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Queen Esther

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  1. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to ARchiv@L in Anneliese Zelina: Jehovah, I’m Going to Put You First   
    Anneliese Zelina: Jehovah, I’m Going to Put You First—(subtitles)

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  3. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Nr.138 "Jehovah Is Your Name" in Spanish".... (little girl)   
    Nr.138  "Jehovah Is Your Name"   in Spanish"....    ENJOY
  4. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in TEXTO DIÁRIO DRAMATIZADO 25 de abril 2018   
    TEXTO DIÁRIO DRAMATIZADO 25 de abril 2018
  5. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in TEXTO DIARIO con PREGUNTAS para MEDITAR 25 de abril 2018   
    TEXTO DIARIO con PREGUNTAS para MEDITAR 25 de abril 2018
  6. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in REPORTS OF VENEZUELA... ( The first AID for VENEZUELA )   
    REPORTS OF VENEZUELA..... ( The  first  AID  for  VENEZUELA )
    They do not put any objection in fact the first boxes are sent to an old man who then took them to Bethel and they distributed it to some of the needy little brothers of the Southeast Victoria congregation
    I particularly meet in the betel salon and I know several elders
    This is in betel
    When the boxes arrived
    They are very grateful
    We are preparing other boxes, but we also need to collaborate !
  7. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in HUNGER IN VENEZUELA   
    They do not put any objection in fact the first boxes are sent to an old man who then took them to Bethel and they distributed it to some of the needy little brothers of the Southeast Victoria congregation
    I particularly meet in the betel salon and I know several elders
    This is in betel
    When the boxes arrived
    They are very grateful
    We are preparing other boxes but we also need to collaborate
  8. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Bible Speaks in News ----------------------Pray for South Korea   
    @william Angisiramo
    Our support is vital around the Earth! We are a United People under one God Jehovah and will stand up for Righteousness and Dignity through Our God Jehovah and His King Our Lord Christ Jesus! We will shout forever till Jehovah’s Name is Vindicated throughout the Earth!
     Thank you for your support and prayers! Jehovah Bless! 
  9. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Bible Speaks in News ----------------------Pray for South Korea   
    We  have  to  pray  for  so  many  poor  countries  around  the  earth...  We're  doing  in  our  congregation  very  often
    But  your prayer  is  very  good,  Brother @william Angisiramo....  thank you  -
    17 Sanctify them by means of the truth; your word is truth !
    Best  wishes  and  greetings  from  Germany
  10. Like
  11. Thanks
  12. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in TEXTO DIARIO con PREGUNTAS para MEDITAR 24 de abril 2018   
    TEXTO DIARIO con PREGUNTAS para MEDITAR 24 de abril  2018
  13. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in TEXTO DIÁRIO DRAMATIZADO 24 de abril 2018   
    TEXTO DIÁRIO DRAMATIZADO 24 de abril 2018
  14. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in The Milky Way shining vividly in the sky....   
    The Milky Way shining vividly in the sky. Taken during a calm night in the Anza Borrego desert.
    Michael Shainblum Photography  ~~~~   ENJOY !
    And  more:   https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=%2bPYcgIOu&id=6B38F5C299571C89E0B2AD00E47E47A16C2EEA1C&thid=OIP.-PYcgIOujfRgTwrGGyZgZQHaE8&q=the+milky+way+++Michael+Shainblum+Photography&simid=608035833715228790&selectedIndex=71&ajaxhist=0
  15. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in News ----------------------Pray for South Korea   
    We  have  to  pray  for  so  many  poor  countries  around  the  earth...  We're  doing  in  our  congregation  very  often
    But  your prayer  is  very  good,  Brother @william Angisiramo....  thank you  -
    17 Sanctify them by means of the truth; your word is truth !
    Best  wishes  and  greetings  from  Germany
  16. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to william Angisiramo in News ----------------------Pray for South Korea   
    I pray Jehovah Our God please help them for they are standing for the truth  (John 17:17), for there is no truth in this world.
  17. Sad
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in [Documentary] Our World Going Hungry in Venezuela BBC.... (video)   
    [Documentary] Our World Going Hungry in Venezuela BBC.... ( sad  world )
    This is a documentary by BBC World about how venezuelans are struggling with the country's worst economic crisis in its history. Food shortage, inflation, high criminality and more are putting venezuelan on the edge of massive riots throughout the country.
    Tags: I reported for The Nation in late June, while Venezuela is not “in a state of total collapse,” as per The New York Times and other mainstream media sources, the country is in the midst of a very severe crisis, which is getting worse. Venezuelans are not dying, or starving, or looting en masse. But many, far too many, are suffering. Why? And what could be done to ease this suffering and help Venezuela get back on its feet? These are difficult questions to answer. This is not merely because Venezuela’s crisis has multiple causes, short-, medium-, and long-term. Nor is it because some of the causes, and potential solutions, to the crisis are quite technical. The difficulty lies, rather, in the challenge, and perhaps impossibility, of disentangling the “internal” and “external” aspects of the crisis.
    To an agonizingly large degree, Venezuela’s crisis is of the government’s own making. Instead of easing or ending it, the government’s actions—and inactions—over the last several years have made it far worse. Yet, the government has not acted in a vacuum, but in a hostile domestic and international environment. The opposition has openly and repeatedly pushed for regime change by any means necessary. In addition to fostering a politically toxic climate, the opposition’s actions over the past three years—its refusal to recognize President Nicolás Maduro’s April 2013 victory, despite absolutely no evidence of electoral fraud; ensuing violence that targeted state-run health clinics and left at least seven civilians dead; another wave of violence beginning in February 2014 that left 43 dead, approximately half of them due to opposition actions; and recent and repeated calls for military and foreign intervention—have also had a very damaging economic effect.  The  US. government has not only cheered, and funded, these anti-democratic actions. By absurdly declaring that Venezuela is an “unusual and extraordinary threat” to US national security and pressuring investors and bankers to steer clear of the Maduro administration, the White House has prevented Venezuela from obtaining much-needed foreign financing and investment.
  18. Sad
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in HUNGER IN VENEZUELA   
    [Documentary] Our World Going Hungry in Venezuela BBC
    This is a documentary by BBC World about how venezuelans are struggling with the country's worst economic crisis in its history. Food shortage, inflation, high criminality and more are putting venezuelan on the edge of massive riots throughout the country.
    Tags: I reported for The Nation in late June, while Venezuela is not “in a state of total collapse,” as per The New York Times and other mainstream media sources, the country is in the midst of a very severe crisis, which is getting worse. Venezuelans are not dying, or starving, or looting en masse. But many, far too many, are suffering. Why? And what could be done to ease this suffering and help Venezuela get back on its feet? These are difficult questions to answer. This is not merely because Venezuela’s crisis has multiple causes, short-, medium-, and long-term. Nor is it because some of the causes, and potential solutions, to the crisis are quite technical. The difficulty lies, rather, in the challenge, and perhaps impossibility, of disentangling the “internal” and “external” aspects of the crisis.
    To an agonizingly large degree, Venezuela’s crisis is of the government’s own making. Instead of easing or ending it, the government’s actions—and inactions—over the last several years have made it far worse. Yet, the government has not acted in a vacuum, but in a hostile domestic and international environment. The opposition has openly and repeatedly pushed for regime change by any means necessary. In addition to fostering a politically toxic climate, the opposition’s actions over the past three years—its refusal to recognize President Nicolás Maduro’s April 2013 victory, despite absolutely no evidence of electoral fraud; ensuing violence that targeted state-run health clinics and left at least seven civilians dead; another wave of violence beginning in February 2014 that left 43 dead, approximately half of them due to opposition actions; and recent and repeated calls for military and foreign intervention—have also had a very damaging economic effect. The US government has not only cheered, and funded, these anti-democratic actions. By absurdly declaring that Venezuela is an “unusual and extraordinary threat” to US national security and pressuring investors and bankers to steer clear of the Maduro administration, the White House has prevented Venezuela from obtaining much-needed foreign financing and investment.
  19. Sad
    Queen Esther reacted to Bible Speaks in BREAKING NEWS: Former President George H.W. Bush is in intensive care, CNN has learned.   
    BREAKING NEWS: Former President George H.W. Bush is in intensive care, CNN has learned.

  20. Thanks
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Bible Speaks in *HOT SOUP*.... an advice in a special public talk !   
    ~ I heard this illustration in a public talk many years ago ~     ( from  sister  Beth...)   THANK  YOU
    HOT SOUP....
    ( Not the real title of the talk )
    First the Brother warmly complimented us on all the happy noise we made greeting one another as we entered the Kingdom Hall. We had been talking, laughing, hugging & all that. Then he started talking about the congregation being like a bowl of soup. (That seemed such an odd thing to say that it caught my attention. I looked up with a puzzled expression & noticed others doing the same.)
    Let me explain, he said with a wry smile. You have a bowl of soup you want to eat. And it's hot. But you know a little secret - the soup is cooler on the outer edges close to the brim of the bowl.
    In the middle, the molecules are closer together, bumping into each other -more active. So the soup in the middle is HOT. But the molecules on the edges next to the brim are slowing down & the soup is cooler. That's where you can just scoop it right up. (He pretended to scoop a spoonful & sip it.)
    Well, he said, the congregation is rather like that. All the activity, warmth & safety is in the middle of the congregation. If you hang around the edges & away from the spiritual activity of the congregation, you are vulnerable to Satan scooping up YOU. Just like the soup.
    That's why you should stay in the middle of it all,  surrounded by the warmth & safety of the congregation
  21. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in The paths of the world....   
    The paths of the world....
    "You walked in pleasant ways,
    Your Hearts "
    "You went after your ear,
    The riddles and stars,
    After strangers and celebrations, celebrate,
    You gave the Holy Word,
    On a horoscope,
    You ignored,
    Jehovah's purpose!
    You gave free rein to the imperfection,
    You've adored icons, people, mummies
    You have risen to the rank of gods of the ancestors,
    A calendar filled with human "saints"
    On whose trace you filled your money!
    The holy word is ignored by the world,
    She has a god that has no name!
    A God who has prepared a hell,
    Where the sinners eternally burn
    By "Lord of Life" you have lost yourself,
    You kiss what you sow for thousands of years:
    Hate, wars, quarrels, and enemies!
    ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  22. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in “Father, I thank you that you have heard me. 42- True, I knew that you always hear me... (John 11 : 41, 42) (video)   
    Lazarus Raised  ~~~~   (John 11 : 41, 42).
    The  same  prayer  of  Jesus....
  23. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in “Father, I thank you that you have heard me. 42- True, I knew that you always hear me... (John 11 : 41, 42) (video)   
    Father, thank you because you heard me. True, I knew that you always heard me....
    A good example for us, always talking to Jehovah  
    (John 11 : 41, 42).
    ” 41 So they took the stone away. Then Jesus raised his eyes heavenward and said: “Father, I thank you that you have heard me. 42 True, I knew that you always hear me; but I spoke on account of the crowd standing around, so that they may believe that you sent me.”
          ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
  24. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in TEXTO DIARIO con PREGUNTAS para MEDITAR 23 de abril 2018   
    TEXTO DIARIO con PREGUNTAS para MEDITAR 23 de abril 2018
  25. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in TEXTO DIÁRIO DRAMATIZADO 23 de abril 2018   
    TEXTO DIÁRIO DRAMATIZADO 23 de abril 2018
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