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Queen Esther

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    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in TEXTO DIÁRIO DRAMATIZADO 29 de abril de 2018   
    TEXTO DIÁRIO DRAMATIZADO 29 de abril de 2018
  2. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in TEXTO DIARIO con PREGUNTAS para MEDITAR 29 de abril de 2018   
    TEXTO DIARIO con PREGUNTAS para MEDITAR 29 de abril de 2018
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  4. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Resist.... ❤ ❤ ❤   
    Resist...  ? ? ?
    Resist in trouble,
    To be approved,
    Only the world makes 'nods'
    And sin after sin!
    He prays you, always,
    Do not lie in sin
    And to keep it all,
    A white, clean soul!
    Pray to receive
    The Holy Spirit above,
    Enemies to love you,
    Like the Great Jesus!
    Pray and look
    At the sacrifice of Jesus,
    Jehovah loves,
    And sit up with your forehead!
    You enjoy the sun,
    And be like him faithful,
    In any event,
    Praise IAH with zeal!
    You enjoy the birds,
    And be like them in the morning!
    He faces any state
    When the sun is in the cloud!
    Look up at the stars,
    See their eternity!
    And you can be like them,
    All the people who die!
    Look also at the rock,
    And you can be like her
    If you are "deep water"
    "Spring of Jehovah"!
    At the eagle you look,
    And just be like him!
    Jehovah loves,
    And preach it with zeal,!
    Look at the storm,
    And see her power!
    Look in the "Good News,"
    The false gods!
    Know that "water passes"
    But "the stones remain"!
    Jesus is the Great King,
    And Jehovah the Master!
    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
  5. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Deyanira Gonzalez is singing a wonderful Kingdom - song ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫.♪ ♫   
    Deyanira Gonzalez?  -  Y pasando a cosas más amables, les dejo este video...     Enjoy !
    ( I  will  give  you  that  video... )
    Anyone  knowing  the  new  song - No.?    Thank  you !
  6. Confused
    Queen Esther reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in What's for dinner tonight?   
    If you have a RONCO Bass-O-Matic dinner is SO EASY ...
  7. Sad
    With their balaclavas and their machine guns, the police of four Russian cities have assaulted the houses of Jehovah's Witnesses for the past two weeks and have brought members of the religious group to interrogate them, sources related to the group told Newsweek.
    In Russia, where the Orthodox Christian Church has deep ties to the highest levels of the Kremlin, the government has labeled Jehovah's Witnesses an "extremist" sect. The decision was made exactly one year ago, in April 2017, and came into effect only a few months later when the Supreme Court of Russia dismissed an appeal. The administrative center of the group in St. Petersburg, Russia, was dissolved accordingly, and Jehovah's Witnesses were forced to begin secretly worshiping in their homes after nearly 400 local closed chapters.
    Meanwhile, many say they have faced systematic harassment by security forces. Since January, group members say they have had their homes raided on at least seven separate occasions, four of which took place in April.
    "It's a new wave of persecution, we do not know what's going on," Yaroslav Sivulsky, a Jehovah's Witness of Russia who now lives in exile in Latvia, told Newsweek. "If they wanted, they could put several Jehovah's Witnesses in jail because they know that Jehovah's Witnesses are worshiping in their house and can easily find them."

  8. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in What's for dinner tonight?   
    I  love  colored  salads  in  all  variations, its  a  very alive  meal
    I  can  eat  at  evening, no  problems,  also  tasty  as  selfmade  veggie Smoothie !
    But  I  like  to  chew,  good  for  the  teeth  
  9. Sad
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Bible Speaks in VENEZUELA ~~ My beloved brothers and sisters... and a song!   
    My beloved brothers and sisters
    As you have observed, I have been silent for a whole week on the issue of humanitarian aid to our people in Venezuela.
    I have been open to receiving advice and I have meditated moved by mature brothers and sisters from various countries, who share with me the concern for the suffering of our people in Venezuela. I have also received angry criticism.
    I want to be very clear in what I am going to expose you. But I need you to know how to read between the lines, because I can not expose in public all the information I have received.
    It should not be necessary to tell you that I serve my God Jehovah until death and I am faithful to his organization. But I am forced to say it when I see that some believe that this humanitarian movement that we are playing is done because of the desire to play a leading role.
    For those, I tell them that my mailbox has exceeded all the limits you can imagine, letters asking, begging, praying, crying, help for the sick and hungry of ours, especially of many children who are suffering. That has affected me emotionally and makes me understand the enormous responsibility of our faithful and discreet slave who governs the needs of a people with more than 200 countries.
    Every time there is a natural disaster, our organization moves in hours, and helps efficiently.
    But in Venezuela, the slave can not do more than he does. Betel de Venezuela heroically organizes the distribution of what little comes to them. A congregation told me that I had received, among other things, a can of sardines.
    You can not distribute what you do not have. Here we do not judge who is responsible for what is happening.
    We just want to HELP and not just look.
    Months ago we began a campaign to send medicines to our brothers in Venezuela. Many means were used, especially door-to-door transport agencies. A few simple aspirins were received with shouts of jubilation. In these months I guarantee that they have delivered dozens of packages with medications of all kinds, especially for pain, hypertension, and fatal ailments. Personal cases have also been helped.
    I can tell you that I have received letters from those in charge, thanking them at the same time as praying for prudence, much prudence.
    Regarding sending packages of food, toiletries and some clothes and shoes, we will continue to use brothers and sisters of proven fidelity who receive them and pass them to relief committees moderated by elders. We will give you information in  PRIVATE.
    But there is something new that to date we had not tried for not having guarantees. We believe that we can be more useful to the relief committees, sending them monetary contributions as your hearts and personal circumstances move. We have bank account numbers where you can make income with confidence, no matter how small. Many few do a lot. Let's leave that money, the Venezuelan elders look for food and distribute to those in urgent need. Give the data in private to those who want to participate.
    There are those who will say that with money to the contribution boxes to the world work of each hall of the kingdom, it would be enough. But the organization can not get monetary aid to Venezuela. I can not comment more.
    I feel very proud to have you as brothers and sisters.
    Mentalize that this is going to get worse. And social networks are going to be more important than you can believe. We pray to Jehovah. We obey the organization. But we also take the initiative when someone asks us for some bread for their children or a pill for their hypertension.
    I leave you meditating my brothers and sisters.
    Those who want to give help, just a message on my page and I pass information.
    Brothers of Venezuela, we love you with love in action. Endurance, because "in the case of you, beloved, we are convinced of better things....  Because God is not unjust to forget your work and the love you showed for your name, for the fact that they have served  the saints and continue to serve"
    Hebrews 6: 9 -10
    9 But in your case, beloved ones, we are convinced of better things, things related to salvation, even though we are speaking in this way. 10 For God is not unrighteous so as to forget your work and the love you showed for his name by ministering and continuing to minister to the holy ones.
    ( by  our  dear  Brother  Jose Antonio Gutierrez )
    Deyanira Gonzalez?  -  Y pasando a cosas más amables, les dejo este video    Enjoy....
    ( I  will  give  you  that  video )
    Anyone  knowing  the  new  song - No.?    Thank  you !
  10. Confused
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Ready to Go? The Preaching Work is Being Done!   
    But,  thank you very much for the nice video's ❤️??
  11. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Elisabeth Dolewka in Thats really true.... the Bible is more *up to date*!!   
    I  AGREE  -  IN  MANY  THINGS !! 

            ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
  12. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Alzasior Lutor in Ready to Go? The Preaching Work is Being Done!   
    But,  thank you very much for the nice video's ❤️??
  13. Haha
    Queen Esther got a reaction from hhhhstar54 in A Bethelite's Prayer   
    BUT...  Jehovah  NEVER  would  say  that !  Nice  humor,  yes
  14. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in What is your favorite color?   
    I  love  RED  in  all  shades  at  first  too....   hahaha   funny,  all  loving  first  RED  ;-))

  15. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Thats really true.... the Bible is more *up to date*!!   
    I  AGREE  -  IN  MANY  THINGS !! 

            ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
  16. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Schaut auf den kleinen Prinzen ~~~~ *Louis, Arthur, Charles*....   
    Herzogin Kate mit ihrem Sohn Louis vor dem St. Mary·s Hospital im Londoner Stadtteil Paddington.

    EIN  SCHÖNES  VIDEO  VOR  DER  KLINIK  -  MIT  VIELEN  JUBELNDEN  MENSCHEN....   5:32 Min. - Genießt  es !
               ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
  17. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Are you like Martha or like Mary ? look the picture...   
    Thank  you  Sister  Beth....   
    Hebrews,  12:1
    12 So, then, because we have such a great cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also throw off every weight and the sin that easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,
  18. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from James Thomas Rook Jr. in A Bethelite's Prayer   
    BUT...  Jehovah  NEVER  would  say  that !  Nice  humor,  yes
  19. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in A Bethelite's Prayer   
    BUT...  Jehovah  NEVER  would  say  that !  Nice  humor,  yes
  20. Haha
    Queen Esther reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in A Bethelite's Prayer   
    A 32 year old Bethelite at Warwick, NY  was walking along a sidewalk at Bethel, going to the cafeteria for the evening meal,  and as he walked along, was in deep prayer to Jehovah God.
     He said, "Jehovah, you have promised to give me the desires of my heart. That's what I am asking you for right now. Please give me a confirmation that you will reward my faith and service to you.”
     Suddenly the sky clouded up over his head and God in a booming voice spoke to him. "I have searched your heart and determined it to be pure. The last time I granted someone the desires of his heart request .... it was to my servant Solomon.”
     “ He didn't disappoint me with his request for wisdom.”
     “ I think I can trust that you won't disappoint me either. Because you have been faithful to me in all ways, I will grant you the desires of your heart."
     The Brother sat and thought about it for a while and said, "I've always wanted to have a deep understanding of the Bible, and I have really tried, but I have forsaken a good education, and taken a vow of poverty and cannot afford a car or the classes I need to become an Engineer when my service here at  Bethel is up …. could you help me afford a car, and a stipend so I can go to school, and learn to provide for myself and my future family as I get old?"
     The Lord laughed and said, "That's impossible! Think of the logistics of that! I would have to start creating again to make you a car, and money to use, and get you into a college without any background that would make sense for what you would be learning!”
     “ … Your request is very materialistic, a little disappointing. I could do it, but it's hard for me to justify your craving for worldly things. Take a little more time and think of another request ….  a  request you think would honor and glorify Me as well."
     The Brother  thought about it for a long while and tried to think of a really good request.
     Finally, he said, “Oh God, please hear my request.  I was Baptized when I was eight years old, and paid attention all my life, taking notes, reading the Bible, and meditation … but I just cannot understand the “Overlapping Generations” thing.  I can’t see how Jesus or the Apostles or any disciples in the Early Church ever understood that, when Jesus was speaking. Can you help me to understand the “Overlapping Generations” Doctrine?”
     “I want to know what all the other Brothers and Sisters know, what  they feel inside and what they're thinking ...I want to know how to be as truly happy as they are, knowing these deep things about You ....That's the wish that I want, Jehovah … my hearts desire."
      … after a few minutes, God said, "How about a Corvette and a full scholarship to Stanford University?"
  21. Sad
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Look at *Louis, Arthur, Charles*... the new little Prince ❤ (video)   
    One  person  is  very  missing  here....  Princess  *Diana*
  22. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in What Is the Resurrection?   
    Thank  you  Brother  @Colin Browne....  Yes  I'm  sure,  Jehovah  will  give  alot  new  things,  rules  and  names....  In  the  new  Script-rolls,  after  Armageddon,  we  will  see  the  new  things  for  us  all    We  can  be  little  nosy,  but  its  only  for  our  good  and  perfect  life,  step by step  we  will  reach  it
  23. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Colin Browne in What Is the Resurrection?   
    Sorry but my Windows 7 cannot download OpenOffice.
    The week had seven days since the beginning, but the names of the days were numbers. (Matt. 28:1)
    We can be sure that the current pagan names for the days will be done away with. (See attachment)
  24. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Colin Browne in What Is the Resurrection?   
    Sorry, but Windows 7 on my second hard drive cannot download OpenOffice.
    We can be sure that that current pagan months will change or return to the 10 month system. The week had seven days since creation, but the pagan names of the days will come to an end. (See attachment) The new names may just be numbers, (Matt. 28:1) or Jehovah may give them new names.
    Weekday names Pagan.docx
  25. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in RUNNING TIME >>>>>>>> Jehovah is soon ready!   
    A  tiny  part  of  Jehovah's  UNIVERSE.....

    RUNNING  TIME >>>>>>>>>>>
    Today, they run after tomorrow,
    The sun, running in the moon,
    The terres of the whelps have no bread,
    And "Death Bell" sounds!
    The eye can not contain,
    Stars - in precise rotations,
    They do not have the last to catch,
    And it generates dozens of dreams!
    One day whispers another day,
    By his glory Yahweh the Holy One,
    They are writing from heaven, thousands of fillets,
    And "proclaims" all the earth!
    In the night sky, full of stars,
    When his eyes do not contain everything,
    "Jehovah": it is written on them,
    Everything that's alive and everything that's dead!
    Run into space, galaxies,
    And black holes in astral dance,
    All deaths for IAH are alive,
    And His purpose is triumphal!
    One day, to another, he whispers to them,
    Glorifying to the Most High,
    Christian Prayer Says,
    Pass the basalt mountains!
    Jehovah is "Purpose", "Glory"
    'Past', 'Present' and 'Future'!
    He is the life that does not die,
    He is the lack of immortality!
    A man whispers, another man,
    From His heavenly glory,
    How did nothing from atom,
    How he can ever love to love!
    A name that is worthy of him,
    With His Holy Spirit Force,
    Salvation from the world that is "dead" Those who hear the Word!
    Earth, Heaven whispers:
    "And the stars obey him!
    His Glory is what it is,
    Eternally spring up everlasting!
    The High Mountains that grow up
    You've been snowing since past years
    Just about Yahweh speaks to us:
    , Jehovah! "- writes on their foreheads
    And on the project to the whole earth,
    The footnote reads:
    "He Who Becomes" by the Word,
    Too much dream Paradise!
    The beating of the heart whispers,
    In the chest of any Christian:
    "Jehovah is He Who Is,
    And What Happens Ones! "
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