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Queen Esther

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  1. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Bible Speaks in God's Amazing Wonders of Creation ❤ Enjoy ;-)   
    God's  Amazing  Wonders  of  Creation ❤    Enjoy ;-)
  2. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from MsKitty in Our Literature and study before 20 years, in Januar 1997.... Do you remember all that ?   
    ❤️Twenty years ago, this week - January 1997 - this is what you'd be taking to the meetings and ministry.  Could we ever imagine how times would change?
    I  STILL  REMEMBER  ALL  THAT  ;-)    Today  its  all  on  my  tablet....
  3. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to ARchiv@L in Ο Θεός τον έκανε και Κύριο και Χριστό, αυτόν τον Ιησού τον οποίο εσείς κρεμάσατε στο ξύλο.—Πράξ. 2:36.   
    "Με Βεβαιότητα, ο Θεός τον Έκανε Κύριο και Χριστό"—Πρώτο Μέρος

    "Με Βεβαιότητα, ο Θεός τον Έκανε Κύριο και Χριστό"—Δεύτερο Μέρος
  4. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to ARchiv@L in Bevorzugt Zeugen Jehovas   
    Wie jedes Jahr suchen wir ab etwa März/April 2017 eine weibliche Kraft für mehrere Monate für Arbeit in unserem Hotel und Restaurant.
    Irena ist Ende November wieder nach Polen zurück, nachdem sie, wie schon etliche Jahre, auch 2016 wieder einige Monate bei uns gearbeitet hat. Leider wird sie wohl 2017 nicht kommen können.
    Neben dem Verdienst - so bemessen, daß er unter der Steuergrenze bleibt - werden unsere Kräfte angemeldet und bekommen Kost und Logis frei.
    Einfach mal Kontakt mit uns aufnehmen, damit wir uns kennen lernen. Wir sind in Erwartung!
  5. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Abel Castro in HONDURAS... A very special baptism❤ (after an accident & back - surgery)   
    @Abel Castro  My  dear  brother...  thank  you  very  much  for  that  nice  comment !
    You  will  daily  learning  more  and  more  our  pages !  When  I  was  new  here,  I  clicked  here  and  there  for  looking, so  I  learned  step  by  step  alot   You  will  work  it  too,  yes !
    Thanks  for  the  wonderful  video  here ❤
    The  Librarian  put  my  baptism  post  now  to  another  area... Click  on  my  post  or  look  by  HONDURAS  please !
    More  on  Monday....
  6. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to ARchiv@L in Erzählte Erinnerungen   
    Wieselburg. Judith Ribic, eine Zeitzeugin der zweiten Generation erzählt im BRG und in der NMS Wieselburg die Geschichte ihres Vaters, der viereinhalb Jahre im Konzentrationslager Flossenbürg war.
      „Judith Ribic möchte über die Vergangenheit reden, um zu mahnen. Eine Zeit, in der Menschenrechte mit Füßen getreten werden und rechtsradikales Denken Toleranz verdrängt, soll der heutigen Jugend erspart bleiben. Ihr Vater Ernst Reiter war ihr Vorbild, denn als Bibelforscher – wie damals Zeugen Jehovas genannt wurden – verweigerte er den Dienst mit der Waffe“, so Franz-Michael Zagler, Pressesprecher des Vereins Lila Winkel, der sich für die Rehabilitierung von NS-Opfern einsetzt. Weitere Informationen zum Zeitzeugengespräch unter 0676/6378496 oder unter www.lilawinkel.at
    Erzählte Erinnerungen
  7. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from ARchiv@L in Ο Θεός τον έκανε και Κύριο και Χριστό, αυτόν τον Ιησού τον οποίο εσείς κρεμάσατε στο ξύλο.—Πράξ. 2:36.   
    Ο Θεός τον έκανε και Κύριο και Χριστό, αυτόν τον Ιησού τον οποίο εσείς κρεμάσατε στο ξύλο.—Πράξ. 2:36.
    Την ημέρα της Πεντηκοστής, ο Πέτρος είπε στους Ιουδαίους: «Μετανοήστε, και ας βαφτιστεί ο καθένας σας στο όνομα του Ιησού Χριστού για συγχώρηση των αμαρτιών σας και θα λάβετε τη δωρεά του αγίου πνεύματος». (Πράξ. 2:22, 23, 37, 38) Εκείνη την ημέρα, περίπου 3.000 άνθρωποι προστέθηκαν στο νέο έθνος του πνευματικού Ισραήλ. (Πράξ. 2:41) Οι απόστολοι συνέχισαν να κηρύττουν με ζήλο, και το έργο τους απέδιδε όλο και περισσότερους καρπούς. (Πράξ. 6:7) Αργότερα, το έργο κηρύγματος επεκτάθηκε και στους Σαμαρείτες, με καλά αποτελέσματα. Πολλοί βαφτίστηκαν από τον ευαγγελιστή Φίλιππο, αλλά δεν έλαβαν αμέσως το άγιο πνεύμα. Το κυβερνών σώμα στην Ιερουσαλήμ έστειλε σε εκείνους τους Σαμαρείτες που είχαν μεταστραφεί τους αποστόλους Πέτρο και Ιωάννη, οι οποίοι «έθεταν τα χέρια τους πάνω σε αυτούς, και αυτοί άρχισαν να λαβαίνουν άγιο πνεύμα». (Πράξ. 8:5, 6, 14-17) Έτσι λοιπόν, προστέθηκαν και αυτοί οι Σαμαρείτες στα χρισμένα με το πνεύμα μέλη του πνευματικού Ισραήλ. w14 15/11 5:3, 4
  8. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from ARchiv@L in HONDURAS... A very special baptism❤ (after an accident & back - surgery)   
    @Abel Castro  My  dear  brother...  thank  you  very  much  for  that  nice  comment !
    You  will  daily  learning  more  and  more  our  pages !  When  I  was  new  here,  I  clicked  here  and  there  for  looking, so  I  learned  step  by  step  alot   You  will  work  it  too,  yes !
    Thanks  for  the  wonderful  video  here ❤
    The  Librarian  put  my  baptism  post  now  to  another  area... Click  on  my  post  or  look  by  HONDURAS  please !
    More  on  Monday....
  9. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Bible Speaks in On the Congress "Divine Victory" - JW got these Kingdom - Messages... read more!   
    On  the  Congress  "Divine  Victory"  -  JW  got  these  Kingdom - Messages...
    "Is time running for humanity?"
    130.000 000  specimens  worldwide  distributed  from  21. - 30. 09. 1973
    ( translated  by  google )
  10. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Joy of Conventions, 2015 15. 12. JW Broadcasting Video... Enjoy!   
    Joy of Conventions  2015  15. 12. JW  Broadcasting  (Music) Video...
    Enjoy ;-)
  11. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in HONDURAS... A very special baptism❤ (after an accident & back - surgery)   
    HONDURAS...   A very special baptism❤  After preaching, then an accident  with a bus.  After painful surgery,  asap. she wanted her baptism !  The Doc's gave big hope for good health and walking again.  ( broken her spinal...)
    The  young  sister  is  very  happy  today ;-)
  12. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Daily text, Monday, January 30. 2017   
    [They went] from year to year to Jerusalem for the festival of the Passover.—Luke 2:41.
    Picture the Israelites in Bible times praising Jehovah during a festival at his temple in Jerusalem. They would have prepared for the journey, cared for one another’s needs en route, and then been united in worship at the temple. All of this called for cooperation. As we continue our journey toward the new world, we too need to be harmoniously joined together and cooperating. Think of what blessings await us! We have already left behind the disunity and confusion marking the present system of things. We now see being fulfilled what both Isaiah and Micah foretold—God’s people are unitedly going up to “the mountain of Jehovah.” (Isa. 2:2-4; Mic. 4:2-4) Indeed, how elevated our form of worship is in “the final part of the days.” But how great will be our happiness and joy when we live at the time when all mankind will be harmoniously joined together and cooperating! w16.03 3:16, 17
  13. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to ARchiv@L in Δευτέρα 30 Ιανουαρίου   
    Δευτέρα 30 Ιανουαρίου
    [Πήγαιναν] κάθε χρόνο στην Ιερουσαλήμ για τη γιορτή του πάσχα.—Λουκ. 2:41.
    Μάρτυρες του Ιεχωβά
    Monday, January 30
    [They went] from year to year to Jerusalem for the festival of the Passover.—Luke 2:41.
    Jehovah's Witnesses
    Lunes 30 de enero
    Iban de año en año a Jerusalén para la fiesta de la pascua (Luc. 2:41).
    Testigos de Jehová
    Segunda-feira, 30 de janeiro
    De ano em ano, [iam] a Jerusalém para a Festividade da Páscoa. — Luc. 2:41.
    Testemunhas de Jeová
    Понедельник, 30 января
    [Они] каждый год ходили в Иерусалим на праздник пасхи (Луки 2:41).
    Свидетели Иеговы
    Poniedziałek 30 stycznia
    ‛Chodzili co roku do Jerozolimy na święto Paschy’ (Łuk. 2:41).
    Świadkowie Jehowy
    Lundi 30 janvier
    [Ils allaient] d’année en année à Jérusalem pour la fête de la Pâque (Luc 2:41).
    Témoins de Jéhovah 
    Montag, 30. Januar
    Sie pflegten nun Jahr für Jahr zum Passahfest nach Jerusalem zu gehen (Luk. 2:41)
    Zeugen Jehovas
    Lunedì 30 gennaio
    Andavano di anno in anno a Gerusalemme per la festa della pasqua (Luca 2:41)
    Testimoni di Geova
    maandag 30 januari
    [Zij] waren (...) gewoon om van jaar tot jaar voor het paschafeest naar Jeruzalem te gaan. — Luk. 2:41.
    Jehovah’s Getuigen
    Måndag 30 januari
    Varje år [brukade de] bege sig till Jerusalem vid påskhögtiden. (Luk. 2:41)
    Jehovas vittnen
    30 Ocak Pazartesi
    [Onlar] her yıl Fısıh Bayramı için Yeruşalim’e giderdi (Luka 2:41).
    Yehova’nın Şahitleri
    E hënë, 30 janar
    Vit për vit, . . . e kishin zakon që të shkonin në Jerusalem për festën e pashkës.—Luka 2:41.
    Dëshmitarët e Jehovait
    Понеделник, 30 януари
    Всяка година [пътуваха] до Йерусалим за празника Пасха. (Лука 2:41)
    Свидетели на Йехова
    Luni, 30 ianuarie
    [Ei mergeau] an de an la Ierusalim pentru sărbătoarea Paștelui. (Luca 2:41)
    Martorii lui Iehova
    Lunes, Enero 30
    [Pumaparoon sila] taun-taon sa Jerusalem para sa kapistahan ng paskuwa.—Luc. 2:41.
    Mga Saksi ni Jehova
  14. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Bible Speaks in World's Tiniest Bible   
    Our  normal  big  Bible....

    DID  you  EVER  see  the  tiniest  Bible  of  the  world?

    The entire text of the Hebrew Bible is etched onto a microchip!
    The Nano Bible is a gold-coated silicon chip smaller than a pinhead,  and contains all 1.2 million letters of the bible.
    As part of its yearlong 50th anniversary celebration, the Jerusalem-based Israel Museum will display the “Nano Bible,” the world’s smallest bible, an Israeli innovation created at the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology.
    The tiny bible will be displayed alongside the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Aleppo Codex, a manuscript of the Jewish bible from 10th century C.E. The Nano Bible is a gold-coated silicon chip smaller than a pinhead. It is 0.04 square millimeters, and 0.00002 millimeters (20 nanometers) deep. The 1.2 million letters of the bible were written using a focused ion beam generator that shot gallium ions onto a gold surface covering a base layer of silicon.
    Prof. Uri Sivan and Dr. Ohad Zohar of the Technion’s Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute developed the idea, and the engineers of the Technion’s Sara and Moshe Zisapel Nanoelectronics Center were responsible for the manufacturing of the chip and the development of the software that allows the engraving of the letters.
    The Israel Museum will also exhibit a documentary on the creation of the Nano Bible and will enable the reading of the biblical text under a microscope.
    I  LIKE  THE  BIBLE - BOOK  OR  MY  iPad  for  reading  ;-)
  15. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Abel Castro in HONDURAS... A very special baptism❤ (after an accident & back - surgery)   
    My dear sister <3, I like all your postings? how do I like your comments too?
    Sorry? for not clicking on liking everyone?
    But it's only now that I'm learning how the forum works ???
    I really like you, my sister. <3 <3 <3
  16. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Alzasior Lutor in World's Tiniest Bible   
    YES....  you  are  right,  dear  sister  Martha !   I  full  agree  with  your  comment...
  17. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Ma Ai in HONDURAS... A very special baptism❤ (after an accident & back - surgery)   
    You  are  welcome...  sister  Ma Ai 
  18. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Ma Ai in HONDURAS... A very special baptism❤ (after an accident & back - surgery)   
    When the love for Jehovah fills the heart, faith is strengthened and nothing is unattainable. Such a beautiful and inspiring experience that you've shared with us all/ Thank you once again Queen Esther.
  19. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Ma Ai in World's Tiniest Bible   
    From what I read in the posting, one can read the nano chip only with a microscope. The real point is that to benefit from God's Word, we need to be able to read it. Might nano chips of the Bible become widespread and available to the average person? I don't know. But, it's certainly amazing!

  20. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Bible Speaks in I Will Guide You Always Even In A Sun Scorched Land   
    “The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame.You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.” Isaiah 58:11 

  21. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in World's Tiniest Bible   
    Our  normal  big  Bible....

    DID  you  EVER  see  the  tiniest  Bible  of  the  world?

    The entire text of the Hebrew Bible is etched onto a microchip!
    The Nano Bible is a gold-coated silicon chip smaller than a pinhead,  and contains all 1.2 million letters of the bible.
    As part of its yearlong 50th anniversary celebration, the Jerusalem-based Israel Museum will display the “Nano Bible,” the world’s smallest bible, an Israeli innovation created at the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology.
    The tiny bible will be displayed alongside the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Aleppo Codex, a manuscript of the Jewish bible from 10th century C.E. The Nano Bible is a gold-coated silicon chip smaller than a pinhead. It is 0.04 square millimeters, and 0.00002 millimeters (20 nanometers) deep. The 1.2 million letters of the bible were written using a focused ion beam generator that shot gallium ions onto a gold surface covering a base layer of silicon.
    Prof. Uri Sivan and Dr. Ohad Zohar of the Technion’s Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute developed the idea, and the engineers of the Technion’s Sara and Moshe Zisapel Nanoelectronics Center were responsible for the manufacturing of the chip and the development of the software that allows the engraving of the letters.
    The Israel Museum will also exhibit a documentary on the creation of the Nano Bible and will enable the reading of the biblical text under a microscope.
    I  LIKE  THE  BIBLE - BOOK  OR  MY  iPad  for  reading  ;-)
  22. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Ma Ai in HONDURAS... A very special baptism❤ (after an accident & back - surgery)   
    @Abel Castro  Thank  you  for  liking  my  different  postings...
    Its  a  nice  recognition !
    A  THANKS  also  to  the  other  Brother's & Sister's !
  23. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Ma Ai in HONDURAS... A very special baptism❤ (after an accident & back - surgery)   
    HONDURAS...   A very special baptism❤  After preaching, then an accident  with a bus.  After painful surgery,  asap. she wanted her baptism !  The Doc's gave big hope for good health and walking again.  ( broken her spinal...)
    The  young  sister  is  very  happy  today ;-)
  24. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from MsKitty in HONDURAS... A very special baptism❤ (after an accident & back - surgery)   
    HONDURAS...   A very special baptism❤  After preaching, then an accident  with a bus.  After painful surgery,  asap. she wanted her baptism !  The Doc's gave big hope for good health and walking again.  ( broken her spinal...)
    The  young  sister  is  very  happy  today ;-)
  25. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from John Lindsay Barltrop in HONDURAS... A very special baptism❤ (after an accident & back - surgery)   
    HONDURAS...   A very special baptism❤  After preaching, then an accident  with a bus.  After painful surgery,  asap. she wanted her baptism !  The Doc's gave big hope for good health and walking again.  ( broken her spinal...)
    The  young  sister  is  very  happy  today ;-)
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