty,  making  of  a  loving  Sister -Team....
  24. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Philippines... Our Brother wanted, giving his Bible-reading exercise, lying on a sick-bed from the stage ! What a BIG JOY for JEHOVAH ❤   
    I  agree  with  you,  dear  Sister  @Rosa...  YES !   May  Jehovah  bless  all  them  alot ❤  I  read,  how  big  was  his  belief  for  all....  and  after  want  getting a  pioneer,  many  Brothers  daily  helped  him  in  all  things,  so  he  could  reach  his  loving  goal !   WE  CAN  SEE,  JEHOVAH  WILL  BLESS  HIM  DAILY
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