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Queen Esther

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  1. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in DAILY TEXT, for Wednesday, July 20. 2016   
    Better is the end of a matter than its beginning.—Eccl. 7:8.
    In recent years, a number of branch offices have been merged with others. Though such changes require that the brothers and sisters serving at these branches make adjustments, before long the advantages of the changes become clear to all involved. What a joy it is for such willing workers to play a part in the ongoing history of Jehovah’s people! Because of branch mergers, some Bethelites have been reassigned to serve in the pioneer work. Among them were Florian and Anja, who said: “We view our new assignment as an exciting challenge. For us, it is wonderful to be used by Jehovah no matter where we serve.” Even though most of us may never have to make such adjustments, can we not imitate the willingness of these brothers and sisters to put Kingdom interests first? (Isa. 6:8) Jehovah always blesses those who cherish their privilege of working with him, wherever that work may be. w14 10/15 3:10, 15
  2. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Noemi Tolentino in Our sister *Hannah* still working a little time in Bethel JAPAN - Her age is now 93 years ! She was coming to JAPAN as a Missionarin with 28 years...   
    Our sister  *Hannah*  still working a little time in Bethel  JAPAN....
    Her age is now  93 years !   And  she  is  still  feeling  well  I  read  ;o)
    She  was  coming  to  JAPAN  as  a  Missionar  with  28  years...

  3. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Saul Lynn Cooper in Bethel sisters while visiting Ecuador are serving here as a family for two months. And a perfect day to go out in the ministry !   
    Bethel sisters while visiting Ecuador are serving here as a family for two months. And a perfect day to go out in the ministry !
  4. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Our sister *Hannah* still working a little time in Bethel JAPAN - Her age is now 93 years ! She was coming to JAPAN as a Missionarin with 28 years...   
    Our sister  *Hannah*  still working a little time in Bethel  JAPAN....
    Her age is now  93 years !   And  she  is  still  feeling  well  I  read  ;o)
    She  was  coming  to  JAPAN  as  a  Missionar  with  28  years...

  5. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from www.trionis.de in MODERN PREACHING IN *SLOVENIA*... A very good idea ;o)   
    MODERN  PREACHING  IN  *SLOVENIA*...  A  very  good  idea  ;o)
  6. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Aurica Terezia Tunas in Our sister *Hannah* still working a little time in Bethel JAPAN - Her age is now 93 years ! She was coming to JAPAN as a Missionarin with 28 years...   
    Our sister  *Hannah*  still working a little time in Bethel  JAPAN....
    Her age is now  93 years !   And  she  is  still  feeling  well  I  read  ;o)
    She  was  coming  to  JAPAN  as  a  Missionar  with  28  years...

  7. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from JAMMY in JUST TO MAKE YOU SMILE   
    Hahahahahahaaaaa...   yes,  you  made  me  smile  JAMMY  ;o)
  8. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to JAMMY in JUST TO MAKE YOU SMILE   
  9. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Alzasior Lutor in Graph of world population (from 10,001BC to 2015)   
    (Genesis 1:28) 28 Further, God blessed them and God said to them: “Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth and subdue it, . . .
  10. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Alzasior Lutor in Graph of world population (from 10,001BC to 2015)   
    Yes...   must  come  a  special  bomb !!
  11. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to JAMMY in Slimming World recipes: 6 guilt-free meal ideas 00:00, 23 Jan 2016   
    http://www.walesonline.co.uk/whats-on/food-drink-news/slimming-world-recipes-6-guilt-10768644#rlabs=12 rt$category p$2
  12. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Blanchie DeGrate in DAILY TEXT, for Tuesday, July 19. 2016   
    Awwwww, this is so wonderful . Thanks for sharing ❤️❤️❤️❤️
  13. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in DAILY TEXT, for Tuesday, July 19. 2016   
    Early starting with Jehovahs word...

    6 year old Brooks, from Florida, is ready for the ministry❤
    My son, do not forget my teaching, and may your heart observe my commandments.—Prov. 3:1.
    In time, your children will have to make a personal decision as to whom they will serve. Do not think that they will simply absorb your faith through some sort of osmosis. They must make the truth their own. If it seems that a child has a problem doing that, why not go back to basics? Help him or her to reason on such questions as: “How do I know that God exists? What convinces me that Jehovah God really values me? Why do I believe that Jehovah’s standards are truly for my good?” Show yourself to be a good shepherd by patiently guiding your child or children in proving that Jehovah’s way is the best way of life. (Rom. 12:2) All true Christians want to be imitators of the Supreme Shepherd. (Eph. 5:1; 1 Pet. 2:25) Parents in particular need to know the appearance of their flock—their precious children—and do all they can to guide them toward the blessings Jehovah has for them. w14 9/15 3:17, 18
  14. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Christiane Merckx in WOW.... only a handful of tiny Baby❤ but its healthy ;o) Jehovah's crown of creation !   
    WOW....  only  a  handful  of  tiny  Baby❤  but  its  healthy  ;o)   Jehovah's  crown  of  creation !
  15. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Uwe Rügenhagen in DAILY TEXT, Saturday, July 16. 2016   
    Pay  attention....  soon  the  count  10  is  there  again  ;-(
  16. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Elisabeth Dolewka in WOW.... only a handful of tiny Baby❤ but its healthy ;o) Jehovah's crown of creation !   
    WOW....  only  a  handful  of  tiny  Baby❤  but  its  healthy  ;o)   Jehovah's  crown  of  creation !
  17. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Tennyson Naidoo in DAILY TEXT, Saturday, July 16. 2016   
    WOW....  my  dear  Brother,  thats  great  your  detailed  comment  here !  Thank  you  very  much  for  that  ;o)   Yes,  our  God  JEHOVAH  is  omniscient  &  omnipotent !  We  are  all  so  tiny....  but  many  thinking,  they  are  SO  big,  haha
  18. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Tennyson Naidoo in DAILY TEXT, Saturday, July 16. 2016   
    What  a  complicated  commission  Noah  got  from  Jehovah.... he  obeyed  and  built  it !
    Noah found favor in the eyes of Jehovah.—Gen. 6:8.
    Noah “was a righteous man” who “proved himself faultless among his contemporaries.” Because “Noah walked with the true God,” Jehovah instructed him to build a huge ark. (Gen. 6:9, 14-16) Its design was well-suited for the preservation of human and animal life. Obediently, “Noah did everything that Jehovah had commanded him,” and with the cooperation of his family, he completed the building work in an organized way. After living things were brought into the ark, “Jehovah shut the door.” (Gen. 7:5, 16) In 2370 B.C.E. when the Flood came, Jehovah “wiped every living thing from the surface of the earth,” but he kept faithful Noah and his family safe in the ark. (Gen. 7:23) Everyone on earth today is a descendant of Noah, his sons, and their wives. But all the faithless people outside the ark perished because they had refused to listen to Noah, “a preacher of righteousness.”—2 Pet. 2:5. w14 5/15 3:6, 7
  19. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to SuziQ1513 in Regional Convention 2016 Kiev / Региональный конгресс Свидетелей Иеговы 2016. Киев   
    This was such a nice video of the Kiev Convention.  I can understand why it was taken down now that the new Russian law has gone into effect as of 7/20/2016.  I'm so happy Jehovah provided the convention prior to the new law.  Let's all pray for our dear brothers and sisters.   May Jehovah be praised and show his mighty hand in their behalf!
  20. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Uwe Rügenhagen in A wonderful sister is telling us.... she very fast got blind and deaf as child... but, read her story please❤   
    You're  wonderful,  Uwe-Sunny  ;o)   I  watch  soon  the  full  movie,  shared  it !
  21. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Arauna in A wonderful sister is telling us.... she very fast got blind and deaf as child... but, read her story please❤   
    I found this link... Helen wrote a this book about her religion..https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Light_in_My_Darkness.         and here is a link which tells one more about this religion:. http://www.thelordsnewchurch.com/online_books/english/Helen_Keller_-_Introduction_to_True_Christian_Religion.pdf
  22. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Uwe Rügenhagen in A wonderful sister is telling us.... she very fast got blind and deaf as child... but, read her story please❤   
    When Your time allows, DEAR,
    Walt Disney made a WONDERFUL & heartmelting  Movie
    about her & her life:
    You can watch it HERE:

  23. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Arauna in “Look up, please, to the heavens and count the stars, if you are possibly able to count them." / Gen. 15:5 - Its really a wonder, the universe & the earth❤   
    To get serious for a moment::-  Our universe is a physical universe, consisting of matter which was created by means of Jehovah's dynamic energy.   Jehovah cannot enter into our physical universe because he is too great.   He lives in the highest heavens in a spiritual dimension which is unfathomly beyond our physical universe. Our universe is subject to time and space.   The dimension where Jehovah lives has no time and space and hence - no matter.  We cannot fathom what it is like because it is beyond our comprehension.  We can however look at the stars in our part of the physical universe and see the dynamic energy and wisdom of Jehovah. Angels can move through our universe at the speed of light..... but if we (consisting of matter)  tried to move at the speed of light -  we would disintegrate.  We also cannot see Jehovah and live because his energy will instantly kill us.  Yea - the earth is truly a little dust particle on a scale and yet Jehovah cares about each individual.
  24. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to John Lindsay Barltrop in “Look up, please, to the heavens and count the stars, if you are possibly able to count them." / Gen. 15:5 - Its really a wonder, the universe & the earth❤   
    I think that this picture says it all. The universe, our beautiful Earth in our solar system and man...........all creations of the Sovereign Ruler of the universe, Jehovah.
  25. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Uwe Rügenhagen in DAILY TEXT, Saturday, July 16. 2016   
    Maybe  also  one  of  the  server  games...  lol  ;-(
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