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Queen Esther

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    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in TEXTO DIARIO con PREGUNTAS para MEDITAR 22 de abril 2018   
    TEXTO DIARIO con PREGUNTAS para MEDITAR 22 de abril 2018
  2. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in TEXTO DIÁRIO DRAMATIZADO 22 DE ABRIL 2018   
  3. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Colin Browne in What Is the Resurrection?   
    We can expect that very many millions will never return to this earth.
    “For 40 years I felt a loathing toward that generation, and I said: “They are a people who always go astray in their hearts; They have not come to know my ways. “So I swore in my anger: “They will not enter into my rest.” (Psalm 95:10, 11) 
    If Jehovah condemned the rebellious Israelites for being unfaithful, what hope is there for all the mass murderers since the beginning.
    All unrepentant sinners: “For it is better for you to lose one of your members than for your whole body to be pitched into Ge·hen?na. Also, if your right hand is making you stumble, cut it off and throw it away from you. For it is better for you to lose one of your members than for your whole body to land in Ge·hen?na." (Matthew 5:29, 30)
    The Scribes and Pharisees: “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because you travel over sea and dry land to make one proselyte, and when he becomes one, you make him a subject for Ge·hen?na twice as much so as yourselves.” (Matthew 23:15) 
    The inescapable sin: “For this reason I say to you, every sort of sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the spirit will not be forgiven. For example, whoever speaks a word against the Son of man, it will be forgiven him; but whoever speaks against the holy spirit, it will not be forgiven him, no, not in this system of things nor in that to come.” (Matthew 12:31, 32)
  4. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in A generation is going, and a generation is coming, but the earth remains forever. ~ Ecclesiastes 1:4   
    Today the world celebrates Earth Day......
    We are encouraged to be better stewards and to protect our beautiful home. We should be doing that! Thankfully, we also can depend on God's promise that one day soon the entire earth will be a genuine paradise. (Luke 23:43)  He will not allow man to bring the earth to ruin.
            ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  5. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Colin Browne in What Is the Resurrection?   
    I not do speculate about Jehovah's wonderful resurrection for us. HE and Jesus, both together will give the blessing if, where and which people coming back to life ❤️?  I will wait, hope and see ??  All the lost animals and plants of sure also coming back under Jehovah's hand❤️  Yes, it will be the best life ever, in LOVE and PEACE.
  6. Haha
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Drinking two cups of coffee a day can help you lose weight   
    Not  working  by  all  people !    I  get  hungry  after  too  much  coffee   ? ?
    YES,  bec. more  heart - beat,  the  reaction  is  faster !   I  like  a  body - balance.  Not  too  much  from  this  or  that.  But  its  not  so  easy....  Cheers ? ?
  7. Haha
    Queen Esther reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in Drinking two cups of coffee a day can help you lose weight   
    ...AND, it makes you faster!
    Sometimes, after drinking six or seven cups of coffee, I read the highway signs so fast I miss the Freeway exit ramp.
  8. Thanks
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Bible Speaks in *HOT SOUP*.... an advice in a special public talk !   
    ~ I heard this illustration in a public talk many years ago ~     ( from  sister  Beth...)   THANK  YOU
    HOT SOUP....
    ( Not the real title of the talk )
    First the Brother warmly complimented us on all the happy noise we made greeting one another as we entered the Kingdom Hall. We had been talking, laughing, hugging & all that. Then he started talking about the congregation being like a bowl of soup. (That seemed such an odd thing to say that it caught my attention. I looked up with a puzzled expression & noticed others doing the same.)
    Let me explain, he said with a wry smile. You have a bowl of soup you want to eat. And it's hot. But you know a little secret - the soup is cooler on the outer edges close to the brim of the bowl.
    In the middle, the molecules are closer together, bumping into each other -more active. So the soup in the middle is HOT. But the molecules on the edges next to the brim are slowing down & the soup is cooler. That's where you can just scoop it right up. (He pretended to scoop a spoonful & sip it.)
    Well, he said, the congregation is rather like that. All the activity, warmth & safety is in the middle of the congregation. If you hang around the edges & away from the spiritual activity of the congregation, you are vulnerable to Satan scooping up YOU. Just like the soup.
    That's why you should stay in the middle of it all,  surrounded by the warmth & safety of the congregation
  9. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in What Is the Resurrection?   
    I  just  read  that  by  an  older  Brother  of  us....
    THE RESURRECTION  back to earth....of   "both the righteous and the unrighteous"  is part of Jehovah God's will and purpose for mankind and for the earth. READ  Acts 24:15. The number of those receiving this resurrection is unlimited.
    NOTICE.... This scripture does not include the "willfully wicked."   And who might be the ones that Jehovah and Jesus would refer to as "willfully wicked?"   We cannot judge anyone, but we can learn Bible principles that would help us reason on the matter.
    Also, we learn additional resurrection facts from the words of Christ Jesus recorded for us at  John 5:25-29.  Notice his words in verse 25,  "Those who have paid attention will live."
    In addition to this earthly resurrection, The Bible also mentions a "Heavenly resurrection" ....of the "little flock"... termed  "the earlier" or  "the first"  resurrection.... which will include the spirit-anointed Brothers of Jesus.  READ  Philippians 3:11;   The number of those receiving this heavenly resurrection is a limited number.  READ   Revelation 14:1-5.
    The heavenly resurrection limited number group will serve in heaven with Christ Jesus, as co-rulers with Christ. They do not practice false religion...  no deceit is found in their mouths.....  they are without blemish !
    ( Thank  you,  Brother  R. B. Elder )
  10. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Colin Browne in What Is the Resurrection?   
    Resurrection of another sort:
    The resurrection plant. Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resurrection_plant

    View the .GIF revival of the plant here: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8a/Rose_of_Jericho.gif/220px-Rose_of_Jericho.gif

    A resurrection plant is any poikilohydric plant that can survive extreme dehydration, even over months or years.
    The resurrection plant Selaginella lepidophylla reviving within 3 hours after the addition of water.

    Examples include:

    Anastatica hierochuntica, also known as the Rose of Jericho, a plant species native to deserts of North Africa

    Asteriscus (plant)

    Boea hygrometrica

    Haberlea rhodopensis

    Mesembryanthemum, the plant can revive within a short period of time after a drought


    Myrothamnus flabellifolius, a plant species native to Southern Africa

    Xerophyta spp., a monocotyledonous genus typically occurring on rock outcrops in Southern African grasslands

    Craterostigma spp., members of the Linderniaceae/Scrophulariaceae with snapdragon-like flowers

    Ramonda serbica, a species in the Gesneriaceae family

    Selaginella lepidophylla, a plant species native to North America, Central and South America, and sold as a novelty

    Lichen, a symbiosis that can survive in extreme desiccation,

    Certain resurrection plants have long been sold in their dry, "lifeless" form as curiosities. This custom was noted by many 19th century authors and continues today.

    In December, 2015, resurrection plants were featured in a TED talk given by Professor Jill Farrant , Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Cape Town, South Africa, who performs targeted genetic modification of crop plants to make them tolerate desiccation by activating genes that are already there but not natively expressed in response to drought.  ……………………………………………………

    Another Wikipedia link:
    Selaginella lepidophylla (syn. Lycopodium lepidophyllum) is a species of desert plant in the spikemoss family (Selaginellaceae). S. lepidophylla is noted for its ability to survive almost complete desiccation; during dry weather in its native habitat, its stems curl into a tight ball and uncurl only when exposed to moisture. The outer stems of Selaginella lepidophylla bend into circular rings in a relatively short period of desiccation, whereas inner stems curl slowly into spirals due to the hydro-actuated strain gradient along their length. It is native to the Chihuahuan Desert. Common names for this plant include flower of stone, false rose of Jericho, rose of Jericho, resurrection plant, resurrection moss, dinosaur plant, siempre viva, stone flower, and doradilla.

    Selaginella lepidophylla is easily confused with Anastatica: both species are resurrection plants and form tumbleweeds, and they share the common name "rose of Jericho."

    An article in the Forbes magazine November 2017 says, “In 2050, Africa will be a desert?” (Based on climate change)
    The magazine also says, “Africa is likely to be the continent most affected by climate change, and consequently drought. One woman’s solution is plants that can be resurrected back to life. How else must we be prepared.” ………………………………….

  11. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in What Is the Resurrection?   
    I not do speculate about Jehovah's wonderful resurrection for us. HE and Jesus, both together will give the blessing if, where and which people coming back to life ❤️?  I will wait, hope and see ??  All the lost animals and plants of sure also coming back under Jehovah's hand❤️  Yes, it will be the best life ever, in LOVE and PEACE.
  12. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in HUNGER IN VENEZUELA   
  13. Sad
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Srecko Sostar in HUNGER IN VENEZUELA   

  14. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Space Merchant in The Holy Spirit   
    Its very simple sister @Cos..... Our funny brother Rook is sometimes joking Â Â And of sure, he is daily reading in the Bible??? We are all special, little different JW....  thats normal in all countries, bec. we are imperfect people, with the same goal ! Thank you...
    Best wishes and greetings from far away Germany??? Agape!
  15. Haha
    Queen Esther reacted to James Thomas Rook Jr. in The Holy Spirit   
    A frog MIGHT avoid bumping his rump, every time he jumps, if he had wings .... but frogs do not have wings ... and neither does your supposition that what is supposed to be a three-in one "Godhead" ... two of them do have personal names, but one does not.
    Even each of my five dogs has a personal name... and they know (in English) what their personal names are.
    If your argument was sound .... and it is NOT, for so MANY reasons .... my dogs have the advantage.
  16. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in A SKILLED CARPENTER/BUILDER builds a beautiful house "one nail at a time."   
    A SKILLED CARPENTER/BUILDER  builds a beautiful house "one nail at a time."
    ( perhaps  making  such  a  house  in  the  NW... ? )
    In a similar way, a skilled Bible teacher teaches Bible truths  "one simple truth at a time."
    One simple truth I like to teach early on is the difference between everlasting life and immortality.  Few people in Christendom have the slightest clue as to the difference between the two.
    For example,  Adam was created as a perfect human.  He had before him the prospect of everlasting life on a paradise earth if  he had just remained faithful to Jehovah God.  But Adam did not have immortality,  so therefore, he died as a result of his unfaithfulness. That comes as no surprise, as no creature that Jehovah has created had immortality when created.
    No, not even Jehovah's precious son, Christ Jesus.  He was not created already having immortality. Jesus took on immortality the instant he ascended to heaven to be at the right hand of his Father, Jehovah. Having immortality means one cannot die. Having everlasting life means one will live as long as they remain faithful, which could be forever if they so choose.
    So obviously, Satan, who was created as a perfect angelic creature, and all his demons do not have immortality either, and they are under a death sentence now.
    Noah, Abraham, Daniel, Lot and many other faithful servants of Jehovah of ancient times do not have immortality either. They are asleep in death awaiting their resurrection.....  they all will have set before them the prospect of everlasting life.
    Now a question...   Today, April 21, 2018...    Who has immortality as of today?    DO  YOU  KNOW ?
    ( Yes, angels are mortals. -  Only Jehovah God,  Jesus Christ  and  the 144,000  are  immortal )
    ( Thank you,  Brother  Roger B. Elder )
  17. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in FACTS ABOUT GOD'S KINGDOM.....   
    Jehovah's Kingdom is a real government.
    Enthroned as King in 1914, Jesus Christ is a powerful, just, wise and merciful King. Isaiah 9:6,7; 11:1-3.
    Jesus' life and example while on earth form the basis for a perfect law, "the law of the Christ." Galatians 6:2, 1 Peter 2:21.
    Jesus will have 144,000 corulers who will share in administering his just reign over the earth. A key objective of his rule is to reconcile humans to God, so his corulers will also serve as priests for that purpose. Revelation 14:1; 20:6.
    As leader of Jehovah's vast army of mighty angels, Jesus commands the most powerful military force ever to exist. It will soon wage war on all wickedness. Psalms 45:1, 3-5; Revelation 19:11, 14-16.
    God's Kingdom will soon fulfill Gods promises to provide all these blessings and more......Psalms 72:16,  Isaiah 2:3; 33:24,  35:6; 65:21.
    ( Thank you  Brother  Roger B. Elder )
  18. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Calling wandering son's....   
    Calling  wandering  sons....
    Come! Jehovah awaits you,
    Make a wise choice,
    He stretches out his right hand,
    Climb to Him, step by step,
    A New World awaits you,
    A holy, pure, straight life!
    Eternal life is not a dream!
    Jehovah is the one who promised,
    Eternal Youth in Paradise!
    It's your chance, not a miss,
    For the ruins of life,
    Do not give it a chance to your youth!
    Snap out! The world is for a moment!
    Do not make the decision swiftly!
    Jehovah is the Creator,
    And man is the "traveler"
    What gives life to your leg!
    Fight Satan! Stay firm!
    For Jehovah the Supreme!
    Only the Bible is Truth,
    IAR the rest is pulled by the hair!
    There are only two ways in the world:
    For the good, for the wicked!
    Satan is the broad way:
    "Large waves broken off at sea,
    Missing, without mating,
    Life at will,
    Broken by the waves of the sea! "
    Of Jehovah's Strait Way
    "Ferry with Jehovah Catarg"
    With a captain who sees in the sea,
    Obstacles, and rocky cliffs,
    And the Satan with thousands of faces!
    Ioan 17: 17
    ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  19. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in *EVENT* ~~~~   
    We enjoy,
    By a "bob"
    From eternity,
    And we relish it
    Satan meschin,
    The mesh,
    Eternal torment
    Of course,
    What the world
    Push it!
    A fly
    How much does it,
    What bites her slowly,
    And he devours it
    Jehovah says,
    "The Source of Life I Am!"
    Come back to me,
    Do not be ashamed,
    And you will have eternity
    Clear Days !!
  20. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in *Selfless love* ❤•*¨`*•♥☼♥•*¨`*•❤   
    *Selfless love*
    From the sky, dew,
    Sun, snowflakes,
    Blessing that rains,
    "the blind of the world" to see them!
    Stuffed fruits, all,
    Vegetables and vegetables,
    They are not patented people,
    There are no inventions from the world!
    They are pure love,
    Altruistic, glorious,
    Brain, nose, ears, or mouth,
    What makes us beautiful life!
    So eternal Jehovah is,
    The greatest altruist!
    What I said is not a story!
    Yahweh's generous artist!
    It gives us a meaning in life,
    It draws us to the light,
    Through the scriptures it gives us the feeling,
    It comforts us, we comfort ourselves!
    Price of the son, He gave,
    Let us all save!
    Be humble, forgive,
    Say "Truth" to the gates!
    He gets rid of the system,
    Driven pitifully by Satan!
    He gets rid of the system,
    He gets rid of the tyrant!
    He only gives us joy,
    In a gray world!
    It keeps us alive forever
    In a world that does not live!
    He only gives us joy,
    In a selfish world!
    It keeps us alive,
    Through altruistic love!
    All the evil will be melted,
    Of selfless love!
    The New World has emerged!
    Satan's world is sad!
    All the evil will be melted,
    The love that grows!
    The New World has emerged,
    Satan's world is decreasing!
    You do not see, it is breaking up,
    That satanic slut?
    They are all "holy" in the frame
    "Mummies with clay arms!
    You do not see, that the whole world,
    Is he immune to love?
    That he never wants to be able,
    Aspirate to immortality!
    Egoism, Leprosy of the World,
    Exclude love from the start!
    Pride, falling, star!
    Selfish, the world believes,
    That it is all right to her!
    She is "blind" and she does not see,
    "Her flag with dead head"!
    ? .•*¨`*•..¸???¸.•*¨`*•. ?
  21. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in What Is the Resurrection?   
    Thank  you  my  both  Brothers @Colin Browne  and  @Alzasior Lutor     I  am  so  glad  when  you  like  my  comments,  bec. English  is  not  my  first  language, sorry...
    Wish  you  a  sunny  Sunday  wherever  you  are    and Jehovah's  blessing
  22. Like
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Alzasior Lutor in What Is the Resurrection?   
    Thank you  Brother @Colin Browne....   I will read the WT article, must look in the internet for that. 
    I mean, weddingrings not so importend for everyone. I know couples, they have no rings,  one couple is wearing a chain as sign of married. But its all not a 'must have'...
    I believe, to Jesus' time very less couples had wedding rings... Rich people like that, with many Diamonds for the wife ?     But its never a guarantee or bond for everlasting....
  23. Haha
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Alzasior Lutor in What's the longest word in the English language?   
     ? ? ? ?.? ? ? ?.? ? ? ? ? ?.? ?. ? ? ? ?.? ? ? ?.? ?
  24. Thanks
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Alzasior Lutor in Construction of Kingdom Hall in India. Thank you brother, Mathias Moses...   
    Thats  true,  yes  dear  Brother @Alzasior Lutor    Its  a  big  joy,  working  together  with  many  Brothers  and  Sisters    I  remember  that  from  our  big  Kingdom Hall  in  Hamburg,  Germany  -  for  8  Congregations !  All  was  done  in  1 year  -  then  GB Brother  Gerrit  Lösch  came  from  New York  for  2 days...
    In  poor  Countries  its  of  sure  more  difficult !  But  always  the  KD - Halls  looking  so  nice. Jehovah  is  giving  all  the  power  and  love  with  HIS  Holy  Spirit   So  amazing !
  25. Thanks
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Construction of Kingdom Hall in India. Thank you brother, Mathias Moses...   
    Thats  true,  yes  dear  Brother @Alzasior Lutor    Its  a  big  joy,  working  together  with  many  Brothers  and  Sisters    I  remember  that  from  our  big  Kingdom Hall  in  Hamburg,  Germany  -  for  8  Congregations !  All  was  done  in  1 year  -  then  GB Brother  Gerrit  Lösch  came  from  New York  for  2 days...
    In  poor  Countries  its  of  sure  more  difficult !  But  always  the  KD - Halls  looking  so  nice. Jehovah  is  giving  all  the  power  and  love  with  HIS  Holy  Spirit   So  amazing !
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