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Queen Esther

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  1. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in TAGESTEXT, Samstag, 9. Juli 2016   
    Du bist Priester auf unabsehbare Zeit nach der Weise Melchisedeks (Ps. 110:4)
    Warum sollte Jesus Priester „nach der Weise Melchisedeks“ sein? Weil Melchisedek, der König von Salem, lange bevor irgendwelche Nachfahren Abrahams das Land der Verheißung geerbt hatten, „Priester Gottes, des Höchsten“, war (Heb. 7:1-3). Dazu hatte Jehova ihn persönlich eingesetzt. Melchisedek ist der Einzige in den Hebräischen Schriften, der sowohl König als auch Priester war. Als „Priester für immer“ kann er bezeichnet werden, da es keine Aufzeichnungen über einen Vorgänger oder einen Nachfolger gibt. Jesus wurde durch einen Bund, den Jehova mit ihm persönlich schloss, direkt als Priester eingesetzt. Er wird „Priester für immer nach der Weise Melchisedeks“ bleiben (Heb. 5:4-6.) Jehova verpflichtete sich also rechtlich, seinen ursprünglichen Vorsatz bezüglich der Menschen auf der Erde durch das messianische Königreich zu verwirklichen (1. Mo. 1:28). w14 15. 10. 1:16, 17
  2. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Batwell Soko in Amazing Story of a Mother...... Mom's love is great - she rescued her tiny Baby ❤   
    Amazing Story of a Mother...... Mom's love is great  -  she  rescued  her  tiny  Baby ❤
    When Carolyn Isbister put her 20oz baby on her chest for a cuddle, she thought
    that it would be the only chance she would ever have to hold her.
    Doctors had told the parents that baby Rachel only had only minutes to live because her heart was beating once every ten seconds and she was not breathing. Isbister remembers:
    I didn’t want her to die being cold. So I lifted her out of her blanket
    and put her against my skin to warm her up. Her feet were so cold. It was the only cuddle I was going to have with her, so I wanted to remember the moment.” Then something remarkable happened.
    The warmth of her mother’s skin kick started Rachael’s heart into
    beating properly, which allowed her to take little breaths of her own. We couldn’t believe it – and neither could the doctors. She let out a tiny cry.
    The doctors came in and said there was still no hope – but I wasn’t
    letting go of her. We had her blessed by the hospital chaplain,
    and waited for her to slip away. But she still hung on.
    And then amazingly the pink color began to return to her cheeks. She literally was turning from gray to pink before our eyes, and she began to warm up too. The sad part is that when the baby was born, doctors took one look at her and said  ‘no’.
    They didn’t even try to help her with her breathing as they said it
    would just prolong her dying. Everyone just gave up on her,” her
    mom remembered. At 24 weeks a womb infection had led to her premature labor and birth and Isbister (who also has two children Samuel, 10, and Kirsten, 8 ) said, “We were terrified we were going to lose her. I had suffered three miscarriages before, so we didn’t think there was much hope.” When Rachael was born she was grey and lifeless. Ian Laing, a consultant neonatologist at the hospital, said: “All the signs were that the little one was not going to make it and we took the decision to let mum have a cuddle as it was all we could do. Two hours later the wee thing was crying. This is indeed a miracle baby and I have seen nothing like it in my 27 years of practice. I have not the slightest doubt that mother’s love saved her daughter.”
    Rachael was moved onto a ventilator where she continued to
    make steady progress and was tube and syringe fed her mother’s
    pumped breastmilk. Isbister said, “The doctors said that she had proved she was a fighter and that she now deserved some intensive care as there was some hope.
    She had done it all on her own – without any medical intervention or drugs. She had clung on to life – and it was all because of that cuddle. It had warmed up her body and regulated her heart and breathing enough for her to start fighting.
    At 5 weeks she was taken off the ventilator and began breastfeeding on her own. At four months Rachel went home with her parents, weighing 8lbs – the same as any
    other healthy newborn. Because Rachel had suffered from a lack of
    oxygen doctors said there was a high risk of damage to her brain.
    But a scan showed no evidence of any problems and today Rachel is on par with
    her peers. Rachel’s mom tells us, “She is doing so well. When we brought her home,
    the doctors told us that she was a remarkable little girl. And most of all,
    she just loves her cuddles.
    She will sleep for hours, just curled into my chest. It was that first cuddle which saved her life – and I’m just so glad I trusted my instinct and picked her up when I did. Otherwise she wouldn’t be here today.” ❤
    ❤ ♫ ❤ ♫ ❤ ♫ •*¨`*•..¸♥☼♥¸.•*¨`*•.♫ ❤ ♫ ❤ ♫ ❤
  3. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in DAILY TEXT, for Friday, July 8. 2016   
    They strengthened the disciples, encouraging them to remain in the faith and saying: “We must enter into the Kingdom of God through many tribulations.”—Acts 14:22.
    At first, that statement might seem strange. After all, the prospect of going through “many tribulations” would seem distressing, not encouraging. How is it, then, that Paul and Barnabas “strengthened the disciples” with a message that pointed to more tribulation? We can find the answer if we look carefully at Paul’s words. He did not simply say: “We must endure many tribulations.” Rather, he said: “We must enter into the Kingdom of God through many tribulations.” So Paul strengthened the disciples by emphasizing the positive result of a faithful course. That reward was no mere illusion. Indeed, Jesus stated: “The one who has endured to the end will be saved.” (Matt. 10:22) If we endure, we will have a reward. As Paul noted, though, we will face many tribulations in the meantime. w14 9/15 2:4-6
  4. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Onah uchenna in Mobile Phone for a Prepared JW   
    Maybe  our  Librarian  knows  that....    I  love  wearing  my  red  bracelet  with  our  blood-text,  bec. everybody  is  seeing  that !  The  smart - phone  is  often  in  our  bag,  but  the  bracelet  at  my  arm  is  always  seeing  for  all,  thats  alot  better !   Think  about  that,  Rick  ;o)
  5. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in TAGESTEXT, Freitag, 8. Juli 2016   
    Sie stärkten die Seelen der Jünger, indem sie sie ermunterten, im Glauben zu bleiben, und sagten: „Wir müssen durch viele Drangsale in das Königreich Gottes eingehen“ (Apg. 14:22)
    Im ersten Moment könnte das seltsam klingen. Erscheint doch die Aussicht auf viele Drangsale eher bedrückend als ermunternd. Wie konnten dann Paulus und Barnabas die Jünger stärken, als sie sie auf weitere Drangsale hinwiesen? Bei näherem Hinsehen finden wir eine Antwort. Paulus sagte nicht: „Wir müssen viele Drangsale erleiden“, sondern: „Wir müssen durch viele Drangsale in das Königreich Gottes eingehen.“ Paulus stärkte die Jünger, indem er auf den positiven Ausgang eines Lebens in Treue verwies. Die Belohnung war nicht nur ein Traum. Jesus hatte gesagt: „Wer . . . bis zum Ende ausgeharrt haben wird, der wird gerettet werden“ (Mat. 10:22). Standhaftigkeit wird belohnt. Doch wie Paulus bemerkte, werden bis dahin viele Drangsale auf uns zukommen. w14 15. 9. 2:4-6
  6. Upvote
  7. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Bible Speaks in the baptism of my son   
    The best life ever!
  8. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Philippe in the baptism of my son   
    Hello everyone, this Weekend there were in Marche en Famenne (Belgium) our district meeting. On Saturday, 08.02.2016 we had the privilege of having 39 new brothers and sisters. And my son has become our brother

  9. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Mobile Phone for a Prepared JW   
    Think  to  our  pioneers  etc. -  their  phones  by  serving  often  off !!  But  bracelets  never  off...  hehehe  right ??
  10. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Annie Abbott in A VERY GOOD IDEA.... WEARING A GUM - BRACELET AT OUR BODY. Everybody can see it ! Our blood - text and all is ok. - A nice addition to our blood - document !   
    A nice addition to our blood - document !
    OF  A  SMART  PHONE....   I  THINK  SO  -   bec.  ALL  humans  can  my  bracelet !
    A  phone  is  often  in  our  bag / pocket....  and  no  one  is  seeing  ;-(    thats   bad.....
    You  can  buy  it  by  ebay !  its  very  cheap...  ;o)   THINK   ABOUT  THAT  IN  REST !
  11. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Arauna in LOOK AT THIS... pur nature, 2 carots so tight together as in love ❤ Oh, I never would eat them, NO !!   
    LOOK  AT  THIS.....   about  nature,  2 carots  so  tight  together  as  in  love ❤
    awww....   thats  really  rare !   I  love  that  photo !   Never  want  eat  them....  NO !!
  12. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Evacuated in Amazing Story of a Mother...... Mom's love is great - she rescued her tiny Baby ❤   
  13. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in DAILY TEXT, for Thursday, July 7. 2016   
    I [Jehovah] will pour out my spirit on every sort of flesh, and your sons and your daughters will prophesy.—Joel 2:28.
    Jesus was very kind to women. For example, consider a woman who had a flow of blood for 12 years. From behind, she approached Jesus in a crowd and touched his garment. Instead of rebuking her, Jesus kindly said: “Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace, and be healed from your grievous sickness.” (Mark 5:25-34) Some women who were Jesus’ disciples ministered to him and his apostles. (Luke 8:1-3) And at Pentecost 33 C.E., about 120 men as well as women received God’s spirit in a special way. (Acts 2:1-4) By means of that miraculous event on the day of Pentecost, God showed that he had transferred his backing from brother Israel to “the Israel of God,” made up of both men and women. (Gal. 3:28; 6:15, 16) Among the Christian women who shared in the ministry in the first century were the four daughters of Philip the evangelizer.—Acts 21:8, 9. w14 8/15 1:16, 17
  14. Upvote
  15. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to The Librarian in Song 137 Grant Us Boldness   
    Song 137 Grant Us Boldness 
    See also:
    Choral version:

  16. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in A VERY GOOD IDEA.... WEARING A GUM - BRACELET AT OUR BODY. Everybody can see it ! Our blood - text and all is ok. - A nice addition to our blood - document !   
    A nice addition to our blood - document !
    OF  A  SMART  PHONE....   I  THINK  SO  -   bec.  ALL  humans  can  my  bracelet !
    A  phone  is  often  in  our  bag / pocket....  and  no  one  is  seeing  ;-(    thats   bad.....
    You  can  buy  it  by  ebay !  its  very  cheap...  ;o)   THINK   ABOUT  THAT  IN  REST !
  17. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Bible Speaks in Mobile Phone for a Prepared JW   
    But  a  bracelet  is  really  alot  better !!  ALL  people  can  see  it  -  when  the phone  is  in  our  bag  -  right ?  I  think  so,  yes !
  18. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Bible Speaks in Mobile Phone for a Prepared JW   
    You can take any picture and go to skinit.com. They will reproduce it for you cheaply.
    Agape, Sarah Montagns
  19. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Rick in Mobile Phone for a Prepared JW   
    Hi, does anyone know where this product can be obtained? Thank you
  20. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in DAILY TEXT, for Wednesday, July 6. 2016   
    Why do you judge your brother? Or why do you also look down on your brother? For we will all stand before the judgment seat of God.—Rom. 14:10.
    It would be wrong to entertain baseless suspicions about our brothers and sisters. (Rom. 14:11, 12; 1 Cor. 13:7) What is more, having a tendency to distrust the integrity of others in the congregation would be harmful to our own spirituality. Each Christian should “examine his own actions.” (Gal. 6:4) Because of our sinful inclinations, there is always the potential for inadvertently adopting traits that are less than sincere. (Heb. 3:12, 13) So from time to time, we might examine our motives for serving Jehovah. We may ask ourselves: ‘Do I worship Jehovah out of love for him and in recognition of his sovereignty? Or do I place more emphasis on the physical blessings I hope to enjoy in Paradise?’ (Rev. 4:11) Surely we can all benefit from examining our own actions and removing any vestiges of hypocrisy from our heart. w14 7/15 1:15, 16
  21. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Carmen Erwin in In the Bible, God says, I AM JEHOVAH. THAT IS MY NAME. Isaiah 42 : 8, look the pic and the longer text.....   
    Does God Have a Name?
    The Bible’s answer.....
    Humans all have personal names. Wouldn’t it be reasonable for God to have a name? Having and using personal names is a vital part of human friendships. Should it be different when it comes to our friendship with God?
    In the Bible, God says: “"I am Jehovah. That is my name."” (Isaiah 42:8) Although he also has many titles, such as “"God Almighty,"” “"Sovereign Lord,"” and “"Creator,"” he honors his worshippers by inviting them to address him by his personal name.—Genesis 17:1; Acts 4:24; 1 Peter 4:19.
    Many translations of the Bible contain God’s personal name at Exodus 6:3. That passage says: “"I used to appear to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as God Almighty, but as respects my name Jehovah I did not make myself known to them."”
    Jehovah is a rendering of God’s name in English that has been used for centuries. While many scholars prefer the spelling “Yahweh,” Jehovah is the form of the name that is most widely recognized. The first part of the Bible was written not in English but in Hebrew, a language that is read from right to left. In that language, the divine name appears as four consonants, יהוה. Those four Hebrew characters—transliterated YHWH—are known as the Tetragrammaton.
  22. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Arauna in In the Bible, God says, I AM JEHOVAH. THAT IS MY NAME. Isaiah 42 : 8, look the pic and the longer text.....   
    I use Ex 3:15 in field service when I speak to Muslims about Jehovah's name because they accept Moses, Abraham as prophets.  The scripture also says that Jahweh is his name from generation to generation...... and no need to explain in what way Jehovah had to make himself known.  ...   Most Muslims say that Abraham was in Mecca and started the religion there.  I also use scriptures to prove that Abraham made an altar to Jehovah and sacrificed to him BEFORE he went to Egypt and how he sacrificed to Jehovah when he RETURNED from Egypt.  There is no way he changed the name of his god halfway to Egypt and then changed the name of his God back again when he came back to Canaan. 
    Mecca was not a city either.... Mecca came into existence as a city after 150 AD when the forefathers of Mohammad came from Yemen.  Mohammad tried to legitimize his religion to the Jews in Medina by claiming to come from the line of Abraham (but when they rejected him as a prophet he turned to killing them.)
  23. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from b4ucuhear in In the Bible, God says, I AM JEHOVAH. THAT IS MY NAME. Isaiah 42 : 8, look the pic and the longer text.....   
    Does God Have a Name?
    The Bible’s answer.....
    Humans all have personal names. Wouldn’t it be reasonable for God to have a name? Having and using personal names is a vital part of human friendships. Should it be different when it comes to our friendship with God?
    In the Bible, God says: “"I am Jehovah. That is my name."” (Isaiah 42:8) Although he also has many titles, such as “"God Almighty,"” “"Sovereign Lord,"” and “"Creator,"” he honors his worshippers by inviting them to address him by his personal name.—Genesis 17:1; Acts 4:24; 1 Peter 4:19.
    Many translations of the Bible contain God’s personal name at Exodus 6:3. That passage says: “"I used to appear to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as God Almighty, but as respects my name Jehovah I did not make myself known to them."”
    Jehovah is a rendering of God’s name in English that has been used for centuries. While many scholars prefer the spelling “Yahweh,” Jehovah is the form of the name that is most widely recognized. The first part of the Bible was written not in English but in Hebrew, a language that is read from right to left. In that language, the divine name appears as four consonants, יהוה. Those four Hebrew characters—transliterated YHWH—are known as the Tetragrammaton.
  24. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Queen Esther in TAGESTEXT, Mittwoch, 6. Juli 2016   
    Warum richtest du deinen Bruder? Oder warum blickst du auch auf deinen Bruder hinab? Denn wir werden alle vor dem Richterstuhl Gottes stehen (Röm. 14:10)
    Unseren Brüdern und Schwestern grundlos zu misstrauen ist verkehrt (Röm. 14:11, 12; 1. Kor. 13:7). Außerdem würde es unserer geistigen Gesinnung schaden, wenn wir dazu neigten, an der unversehrten Lauterkeit anderer in der Versammlung zu zweifeln. Jeder muss sein eigenes Werk erproben (Gal. 6:4). Wegen unserer sündigen Neigungen kann es immer einmal sein, dass wir nicht ganz aufrichtig sind (Heb. 3:12, 13). Deshalb ist es gut, von Zeit zu Zeit zu überprüfen, warum wir Jehova dienen. Wir könnten uns fragen: Diene ich Jehova aus Liebe und weil ich seine Souveränität anerkenne? Oder sind mir die erhofften Segnungen im Paradies wichtiger? (Offb. 4:11). Es ist gut, die eigenen Handlungen zu überdenken und jede Spur von Heuchelei aus unserem Innern zu entfernen. w14 15. 7. 1:15, 16
  25. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in JW.ORG LOGO   
    Oohhh....  looks  like  a  JW  ORG   *Drachen*  -  its  a  German  word  for   that -  Kiddies  like  it  flying  Drachen  in  Sept.  when  our  first  wind  is  coming  ;o)
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