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Queen Esther

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  1. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Bible Speaks in Peace Will Prevail Between Humans and Animals   
    Very soon, peace will prevail between humans and animals.
     6 "The wolf will reside for a while with the lamb,
    And with the young goat the leopard will lie down,
    And the calf and the lion and the fattened animal will all be together;
    And a little boy will lead them.
     7  The cow and the bear will feed together,
    And their young will lie down together.
    The lion will eat straw like the bull.
     8 The nursing child will play over the lair of a cobra,And a weaned child will put his hand over the den of a poisonous snake.
    9 They will not cause any harm
    Or any ruin in all my holy mountain,
    Because the earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah
    As the waters cover the sea."
    (Isa. 11:6-9)

  2. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Jesus not gave only one drop of his blood - NO ! read more...   
    Jesus  not  gave  only  one  drop  of  his  blood  -  NO !   He  gave  his  whole  body,  his  soul  for  us ❤  Thats  the  great  love  we've  to  learn....
  3. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Annie Abbott in ASAMBLEA IN ECUADOR.....   
  4. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Bible Speaks in Jehovah God is Faithful   
    ? ?JEHOVAH GOD ??
    “He is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations.”
    (Deuteronomy 7:9)

  5. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Cyndi Dodge in A REMINDER TO OUR LOVING SISTER *WHITNEY HEICHEL* ❤ Jehovah's Witness community mourns Whitney Heichel... (text, photos & video)   
    Yes...  her death was in Oct. 2012, you could read or see in my post !  It was a big disaster for millions of humans and many JW too :-((   SO horrible....
  6. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Daily text, Friday, November 25. 2016   
    “Stop storing up for yourselves treasures on the earth,+ where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal. 20 Rather, store up for yourselves treasures in heaven,+ where neither moth nor rust consumes,+ and where thieves do not break in and steal.

    We are overturning reasonings and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God.—2 Cor. 10:5.
    We need to be vigilant in guarding against attacks on our spirituality. Has the world’s view of material pursuits made inroads into our lives? The things we love are usually evident by our thoughts and actions. Jesus said: “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matt. 6:21) To determine where our heart is leading us, it is good to examine ourselves from time to time. Ask yourself: ‘How much time do I spend thinking about money matters? Do concerns over business prospects, investments, or reaching out for a more comfortable lifestyle occupy large blocks of my time? Or do I strive to maintain an eye that is focused on spiritual matters?’ (Matt. 6:22) Jesus indicated that those who place primary emphasis on ‘storing up treasures on the earth’ put themselves in grave spiritual danger.—Matt. 6:19, 20, 24. w14 10/15 4:4, 5
  7. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from The Librarian in ASAMBLEA IN ECUADOR.....   
  8. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to The Librarian in Jesus not gave only one drop of his blood - NO ! read more...   
    I think you meant to say "Jesus gave more than a drop of blood"
    Or Jesus gave his entire body not just a drop of blood.
  9. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from The Librarian in Jesus not gave only one drop of his blood - NO ! read more...   
    Jesus  not  gave  only  one  drop  of  his  blood  -  NO !   He  gave  his  whole  body,  his  soul  for  us ❤  Thats  the  great  love  we've  to  learn....
  10. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Bible Speaks in “Have Love for the Whole Association of Brothers."   
    “Have Love for the Whole Association of Brothers."
    Our main reason for being a part of our Christian brotherhood is our love for Jehovah. So we love to learn about him and to teach others about him. And we love the people whom Jehovah loves. When we help them in times of need, we do not expect God to thank us. Instead, we thank God because we view our Christian brotherhood as a precious gift from him. As the last days of this loveless world are winding down, may we continue to demonstrate love for the whole association of brothers!

  11. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to T Naidoo in Daily text, Friday, November 25. 2016   
  12. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from T Naidoo in Daily text, Friday, November 25. 2016   
    “Stop storing up for yourselves treasures on the earth,+ where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal. 20 Rather, store up for yourselves treasures in heaven,+ where neither moth nor rust consumes,+ and where thieves do not break in and steal.

    We are overturning reasonings and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God.—2 Cor. 10:5.
    We need to be vigilant in guarding against attacks on our spirituality. Has the world’s view of material pursuits made inroads into our lives? The things we love are usually evident by our thoughts and actions. Jesus said: “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matt. 6:21) To determine where our heart is leading us, it is good to examine ourselves from time to time. Ask yourself: ‘How much time do I spend thinking about money matters? Do concerns over business prospects, investments, or reaching out for a more comfortable lifestyle occupy large blocks of my time? Or do I strive to maintain an eye that is focused on spiritual matters?’ (Matt. 6:22) Jesus indicated that those who place primary emphasis on ‘storing up treasures on the earth’ put themselves in grave spiritual danger.—Matt. 6:19, 20, 24. w14 10/15 4:4, 5
  13. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from John Lindsay Barltrop in ASAMBLEA IN ECUADOR.....   
  14. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Bible Speaks in ASAMBLEA IN ECUADOR.....   
  15. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Bible Speaks in “The word of God is alive and exerts power.”   
    “The word of God is alive and exerts power.”—HEB. 4:12.  The caption text reminds us that the word of God “exerts power.” Yes, God’s word exerts power to change lives. It is just as effective in helping us make needed changes after our baptism as it was prior to our taking that step. In his letter to the Hebrews, Paul also writes that the word of God “pierces even to the dividing of soul and spirit, and of joints and their marrow, and is able to discern thoughts and intentions of the heart.” (Heb. 4:12)  In other words, when we clearly understand God’s purpose for us, the way we respond to it reveals what we are deep inside. Is there sometimes a difference between what we appear to be (the “soul”) and who we really are (the “spirit”)? (Read Matthew 23:27, 28.) When Paul wrote that “the word of God is alive,” he was not referring specifically to God’s written Word, the Bible. The context shows that he was referring to God’s word of promise. Paul’s point was that God does not make a promise and then forget about it. Jehovah established this through the prophet Isaiah: “My word . . . will not return to me without results, but it will . . . have certain success in that for which I have sent it.” (Isa. 55:11)  Thus, there is no need for us to become impatient when things do not move ahead as quickly as we might wish. Jehovah ‘keeps working’ with a view to bringing his purpose to a successful conclusion.—John 5:17.

  16. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in The Paradise is just Around the Corner   
    Love it❤️ I can't wait....  Thank you Kurt ! 
  17. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Bible Speaks in We Have Renounced Shameful Things   
    42 "But we have renounced the shameful, underhanded things, not walking with cunning or adulterating the word of God; but by making the truth manifest, we recommend ourselves to every human conscience in the sight of God."
    (2 Cor. 4:2)

  18. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Bible Speaks in Jehovah is Opening the Eyes of the Blind   
    8 "Jehovah is opening
            the eyes of the blind;
    Jehovah is raising
    up those bowed down;
    Jehovah loves the righteous."
     (Psalm 146:8)
    We are only as blind as we want to be...

  19. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from T Naidoo in The Paradise is just Around the Corner   
    Love it❤️ I can't wait....  Thank you Kurt ! 
  20. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Bible Speaks in Speak the Truth in Your Heart   
    15O Jehovah, who may
           be a guest in your tent?
    Who may reside in your holy mountain?
     2 The one who is walking faultlessly,
    Practicing what is right
    And speaking the truth in his heart."
               (Psalm 15:1,2)       Do not let your mouth say       what your heart doesn't feel. 
  21. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Bible Speaks in MANY GOD-CHILDREN, WAITING IN ROWS FOR THE BIG MOMENT - IN KENYA, AFRICA...   
    My  pleasure,  Bible  Speaks  ;-)
  22. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from AbigailSensefulOne in MANY GOD-CHILDREN, WAITING IN ROWS FOR THE BIG MOMENT - IN KENYA, AFRICA...   
    A  very  especially  moment  for  ALL !
  23. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Alexa in Daily text, Thursday, November 24. 2016   
    Through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because they had all sinned.—Rom. 5:12.
    The first to die was faithful Abel. (Gen. 4:8) Then Adam’s other offspring grew old and died. Did they inherit sin as well as death? The apostle Paul answers: “Through the disobedience of the one man many were made sinners.” (Rom. 5:19) Sin and death inherited from Adam thus became implacable enemies of mankind, inescapable for imperfect humans. We cannot exactly describe all that was involved in passing on their sad inheritance to Adam’s immediate and more distant offspring, but passed on it was. Fittingly, the Bible refers to inherited sin and death as “the shroud that is enveloping all the peoples and the covering that is woven over all the nations.” (Isa. 25:7) This suffocating covering, or shroud, this intricate webwork of condemnation, entraps all people. So the fact is that “in Adam all are dying.”—1 Cor. 15:22. w14 9/15 4:8, 9
  24. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from joel alarios sr in MANY GOD-CHILDREN, WAITING IN ROWS FOR THE BIG MOMENT - IN KENYA, AFRICA...   
    A  very  especially  moment  for  ALL !
  25. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in MANY GOD-CHILDREN, WAITING IN ROWS FOR THE BIG MOMENT - IN KENYA, AFRICA...   
    A  very  especially  moment  for  ALL !
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