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Queen Esther

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  1. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Elisabeth Dolewka in I will see you in the NEW WORLD ❤ (video)   
    A  wonderful  video,  posted  from  our  sister  Ellen Tieking    Many  of  us  knowing  that  video....
    But  on  and  off  listen  to  Jehovah's  Creations  and  the  nice  music / text,  makes  feeling  good ❤
    *I  WILL  SEE  YOU  IN  THE  NEW  WORLD*  ;-))  MORE  importend,  we  all  encourage  each  other  living  in  the  NW soon ❤
  2. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in "Let Your NAME Be Sanctified"   
    I'm  sure,  yes !    Thanks  for  your  very  good  comments.  We  all  can  learn,  bec. NOBODY  of  us  is  perfect !  Maybe  someone  thinking  so....  but  we  need  1000  years  for  that,  hahaha  -  thats  the  reason,  I  read  alot....  but  I  NOT  believe  all....  I  hope  you  understand  me,  @Micah Ong ??  Thank  you !  Greetings  from  Germany  to  you ❤
  3. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Micah Ong in "Let Your NAME Be Sanctified"   
    The nation of Israel and foreigners who attached themselves to that nation certainly addressed Almighty God as YHWH.  That applied to the old covenant.  Isaiah 43:10
    The true God has now opened up himself to all the nations now with the new covenant.  No where in the new testament is anyone addressing the Father as YHWH.  Jesus name means Ya saves!  He wants us to be witnesses of that name.
    We are in the new covenant now Isaiah 62:2 is fulfilled in Jesus. " And you will be given a new name by Jehovah's own mouth."
    We can't be stuck in the old Jewish way of things Matt 9:16,17  The old covenant is now fulfilled in the new covenant.
    That new name from Isaiah 62:2 is 'Jesus' witnesses or Christians, followers of Christ.  Philippians 2:9,10; Acts 4:10-12
    Yes we are admonished to bow to Jesus name that is above every name.  Will we or will we go back to the old covenant?  Can we ignore scriptures like Philippians 2:9,10 and stick to mere sentiment handed down from a teaching from men.
    @Queen Esther The Bible has the right answer Acts 4:12 says there is no other name.
  4. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in Some words to our postings here......   
    Some  sisters  told  me,  why  some  postings  here  with  SO  much  Bible  texts...?  Maybe,  they're  not  able  for  so  much,  or  only less  time  for  reading  all  that  every  day.... ?   Lets  be  more  flexible  for  all...  a  fine  solution  I  think !   Thanks  to  you  all !
  5. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Russia: Citizen Razes JW Property   
    A villager from the Moscow area threw a Molotov cocktail (incendiary bomb) at the home of Jehovah's Witnesses. Two houses and cars burned. The villager says he did it because he does not like the beliefs of his neighbors.
    That same day a guy broke the window of a kingdom hall. The brothers were gathered and told to stop doing that and the cry that will continue to do so until the whole room is destroyed.
    It has unleashed a witch hunt against the witnesses and people feel supported by the government.
    THINKING & PRAYING  to  all  our  Brothers ❤
  6. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from The Librarian in Russia: Citizen Razes JW Property   
    A villager from the Moscow area threw a Molotov cocktail (incendiary bomb) at the home of Jehovah's Witnesses. Two houses and cars burned. The villager says he did it because he does not like the beliefs of his neighbors.
    That same day a guy broke the window of a kingdom hall. The brothers were gathered and told to stop doing that and the cry that will continue to do so until the whole room is destroyed.
    It has unleashed a witch hunt against the witnesses and people feel supported by the government.
    THINKING & PRAYING  to  all  our  Brothers ❤
  7. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Micah Ong in "Let Your NAME Be Sanctified"   
    @Micah Ong   and   @Bible Speaks ......  who  has  the  right  answer ??
    I'm  sure,  ONLY  our  Librarian  can  help  here !
  8. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from ARchiv@L in Some words to our postings here......   
    Some  sisters  told  me,  why  some  postings  here  with  SO  much  Bible  texts...?  Maybe,  they're  not  able  for  so  much,  or  only less  time  for  reading  all  that  every  day.... ?   Lets  be  more  flexible  for  all...  a  fine  solution  I  think !   Thanks  to  you  all !
  9. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Micah Ong in "Let Your NAME Be Sanctified"   
    @Bible Speaks Again no YHWH, he is addressed as the Father in the scripture you have just quoted.  This scripture Matt 24:36 does not say YHWH is the name above every other name.
    That scripture only shows that while Jesus was on earth he did not know the day or the hour.  The Watchtower even says Jesus would know by now.
    The scriptures I have previously shown, clearly demonstrate the name Jesus is the most high name now.  That's why he said to Paul and others you will be "witnesses of me".  He didn't say witnesses of Jehovah through me.  Again the "bible speaks"!
    Acts 1:8, Acts 9:15
    Philippians 2:9,10 Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name,10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
  10. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Micah Ong in "Let Your NAME Be Sanctified"   
    @Bible Speaks Wow everything I have showed you is based on God's Word not my own idea.  Philippians 2:9,10 is clear as daylight.  You can't go against Gods word.  The "bible speaks" for itself.  How else do you explain Philippians application?  The name Jesus is above the name Jehovah.  The New Testament is God's final Revelation and message, not the Old Testament where YHWH is found.  You can't show any of the earliest manuscripts of the New Testament showing the Divine name.
    Jesus is the name borne witness to.

    Acts 9:15 "But the Lord said to him: "Be on your way, because this man is a chosen vessel to me to bear my name to the nations as well as to kings and the sons of Israel."

    Acts 1:8 "YOU will be witnesses of me (Jesus) both in Jerusalem and in all Ju·de´a and Sa·mar´i·a and to the most distant part of the earth."
    Jesus is the name used to expel demons.

    Mark 9:38-39 "John said to him: "Teacher, we saw a certain man expelling demons by the use of your name and we tried to prevent him, because he was not accompanying us." But Jesus said: "Do not try to prevent him, for there is no one that will do a powerful work on the basis of my name that will quickly be able to revile me;"
    Jesus is the subject of the kingdom good news.

    Galatians 1:7 "But it is not another; only there are certain ones who are causing YOU trouble and wanting to pervert the good news about the Christ."
    Jesus name invokes persecution, yet Jehovah's Witnesses claim their persecution in the Name of Jehovah fulfills prophecy.

    Matthew 24:9 "Then people will deliver YOU up to tribulation and will kill YOU, and YOU will be objects of hatred by all the nations on account of my name."
    Jesus name alone is the means of salvation.

    Acts 4:10-12 "… let it be known to all of YOU and to all the people of Israel, that in the name of Jesus Christ the Naz‧a‧rene′, whom YOU impaled but whom God raised up from the dead, by this one does this man stand here sound in front of YOU. This is ‘the stone that was treated by YOU builders as of no account that has become the head of the corner.’Furthermore, there is no salvation in anyone else, for there is not another name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must get saved.”"
  11. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in "Let Your NAME Be Sanctified"   
    @Micah Ong   and   @Bible Speaks ......  who  has  the  right  answer ??
    I'm  sure,  ONLY  our  Librarian  can  help  here !
  12. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Jehovah is my light and my salvation -- Ps. 27 :1 ❤   
    LOOK  and  trust  JEHOVAH'S  word  -  bec.  ONLY  HE  can  one  day  rescue  the  right  humans !

             ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
  13. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in SOUTH AFRICA - Our sister, preaching in a Territory without assigning.... May JEHOVAH bless her ❤   
    SOUTH  AFRICA  -  Our  sister,  preaching  in  a  Territory  without  assigning....   May  JEHOVAH  bless  her ❤
  14. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Tennyson Naidoo in I will see you in the NEW WORLD ❤ (video)   
    A  wonderful  video,  posted  from  our  sister  Ellen Tieking    Many  of  us  knowing  that  video....
    But  on  and  off  listen  to  Jehovah's  Creations  and  the  nice  music / text,  makes  feeling  good ❤
    *I  WILL  SEE  YOU  IN  THE  NEW  WORLD*  ;-))  MORE  importend,  we  all  encourage  each  other  living  in  the  NW soon ❤
  15. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in "Let Your NAME Be Sanctified"   
    @Micah Ong   and   @Bible Speaks ......  who  has  the  right  answer ??
    I'm  sure,  ONLY  our  Librarian  can  help  here !
  16. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Jehovah is my light and my salvation -- Ps. 27 :1 ❤   
    LOOK  and  trust  JEHOVAH'S  word  -  bec.  ONLY  HE  can  one  day  rescue  the  right  humans !

             ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
  17. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from The Librarian in I will see you in the NEW WORLD ❤ (video)   
    A  wonderful  video,  posted  from  our  sister  Ellen Tieking    Many  of  us  knowing  that  video....
    But  on  and  off  listen  to  Jehovah's  Creations  and  the  nice  music / text,  makes  feeling  good ❤
    *I  WILL  SEE  YOU  IN  THE  NEW  WORLD*  ;-))  MORE  importend,  we  all  encourage  each  other  living  in  the  NW soon ❤
  18. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in SOUTH AFRICA - Our sister, preaching in a Territory without assigning.... May JEHOVAH bless her ❤   
    SOUTH  AFRICA  -  Our  sister,  preaching  in  a  Territory  without  assigning....   May  JEHOVAH  bless  her ❤
  19. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Bible Speaks in "Let my cry for help reach you." ? ? ?   
    @Blanchie DeGrate Yes we learn so much from Jehovah! When we rely on Him and not ourselves we are so much stronger! He loves us so, sees our weaknesses but still shows Loyal Love! Does that not "touch" our hearts? Thank you for your encouragement ???we do our best to help others as we have been made strong! Agape,
    Bible Speaks
  20. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Sign Language Midweek Meeting 2017-05-08   
    Dear  ARchiv@L....   thank  you  so  much,  always  thinking  to  our  deaf  JW ❤
  21. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Sign Language Midweek Meeting 2017-05-08   
    Dear  ARchiv@L....   thank  you  so  much,  always  thinking  to  our  deaf  JW ❤
  22. Upvote
  23. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to b4ucuhear in HOW DO DEMONS TRICK PEOPLE ?   
    I try not to be too judgmental on what others choose as to entertainment, dress and grooming... according to their conscience, even though I may not agree with what they find acceptable. (Obviously there are things that are a "no-brainer" that go beyond what is acceptable even under the "conscience" umbrella. It shouldn't be an "anything goes"...) Personally, (others will disagree), I try not to read too much into every detail either (although I also recognize that little things can add up to big things over time). Making human rules and regulations instead of principles tends to be unhealthy in my experience, because they often reflect the personal opinion and consciences of the ones making them, over others' - even when well intentioned. Sometimes strong opinions of what others should be doing can border on being the "masters" of their faith.  I also know the other side of the coin, on several occasions having experienced demon attack and harassment which was absolutely terrifying. (No Casper the friendly ghost there). But in no case was it possible to associate these events with my choice of entertainment, even though at the time I was just studying and coming into the truth.
    I guess the short of it is, that I don't make lists and rules I think everyone else should be doing according to my personal conscience. I try to lead by example and show how well it works out in the hope that others may imitate my faith, to their personal benefit. (I was consciously trying to avoid the use the word "I" so much here because "I" didn't want my personal opinion to be the focus. But there was no other way to convey these thoughts without it's use).
  24. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Arauna in HOW DO DEMONS TRICK PEOPLE ?   
    There are many secret organizations - this is why Jehovah has to remove the wicked because some of them are so powerful (influence and money) and they sit in high places.  Thanks to Jehovah that he will remove the wicked with his heavenly army in perfect justice! Earth will then be able to start anew with people who will work together to heal the world society of the qualities that are now contributing to its demise.  If Jehovah does not step in - mankind's future survival is in jeopardy!
  25. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Yvette hepburn Chisolm in HOW DO DEMONS TRICK PEOPLE ?   
    Not many people know that Walt Disney was a 33-degree mason and there is a club called Club 33, which is a secret club that only a few members can get into. When I was in college I wanted to join a sorority, my mother urged me not to never explaining to me why. Researching,  I found out that fraternities and sororities are secret societies, much like the Freemason's, that does things in secret. I was told by an ex-member of one of these clubs that if you are a Christian, you should not seek membership in these organizations because of the idol worship and the demonic rituals. Unfortunately, many young people attending college do not know this and they do not know what they are pledging to or  to whom.
    Satan influences the music industry, movies/tv, sports, and politics. He uses whatever we can to spread his agenda.So, we have to draw closer to Jehovah for his guidance and protection, because Satan wants to turn as many to him a further from Jehovah.
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