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Queen Esther

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    Queen Esther got a reaction from SHARON LEE MOYER in Daily text, Wednesday, May 24. 2017   
    Philippnes  Sister....   hard  work  by  Pioneer - School !
    Again  a  Philippines  Sister,  preaching  before  an  university...

    The heavens are declaring the glory of God; the skies above proclaim the work of his hands.—Ps. 19:1.
    Today, we are blessed with much knowledge of Jehovah’s works of creation and the outworking of his purpose. The world promotes higher education and advanced learning. Yet, the experience of many shows that pursuing such things often leads to loss of faith and loss of love for God. The Bible, however, urges us not only to love knowledge but also to acquire wisdom and understanding. That means to learn how to use the knowledge that God has given us so that we can benefit ourselves and others. (Prov. 4:5-7) God’s “will is that all sorts of people should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth.” (1 Tim. 2:4) We demonstrate our love for Jehovah when we put our heart into telling everyone the Kingdom good news and helping people to understand God’s grand purpose for mankind.—Ps. 66:16, 17. w15 9/15 5:10, 11
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    Queen Esther got a reaction from SHARON LEE MOYER in Jesus taught ONLY "1" true religion....   
    CONTINUED: Part# 3 of 10, # 21 – 31 of   “101 Reasons and Even More Scriptures  Why Jesus Cannot Be God"
    Because he distinctly states, that these works bear witness, not to his own power, but that the Father had sent him (John 5:36).KJ Bible (John 5:36) But I have the witness greater than that of John, for the very works that my Father assigned me to accomplish, these works that I am doing, bear witness that the Father sent me. NWT
    Because he expressly affirms that the works were done, not in his own name, but in his Father’s name (John 10:25).KJ Bible (John 10:25) Jesus answered them: “I told you, and yet you do not believe. The works that I am doing in my Father’s name, these bear witness about me. NWT  Because he asserts, that "him hath God the Father sealed," i.e. to God the Father he was indebted for his credentials (John 6:27).KJ Bible (John 6:27) Work, not for the food that perishes, but for the food that remains for everlasting life, which the Son of man will give you; for on this one the Father, God himself, has put his seal of approval.” NWT
    Because he declares that he is not the author of his own doctrine. "My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me" (John 7:16 and 17). KJ Bible (John 7:16, 17) Jesus, in turn, answered them and said: “What I teach is not mine, but belongs to him who sent me. 17 If anyone desires to do His will, he will know whether the teaching is from God or I speak of my own originality. NWT
    Because he represents himself as having been instructed by the Father. "As my Father hath taught me, I speak these things" (John 8:28).KJ Bible (John 8:28) Jesus then said: “After you have lifted up the Son of man, then you will know that I am he and that I do nothing of my own initiative; but just as the Father taught me, I speak these things. NWT
    Because he refers invariably to the Father as the origin of the authority by which he spoke and acted. "The Father hath given to the Son authority" (John 5:26 and 27). KJ Bible (John 5:26, 27) For just as the Father has life in himself, so he has granted also to the Son to have life in himself. 27 And he has given him authority to do judging, because he is the Son of man. NWT
    Because he acknowledges his dependence on his heavenly Father for example and direction in all his doings. "The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do" (John 5:19). "The Father loveth the Son, and showth him all things that himself doeth" (John 5:20).KJ Bible John 5:20) For the Father has affection for the Son and shows him all the things he himself does, and he will show him works greater than these, so that you may marvel. NWT
    Because he says, "I seek not mine own glory; but I honor my Father" (John 8:49 and 50).KJ Bible (John 8:49, 50) Jesus answered: “I do not have a demon, but I honor my Father, and you dishonor me. 50 But I am not seeking glory for myself; there is One who is seeking and judging. NWT
    Because he declares, "If I honor myself, my honor is nothing: it is my Father that honoreth me" (John 8:54).KJ Bible (John 8:54) Jesus answered: “If I glorify myself, my glory is nothing. It is my Father who glorifies me, the one who you say is your God. NWT Because an Apostle declares, that in Christ dwelt all fullness, BECAUSE IT SO PLEASED THE FATHER. (Col. 1:19).KJ Bible (Colossians 1:19) because God was pleased to have all fullness to dwell in him. NWT
    Because Christ is uniformly represented in the Scriptures, not as the primary, but the intermediate cause of all things relating to our salvation. "ONE GOD, THE FATHER, OF WHOM ARE ALL THINGS, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him" (1 Cor. 8:6).KJ Bible (1 Corinthians 8:6) there is actually to us one God, the Father, from whom all things are and we for him; and there is one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things are and we through him. NWT
  3. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Sardelic Franica in We are in the front line - for peace   
    Yes,  a  very  good  chance  for  JW  spending  comfort  for  the  humans.....  Maybe,  some  of  them  have  a  good  heart  for  Jehovah ❤
    We  don't  know,  when  our  Brothers  were  around  that  big  place,  some  are  always  very  fast,  but  maybe  too  dangerous  coming  too  early   Lets  hope,  they  can  help  in  these  extreme  sadness  days ❤
  4. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Evacuated in We are in the front line - for peace   
  5. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in CAN YOU READ THIS?   
    Thanks  @SHARON LEE MOYER   For  the  most  humans  seems  no  problem,  I  guess !  On  and  off  I  see  such  of   'letters'  and  its  a  good  training  to  test  ourselves...   I  like  these  things  with  puzzle  or  quiz   Do  you  have  any  wishes  to  see  here ?  Tell  me   I  try  get  it !
  6. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to SHARON LEE MOYER in CAN YOU READ THIS?   
    I guess, I, along with others, should consider myself lucky..... I read it. 
  7. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in CAN YOU READ THIS?   
    @gcm235 ....  Few minutes is okay !  But for all others, I write the right text soon here   
  8. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to gcm235 in CAN YOU READ THIS?   
    I read it in few minutes
  9. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from ARchiv@L in 2017 "Don't Give Up!" Regional Convention Releases   
    @Bible Speaks ... GET WELL SOON !!  ??????
  10. Thanks
    Queen Esther got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in CAN YOU READ THIS?   
    In  few  days,  I  will write  the  correct  text  here ! 
    Now  the  text  for  all.....
    CAN  READ  THIS.....
    E N J O Y  !!   ;-)
  11. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Texto Diario, Martes 23 de mayo 2017   
    Pónganse en contra del Diablo, sólidos en la fe (1 Ped. 5:9).
    Jesús fortaleció la fe de sus discípulos con sus palabras y sus acciones (Mar. 11:20-24). Siga su ejemplo y fortalezca la fe de quienes lo rodean. Eso, a su vez, lo fortalecerá a usted (Prov. 11:25). ¿Cómo puede hacerlo? Cuando hable de la Biblia a las personas, presénteles pruebas de que Dios existe, de que la Biblia es su Palabra y de que él se preocupa por nosotros. Ayude también a sus hermanos. Si nota que uno de ellos tiene dudas y comienza a quejarse de los ancianos, no lo rechace. Es mejor ayudarlo con tacto a recuperar el equilibrio y la fe (Jud. 22, 23). Y si eres joven y hablan de la teoría de la evolución en clase, no dejes de defender tu fe en la creación. Podría sorprenderte la reacción de quienes te escuchan. Hoy, Jehová nos ayuda a estar firmes en la fe (1 Ped. 5:10). Todos los esfuerzos que hagamos para fortalecer nuestra fe valdrán la pena, pues la recompensa que nos espera es inigualable. w15 15/9 3:20, 21
  12. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Texto Diario, Lunes 22 de mayo 2017   
    Ustedes son mis amigos si hacen lo que les mando (Juan 15:14).
    Jesús escogía a sus amigos íntimos con cuidado. Solo aceptaba a quienes lo seguían con lealtad y servían a Jehová de todo corazón. Lo mismo debemos hacer nosotros: solo debemos aceptar como amigos íntimos a cristianos que sirvan a Jehová de todo corazón. ¿Por qué es importante ser cuidadosos en este asunto? El calor y la amistad de nuestros hermanos pueden ayudarnos a madurar. Quizás seas joven y estés indeciso sobre lo que vas a hacer con tu vida. ¿Sabes qué es lo mejor que puedes hacer? Buscar la compañía de cristianos que lleven años sirviendo a Jehová y ayudando a la congregación a mantenerse unida. Esos hermanos han pasado por buenos y malos momentos, y han tenido que superar muchos obstáculos. Ellos son los que mejor te pueden orientar. Su amistad te ayudará a escoger el mejor camino en la vida y a alcanzar la madurez (Heb. 5:14). w15 15/9 1:14, 15
  13. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Daily text, Tuesday, May 23. 2017   
    Take your stand against [the Devil], firm in the faith.—1 Pet. 5:9.
    By both word and deed, Jesus built up the faith of his disciples. (Mark 11:20-24) We should follow his example because helping others build up their faith also strengthens our own. (Prov. 11:25) In your preaching and teaching, highlight the proof that God exists, that he cares about us, and that the Bible is his inspired Word. Help your brothers and sisters bolster their faith as well. If any show signs of doubt, perhaps by starting to grumble against appointed brothers, do not quickly shun them. Instead, tactfully come to their aid, helping them take steps to restore their faith. (Jude 22, 23) If you are in school and the theory of evolution is discussed, boldly defend your faith in creation—you might be surprised at the effect your words have on others. Jehovah helps all of us to stand firm in the faith. (1 Pet. 5:10) The effort we put into building our faith is well worth it, for the rewards of faith are incomparable. w15 9/15 3:20, 21
  14. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Daily text, Monday, May 22. 2017   
    You are my friends if you do what I am commanding you.—John 15:14.
    In choosing close friends, Jesus was selective. Jesus chose such friends from among those who loyally followed him and served Jehovah wholeheartedly. Do you similarly select your close friends from among those who serve Jehovah unreservedly? Why is this important? The warmth of our brotherhood can help you to progress to maturity. Perhaps you are a young person who is trying to decide what course you will pursue in life. How wise you are if you associate with fellow believers who have considerable experience in serving Jehovah and in contributing to the unity of the congregation! Over the years, they may have had some ups and downs in life and may even have faced challenges in serving God. Such ones can help you to choose the best way of life. Warm, upbuilding association with such brothers and sisters can help you to make your own wise decisions and to press on to maturity.—Heb. 5:14. w15 9/15 1:14, 15
  15. Sad
    Queen Esther reacted to admin in Sky News Live TV   
    Replies below will be split off to form separate topics as needed.
  16. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to SHARON LEE MOYER in Vandalism Continues in Russia   
    thank you, Bible Speaks..... plus.... I was just looking at another post..... 62 YEARS ????!!!!!   WOW !!!!   thank you again for helping me along.....
  17. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Bible Speaks in 2017 "Don't Give Up!" Regional Convention Releases   
    ???????  Doing better! Thank you much Love! 
  18. Thanks
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Bible Speaks in 2017 "Don't Give Up!" Regional Convention Releases   
    @Bible Speaks ... GET WELL SOON !!  ??????
  19. Sad
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in 2017 "Don't Give Up!" Regional Convention Releases   
    @Bible Speaks ... GET WELL SOON !!  ??????
  20. Sad
    Queen Esther reacted to Bible Speaks in 2017 "Don't Give Up!" Regional Convention Releases   
    Because of my back surgery I can't walk yet. I'm grateful to listen online! Thank you Jehovah God! Sometimes many don't understand unless they have been there? 
  21. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to ARchiv@L in 2017 "Don't Give Up!" Regional Convention Releases   
    Blessings of JWORG 

  22. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to ARchiv@L in 2017 "Don't Give Up!" Regional Convention Releases   
    From the moment this book is available for download, 
    NOBODY ASKED this question: “why this book is on the internet” !!
    ... online message reads:
    (This is an internal publication, provided solely for use by congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses, and is not intended for public distribution.)    
  23. Haha
    Queen Esther got a reaction from ARchiv@L in DID YOU SMILE TODAY ? Babies seems born with it ;-))   
    WOW...   just  born  and  already  SO  a  sweet  smile
    Kiddies  doing  that  the  whole  day,  its  positive  for  our  body

    Seems  so,  Babies  are  born  with  a  smile....  ;-))
  24. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Texto Diario, Domingo 21 de mayo 2017   
    Las malas compañías echan a perder los hábitos útiles (1 Cor. 15:33).
    Para no perder nuestras buenas costumbres, debemos evitar las malas compañías, fuera y también dentro de la congregación. No debemos juntarnos con los miembros de la congregación que deciden desobedecer a Jehová. De hecho, si un cristiano comete un pecado grave y no se arrepiente, cortamos toda relación con él (Rom. 16:17, 18). Si tenemos amistad estrecha con gente que no sirve a Jehová, es posible que terminemos haciendo lo mismo que ellos a fin de que nos acepten. Por ejemplo, si nos juntamos con personas que pasan por alto las normas de Dios sobre la sexualidad, nosotros también podríamos terminar cometiendo inmoralidad. A algunos les ha ocurrido eso y han tenido que ser expulsados de la congregación (1 Cor. 5:11-13). Y si no regresan a Jehová, puede pasarles lo que dijo el apóstol Pedro en 2 Pedro 2:20-22. w15 15/8 4:4-6
  25. Haha
    Queen Esther reacted to Jack Ryan in Skirt Length: Traditional Meaning Behind Women Showing Leg   
    or is this all gone now that humans have matured beyond blaming women's dress for men's behavior?
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