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Queen Esther

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  1. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from TrueTomHarley in The 5 year old Bella enjoying the ministry, she wanted ringing at every door... in Aberaeron, Wales.   
    I  wrote  all  to  you  by  PM  message...  so all  is  okay !
    @TrueTom  Look  by  my  postings  in  category  "Experience"...  There  you  can  read  an example  of  a  boy went  door  to door  with  a  CO. Brother !  The  CO,  really  enjoyed  the  little  door tio door  talk  of  the  little  boy   It was  a  success...  and  the  CO.  used  that  text  at the  next  door  too !   So  you  all  see,  our  kids are  so  clever  and  mature  too !
  2. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from ARchiv@L in Song 134 - See Yourself When All Is New ❤ and - ENJOY THE VIEW ON THE SEA IN PARADISE...   
    Awww...  that  is  touching  my  heart,  dear  Brother  Barltrop ❤  Thank  you  so  much !  You're  always  welcome,  yes   By  some  Kingdom  songs  I  get  also  tears  in  my  eyes,  thats  normal  and  okay....  Enjoy !   I  will  look  on  &  off  for  nice  songs,  yes.
  3. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to John Lindsay Barltrop in Song 134 - See Yourself When All Is New ❤ and - ENJOY THE VIEW ON THE SEA IN PARADISE...   
    Thank you so much for that beautiful presentation of song 139 ("Sing Out Joyfully" o Jehovah), it certainly brought a tear to eye. My late wife loved this song and I had this sung at her memorial service...........and I am so looking forward to that time when we see that all is new and be with her once again.
    Again thank you
  4. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Abel Castro in Jeová vai recompensar você!--“Quem se aproxima de Deus tem de crer que ele existe e que se torna o recompensador dos que o buscam seriamente.” — HEBREUS 11:6.   
    Jeová vai recompensar você!
    “Quem se aproxima de Deus tem de crer que ele existe e que se torna o recompensador dos que o buscam seriamente.” — HEBREUS 11:6.
      Jeová gosta de recompensar aqueles que buscam seriamente a ele. Isso faz parte da personalidade dele. Mas, se temos dúvidas que Jeová vai nos recompensar, precisamos aumentar nossa fé. Hebreus 11:1 diz que “a fé é a firme confiança de que virá o que se espera”. Então, ter fé é confiar que Jeová vai nos abençoar. Neste artigo, vamos ver como a esperança de ganhar uma recompensa nos ajuda. Também, como Jeová recompensou seus servos no passado e como ele faz isso hoje. 
    Vamos ver?http://wol.jw.org/pt/wol/d/r5/lp-t/402016923

  5. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Bible Speaks in What It Means To Fix Our Things On The Things Above?   
    What It Means To Fix Our Things 
    On The Things Above? 
    Like Our First Century Brothers, We Encounter False Reasonings, Worldly Philosophies, & Materialistic Attitudes In Satan's System of Things .
     5 "For we are overturning reasonings and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are bringing every thought into captivity to make it obedient to the Christ." (1 Cor. 10:5) NWT
    As imitators of Jesus, We Need To Be Vigilant In Guarding Such Attacks On Our Spirituality.

  6. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Abel Castro in GREAT your words, our Nelson Mandela ! We can see us in the NW ❤ I hope so....   
    Yes, I remember that.... Thank you so much, dear Brother Abel  ?
  7. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Abel Castro in GREAT your words, our Nelson Mandela ! We can see us in the NW ❤ I hope so....   
    His first wife was our sister it is good to know he made such a statement ?
  8. Upvote
  9. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Bible Speaks in The 5 year old Bella enjoying the ministry, she wanted ringing at every door... in Aberaeron, Wales.   
    PS.  Kids  always  want  imitate  their  parents  and  when  they  want  go  preaching, they  can  do. Already  Jesus  was  telling  so.... Remember, little  girls  often  want  be  a  princess, a model, singer  or  dancer, etc. -  they  WANT  it  and  we  not  stop  them !  They  will  stop  on  &  off  from  alone, thats  okay !
    Many  kids  in  my  cong. are  very  active.  Never  stop  such  of  children !  If  they  like  sports  or  other  things,  thats  alot  better  than  later  smoking,  drinking, drugs  or  more  bad  things.  You  understand  what  I  mean ?
  10. Upvote
  11. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Bible Speaks in The 5 year old Bella enjoying the ministry, she wanted ringing at every door... in Aberaeron, Wales.   
    ❤ ❤ ❤ .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•.  ❤ ❤ ❤
  12. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from ARchiv@L in A blind Brother on the stage with his loving, needing dog ❤ more info's about Guide dogs & the humans !   
    A  Guide - dog  near  deaf & blind  Brothers  while  a  Congress...
    2  Sister - Interpreters  helping  to  understand  the  program !   / more  info's :

    A blind woman learns to use her guide dog in a test environment / for more info's...
  13. Upvote
  14. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in The 5 year old Bella enjoying the ministry, she wanted ringing at every door... in Aberaeron, Wales.   
    PS.  Kids  always  want  imitate  their  parents  and  when  they  want  go  preaching, they  can  do. Already  Jesus  was  telling  so.... Remember, little  girls  often  want  be  a  princess, a model, singer  or  dancer, etc. -  they  WANT  it  and  we  not  stop  them !  They  will  stop  on  &  off  from  alone, thats  okay !
    Many  kids  in  my  cong. are  very  active.  Never  stop  such  of  children !  If  they  like  sports  or  other  things,  thats  alot  better  than  later  smoking,  drinking, drugs  or  more  bad  things.  You  understand  what  I  mean ?
  15. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Daily text, Saturday, February 25 . 2017   
    Imitate Jehovah’s Close Friends...

    [Ahaz] burned up his sons in the fire.—2 Chron. 28:3.
    Ahaz’s son Hezekiah might easily have grown up to be a bitter, angry man who turned against God. Others who have endured far less have become “enraged against Jehovah” or embittered toward his organization. (Prov. 19:3) And some people are convinced that their unwholesome family background dooms them to lead a bad life, perhaps to repeat their parents’ mistakes. (Ezek. 18:2, 3) Are such notions correct? Hezekiah’s life record gives us a resounding answer: Absolutely not! There is never a valid reason to become embittered against Jehovah, for he is not the source of the evils that befall people in this wicked world. (Job 34:10) True, parents can exert a strong influence on their children for good or for bad. (Prov. 22:6; Col. 3:21) But this does not mean that a person’s family background determines his course in life. On the contrary, Jehovah has given all of us a precious gift—the ability to choose what we will do and who we will be.—Deut. 30:19. w16.02 2:8-10
  16. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from ARchiv@L in Song 134 - See Yourself When All Is New ❤ and - ENJOY THE VIEW ON THE SEA IN PARADISE...   
    Yes,  thats  true !!   Thank  you  dear  Blanchie ❤  You're  always  welcome
  17. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from ARchiv@L in Song 134 - See Yourself When All Is New ❤ and - ENJOY THE VIEW ON THE SEA IN PARADISE...   
    Song 134  -  See  Yourself  When  All  Is  New ❤

  18. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in The 5 year old Bella enjoying the ministry, she wanted ringing at every door... in Aberaeron, Wales.   
    ❤ ❤ ❤ .•*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•.  ❤ ❤ ❤
  19. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Francis Devasia in A blind Brother on the stage with his loving, needing dog ❤ more info's about Guide dogs & the humans !   
    hahahahahahaaaaa    yes....  all  is  possible   but  not  by  JW  -  I  think  so !
  20. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Janice G. in Song 134 - See Yourself When All Is New ❤ and - ENJOY THE VIEW ON THE SEA IN PARADISE...   
    Song 134  -  See  Yourself  When  All  Is  New ❤

  21. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Debunked Rumor: Jackie Chan is NOT one of Jehovah's Witnesses?   
    Yeah, as Abraham Lincoln once warned ... "Never believe anything you read on the Internet!"
    Could be worse ... could be a picture of Jesus holding out two fingers with a Gillette Razor between them.
    With my usual lack of humor I present the Draft Copy of the December 2016 issue of the Watchtower which showed a Brother shaving on the cover ... it was changed before being distributed, because the Brothers responsible for the VERY GOOD and accurate article ... disappeared mysteriously.
    After you save the file to your hard drive, from the TOOL BAR, be sure to set your ADOBE PDF reader under VIEW to "Reading Mode" and under ZOOM,  "Fit Page" to read it.
    Dec 2016 Watchtower draft article .pdf
  22. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Debunked Rumor: Jackie Chan is NOT one of Jehovah's Witnesses?   
    The  same  man  and  the  same  background !  I  not  believe  to  such  of  photo's...  Too  many  photoshoped  I  saw  in  the  Internet,  sorry ;-(    Btw.  Celebrities  are  humans  like  you  and  me...   Only  Jehovah  will  know  the  truth  and  thats  okay!
  23. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Bible Speaks in God's Wisdom in a Sacred Secret   
    A Sacred Secret that should interest us and why
    SECRETS They intrigue, fascinate Humans who have difficulty keeping them confidential 
    AS SOVEREIGN RULER & CREATOR, Jehovah rightfully keeps some things secret from mankind until it is his due time to reveal them.
    2 "It is the glory of God to keep a matter secret,
    And the glory of kings is to search through a matter."
    (Proverbs 25:2) NWT

  24. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Blanchie DeGrate in Song 134 - See Yourself When All Is New ❤ and - ENJOY THE VIEW ON THE SEA IN PARADISE...   
    It just takes your breath away!! This is amazingly beautiful!! Thanks for sharing ??? 
  25. Upvote
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