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Queen Esther

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  1. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in We so much need our loving old sisters ;o) They often writing theocrat. letters for the pioneers, they need it for some humans in service ! A precious help ❤   
    We  SO  much  need  our  loving  old  sisters  ;o)  They  often  writing  theocratic  letters  at  home  and  the  pioneers  put  them  into  the  post - boxes  by  humans,  they  never  meet  by  door  to  door  service !  An  importend,  precious  service  the  old  sisters  doing ❤
  2. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in How wonderful... 3 Nations in PEACE together, by JEHOVAH'S witnesses ❤ ALL TOGETHER IN ONE KD HALL... thats really love ;o)   
    How  wonderful...  3  Nations  in  PEACE  together,  by  JEHOVAH'S  witnesses ❤
    ALL  TOGETHER  IN  ONE  KD  HALL...  thats  really  love  ;o)
  3. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Carol Ann Torres in We so much need our loving old sisters ;o) They often writing theocrat. letters for the pioneers, they need it for some humans in service ! A precious help ❤   
    We  SO  much  need  our  loving  old  sisters  ;o)  They  often  writing  theocratic  letters  at  home  and  the  pioneers  put  them  into  the  post - boxes  by  humans,  they  never  meet  by  door  to  door  service !  An  importend,  precious  service  the  old  sisters  doing ❤
  4. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Cyndi Dodge in A wonderful little story, we can good use by our serving ! The Bible point is phenomenal ;o) ( video ) Watch the end....   
    A  wonderful  little  story,   we  can  good  use  by  our  serving !  The  Bible point  is  phenomenal  ;o)  ( video )  Watch  the  end....
  5. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to The Librarian in 1913 Brooklyn Tabernacle (Tract)   

    C. T. Russell is listed as the Pastor.
    M. C. Rutherford (the Judge's son) is listed as a Deacon.
    This may have been during the period when Judge Rutherford had left the WTB&TS to run a company in Los Angeles
    Added to the Master List:
  6. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Jack Ryan in Asamblea Regional 2017   
    Asamblea regional 2017 Tema: La biblia y el nombre divino.3 Representaciones dramáticas y 2 lecturas bíblicas dramatizadas.
    Viernes drama titulado: “Jehova tu solo eres Dios. Se hablara sobre la vida del rey Asaf.

    Viernes tarde Lectura bíblica dramatizada basada sobre Mateo.
    Al final el ultimo discurso del domingo sera en streaming por medio del cuerpo gobernante y se llamara el discurso: Un preciado regalo.

    Sábado mañana se vera un drama titulado: El gran nombre de Jehová. En este drama se explicara la vida del rey Josias y como el puso de manifiesto el nombre de Jehová.

    El domingo un drama de tiempos modernos titulada: Familias ¿andan en los caminos del gran libro de Dios?. Donde se vera a una familia que tiene 2 hijos, uno es precursor regular y el otro es empresario pero no es testigo y el drama se basara en valorar la biblia.

    La segunda lectura bíblica dramatizada estará basada en el libro de Nehemias cuando le toca reconstruir las murallas de Jerusalén.

    El viernes se presentaran 2 publicaciones nuevas para 650 países se presentara el libro enseña revisada 2013 junto con el libro enseña sencillo en español.

    Los de ingles como ya tienen el libro enseña su nueva publicación el viernes sera el vídeo que se vera por la mañana del rey Asaf.

    Y el sábado para todo el mundo se mostrara un nuevo libro que utilizaremos en el estudio bíblico de congregación que se titula: La organización de Jehová tras el nombre

    Y el domingo se presentara a 43 idiomas incluido el español el nuevo cancionero junto con la nueva biblia. Y un vídeo que se descargara del sitio donde se darán instrucciones de como usar la biblia en la predicación, estudio personal.

    Y para cerrar con broche de oro se presentara una nueva serie de dibujos animados titulada: Hazte amigo de Jehová. Donde se vera a caleb en la adolescencia Lección 1
  7. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Alexa in Daily text, Friday, September 16. 2016   
    Offer to God a sacrifice of praise, that is, the fruit of our lips that make public declaration to his name.—Heb. 13:15.
    Our lips should make public declaration to Jehovah’s holy name. Deaf brothers and sisters use sign language to render such praise to God. Housebound Christians praise him by letter writing, telephone witnessing, and preaching to attendants and visitors. Our sacrifice of praise—our giving praise to Jehovah by making known his name and proclaiming the good news—should be commensurate with our health and ability. It ought to be our best. (Rom. 12:1; 2 Tim. 2:15) Our sacrifices of praise are personal offerings voluntarily made to God because we love him. (Matt. 22:37, 38) You surely want your sacrifices of praise to be acceptable to Jehovah. Do you find that you are allowing television programs, video games, sports activities, or hobbies to distract you and interfere with your spiritual progress? w14 11/15 3:12-14
  8. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to John Lindsay Barltrop in Haha... so funny Trolly and Bicycle - witnessing in Denmark ;o) Smiling sisters ❤   
    I don't know about WOW............a bit scary though, but I thank Jehovah that I am still in pretty good shape (I think!!!)
    Had the first day of our Circuit's Regional Convention today here in Adelaide, South Australia (at our Assembly Hall........much more comfortable that the Adelaide Entertainment Centre); just about to download the video from last years convention that the brothers said was available  
  9. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Konstantinos Koutouris in Haha... so funny Trolly and Bicycle - witnessing in Denmark ;o) Smiling sisters ❤   
    Haha...  so  funny  Trolly  and  Bicycle - witnessing  in  Denmark  ;o)  Smiling  sisters ❤
  10. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to The Librarian in Das Leben so sehen wie Gott (Teil 2)   
    Wie denkt Gott über Blut und Bluttransfusionen? Was glaubst du und wie kannst du deinen Glauben anderen erklären?
  11. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to John Lindsay Barltrop in Haha... so funny Trolly and Bicycle - witnessing in Denmark ;o) Smiling sisters ❤   
    I also meant to say, I think that it is quite a novel and practical idea; a good place to store extra literature AND coffee.
    As I have mentioned before, Jehovah's people are very resourceful.........another good example.
  12. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to John Lindsay Barltrop in Haha... so funny Trolly and Bicycle - witnessing in Denmark ;o) Smiling sisters ❤   
    I can vaguely remember........I think (must be nearly 70 years ago).........something like that at seaside resorts in summer.......they used to sell ice cream!!!!
  13. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Daily text, Thursday, September 15. 2016   
    Tell them to work at good, . . . safely treasuring up for themselves a fine foundation for the future, so that they may get a firm hold on the real life.—1 Tim. 6:18, 19.
    Despite our weaknesses and imperfections, Jehovah is pleased to use us as his fellow workers. How we cherish our privilege of working with our God in these last days! Thus, we should be willing to postpone the pursuit of many of our personal interests, knowing that in his new world, Jehovah will allow us to enjoy “the real life”—everlasting life in happy, peaceful conditions. Think of what Moses told the Israelites shortly before they entered the Promised Land: “Jehovah your God will make you abundantly prosperous in all the work of your hands.” (Deut. 30:9) Once Armageddon is past, those who have been busy working with God will take possession of the land that he has promised them. Then, we will direct our attention to a new work assignment—making the earth a beautiful paradise ! w14 10/15 3:18, 19
  14. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Martha Braun Amistadi in All glory to JEHOVAH ❤ Who created ALL things ! Rev. 4 : 11   
    : 11 “You are worthy, Jehovah our God, to receive the glory and the honor and the power, because you created all things, and because of your will they came into existence and were created.”
  15. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Daily text, Tuesday, September 13. 2016   
    Drawing near to God is good for me.—Ps. 73:28.
    If we ponder over what the Bible says about Jehovah’s interactions with his faithful servants of the past, we will learn countless wonderful things about our God. Thus we will come to know Jehovah very well and come to love him deeply. As a result, we will be able to draw closer to him. (Ps. 25:14) We should never draw away from Jehovah. If we have allowed some distance to develop between him and us, we should act in accord with Hosea 12:6, which states: “Return to your God, maintain loyal love and justice, and always hope in your God.” Let us, then, draw closer and closer to Jehovah by reflecting appreciatively on the ransom and by diligently studying his Word, the Bible. (Deut. 13:4) May all of us continue to learn new things about Jehovah and come to appreciate even more the many reasons to love him. And may Jehovah draw ever closer to us now and throughout all eternity! w14 8/15 3:16, 18, 19
  16. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Evacuated in A new picture of our little Brother-boy by preaching in the past... Detroit, 1930 -- Here together with an elder Brother ;o)   
    Well, he was faithful wasn't he? He will be back. The date of the talk is the crucial clue anyway!!
  17. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Alexa in A new picture of our little Brother-boy by preaching in the past... Detroit, 1930 -- Here together with an elder Brother ;o)   
    I'm not sure Alexa,  He was born very early, so maybe our anointed Brother ? We shall see, if he is on Earth later ;o)
  18. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Evacuated in A new picture of our little Brother-boy by preaching in the past... Detroit, 1930 -- Here together with an elder Brother ;o)   
    Absolutely. The first picture has the same little girl there behind him. The cart titles are the same. However, the date 1944 is accurate whereas 1930 is questionable. 
  19. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Alexa in A new picture of our little Brother-boy by preaching in the past... Detroit, 1930 -- Here together with an elder Brother ;o)   
    To all, Are they asked by resurrected ones like us?
  20. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in A Grandma - baptism in Chile.... She is already sitting in the pool, the Brothers talking and smiling with her ;o) a nice picture !   
    A  Grandma - baptism  in  Chile....  She  is  already  sitting  in  the pool,  the  Brothers  talking  and  smiling  with  her  ;o)  a  nice  picture !
  21. Upvote
  22. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in A new picture of our little Brother-boy by preaching in the past... Detroit, 1930 -- Here together with an elder Brother ;o)   
    Are  you  really  sure,  its  our  past  little  boy ?  I  hope  it....  A  wonderful  boy  and  later  a  Missionary...   wow,  what  a  career  for  Jehovah ❤  I  want  talk  with  him  in  our  paradise  ;o) 
  23. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Evacuated in A new picture of our little Brother-boy by preaching in the past... Detroit, 1930 -- Here together with an elder Brother ;o)   
    Is this the same boy?
    Can we get some clarity on this? Maybe more information on the brother in the picture who you tell us was a missionary and died in Sep 2014.
    The talk advertised "The Kingdom of God is Nigh" was given at the Assembly in1944, much later than 1930. 
    As you can see in the attached photo here,  this seems  to be the same little brother with a book released that same year 1944, "The Kingdom is at Hand".
    Any further detail would be much appreciated. 

  24. Upvote
  25. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Carmen Erwin in This Russian family was teaching his son the importend things about the Memorial.... The lesson from the tree of GOOD & EVIL..... Very good for their little boy ;o) So he can understand it much better !   
    This  Russian  family  was  teaching  his  son  the  importend  things  about  the  Memorial....
    The  lesson  from  the  tree  of  GOOD  &  EVIL.....  Very  good  for  their  little  boy  ;o)
    So  he  can  understand  it  much  better !   A  very  good  idea....
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