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Queen Esther

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  1. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Alexa in Daily text, Saturday, 12. November 2016   
    My pleasure, dear Alexa ;-)   Oops...  I just saw my date-mistake, haha !  In German we say, the  "mistakedevil"  came...   I repaired it, thanks ! 
  2. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Taqvaylit A Menguelet in Debunked Rumor: Julio Iglesias Sings a Jehovah's Witness Kingdom Song about Jehovah in Honor of his Mother   
    My  girlfriend  sent  it  on  my  i Phone...  but  I  found  it  for  you  all  in  the Internet !  I  compared  it  -  its  the  same  voice ❤
    Julio Iglesias'   Mom  studied  with  JW  sisters  and  they  were  so  loving  with  his  Mom,  but  she  now  died,  he  said...  He  wanted  sing  this  song  for  all  sisters...   she  wrote  me ❤   KD song  No. 138  😉 Enjoy !
  3. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to The Librarian in Julio Iglesias sings in Spanish 11 songs   
    I just saw this here with a story:
  4. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Debunked Rumor: Julio Iglesias Sings a Jehovah's Witness Kingdom Song about Jehovah in Honor of his Mother   
    My  girlfriend  sent  it  on  my  i Phone...  but  I  found  it  for  you  all  in  the Internet !  I  compared  it  -  its  the  same  voice ❤
    Julio Iglesias'   Mom  studied  with  JW  sisters  and  they  were  so  loving  with  his  Mom,  but  she  now  died,  he  said...  He  wanted  sing  this  song  for  all  sisters...   she  wrote  me ❤   KD song  No. 138  😉 Enjoy !
  5. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Witness in REFLECTION ON OUR GOVERNING BODY..... read more !   
    You know Praeceptor, I was unaware that there were other marked areas on this forum beside the Examining the Daily Text, that are especially under Queen Esther, and where only certain responses are allowed.  If she had sent me a note as she did earlier about commenting on the Daily Text, this would have been greatly appreciated. 

    I am sorry that resorting to your crude manner of informing me was an acceptable solution to both you, and Queen Esther, when sending a private note would have been well respected.  


  6. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Daily text, Sunday, November 13. 2016   
    You Will Become “a Kingdom of Priests”

    This means my “blood of the covenant,” which is to be poured out in behalf of many for forgiveness of sins.—Matt. 26:28.
    God could apply the value of Jesus’ shed blood to Adam’s descendants. He could also adopt certain devoted humans “as sons” by anointing them with holy spirit. (Rom. 8:14-17) Being considered to be without sin in God’s eyes, they would in a sense be like Jesus, the sinless Son of God. These anointed ones would become “joint heirs with Christ” and have the opportunity of becoming “a kingdom of priests.” (Ex. 19:6) This was a privilege that the nation of Israel under the Law could have had. Concerning the “joint heirs with Christ,” the apostle Peter stated: “You are ‘a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for special possession, that you should declare abroad the excellencies’ of the One who called you.” (1 Pet. 2:9) How vital the new covenant is! It enables Jesus’ disciples to become the secondary part of Abraham’s offspring. w14 10/15 2:8, 9
  7. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from whatelss in Daily text, Saturday, 12. November 2016   
    Serve God Loyally Despite “Many Tribulations”
    Miserable man that I am!—Rom. 7:24.
    What causes some zealous servants of Jehovah to become discouraged? There could be a number of reasons. Some may simply have a tendency to think badly of themselves and their circumstances in life. (Prov. 15:15)  For others, negative feelings might be rooted in a physical disorder that affects the emotions. Whatever the cause, we must remember who wants to exploit those feelings. Really, who wants us to get so discouraged that we give up? Who wants you to feel the same weighty condemnation that looms over him? (Rev. 20:10) It is Satan, of course. The truth is, whether by means of some frontal attack or through more subtle attacks, Satan has the same goal—to worry us, to weaken our zeal, and to cause us to quit. Make no mistake, God’s people are involved in spiritual warfare! Be determined not to give up the fight. Keep focused on the reward.—2 Cor. 4:16, 17. w14 9/15 2:12, 14, 15

  8. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Daily text, Friday, November 11. 2016   
    Hear Jehovah’s Voice Wherever You Are....
    [My people] have abandoned me, the source of living water, and dug for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns, that cannot hold water.—Jer. 2:13.
    Satan the Devil is intent on neutralizing the lifesaving guidance we receive from Jehovah. Moreover, our own ‘treacherous heart’ could interfere with how well we respond to Jehovah’s directives. (Jer. 17:9) Satan tries to influence the thinking of people by providing false information and deceptive propaganda. (1 John 5:19) In addition to printed material, the globe—including remote parts of the earth—is blanketed with broadcasts via radio, TV, and the Internet. Although such sources may feature items of interest, they often advocate conduct and standards that are contrary to Jehovah’s standards. For example, the news and entertainment industries speak of same-sex marriage as if it were acceptable, and many people feel that what the Bible says about homosexuality is extreme.—1 Cor. 6:9, 10. w14 8/15 4:3, 4
  9. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Daily text, Friday, November 11. 2016   
    The DT.  for the 12. Nov. is above,  brother Tennyson...  Read my comment under Alexa's,  I only made a date mistake to my night time there, I am sorry.
    I repaired it, but the text is right and current for today ;-)  
  10. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from The Librarian in Sing Praises in Imitation of Jesus   
    I  love  that  video...  reminds  me  to  some  special  things  in  the  past ;-) ❤
  11. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from The Librarian in Jehovah is so unique with his almighty power ! (video)   
                           ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
  12. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Tennyson Naidoo in Daily text, Friday, November 11. 2016   
    Mostly its my pleasure, dear brother... thank you so much ! ;-) 
  13. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Tennyson Naidoo in Daily text, Friday, November 11. 2016   
    Thank you sister, We love you for all hard work you put in this.  Enjoy the weekend .
  14. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Tennyson Naidoo in Daily text, Friday, November 11. 2016   
    Please send me  daily text for today  12th November 2016   thank you    sister. Esther
  15. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Alexa in Daily text, Saturday, 12. November 2016   
    Thank you Queen Esther for the daily text for this day  
  16. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Tracey Anne Smith in Tischendorf NT   
    im sorry I was thinking just the date again im sorry no disrespect to your hard work.
    agape Sister Smith 
  17. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to whatelss in Blood Fractions Diagram   
    Blood Fractions Diagram.pdf
  18. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in This old sister is getting baptized at a regional convention in San Rafael, Nicaragua. The brothers showed much care by extending as many hands as needed to help her out ❤   
    This sister is getting baptized at a regional convention in San Rafael, Nicaragua.  The brothers showed much care by extending as many hands as needed to help her out...
    May  Jehovah  bless  her ❤
  19. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Man wearing a JW.org pin at a San Diego, CA Convention   
    I  would  wear  it,  but  not  buy  an  expensive  pin...
  20. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Alexa in Daily text, Thursday, October 20. 2016   
    Assist those who are weak.—Acts 20:35.
    You may know from personal experience that it can take time to recover from a debilitating physical illness. Similarly, a Christian who has been weakened by personal difficulties or very trying circumstances may need time to regain spiritual strength. True, our fellow believer will need to strengthen his own faith through personal study, prayer, and other Christian activities. But will we show patience until he regains his balance? And during that recovery, will we show enduring love? Will we strive to help those who are temporarily weak to feel valued and to sense our Christian affection? (2 Cor. 8:8) Never forget that as we provide support to our brothers, we experience the joy that only giving can bring. We also cultivate our capacity for showing empathy and patience. But there is more. The congregation as a whole grows in warmth and love. Above all, we imitate Jehovah, who considers every individual to be precious. w14 6/15 3:18, 19
  21. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Alexa in Daily text, Wednesday, October 19. 2016   
    Jesus began preaching and saying: “Repent, for the Kingdom of the heavens has drawn near.”—Matt. 4:17,
    Jesus taught his disciples to do the same work. He told them: “You will be witnesses of me in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the most distant part of the earth.” (Acts 1:8) The early followers of Christ definitely understood what was required of them. At Antioch in Pisidia, for example, Paul and Barnabas boldly told their Jewish opposers: “It was necessary for the word of God to be spoken first to you. Since you are rejecting it and do not judge yourselves worthy of everlasting life, look! we turn to the nations. For Jehovah has commanded us in these words: ‘I have appointed you as a light of nations, for you to be a salvation to the ends of the earth.’” (Acts 13:14, 45-47) Since the first century, the earthly part of God’s organization has been making known his provision for salvation. w14 5/15 3:13
  22. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Alexa in Daily text, Tuesday, October 18. 2016   
    Jehovah is my helper; I will not be afraid.—Heb. 13:6.
    “People often comment about how happy Jehovah’s Witnesses are,” says a longtime elder in a developing country. “They also notice that even poor Witnesses are always nicely dressed and appear to be better off than others.” This harmonizes with the promise Jesus made to those who put the Kingdom first. (Matt. 6:28-30, 33) Yes, your heavenly Father, Jehovah, loves you and wants only the best for you and your children. “The eyes of Jehovah are roving about through all the earth to show his strength in behalf of those whose heart is complete toward him.” (2 Chron. 16:9) He has given us his commandments—including those relating to family life and material needs—for our benefit. When we follow them, we show that we love him and trust in him. “This is what the love of God means, that we observe his commandments; and yet his commandments are not burdensome.”—1 John 5:3. w14 4/15 4:19, 20
  23. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Alexa in Daily text, Monday, October 17. 2016   
    To the extent that you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.—Matt. 25:40.
    Jesus has been speaking to Peter, Andrew, James, and John, his close companions. They have just heard him relate illustrations about the faithful and discreet slave, the ten virgins, and the talents. Jesus concludes his discussion with one more parable. He describes a time when “the Son of man” will judge “all the nations.” How this illustration must have fascinated his disciples! In it, Jesus focuses on two groups, one classed as sheep and the other as goats. And he highlights an important third group that he identifies as “brothers” of “the King.” (Matt. 25:31-46) Jehovah’s people have long been intrigued by this illustration and rightly so, for in it Jesus speaks about the fate of people. He reveals why some will receive everlasting life while others will be cut off in death forever. w15 3/15 4:1, 2
  24. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Alexa in Daily text, Sunday, October 16. 2016   
    I, Jehovah, am . . . guiding you in the way you should walk.—Isa. 48:17.
    The Bible Students of the late 19th and early 20th centuries faced many obstacles. Like the first-century Christians, they proclaimed a largely unpopular message. They were few in number, and the world in general did not consider them highly educated. Moreover, they would in time face the “great anger” of Satan the Devil. (Rev. 12:12) And their preaching work would take place during “the last days,” an era characterized by “critical times hard to deal with.” (2 Tim. 3:1) Jehovah helped the Bible Students to understand fundamental Scriptural truths that had long been obscured by Christendom’s doctrines. He is now using his people to make the true knowledge known throughout the earth. Today, we see the fulfillment of the prophecy found at Daniel 12:4. Nearly 8,000,000 people have embraced Bible truth and are now declaring it worldwide. w15 2/15 4:1, 3
  25. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Alexa in Daily text, Saturday, October 15. 2016   
    We are members belonging to one another.—Eph. 4:25.
    Are you a young person? If so, be assured that you, as a part of Jehovah’s worldwide congregation, are really appreciated. In many countries, a large number of those getting baptized are young people. How encouraging it is to see so many youths joining the ranks of those who have decided to serve Jehovah! As a youth, do you enjoy being with other young people? Likely you do. A certain happiness comes from enjoying pleasant times with those of our own age. However, whether we are young or old and regardless of our background, God wants us to be united in worshipping him. The apostle Paul wrote that God’s will is that “all sorts of people should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth.” (1 Tim. 2:3, 4) At Revelation 7:9, we find the description of God’s worshippers who come out of “all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues.” w14 12/15 3:1, 2
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