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Queen Esther

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  1. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in ONLY Jehovah is credited with honor and glory ❤   
    How beautiful it is, when you are reading an article and suddenly in your mind you visualize it as if it were real and live it is exciting that experience and so you can hold even more, but as Jehovah helps us and instructs us and refines us, so that we have knowledge of  the words written in the Bible,  that is,  why only HE  is credited with honor and glory ❤
  2. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from AbigailSensefulOne in DAVID AND GOLIATH......   
    David  and  Goliath...
    What  it  really  looked  like.....  it's  only  by  Jehovah's  spirit, that  any  of  us can  overcome  insurmountable  challenges...
  3. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to The Librarian in Philippines: Kingdom Hall Robbed and Vandalized   
    Thank you for sharing the news report to both Joel and Alexa.
    Please add yourselves to the member map above near the city where you live. Thanks.
  4. Upvote
  5. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Daniela Joseph in Philippines: Kingdom Hall Robbed and Vandalized   
    I am very sad to read this! But everyone of us know ,we are really living in the last days ... 2.Tim. 3:1
    Some yrs ago it happened also to our kingdom Hall and a  behind Apartment!!
    We have a brand new kingdom Hall! And they hit the Window of the entrance door with a Big Stone ! Later they Set the new Appartement for circuit overseers on fire!! 
    I have to Note hear, i m living in a Catholic Small Town!!!
    Finally the Police couldn t find anyone of the perpetrators!! 
    Of course , each of us is very sad to hear such stories, but we don t want forget , that we should expect such happenings! Luke 21:12
  6. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Alexa in Philippines: Kingdom Hall Robbed and Vandalized   
    Kingdom Hall in Philippines sis in congregation kh of brother joel  
  7. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from AbigailSensefulOne in Hahaha.... all Brothers smiling after the baptism from the very old new Brother, near 93 years old... Late, but NOT too late !   
    Hahaha....  all  Brothers  smiling  after  the  baptism  of  the  very  old  new  Brother,  near  93 years  old...   Late,  but  NOT  too  late ! ;-) 
  8. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in A REMINDER TO OUR LOVING SISTER *WHITNEY HEICHEL* ❤ Jehovah's Witness community mourns Whitney Heichel... (text, photos & video)   
    Whitney  and  Clint  Heichel...  when  they  still  were  so  happy ❤
  9. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in A REMINDER TO OUR LOVING SISTER *WHITNEY HEICHEL* ❤ Jehovah's Witness community mourns Whitney Heichel... (text, photos & video)   
    Jehovah's  Witness  community  mourns  Whitney  Heichel.....

    Whitney Heichel, 21, of Gresham was  ‘just a beautiful little person,’  her husband, Clint, said.  She was "just full of love,  and she was just a ray of light to everybody !"   ( very  sad  days  we  had  before  4 years, I  remember ) Whitney and Clint were so very happy ;-)  a wonderful  JW  couple  -  Whitney  was  so  liked  and  popular  by  all  JW  and  other  humans !
    Jehovah will call you, dear Sister Whitney...  hope, we see us in paradise !
    read  more...  http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/devastated-husband-slain-barista-grapples-agonizing-questions-article-1.1189678
    ( and  other  links...)

     The Oregonian, Ross William Hamilto/AP
    Friends and acquaintances of Whitney Heichel gather at the Starbucks, where she worked,  Saturday, Oct. 20, 2012 in Gresham, Oreg.
  10. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in A REMINDER TO OUR LOVING SISTER *WHITNEY HEICHEL* ❤ Jehovah's Witness community mourns Whitney Heichel... (text, photos & video)   
    Whitney  and  Clint  Heichel...  when  they  still  were  so  happy ❤
  11. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in A REMINDER TO OUR LOVING SISTER *WHITNEY HEICHEL* ❤ Jehovah's Witness community mourns Whitney Heichel... (text, photos & video)   
    Jehovah's  Witness  community  mourns  Whitney  Heichel.....

    Whitney Heichel, 21, of Gresham was  ‘just a beautiful little person,’  her husband, Clint, said.  She was "just full of love,  and she was just a ray of light to everybody !"   ( very  sad  days  we  had  before  4 years, I  remember ) Whitney and Clint were so very happy ;-)  a wonderful  JW  couple  -  Whitney  was  so  liked  and  popular  by  all  JW  and  other  humans !
    Jehovah will call you, dear Sister Whitney...  hope, we see us in paradise !
    read  more...  http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/devastated-husband-slain-barista-grapples-agonizing-questions-article-1.1189678
    ( and  other  links...)

     The Oregonian, Ross William Hamilto/AP
    Friends and acquaintances of Whitney Heichel gather at the Starbucks, where she worked,  Saturday, Oct. 20, 2012 in Gresham, Oreg.
  12. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Alexa in A REMINDER TO OUR LOVING SISTER *WHITNEY HEICHEL* ❤ Jehovah's Witness community mourns Whitney Heichel... (text, photos & video)   
    Jehovah's  Witness  community  mourns  Whitney  Heichel.....

    Whitney Heichel, 21, of Gresham was  ‘just a beautiful little person,’  her husband, Clint, said.  She was "just full of love,  and she was just a ray of light to everybody !"   ( very  sad  days  we  had  before  4 years, I  remember ) Whitney and Clint were so very happy ;-)  a wonderful  JW  couple  -  Whitney  was  so  liked  and  popular  by  all  JW  and  other  humans !
    Jehovah will call you, dear Sister Whitney...  hope, we see us in paradise !
    read  more...  http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/devastated-husband-slain-barista-grapples-agonizing-questions-article-1.1189678
    ( and  other  links...)

     The Oregonian, Ross William Hamilto/AP
    Friends and acquaintances of Whitney Heichel gather at the Starbucks, where she worked,  Saturday, Oct. 20, 2012 in Gresham, Oreg.
  13. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in A REMINDER TO OUR LOVING SISTER *WHITNEY HEICHEL* ❤ Jehovah's Witness community mourns Whitney Heichel... (text, photos & video)   
    Whitney  and  Clint  Heichel...  when  they  still  were  so  happy ❤
  14. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Bible Speaks in THE BARBER..... ( Biblical experience )   
    THE BARBER......
    A Witness went to a barbershop to trim his hair. As is customary in these cases he made a pleasant conversation with the person who attended him.
    They talked about many things and touched many subjects. Suddenly they touched on the subject of God. The barber said:
    "Look, gentleman, I do not think God exists, as you say."
    "But why do you say that?" Asks the brother.
    "If God existed, there would be no suffering, not so much pain," he said, "if God existed, there would be no suffering. For humanity.I can not think that a God who exists allows all these things. "
    The brother thought for a moment, but did not want to respond to avoid an argument and in view of which the subject was deep to explain. The barber finished his work and the brother left the business.
    I walked a few steps and saw in the street a man with a beard and long hair; Apparently it had been a long time since he cut it and looked very disheveled. Then he went back to the barbershop and said to the barber,
    "You know, barbers do not exist."
    "How come they do not exist? If I am here, I am a barber."
    - "Do not!" Said the client, "They do not exist, because if they existed there would not be people with a beard and hair as long as this man has."
    - "Ah, the barbers if they exist, what happens is that these people do not come to me".
    "Exactly!" Said the client, "That's the point. Jehovah God does exist, what happens is that people do not go to him and do not seek him, that's why there is pain and suffering."
  15. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Nigeria Bethel - Familie ❤ Donnerstag, 25. Februar 2016   
                                                           *Aktuell  im  Februar  2016*
  16. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in AN ALLE VERSAMMLUNGEN.... betr.: Erdbeben in Mittelitalien !   
    22. August 2016
    Erdbeben in Mittelitalien

    Liebe Brüder,
    wir schreiben euch aufgrund des heftigen Erdbebens, das in den vergangenen Tagen einige Gemeinden Mittelitaliens zerstört hat.
    Wir möchten euch mitteilen, dass es keine Todesopfer noch Schwerverletzte unter den Brüdern gegeben hat. Der Königreichssaal von Offida wurde erheblich beschädigt und ist nicht mehr zugänglich. Die Ortsversammlung ist derzeit in einem anderen Königreichssaal untergebracht. Einige Häuser von Brüdern sind zerstört worden, andere wurden beschädigt. Alle Ältesten haben das entgegengebrachte Interesse und die Tatsache geschätzt, dass sich das Zweigbüro gleich nach dem ersten Beben mit ihnen in Verbindung gesetzt hat, um sich zu vergewissern, ob es allen Brüdern gut geht. Die örtlichen Ältesten haben die Suche nach Brüdern und Schwestern eingeleitet, welche sich gerade im Urlaub befanden und möglicherweise in Krankenhäuser eingeliefert wurden.
    Den Ältesten wurden klare Anweisungen gegeben, wie sie sich um die geistigen Bedürfnisse der Brüder kümmern können. Die Kreisaufseher wurden angewiesen, in die betroffenen Gebiete zu reisen, um die Brüder persönlich zu besuchen und auferbauende Vorträge zu halten (2. Kor. 1:3, 4). Im Erdbebengebiet wurde bereits am Samstag, den 27. August mit der besonderen Aktion zur Verbreitung des Wachtturm Nr. 5 mit dem Thema Trost begonnen. An der Aktion nehmen auch eigens aus Aquila angereiste Brüder teil, die das Erdbeben von 2009 überlebt hatten.
    Einige Mitglieder des Zweigkomitees haben die Versammlung von Ascoli Piceno besucht und ermuntert, da diese das Predigtgebiet in der vom Erdbeben betroffenen Zone betreut. Wir fahren fort zu Jehova zu beten, sodass er die vom Erdbeben betroffenen Brüder weiterhin beschützt und stärkt.
    Uns haben viele Anfragen von Brüdern erreicht, welche den Wunsch geäußert haben, denjenigen finanzielle Hilfe zu leisten, die aufgrund des Erdbebens Schäden erlitten haben. Wenn ihr mit einer Spende helfen möchtet, erinnern wir euch an den Königreichsdienst von November 2005, wo es auf Seite 2 heißt: „[Es] wäre … gut, wenn Spenden ohne Einschränkungen bezüglich Ort und Verwendungszweck gegeben würden. [Wir] empfehlen …, durch Spenden das weltweite Werk zu unterstützen. Wenn wir unsere Spenden dem weltweiten Werk zuführen, stehen mehr Geldmittel zur Verfügung, die in Verbindung mit vielen Bereichen des Königreichspredigtwerks verwendet werden können.“ Bitte beachtet, dass im Moment kein Bedarf an Lebensmitteln, Kleidung oder anderen Gegenständen besteht. Sollte in Zukunft Bedarf in dieser Hinsicht bestehen, werdet ihr umgehend davon unterrichtet.

    Wir grüßen euch mit tiefer christlicher Zuneigung.
    Eure Brüder
    Congregazione Cristiana dei Testimoni di Geova
  17. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in "My 91-year-old mother became a pioneer." WOW... just unbelievable, but TRUE !   
    "My  91-year-old  mother  became  a  pioneer."  -  She  sits  on  the  bench  and  offers  literature  to  passersby. -  Poland,  Warsaw  -  WOW...  what  loyal  and  powerful  sisters  we  have  worldwide !  Unbelievable,  but  TRUE  ;-)
    May  Jehovah  bless  you  daily,  our  dear  sister ❤
  18. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to The Librarian in Bicycle Witnessing Program   
    Mormons weren't thinking outside the box enough.
    Check out the JW version with padded seats and laptop holder PLUS two baskets... AND display racks:
    Notice the display between the frame and chain... WOW.
    Is that DUAL bells I see?
    of course this is a girls bike... so it won't work for me.. ;-)
    I am thinking we could add heated seat and electric motor propulsion plus some solar panels for night lighting. 

  19. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Carmen Erwin in Manifesto for a Simple Life   
    My pleasure,  sister Betty ;-) 
  20. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Daily text, Sunday, November 20. 2016   
    Are You Moving Ahead With Jehovah’s Organization ?

    I, Jehovah, am your God, the One teaching you to benefit yourself, the One guiding you in the way you should walk.—Isa. 48:17.
    Whether we are anointed Christians or we are members of the great crowd, we can experience the bright future promised in God’s Word. To do so, however, we must comply with Jehovah’s requirements. (Isa. 48:18) Consider the Israelites under the Mosaic Law. One purpose of the Law was to protect the people of Israel by giving them wholesome statutes regulating sexual conduct, business dealings, child care, proper treatment of fellow humans, and so forth. (Ex. 20:14; Lev. 19:18, 35-37; Deut. 6:6-9) Complying with God’s requirements benefits us in similar ways—and we certainly do not find it burdensome to do his will. (1 John 5:3) In fact, as the Israelites were safeguarded by the Law, our compliance with Jehovah God’s laws and principles not only protects us but also keeps us “healthy in the faith.”—Titus 1:13. w14 5/15 4:9
  21. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Manifesto for a Simple Life   
    SO  wise  words  from  our  Australian  sister ❤  Thank  you, Tia  Maria ;-)
  22. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Daily text, Monday, November 21. 2016   
    Do not withhold good from those to whom you should give it if it is within your power to help.—Prov. 3:27.
    When we notice a good quality in another Christian, do we express how much we value that fine trait? In Romans chapter 16, Paul gave recognition to more than 20 fellow believers for qualities that made them dear to his heart. (Rom. 16:3-7, 13) There may be fine results when we give genuine commendation. For instance, each time we express appreciation for well-handled assignments or praiseworthy efforts, we give our fellow believers an incentive to serve Jehovah more fully. Jérôme, a missionary in French Guiana, has helped many young men to qualify for missionary service. He says: “I have noticed that when I compliment young brothers on specific points in their ministry or for giving well-thought-out comments, they grow in confidence. As a result, they develop their abilities further.” w14 6/15 4:15-17
  23. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Betty Tompkins in Manifesto for a Simple Life   
    thank you
  24. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Bible Speaks in Jehovah's Works Show Wisdom!   
    "How many your works are, O Jehovah!
    You have made all of them in wisdom.
    The earth is full of what you have made."
    Psalm 104:24.
  25. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Bible Speaks in God is Our Refuge and Strength   
    46 "God is our refuge and strength,
    A help that is readily found in times of distress."
    Psalm 46:1.

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