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Queen Esther

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  1. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Alexa in Daily text, Monday, August 1. 2016   
    No... ;o)  My  currently  pics  not  in  the  internet !
  2. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Alexa in Daily text, Monday, August 1. 2016   
    Persevere in these things.—1 Tim. 4:16.
    Not everyone we preach to will accept the Kingdom message. (Matt. 10:11-14) That would be true even if we were to ask just the right questions, use the best reasoning, and come up with the finest illustrations. After all, relatively few responded to Jesus’ teaching—and he was the greatest Teacher ever to walk the earth! (John 6:66; 7:45-48) On the other hand, even if we feel that we are not especially gifted, we can be effective in our ministry. (Acts 4:13) God’s Word gives us sound reason for believing that “all those . . . rightly disposed for everlasting life” will accept the good news. (Acts 13:48) So let us develop and maintain a balanced view of ourselves and those with whom we seek to share the good news of the Kingdom. May we take full advantage of the training Jehovah provides, confident that it will benefit both us and those who listen to us. Jehovah can help us to see how we should “answer each person.”—Col. 4:6. w14 5/15 1:15, 16
  3. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to JWTheologian in Is the WTS the organization Jehovah is using?   
    You seem to be confusing the word obedience. It is interesting you have managed to twist scripture to fit your own agenda. Your hypothesis lies in abstract.

    Colossians 1:27-29 Context: Paul's Suffering for the Church

    …27to whom God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. 28We proclaim Him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ. 29To this end I labor, striving with all His energy working powerfully within me.…

    Once again, you are implying God has erred for choosing Men among Men to take the lead and dispense the spirit of the fruit to others.

    Once again, your claim is, that the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses are NOT chosen for that task. I keep reminding you, who appointed you to decide who receives the Holy Spirit of God. You are once again being nonsensical to win an argument, NOT to debate Facts of scripture.

    Your own words of misinterpretation have now ventured into blasphemy, NOT by my accord, but that that of the word of God in scripture.

    The governing body, are just fellow Christians striving what every Christian strives for, everlasting life. The only ones holding the GB on a pedestal are people like you. We don’t regard our members other than with respect for accepting to take the lead on a monumental responsibility that would be judged by God harsher for having that responsibility. Now is it any different than any other religion?

    That’s what judgement day, is for.

    You cited Matt 8:36 Context: Take up Your Cross. Now your understanding differs from that of scripture. If your own words are misleading due to the lack of understanding of the “INTENT” and “CONTEXT” by understanding the full text from verse 34 on. So in that context by defining Christ instructions, we lose our soul. Because we as men are misleading the understanding of scripture to benefit oneself NOT others.

    Not to mention the conflict you have with scripture. How can you engage with conflict as in Romans 13:8 Context: Love Fulfills the Law?

    8Be indebted to no one, except to one another in love, for he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the Law.

    if you despise wholeheartedly 7 men that have done NOTHING to you personally other than being there for your ridicule. Do you see your contradictions?

    You people call us brainwashed? Where would that leave you people!!!!!

    Galatians 6:1-3 Context: Carry One Another's Burdens

    1Brothers, if someone is caught in a trespass, you who are spiritual should restore him with a spirit of gentleness. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted. 2Carry one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the Law of Christ. 3If anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he deceives himself.…

    So in your world? How could you possibly achieve that fulfillment within the body of Christ, while objecting to parts of the body of Christ, by your own admission in writing. That’s Hypocrisy in its highest form.

    Because you couldn’t possibly be accepting of Gods commands through Christ to what?

    Matthew 28:19-20 Context: The Great Commission

    …19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

    Matthew Henry Commentary

    28:16-20 This evangelist passes over other appearances of Christ, recorded by Luke and John, and hastens to the most solemn; one appointed before his death, and after his resurrection. All that see the Lord Jesus with an eye of faith, will worship him. Yet the faith of the sincere may be very weak and wavering. But Christ gave such convincing proofs of his resurrection, as made their faith to triumph over doubts. He now solemnly commissioned the apostles and his ministers to go forth among all nations. The salvation they were to preach, is a common salvation; whoever will, let him come, and take the benefit; all are welcome to Christ Jesus. Christianity is the religion of a sinner who applies for salvation from deserved wrath and from sin; he applies to the mercy of the Father, through the atonement of the incarnate Son, and by the sanctification of the Holy Spirit, and gives up himself to be the worshipper and servant of God, as the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, three Persons but one God, in all his ordinances and commandments. Baptism is an outward sign of that inward washing, or sanctification of the Spirit, which seals and evidences the believer's justification. Let us examine ourselves, whether we really possess the inward and spiritual grace of a death unto sin, and a new birth unto righteousness, by which those who were the children of wrath become the children of God. Believers shall have the constant presence of their Lord always; all days, every day. There is no day, no hour of the day, in which our Lord Jesus is not present with his churches and with his ministers; if there were, in that day, that hour, they would be undone. The God of Israel, the Saviour, is sometimes a God that hideth himself, but never a God at a distance. To these precious words Amen is added. Even so, Lord Jesus, be thou with us and all thy people; cause thy face to shine upon us, that thy way may be known upon earth, thy saving health among all nations.

    The WTS didn’t commission these men, God’s Holy Spirit did. Those that are found worthy to receive this commission has a great responsibility and an honor to be considered spiritually just to accept that commission. They don’t consider themselves above anyone, but work alongside all that accept the inspired word of God to be the solemn constitution.

    In your world? Everything was developed by men for men. Then you’re making Jah to be a liar. Is God the liar or are you? I chose to believe it’s you!!!!!!!!

    The ultimate goal for true Christians is, not just preaching and teaching but, Obedience to ALL of God’s Commandments, based on Christ instructions. A structure that is governed by God not man.

    Hebrews 13:16-18 Context: Sacrifice, Obedience, and Prayer

    …16And do not neglect to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. 17Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they watch over your souls as those who must give an account. To this end, allow them to lead with joy and not with grief, for that would be of no advantage to you. 18Pray for us; we are convinced that we have a clear conscience and desire to live honorably in every way.…

    Matthew Henry Commentary

    13:16-21 We must, according to our power, give to the necessities of the souls and bodies of men: God will accept these offerings with pleasure, and will accept and bless the offerers through Christ. The apostle then states what is their duty to living ministers; to obey and submit to them, so far as is agreeable to the mind and will of God, made known in his word. Christians must not think themselves too wise, too good, or too great, to learn. The people must search the Scriptures, and so far as the ministers teach according to that rule, they ought to receive their instructions as the word of God, which works in those that believe. It is the interest of hearers, that the account their ministers give of them may be with joy, and not with grief. Faithful ministers deliver their own souls, but the ruin of a fruitless and faithless people will be upon their own heads. The more earnestly the people pray for their ministers, the more benefit they may expect from their ministry. A good conscience has respect to all God's commands, and all our duty. Those who have this good conscience, yet need the prayers of others. When ministers come to a people who pray for them, they come with greater satisfaction to themselves, and success to the people. We should seek all our mercies by prayer. God is the God of peace, fully reconciled to believers; who has made a way for peace and reconciliation between himself and sinners, and who loves peace on earth, especially in his churches. He is the Author of spiritual peace in the hearts and consciences of his people. How firm a covenant is that which has its foundation in the blood of the Son of God! The perfecting of the saints in every good work, is the great thing desired by them, and for them; and that they may at length be fitted for the employment and happiness of heaven. There is no good thing wrought in us, but it is the work of God. And no good thing is wrought in us by God, but through Christ, for his sake and by his Spirit.

    So, what’s the end result?

    Ecclesiastes 12:13 Context: The Fear of God is Utmost

    12But beyond this, my son, be warned: the writing of many books is endless, and excessive devotion to books is wearying to the body. 13The conclusion, when all has been heard, is: fear God and keep His commandments, because this applies to every person. 14For God will bring every act to judgment, everything which is hidden, whether it is good or evil.…

    What does that imply, God will bring judgement upon those deceiving others with their own doctrine that is NOT based on the inspired word of God. GOD WILL!! Not you, me, or anyone thinking their ideology is above Gods sovereignty and inspired word. Something the WTS Does NOT claim to be, but does CLAIM to be fulfilling Gods commands by its commission.

  4. Like
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Oh kitty, now you want learn a little about Bible-stories ? That is sweet❤ Come on, I show you some things....   
    Oh  kitty,  now  you  want  learn  a  little  about  Bible-stories ?  That  is  sweet❤
    Come  on,  I  show  you  some  things....
  5. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Carmen Erwin in Happy to be released from prison in South Korea. #jworg...   
    So happy for these brothers! And Jehovahs heart is happy that they could endure! ?
  6. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to MsKitty in Happy to be released from prison in South Korea. #jworg...   
    Thank you Jehovah! 
  7. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Cesung Jung in Happy to be released from prison in South Korea. #jworg...   
    Welcome home dear brothers ?
  8. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Viviane Garcia in Happy to be released from prison in South Korea. #jworg...   
    Welcome come home my lovely brothers, and all of you gave such example of being Loyal to Our God Jehovah!!!
    Thank you Jehovah!!
  9. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Alzasior Lutor in NEVER SEEN, Pope also greeting the deaf humans with their SL sign ! Very nice ;o) and pic. examples...   
    Its  only going  about  the  SIGN,  for  deaf  humans  - They're  a  minority  on  Earth !  My  thoughts  gone  a  different  way...
  10. Downvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Suzsanna in Nimrod built a Tower to accommodate all human race but Jehovah thwarted his plans ! Now another man of his lineage had made a parallel bus, but for what purpose? Look...   
    Nimrod built a Tower to accommodate all human race but Jehovah thwarted his plans !  Now another man of his lineage had made a parallel  bus,  but  for  what purpose?
  11. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Jack Ryan in JW's   
  12. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Alexa in Daily text, Sunday, July 31. 2016   
    God will judge sexually immoral people and adulterers.—Heb. 13:4.
    Some of God’s faithful servants have weakened their moral defenses by associating with non-Witness workmates after work hours. Even during work hours, temptations can arise. It was at his workplace that a handsome young man named Joseph realized that his employer’s wife was very attracted to him. Day after day, she tried to seduce him. Eventually, “she grabbed hold of him by his garment and said: ‘Lie down with me!’” But Joseph managed to run away from her. What helped Joseph to keep his spiritual defenses intact? It was his firm resolve not to damage his relationship with God that safeguarded his chastity and integrity. As a result of his resolute stand, he lost his job and was unjustly imprisoned, but Jehovah blessed him. (Gen. 39:1-12; 41:38-43) Whether at work or in a private setting, Christians need to avoid putting themselves in tempting situations with someone other than their marriage mate. w15 1/15 4:8, 9
  13. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Blanchie DeGrate in Daily text, Sunday, July 31. 2016   
    Always safeguard your relationship with Jehovah ❤️
  14. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Daily text, Sunday, July 31. 2016   
    God will judge sexually immoral people and adulterers.—Heb. 13:4.
    Some of God’s faithful servants have weakened their moral defenses by associating with non-Witness workmates after work hours. Even during work hours, temptations can arise. It was at his workplace that a handsome young man named Joseph realized that his employer’s wife was very attracted to him. Day after day, she tried to seduce him. Eventually, “she grabbed hold of him by his garment and said: ‘Lie down with me!’” But Joseph managed to run away from her. What helped Joseph to keep his spiritual defenses intact? It was his firm resolve not to damage his relationship with God that safeguarded his chastity and integrity. As a result of his resolute stand, he lost his job and was unjustly imprisoned, but Jehovah blessed him. (Gen. 39:1-12; 41:38-43) Whether at work or in a private setting, Christians need to avoid putting themselves in tempting situations with someone other than their marriage mate. w15 1/15 4:8, 9
  15. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Raymond Atom in WOW, our Bethel - Brothers ;o) Bible Teach - books coming off the presses in Brazil - Bethel ! THANKS OUR DEAR BROTHERS ❤   
    WOW,  our  Bethel - Brothers ;o)  Bible Teach - books  coming  off  the  presses  in  Brazil - Bethel !
  16. Haha
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in *MY* kitty says : FEED ME PLEASE - STOP POSTING ! haha ;o) a sweet photo ❤   
    Ok. my  Honey...  I  will  stop  posting  now !    Hahahahahaaaaa  ;o)   ALL  OK !
  17. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Melinda Mills in Superman wants to meet Jehovah and Jesus   
    Since he might be impressed by power, he should be introduced to the passage that's used in the convention drama; the one where one of Jehovah's angels put 185,000 soldiers of King Sennacherib of Assyria to death in a split second. (See passage below)  Then the could eventually be introduced to Jesus, the Logos, the beginning of the creation by God; the exact representation of His Glory; then to Jehovah the Most High, the Source of all power and continue to learn about real power.
    (2 Kings 19:35-37) 35 On that very night the angel of Jehovah went out and struck down 185,000 men in the camp of the As·syrʹi·ans. When people rose up early in the morning, they saw all the dead bodies. 36 So King Sen·nachʹer·ib of As·syrʹi·a departed and returned to Ninʹe·veh and stayed there. 37 And as he was bowing down at the house of his god Nisʹroch, his own sons A·dramʹme·lech and Shar·eʹzer struck him down with the sword and then escaped to the land of Arʹa·rat. And his son Eʹsar-hadʹdon became king in his place.
    He might wish also to ponder some of the questions  Elihu asked Job in the Bible.
    *** w01 4/15 pp. 10-11 Give Attention to God’s Wonderful Works ***
    What Effect on You?
    10 Imagine yourself in Job’s place, being questioned by Almighty God. You will likely agree that most people give little attention to God’s wonderful works. Jehovah asks us the questions we read at Job 38:33-38. “Have you come to know the statutes of the heavens, or could you put its authority in the earth? Can you raise your voice even to the cloud, so that a heaving mass of water itself may cover you? Can you send forth lightnings that they may go and say to you, ‘Here we are!’? Who put wisdom in the cloud layers, or who gave understanding to the sky phenomenon? Who can exactly number the clouds in wisdom, or the water jars of heaven—who can tip them over, when the dust pours out as into a molten mass, and the clods of earth themselves get stuck together?”
    11 We have touched on only a few of the points that Elihu raised with Job, and we have noted some questions that Jehovah called on Job to answer “like an able-bodied man.” (Job 38:3) We say “some” because in chapters 38 and 39, God focused attention on other notable aspects of creation. For example, the constellations of the heavens. Who knows all their laws, or statutes? (Job 38:31-33) Jehovah directed Job’s attention to some of the animals—the lion and the raven, the mountain goat and the zebra, the wild bull and the ostrich, the mighty horse and the eagle. In effect, God asked Job if he had given these varied animals their characteristics, allowing them to live and to thrive. You may enjoy studying these chapters, especially if you like horses or other animals.—Psalm 50:10, 11.
    12 You could also examine Job chapters 40 and 41, where Jehovah again asked Job to respond to questions about two particular creatures. We understand these to be the hippopotamus (Behemoth), prodigious in size and strong in body, and the formidable Nile crocodile (Leviathan). Each in its own way is a marvel of creation worthy of attention. Let us now see what conclusions we should reach.
    13 Job chapter 42 shows us what effect God’s questioning had on Job. Earlier Job gave too much attention to himself and others. But accepting the correction implicit in God’s questions, Job changed his thinking. He confessed: “I have come to know that you [Jehovah] are able to do all things, and there is no idea that is unattainable for you. ‘Who is this that is obscuring counsel without knowledge?’ Therefore I talked, but I was not understanding things too wonderful for me, which I do not know.” (Job 42:2, 3) Yes, after giving attention to God’s works, Job said that these things were too wonderful for him. After reviewing these creative marvels, we should likewise be impressed with God’s wisdom and power. To what end? Is it simply a matter of being impressed with Jehovah’s enormous power and ability? Or should we be moved beyond that?
    14 Well, in Psalm 86, we find related expressions made by David, who in an earlier psalm said: “The heavens are declaring the glory of God; and of the work of his hands the expanse is telling. One day after another day causes speech to bubble forth, and one night after another night shows forth knowledge.” (Psalm 19:1, 2) But David went further. At Psalm 86:10, 11, we read: “You are great and are doing wondrous things; you are God, you alone. Instruct me, O Jehovah, about your way. I shall walk in your truth. Unify my heart to fear your name.” David’s awe of the Creator for all His wondrous works included a due measure of reverential fear. You can appreciate why. David did not want to displease the One who is able to perform these wonderful works. Neither should we.
  18. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from www.trionis.de in MODERN PREACHING IN *SLOVENIA*... A very good idea ;o)   
    MODERN  PREACHING  IN  *SLOVENIA*...  A  very  good  idea  ;o)
  19. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from www.trionis.de in Preaching on the Amazon River, what loving Brothers & Sisters we have❤ May JEHOVAH bless your hard work, thank you so much !   
    Preaching on the Amazon River,  what  loving  Brothers & Sisters  we have❤
    May  JEHOVAH  bless  your  hard  work,  thank  you  so  much !
  20. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from vandenbusschevanoostjosett in I saw this beautiful sand - art again in our German TV ❤ She was drawing many sand - stories, simply amazing ! Want share it with you ;o) ENJOY and DREAM.... .   
    I  saw  this  beautiful  sand - art  again  in  our  German  TV ❤  She  was  drawing  many  sand - stories...  simply  amazing !  Want  share  it  with  you  all  ;o)
    ENJOY  and  DREAM.....         click  in  bigger  -  when  you  can....
  21. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from vandenbusschevanoostjosett in 3 very nice pics of a family on their RC in Amherst... So interested, the 2 little girls, sweet❤   
    The Steffenhagen  family  on  the  RC  -----

    Estella Steffenhagen, 6 years,  reads a passage in the Bible with her mother,  on  the  RC  in Amherst.

    The  family,  hand  in  hand  by  the  end-prayer❤  so  heart-touching  the  2  little  daughters ;o)
    ( I  saw  these  nice  pictures  on  another  JW page ) 
  22. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Look, WHAT a different ! JEHOVAH has really changed the new brother's life❤   
    Look,  WHAT  a  different !  JEHOVAH  has  really  changed  the  new  brother's  life❤
  23. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Daily text, Saturday, July 30. 2016   
    God made him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you executed on a stake.—Acts 2:36.
    On the day of Pentecost, Peter told the Jews: “Repent, and let each one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the free gift of the holy spirit.” (Acts 2:22, 23, 37, 38) That day, some 3,000 people were added to the new nation of spiritual Israel. (Acts 2:41) Afterward, the zealous preaching of the apostles continued to bear more fruit. (Acts 6:7) Later, the preaching work was extended to the Samaritans, with good success. Many were baptized by the evangelizer Philip, but they did not immediately receive the holy spirit. The governing body in Jerusalem sent the apostles Peter and John to these Samaritan converts, and “they laid their hands on them, and they began to receive holy spirit.” (Acts 8:5, 6, 14-17) Hence, these Samaritans also became spirit-anointed members of spiritual Israel. w14 11/15 5:3, 4
  24. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Daily text, Friday, July 29. 2016   
    Teach me to do your will, for you are my God. Your spirit is good; may it lead me on level ground.—Ps. 143:10.
    Although Jehovah makes his counsel freely available, he does not force anyone to follow it. We need to ask for his holy spirit, and he will give it to us generously. (Luke 11:10-13) It is essential, though, that we ‘pay attention to how we listen.’ (Luke 8:18) For example, it would be hypocritical to ask Jehovah for help to overcome an inclination toward immorality while continuing to look at pornography or watch immoral movies. We actually need to put ourselves in places or circumstances where Jehovah’s spirit is. We know that his spirit is at the congregation meetings. Many servants of Jehovah have avoided disaster by listening to Jehovah during our meetings. As a result, they have become aware of wrong desires developing in their heart and have corrected their ways.—Ps. 73:12-17. w14 8/15 4:16
  25. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in I saw this beautiful sand - art again in our German TV ❤ She was drawing many sand - stories, simply amazing ! Want share it with you ;o) ENJOY and DREAM.... .   
    I  saw  this  beautiful  sand - art  again  in  our  German  TV ❤  She  was  drawing  many  sand - stories...  simply  amazing !  Want  share  it  with  you  all  ;o)
    ENJOY  and  DREAM.....         click  in  bigger  -  when  you  can....
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