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Queen Esther

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  1. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to JaniceM in Russian Police in Masks Plant Evidence against Jehovah's Witnesses in Stavropol   
    Maybe I can email the link to the major newspaper outlets and popular news shows as well as all the permanent missions members of UN and congress/senate members.  That will be a task to get all those email addresses but I'll try in the next few days.
  2. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in SIBERIA, RUSSIA, Our brothers try by all means not to stop meeting for the Watchtower Study, despite their Kingdom Halls being closed   
    SIBERIA, RUSSIA. Our brothers try by all means not to stop meeting for the Watchtower Study, despite their Kingdom Halls being closed  
    ( translated  by  google )
  3. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from JaniceM in SIBERIA, RUSSIA, Our brothers try by all means not to stop meeting for the Watchtower Study, despite their Kingdom Halls being closed   
    SIBERIA, RUSSIA. Our brothers try by all means not to stop meeting for the Watchtower Study, despite their Kingdom Halls being closed  
    ( translated  by  google )
  4. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in A new kingdom hall has been brought to the world ! Many thanks go to Jehovah and his son Jesus Christ ❤ Its in Accra, Ghana -   
    A new kingdom hall has been brought to the world !  Many thanks go to Jehovah and his son Jesus Christ ❤  Its  in  Accra,  Ghana
    We are all so happy  :-)
  5. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Daily text, Wednesday, October 5. 2016   
    I tell you the truth, I do not know you.—Matt. 25:12.
    During the great tribulation, faithful anointed ones cannot help any who had turned unfaithful. There will be no help available. It will simply be too late. What end, then, will such ones face? Jesus explains what happened when the foolish virgins went off on their futile errand: “The bridegroom came. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the marriage feast, and the door was shut.” When Christ comes in his glory near the end of the tribulation, he will gather his faithful anointed ones to heaven. (Matt. 24:31; 25:10; John 14:1-3; 1 Thess. 4:17) The door will, indeed, be shut to the unfaithful ones, who prove to be like the foolish virgins. They may, in effect, cry out: “Sir, Sir, open to us!” But they receive an answer like the one that so many goatlike ones receive in that hour of judgment: “I tell you the truth, I do not know you.” How sad!—Matt. 7:21-23; 25:11, 12. w15 3/15 2:12
  6. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Daily text, Tuesday, October 4. 2016   
    Though you do not see him now, yet you exercise faith in him.—1 Pet. 1:8.
    When we become disciples of Christ, we embark on a journey. That journey can lead us to life, whether in heaven or on earth. Jesus said: “The one who has endured to the end [the end of his present life or the end of this wicked system of things] will be saved.” (Matt. 24:13) Yes, if we stick to a life course of faithfulness, we can come in line for salvation. Along the way, however, we must be careful not to get distracted or lost. (1 John 2:15-17) How can we stay on course on our journey? Our Exemplar, Jesus, led the way. His journey was recorded in the Bible. By studying that record, we learn what Jesus is like. We can come to love him and exercise faith in him. (1 Pet. 1:8, 9) Recall that the apostle Peter said that Jesus left us a model for us to follow his steps closely. (1 Pet. 2:21) If we carefully follow his steps, we will reach “the goal” of our faith—salvation. w15 2/15 2:1, 2
  7. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in A Missionary by funny preaching with HONDURAS - KIDDIES ;o) May the seeds jumping into their hearts ❤   
    A  Missionary  by  funny  preaching  with   HONDURAS - KIDDIES  ;o)
    May  the  seeds  jumping  into  their  hearts ❤
  8. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in SIBERIA, RUSSIA, Our brothers try by all means not to stop meeting for the Watchtower Study, despite their Kingdom Halls being closed   
    SIBERIA, RUSSIA. Our brothers try by all means not to stop meeting for the Watchtower Study, despite their Kingdom Halls being closed  
    ( translated  by  google )
  9. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Raymond Atom in A new kingdom hall has been brought to the world ! Many thanks go to Jehovah and his son Jesus Christ ❤ Its in Accra, Ghana -   
    A new kingdom hall has been brought to the world !  Many thanks go to Jehovah and his son Jesus Christ ❤  Its  in  Accra,  Ghana
    We are all so happy  :-)
  10. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Alexa in These faithful sisters are over 70, widows & still serving Jehovah together, with the assistance of their canes.....   
    These  faithful  sisters  are  over  70,  widows  &  still serving  Jehovah  together,   with  the  assistance  of  their  canes.....
    Oh,  may  Jehovah  bless  you  both,  our  dear  sisters ❤
  11. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in SIBERIA, RUSSIA, Our brothers try by all means not to stop meeting for the Watchtower Study, despite their Kingdom Halls being closed   
    SIBERIA, RUSSIA. Our brothers try by all means not to stop meeting for the Watchtower Study, despite their Kingdom Halls being closed  
    ( translated  by  google )
  12. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from yttebboo in These faithful sisters are over 70, widows & still serving Jehovah together, with the assistance of their canes.....   
    These  faithful  sisters  are  over  70,  widows  &  still serving  Jehovah  together,   with  the  assistance  of  their  canes.....
    Oh,  may  Jehovah  bless  you  both,  our  dear  sisters ❤
  13. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Raymond Atom in SIBERIA, RUSSIA, Our brothers try by all means not to stop meeting for the Watchtower Study, despite their Kingdom Halls being closed   
    SIBERIA, RUSSIA. Our brothers try by all means not to stop meeting for the Watchtower Study, despite their Kingdom Halls being closed  
    ( translated  by  google )
  14. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from The Librarian in Russian Police in Masks Plant Evidence against Jehovah's Witnesses in Stavropol   
    Published, 30.09.2016
    September 20, 2016, law enforcement officers in masks raided the liturgical building of Jehovah's Witnesses in Art-tse Nezlobnaya (Stavropol kr.). In the CCTV footage clearly shows the action of law enforcement officers.
    Early in the morning to the building several cars drove up, from them came the people in black masks. After jumping over the fence, they broke the lock on the gate, cut special means the front door and entered the building.
    On the recording of the camera shows that the employees spread out in different rooms. Several people entered the hall on the first floor and two of them in the presence of his colleagues got out from under the clothes forbidden literature, and put it on the table standing next to. Later, officers allegedly confiscate forbidden literature precisely because that part of the table, where she was planted, while others remain empty shelves.
    As later explained to the chairman of the committee of a local religious organization (LRO) of Jehovah's Witnesses Paul bubble in liturgical building are regularly checked for foreign objects and forbidden literature. On the eve of a special operation carried out such checks as usual. In particular, the table is nothing, it was empty.
    Among other things, the law enforcers seized audio and video equipment. When Eugene came liturgical building Wernick, representative of the owner and a member of the Committee of the MPO, law enforcement officials did not allow him to participate in the search. Wernick said, "Elder, responsible for the search, not given, did not let me get acquainted with the decision. Moreover, when I asked him to give me a copy of the decision, he rudely asked me to leave the building. And I had to do it. "
    According to lawyers, these actions were carried out in violation of the law. For example, it was filed a search warrant, although people were in the building. They have not offered voluntarily open the door, but instead immediately apply special means. Also, law enforcement officials exceeded their authority that was removed from the place of the representative of the owner search.
    In Nezlobnaya was also searched in the house of the chairman of the MPO Paul Puzyreva. He said: "Some employees climbed over the fence, and when they came to our house, there were about 10 people, they immediately spread out in different rooms, which is why we could not observe the search. And, for example, the first toss was made in the kitchen. " It is noteworthy that a week before these events Puzyrev was the victim of a provocation: in schools, unknown pasted leaflets false on its behalf. During the search, in addition to the banned literature he planted a stack of leaflets. As a result, his report on administrative offense was drawn up.
    The faithful believe that the incident indicates the intention of the authorities to ban their local religious organization which lawfully operates in the village Nezlobnaya for 17 years.
    "In the village Nezlobnaya last searches were conducted in the homes of Jehovah's Witnesses in 1985 - said Paul Puzyrev.- Then one of Jehovah's Witnesses realized that for him at any moment to come to law enforcement officers to remove the Bible and Bible literature. History repeats itself. Only now, in 2016, even if you do not have anything forbidden, you can just throw it! "
    Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia already know at least about 60 planted and fraud. "In most cases, the faithful are forced to helplessly throw up your hands, - he said Jaroslav Sivulskii representative tsentra.- However, cases in Nezlobnaya when the toss is fixed to the camera, prove very sad truth planted commit those who themselves have to protect the law and the right! It is their conscience. It is their responsibility - before God and men. "
    Dear brothers,
    the video is in Russian through an illegal police action in a Kingdom Hall in Moscow.
    The Russian brothers want the video gets as many views on youtube. For this purpose you need it just to click and watch a little. Then you can close it again.
    If you can also pass on the link above, that would be a help. The more see it, the less can the fact be covered up and concealed by the authorities.
    Thank you ❤
    ( translated  over  google )  I  got  that  today  per  email  from  an  older  sister !
  15. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Alexa in POPE FRANCIS PRAISES JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES WORLDWIDE !!   
    Thank you dear Alexa?? I do what I can,  yes !
  16. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Texto Diario, Miércoles 5 de octubre 2016   
    Les digo la verdad: no las conozco (Mat. 25:12).
    Durante la gran tribulación, quienes se hayan hecho infieles no podrán recibir la ayuda de los ungidos; será demasiado tarde. ¿Qué final les espera? El mismo que a las vírgenes necias de la parábola que fueron a comprar aceite. Este relato dice: “Llegó el novio, y las vírgenes que estaban listas entraron con él al banquete de bodas; y la puerta fue cerrada”. Cuando Jesús llegue casi al final de la gran tribulación, reunirá a los ungidos en el cielo (Mat. 24:31; 25:10; Juan 14:1-3; 1 Tes. 4:17). Después se cerrará la puerta, y quienes sean como las vírgenes necias no podrán entrar. En ese momento tal vez empiecen a suplicar: “¡Señor, señor, ábrenos!”. Pero recibirán el mismo juicio que reciben las personas que son declaradas cabras. Jesús les dirá: “No las conozco”. ¡Qué final tan lamentable! (Mat. 7:21-23; 25:11, 12.) w15 15/3 2:12
  17. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in JW studying - 2006 vs. 2016   
    YES,  we  love  our  Brothers  for  that !
  18. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in JW studying - 2006 vs. 2016   
    JW  study  in  the  past.... hmm,   &  today  ;o)   More  easy  now,  but  also  more  time ?   I  like  our  jw.org  pages  -  very  good  for  us  and  all  people  around  the  Earth ❤
  19. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in A wonderful short *Prayer-talk* between a granny and her little granddaughter ❤ ( clever girl ) Romans, 8 : 26   
    A  wonderful  short  *Prayer - talk*  btw. a  granny  &  her  little  granddaughter ❤
    Romans  8 : 26
    26 In like manner, the spirit also joins in with help for our weakness; for the problem is that we do not know what we should pray for as we need to, but the spirit itself pleads for us with unuttered groanings
  20. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in A new kingdom hall has been brought to the world ! Many thanks go to Jehovah and his son Jesus Christ ❤ Its in Accra, Ghana -   
    A new kingdom hall has been brought to the world !  Many thanks go to Jehovah and his son Jesus Christ ❤  Its  in  Accra,  Ghana
    We are all so happy  :-)
  21. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in Many people in Ukraine are very interested & Desire for biblical food ! That is so beautiful ❤   
    Many people in Ukraine are very interested and
    Desire for biblical food! That is so beautiful ❤
    May  Jehovah  bless  that  older  woman  ;o)   and  all  the  others !
  22. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in These faithful sisters are over 70, widows & still serving Jehovah together, with the assistance of their canes.....   
    These  faithful  sisters  are  over  70,  widows  &  still serving  Jehovah  together,   with  the  assistance  of  their  canes.....
    Oh,  may  Jehovah  bless  you  both,  our  dear  sisters ❤
  23. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in A wonderful short *Prayer-talk* between a granny and her little granddaughter ❤ ( clever girl ) Romans, 8 : 26   
    A  wonderful  short  *Prayer - talk*  btw. a  granny  &  her  little  granddaughter ❤
    Romans  8 : 26
    26 In like manner, the spirit also joins in with help for our weakness; for the problem is that we do not know what we should pray for as we need to, but the spirit itself pleads for us with unuttered groanings
  24. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in After a day of preaching in the Napo River in Ecuador.   
    Hi our dear sisters  ;-)  Now  is  relaxing time  after  a  hard  day !
  25. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Tennyson Naidoo in These faithful sisters are over 70, widows & still serving Jehovah together, with the assistance of their canes.....   
    Continue rejoicing in the Lord.” (Philippians 3:1) The Philippians were a generous, loving congregation who served with zeal and enthusiasm. (Philippians 1:3-5; 4:10, 14-20) So brothers and sister can continue rejoicing in the lord.and Jehovah dispatches that energy.to us whether we old or young.  These sisters are a sterling example to follow. 
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