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Queen Esther

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  1. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in Look, WHAT a different ! JEHOVAH has really changed the new brother's life❤   
    Look,  WHAT  a  different !  JEHOVAH  has  really  changed  the  new  brother's  life❤
  2. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Bible Speaks in For my brothers & sisters... a sister - report about the terrible deed in Munich, my Homeland Germany - A sister wrote this, after her RC in Munich, very near the site of crime...   
    THANKS  TO  MY  BROTHERS & *SISTERS*❤   OF  COURSE  TOO, I  always  try  posting  true  or  nice  things  for  us  all  ;o)
    We're  living  in  a  bad  system  of  world  -  so,  not  all  is  for  laughing,  sorry  ;-(   Anyhow,  thank  you  so  much !
  3. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Do you see the horse?   
    Yes...  2. floor, by the window !!
  4. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Carmen Erwin in A happy baptism in Kasachstan, fingers at the nose - and... bye bye old world ! *VERY WELCOME* our dear new sister❤ May JEHOVAH bless you alot ;o)   
    A  happy  baptism  in  Kasachstan,  fingers  at  the  nose - and...   bye bye  old  world !
    *VERY  WELCOME*  our  dear  new  sister❤  May  JEHOVAH  bless  you  alot  ;o)
  5. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from devarajjh in Do you see the horse?   
    Yes...  2. floor, by the window !!
  6. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Ogbe Happy Efetobore in How loving it will be in the NW and in our PARADISE, yes ;o) A woman an a lion, LOVE❤ already in our old system WOW !!   
    A  woman  and  a  lion..  LOVE❤  already  in  our  old  system....  WOW !!
    How  loving  it  will  be  in  the  NW  and  in  our  PARADISE,  yes  ;o)
  7. Upvote
  8. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Marlyn Sanchez in How loving it will be in the NW and in our PARADISE, yes ;o) A woman an a lion, LOVE❤ already in our old system WOW !!   
    A  woman  and  a  lion..  LOVE❤  already  in  our  old  system....  WOW !!
    How  loving  it  will  be  in  the  NW  and  in  our  PARADISE,  yes  ;o)
  9. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Aurica Terezia Tunas in How loving it will be in the NW and in our PARADISE, yes ;o) A woman an a lion, LOVE❤ already in our old system WOW !!   
    A  woman  and  a  lion..  LOVE❤  already  in  our  old  system....  WOW !!
    How  loving  it  will  be  in  the  NW  and  in  our  PARADISE,  yes  ;o)
  10. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from vandenbusschevanoostjosett in WOW... JW - TV - promotion about our *Broadcasting* in a MEDIA - MARKET in Spain ;o) Maybe, the seller was a Brother?   
    WOW...  JW - TV - promotion  about  our  *Broadcasting*  in  a  MEDIA - MARKET  in  Spain ;o)   Maybe,  the  seller  was  a  Brother? 
  11. Upvote
  12. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in A happy baptism in Kasachstan, fingers at the nose - and... bye bye old world ! *VERY WELCOME* our dear new sister❤ May JEHOVAH bless you alot ;o)   
    A  happy  baptism  in  Kasachstan,  fingers  at  the  nose - and...   bye bye  old  world !
    *VERY  WELCOME*  our  dear  new  sister❤  May  JEHOVAH  bless  you  alot  ;o)
  13. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in How loving it will be in the NW and in our PARADISE, yes ;o) A woman an a lion, LOVE❤ already in our old system WOW !!   
    A  woman  and  a  lion..  LOVE❤  already  in  our  old  system....  WOW !!
    How  loving  it  will  be  in  the  NW  and  in  our  PARADISE,  yes  ;o)
  14. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Annie Abbott in Daily text, Thursday, July 28. 2016   
    They . . . took along with them John, the one also called Mark.—Acts 12:25.
    During Paul’s first missionary journey with Barnabas, Mark served as an “attendant,” perhaps caring for their physical needs. However, when they reached Pamphylia, Mark suddenly left his companions in the lurch. They had to travel without him north through an area notorious for bandits. (Acts 13:5, 13) Apparently, though, Barnabas saw past Mark’s inconsistent behavior and later seized the opportunity to complete his training. (Acts 15:37-39) This helped the young man to become a mature servant of Jehovah. Interestingly, Mark was in Rome with Paul, who was then imprisoned, and joined in sending greetings to the Christians in the Colossian congregation, and the apostle spoke favorably of him. (Col. 4:10) Imagine the feeling of satisfaction that Barnabas must have had when Paul even requested Mark’s assistance.—2 Tim. 4:11. w14 6/15 4:13
  15. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Alexa in What stocks (corporations) do you think are good investments right now and why?   
    How millionaires under 40 manage their money......   ;o)
    Millionaires under 40 are more likely to hold on to cash, a report found.
    Alas, there are some people who are lucky enough to be both young and rich.
    And a report released last month by Capgemini Consulting showed some interesting trends in the strategies young millionaires use to manage their money.
    In many ways, millionaires under 40 are even more conservative than their boomer counterparts. They are more likely to hold on to cash, less likely to invest in stocks and more prone to stashing money in alternative investments.
    The findings, combined with other studies on how the younger-than-40 crowd handle their money, may even offer lessons for people who don’t have much wealth yet but are striving for it.
    Here are some of the money management strategies that stand out among the young and wealthy.
    They have plenty of cash on hand. Millionaires under 40 held about a third of their total assets in cash, including physical cash and money kept in the bank, like a checking account, according to the report. When asked why it was important for them to have so much cash, 17 percent of young investors said they wanted to be ready to pounce on the right investment opportunities when they arise. Thirty one percent said they wanted money on hand to be able to live the lifestyle they want. (Those vacations, shopping trips and nice meals need to be paid for somehow.)
    Millennials who are more concerned with paying off their debt and covering the bills may have a hard time relating to that mentality. But some of the motivations pushing young millionaires to have cash in the bank aren’t that different from the reasons encouraging other millennials to build up a cash cushion. About 28 percent of young millionaires said it was important for them to have cash as a way to protect themselves from market volatility, according to Capgemini. It’s in line with other studies suggesting that millennials are nervous about taking on too much risk with their savings, even if they won’t need the money for a while. But there is a cost to holding too much cash, said Greg Popera, a private wealth adviser with Merrill Lynch. People who neglect to invest at least part of their funds in stocks, real estate and other assets may miss out on potentially higher returns over time, he said.
    They spread their bets. As for the part of their wealth that is being invested, the young and wealthy are not relying too much on any single approach. Roughly 30 percent of their assets were held with wealth managers who could help them build a portfolio of stocks, bonds and other traditional investments. But about 40 percent of their portfolios were split up among less traditional investments including real estate, a business and other alternative investments.
    That broad category of alternative investments can include gold, hedge funds or other asset classes that are expected to behave differently than the stock market, financial advisers say. For example, while stock markets were plunging on the day after Britain announced it had voted to leave the European Union, the price of gold soared.
    By branching out into real estate, which can lead to rental income, investors are creating additional income streams that are not tied to the stock market or to their main jobs, financial advisers say. Investing in a business by buying a sizable stake in a company or by starting a small business can boost wealth and lead to big payouts when a business does well. But because such investments always require more risk, business investments tend to make up a smaller portion of the overall portfolio — about 13 percent — when compared to cash.
    They consult friends and the web. When seeking advice on how to best manage their money, younger millionaires are more likely to turn to family, friends and the internet for guidance than they are to hire a professional when compared to older generations. Consider, among the under 40 group, just 17 percent of assets were with a primary wealth manager, compared to 27 percent for millionaires of all ages in North America. And a separate study from TD Ameritrade found that 28 percent of millennials turn to their friends for financial advice, compared to 15 percent of boomers, who were more likely to turn to a professional.
    ‘‘More and more we know that for this newer generation, traditional wealth management does not work,’’ said Tej Vakta, senior leader of global capital markets with Capgemini Financial Services. Younger investors were more likely than boomers to say that it was important for their adviser to offer online services that allow them to track or control their investments, Vakta said. But demand for online options is growing among all investors: Sixty-seven percent of millionaires of all ages said this year that they wanted an automated advice option, or a so-called robo-adviser, up from 49 percent in 2015, according to Capgemini.
    They invest with a purpose. In addition to looking for investments that will boost their portfolios, many young investors — and not just the rich — want to know that their dollars are going toward the social causes that matter to them. Through a strategy known as socially responsible investing, some investors work with an adviser to dedicate a portion of their money to companies they feel are working to advance a certain issue, such as climate change. In other cases, investors will ask their advisers or brokerage firms to exclude industries they don’t want to support, such as alcohol companies, tobacco companies or gun manufacturers. Investors can also use mutual funds or exchange traded funds that offer similar strategies.
    The approach is particularly common among younger investors. Some 60 percent of millennials and 34 percent of Generation X investors said they wanted to use or were currently using social impact investments, according to a 2015 report from U.S. Trust, a unit of Bank of America.
    ‘‘It’s a feel good return,’’ said Richard Dale Horn, senior vice president of wealth management for UBS Financial Services. Still, investors should make sure that their efforts to exclude certain industries don’t leave them investing too heavily in any one sector, Horn said. ‘‘I think you have to have a balance.’’
  16. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from vandenbusschevanoostjosett in For my brothers & sisters... a sister - report about the terrible deed in Munich, my Homeland Germany - A sister wrote this, after her RC in Munich, very near the site of crime...   
    The  sister  wrote....
    I have just received from brothers from Munich:
    Because of the assassination in Munich, so many register with us. I wanted to give you some feedback. Today we had our regional convention in our convention hall, which is 700 meters from the  site  of  crime.  We went at 5:46pm with the subway of Congress home. 14 minutes later the attack a subway station was right on!  WE got  well  home !  However, even  200 brothers  still  in the hall, but these may not leave. Many brothers parked  exactly in this shopping center, where the stop was. We hope and pray that none of our brothers is concerned. We are all in a  state of shock.   ----   Pray for our brothers !!!
    Approximately 150 brothers still sit firmly in the congress hall. In Feldmoching shots from automatic weapons have been reported.  Is a neighbor  place, Calvin, 4 km away from us  here. The brothers in the convention hall  making  ready  for  night  to stay there  now. From injured Bro. nothing is known, if so, we knew that already. I just  talked with a brother who was at the conference. Helicopter circling above us and it is lively in our area. Have got terror alert. We  made  an around  call  to  all  our congration  brothers  and  all  are  safe  at  home.

    The  McDonald's - Restaurant  near  the  shooting  place....   The  sick  boy  still  invited  before  some  girlfriends  per  online  -  coming  to  McDonald  too...  how  dangerous  the  Internet  is !!

    With  some  tricks,  the  18 year  old  boy  ordered  this  special  weapon  by  ebay....  Our  laws  in  Germany  now  still  more  stricter !  ( and  not  allow  everyone  a  weapon like  Mr.Trump  wants  that  for  USA...)  Thats  very  silly  and  more  dangerous !!
  17. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from vandenbusschevanoostjosett in WOW, how nice ;o) Our older sister, so happy and laughing after her baptism❤ in the water ! The brother is happy laughing with her...   
    WOW...  how  nice  ;o)   Our  older  sister,  so  happy  and  laughing  after  her  baptism❤  in  the  water... The  brother  is  happy  laughing  with her !
    I  love  that  picture....  of  sure  a  very  special  sister  ;o)
    The  sister  is  living  in  Canada !
  18. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to JaniceM in My little Nephew Nelson was praying during the flag salute...Nehemiah 2:4   
    Hi Esther,  I'm sorry if my impression was wrong.  *I thought the child was the child of a JW and praying to Jehovah to help him not follow along in doing wrong by showing allegiance to a nation or country.  Excuse me if this was not the case.  I truly meant no harm.
  19. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Carmen Erwin in loyal feet   
    Mine were just the same sister I know what you are going through but not so bad for me my wonderful husband fixed me a pan of Epsom salt and hot water every night after it should be good for you too!?

  20. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Daily text, Thursday, July 28. 2016   
    They . . . took along with them John, the one also called Mark.—Acts 12:25.
    During Paul’s first missionary journey with Barnabas, Mark served as an “attendant,” perhaps caring for their physical needs. However, when they reached Pamphylia, Mark suddenly left his companions in the lurch. They had to travel without him north through an area notorious for bandits. (Acts 13:5, 13) Apparently, though, Barnabas saw past Mark’s inconsistent behavior and later seized the opportunity to complete his training. (Acts 15:37-39) This helped the young man to become a mature servant of Jehovah. Interestingly, Mark was in Rome with Paul, who was then imprisoned, and joined in sending greetings to the Christians in the Colossian congregation, and the apostle spoke favorably of him. (Col. 4:10) Imagine the feeling of satisfaction that Barnabas must have had when Paul even requested Mark’s assistance.—2 Tim. 4:11. w14 6/15 4:13
  21. Upvote
  22. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in WOW, how nice ;o) Our older sister, so happy and laughing after her baptism❤ in the water ! The brother is happy laughing with her...   
    WOW...  how  nice  ;o)   Our  older  sister,  so  happy  and  laughing  after  her  baptism❤  in  the  water... The  brother  is  happy  laughing  with her !
    I  love  that  picture....  of  sure  a  very  special  sister  ;o)
    The  sister  is  living  in  Canada !
  23. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from vandenbusschevanoostjosett in Θα ανοίξω το στόμα μου με παραβολές.—Ματθ. 13:35.   
    Θα ανοίξω το στόμα μου με παραβολές.—Ματθ. 13:35.
    Μερικοί πιστεύουν ότι έχει ανατεθεί στον Σατανά να είναι το «αφεντικό» της κόλασης. Θα μπορούσαμε να τους κάνουμε την εξής ερώτηση: «Φανταστείτε ότι το παιδί σας επαναστατεί και κάνει ένα σωρό άσχημα πράγματα. Πώς θα αντιδρούσατε;» Ο γονέας πιθανόν να έλεγε ότι θα προσπαθούσε να το συνετίσει. (Παρ. 22:15) Αλλά τι θα έκανε αν, παρ’ όλες τις προσπάθειές του, το παιδί δεν τον άκουγε; Οι περισσότεροι γονείς θα έλεγαν ότι τελικά ίσως να μην είχαν άλλη επιλογή από την τιμωρία. Κατόπιν, μπορούμε να ρωτήσουμε: «Τι θα κάνατε αν διαπιστώνατε ότι το παιδί σας επαναστατεί επειδή το επηρεάζει κάποιος κακός άνθρωπος;» Σίγουρα, ο γονέας θα θύμωνε πολύ με εκείνον. Για να τονίσουμε το σημείο, μπορούμε να τον ρωτήσουμε: «Ξέροντας ότι ένας κακός άνθρωπος έχει επηρεάσει το παιδί σας, θα ζητούσατε από εκείνον να το τιμωρήσει εκ μέρους σας;» Ασφαλώς, θα απαντούσε αρνητικά. Είναι λοιπόν ολοφάνερο ότι ο Θεός δεν θα έβαζε τον Σατανά να τιμωρήσει τους ανθρώπους για τα άσχημα πράγματα που κάνουν υπό την επιρροή του ίδιου του Διαβόλου! w14 15/5 1:12, 14
  24. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in DAILY TEXT, Wednesday, July 27. 2016   
    You guide me with your advice.—Ps. 73:24.
    Whenever we need guidance, we can “take notice of” Jehovah by consulting his Word to find out his view of matters and by seeking to apply Bible principles. (Prov. 3:6) Sometimes, though, a trialsome situation lingers. You may have a grievous personality conflict with someone in the congregation. For instance, you may be hurt by a remark that you consider to be unkind. Yet, the brother who made the remark receives privileges in the congregation and seems to be well-thought-of by others. ‘How can this be?’ you wonder. ‘Does Jehovah not see? Will he not act?’ (Ps. 13:1, 2; Hab. 1:2, 3) While you may feel that the other party bears most of the blame, God may view things differently. From his standpoint, you may be more at fault than you realize. The comment that you considered to be so hurtful may, in fact, have been well-deserved counsel that you ought to give thought to. w14 4/15 5:10, 12-14
  25. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Aurica Terezia Tunas in WOW, how nice ;o) Our older sister, so happy and laughing after her baptism❤ in the water ! The brother is happy laughing with her...   
    WOW...  how  nice  ;o)   Our  older  sister,  so  happy  and  laughing  after  her  baptism❤  in  the  water... The  brother  is  happy  laughing  with her !
    I  love  that  picture....  of  sure  a  very  special  sister  ;o)
    The  sister  is  living  in  Canada !
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