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Queen Esther

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  1. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Tennyson Naidoo in Are you ready for our new song book ?   
    In Germany, we have long to wait for the new books, sorry...
  2. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Martha Braun Amistadi in Are you ready for our new song book ?   
    In Germany, we have long to wait for the new books, sorry...
  3. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Martha Braun Amistadi in Our new cards, *REMAIN LOYAL TO JEHOVAH* ! The CONVENTION - MOTTO for *2016*   
    The   CONVENTION - MOTTO   for   *2016*
    A  big  enjoying  for  all  Brothers  and  Sisters  around  the  world ❤
    We  have  our  Congress  JUNE / JULY   in  HAMBURG,  the  summer - time !
  4. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Joseph Akpos Yameyatha in Are you ready for our new song book ?   
    In Germany, we have long to wait for the new books, sorry...
  5. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Ybridgeskipper in You will be hated.—Matt. 24:9.   
    You will be hated.—Matt. 24:9.
    The early Christians benefited from Roman law, which was in force throughout the empire. Similarly, present-day Christians benefit from legal provisions. However, freedom to exercise certain rights had to be legally established in the courts. (Phil. 1:7) When legal action was brought against Jehovah’s people in the United States, appeals to higher courts repeatedly upheld their right to be Kingdom proclaimers. Courts of other countries have also upheld our freedom of worship and the right to preach publicly. In some lands, we have lost court battles, but we have applied to international courts. For example, as of June 2014, the European Court of Human Rights has ruled in our favor in 57 cases that are binding on all nations of the Council of Europe. Even though we are “hated by all the nations,” the courts of many countries have ruled that we have the right to practice true worship.
  6. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Edvan Guerra Magalhaes Magalhaes in Texto do dia, para Sábado, 16 de abril 2016   
    Sereis pessoas odiadas. — Mat. 24:9.
    Os cristãos do primeiro século se beneficiavam da lei romana, que vigorava em todo o império. Do mesmo modo hoje, os cristãos se beneficiam de provisões legais. Mas a liberdade de exercer certos direitos teve de ser estabelecida legalmente nos tribunais. (Fil. 1:7) Quando ações legais foram movidas contra o povo de Jeová nos Estados Unidos, as decisões de tribunais de maior instância várias vezes mantiveram o direito deles de ser proclamadores do Reino. Tribunais de outros países também têm sustentado nosso direito à liberdade de adoração e de pregar publicamente. Em alguns países, quando perdemos nos tribunais locais, recorremos a tribunais internacionais. Por exemplo, até junho de 2014, a Corte Europeia dos Direitos Humanos já tinha decidido a nosso favor em 57 casos. Essas decisões devem ser respeitadas por todas as nações do Conselho da Europa. Mesmo que sejamos ‘odiados por todas as nações’, os tribunais de vários países têm defendido nosso direito de praticar a adoração verdadeira. w15 15/2 4:13, 14
  7. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Annie Abbott in Daily text, for Saturday, April 16. 2016   
    You will be hated.—Matt. 24:9.
    The early Christians benefited from Roman law, which was in force throughout the empire. Similarly, present-day Christians benefit from legal provisions. However, freedom to exercise certain rights had to be legally established in the courts. (Phil. 1:7) When legal action was brought against Jehovah’s people in the United States, appeals to higher courts repeatedly upheld their right to be Kingdom proclaimers. Courts of other countries have also upheld our freedom of worship and the right to preach publicly. In some lands, we have lost court battles, but we have applied to international courts. For example, as of June 2014, the European Court of Human Rights has ruled in our favor in 57 cases that are binding on all nations of the Council of Europe. Even though we are “hated by all the nations,” the courts of many countries have ruled that we have the right to practice true worship. w15 2/15 4:13, 14
  8. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Annie Abbott in Daily text, for Friday, April 15. 2016   
    Those who [marry] will have tribulation in their flesh.—1 Cor. 7:28.
    It is not unusual for married couples to experience some “tribulation in their flesh.” Why? Simply dealing with everyday troubles can strain marital ties. Hurt feelings, misunderstandings, and miscommunications caused by the imperfect tongue can be a challenge in the best of marriages. (Jas. 3:2, 5, 8) Many couples also have difficulty in coping with demanding employment while caring for children. Stress and exhaustion make it difficult for some couples to take the time they need in order to strengthen their marriage. Their love and respect for each other may be eroded by financial difficulties, health problems, or other hardships. Furthermore, the foundation of what seemed to be a strong marriage can be undermined by “the works of the flesh,” such as sexual immorality, brazen conduct, hostility, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, and dissensions.—Gal. 5:19-21. w15 1/15 3:2
  9. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Loray in Happy brothers and sisters say Hello, from Buenos Aires,...   
    Hello back my dear brothers and sisters. Love from Toronto
  10. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Loray in My 12 year old daughter who dedicated her life last year doing...   
    This is such a good example for family. I have a 12 years old daughter too. She has been unbaptized publisher for a year and she is getting baptized this summer. I will share this pic with her. 
  11. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Edvan Guerra Magalhaes Magalhaes in Texto do dia, para Sexta-feira, 15 de abril 2016   
  12. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Edvan Guerra Magalhaes Magalhaes in Texto do dia, para Sexta-feira, 15 de abril 2016   
    Os que [se casarem] terão tribulação na sua carne. — 1 Cor. 7:28.
    Todo casal enfrenta certa medida de ‘tribulação na carne’. Por quê? O simples fato de ter de lidar com os problemas do dia a dia pode desgastar o casamento. Mágoas, desentendimentos e falta de comunicação podem afetar qualquer casamento, por melhor que ele seja; afinal, a imperfeição às vezes nos leva a usar mal a língua. (Tia. 3:2, 5, 8) Muitos casais também se sentem divididos entre a criação dos filhos e as exigências do trabalho. Outros acham difícil reservar tempo para fortalecer seu casamento por causa do estresse e do cansaço. Problemas como dificuldades financeiras e doenças acabam prejudicando o amor e respeito entre marido e mulher. Além disso, o alicerce de um casamento aparentemente forte pode aos poucos ser danificado pelas “obras da carne”, que incluem ‘fornicação, conduta desenfreada, inimizades, rixa, ciúme, acessos de ira e contendas’. — Gál. 5:19-21. w15 15/1 3:2
  13. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Loray in VENEZUELA.... Street - kiddies watching a Caleb video very interesting outdoor on a Beamer screen !   
    VENEZUELA....  Street - kiddies  watching  a  Caleb  video  very  interesting  outdoor  on  a
    Beamer  screen  ---    Caleb & Sophia  now  coming  into  far away  countries  too ! ;o)
  14. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to JaniceM in Is Yoga acceptable for Christians?   
    WT 08/01/2002 - Yoga—Just an Exercise or Something More?
    The Background of Yoga

    The origin of the word “yoga” is related to that of the English word “yoke.” It can mean to join or yoke together or to bring under a yoke, to harness or control. To a Hindu, yoga is a technique or a discipline that leads to union with a great supernatural force or spirit. It has been described as “the yoking of all the powers of body, mind and soul to God.”

    How far back in history can yoga be traced? Figures of people seated in various yoga positions appear on seals found in the Indus Valley, in present-day Pakistan. The Indus Valley civilization is dated by archaeologists to between the third and the second millenniums B.C.E., very close in time to the Mesopotamian culture. Artifacts from both areas portray a man, representing a deity, crowned with animal horns and surrounded by animals, reminiscent of Nimrod, the “mighty hunter.” (Genesis 10:8, 9) The Hindus claim that the figures sitting in yoga positions are images of the god Siva, lord of the animals and lord of yoga, who is often worshiped through the lingam, a phallic symbol. Thus, the book Hindu World calls yoga “a code of ascetic practices, mainly pre-Aryan in origin, containing relics of many primitive conceptions and observances.”

    The methods of yoga were at first handed down orally. Then they were put into detailed, written form by the Indian yogic sage Patañjali as the Yoga Sutra, which remains the basic instruction book of yoga. According to Patañjali, yoga is “a methodical effort to attain perfection, through the control of the different elements of human nature, physical and psychical.” From its inception until the present time, yoga has been an integral part of Eastern religions, now particularly Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism. Some practicers of yoga believe that it will lead them to attain moksha, or liberation, through a merging with an all-pervading spirit.
    So once again we ask: ‘Can yoga be practiced simply as a physical exercise to develop a healthy body and a relaxed mind, without any involvement with religion?’ In view of its background, the answer would have to be no.

    Where Can Yoga Take You?

    The objective of yoga as a discipline is to lead a person to the spiritual experience of being “yoked” to or merged with a superhuman spirit. But which spirit would that be?

    In Hindu World, author Benjamin Walker says of yoga: “It may have been an early system of magical ritualism, and yoga still retains in its meaning an overtone of occultism and sorcery.” Hindu philosophers admit that the practice of yoga can give supernatural powers, even though they usually claim that this is not the ultimate goal of yoga. For example, in the book Indian Philosophy, former president of India, Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, says of the yogi that “control of the body through postures results in an indifference to the extremes of heat and cold. . . . The yogin can see and hear at a distance . . . Transmission of thought from one individual to another without the intervention of the normal communicating mechanisms is quite possible. . . . The yogi can make his body invisible.”

    The image of a yogi sleeping on a bed of nails or walking on hot coals may appear to be a hoax to some and a joke to others. But these are common occurrences in India, as is the practice of standing on one leg while staring directly at the sun for hours and breath control that allows a person to be buried in sand for long periods of time. In June 1995, The Times of India reported that a three-and-a-half-year-old girl lay in a trance as a car weighing more than 1,600 pounds [750 kg] was allowed to run over her abdomen. To the amazement of the crowd, when she awoke she was totally unharmed. The report added: “It was sheer yogic power.”

    Without a doubt, no normal human is capable of performing any of these tasks. Hence, a Christian must ask: Of what are these feats an indication? Are they from Jehovah God, “the Most High over all the earth,” or are they from some other source? (Psalm 83:18) The Bible is clear on this point. When the Israelites were on the verge of entering the Promised Land, which was occupied by the Canaanites, Jehovah told the sons of Israel through Moses: “You must not learn to do according to the detestable things of those nations.” What “detestable things”? Moses warned against “anyone who employs divination, a practicer of magic or anyone who looks for omens or a sorcerer.” (Deuteronomy 18:9, 10) These things are detestable to God because they are works of the demons and of the fallen flesh.—Galatians 5:19-21.

    Not a Choice for Christians

    Whatever health instructors may say to the contrary, yoga does not stop with physical exercises. The book Hindu Manners, Customs and Ceremonies relates the experiences of two yoga novitiates who were under the guidance of a guru. One is quoted as saying: “I made superhuman efforts to hold my breath as long as possible, and only breathed when I was on the point of fainting. . . . One day, at high noon, I thought I saw a bright moon, which seemed to move and sway from side to side. Another time I imagined myself enveloped in thick darkness at midday. My director . . . was greatly pleased when I mentioned these visions to him. . . . The time was not far distant, he assured me, when I should experience much more surprising results from my penance.” The second man relates: “He obliged me to stare at the sky every day without blinking my eyes or changing my position. . . . Sometimes I thought I saw sparks of fire in the air; at others I seemed to see fiery globes and other meteors. My teacher was much pleased with the success of my efforts.”

    The strange sights were evidently what the gurus felt were proper results along the way to the true aim of yogic exercises. Yes, the ultimate goal of yoga is moksha, explained as the merging with some impersonal great spirit. It is described as “the (intentional) stopping of the spontaneous activity of the mind stuff.” This is clearly contrary to the goal set out for Christians, who are given the admonition: “Present your bodies a sacrifice living, holy, acceptable to God, a sacred service with your power of reason. And quit being fashioned after this system of things, but be transformed by making your mind over, that you may prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”—Romans 12:1, 2.

    The choice of what physical exercise to pursue is a personal one. Christians, however, would not allow anything—be it bodily training, eating, drinking, clothing, entertainment, or something else—to mar their relationship with Jehovah God. (1 Corinthians 10:31) For those exercising simply for the sake of their health, there are many avenues available that do not involve exposure to the dangers of spiritism and occultism. By keeping clear of practices and beliefs that are rooted in false religion, we may look forward to God’s blessing of a righteous new system of things in which we can enjoy perfect health in body and mind for an eternity.—2 Peter 3:13; Revelation 21:3, 4.
  15. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Edvan Guerra Magalhaes Magalhaes in Texto do dia, para Quarta-feira, 13 de abril 2016   
    A nice addition to our blood - document...
    [Persisti] em abster-vos . . . de sangue. — Atos 15:29.
    Qualquer um de nós, ou algum parente ou amigo, pode se deparar com a questão de aceitar ou não uma transfusão de sangue. Numa situação assim, é preciso também tomar decisões sobre o uso de frações de sangue e procedimentos médicos. Por isso, é muito importante fazer pesquisas e estar preparados para uma possível emergência. Esses passos, acompanhados de oração, nos ajudarão a tomar uma posição firme e a não ceder nesse respeito. Sem dúvida, não queremos entristecer o coração de Jeová por aceitar algo que é condenado em sua Palavra. Muitos profissionais da área médica e outros que defendem as transfusões de sangue fazem apelos para que as pessoas doem sangue na esperança de salvar vidas. Mas o povo santo de Jeová reconhece que o Criador tem o direito de dizer como o sangue deve ser encarado. Para ele, o sangue é sagrado. (Lev. 17:10) Devemos estar decididos a obedecer à sua lei sobre o sangue. w14 15/11 2:10, 15
  16. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from admin in Cadillac LCD Radio Screen Goes Blank   
    Awww....  ;-(
  17. Upvote
  18. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Tennyson Naidoo in Daily text, for Thursday, April 14. 2016   
    God made you alive.—Eph. 2:1.
    What a contrast there is between young servants of Jehovah and youths of this world! Many who do not serve Jehovah lead a self-centered way of life, focusing only on what they want. Some researchers call them “Generation Me.” By the way they talk and dress, they give evidence of disdain for the older generation, whom they view as not “with it.” That spirit is all around us. Thus, young servants of Jehovah find that it takes real effort to avoid it and to accept God’s view. Even in the first century, Paul found it necessary to urge fellow believers to avoid “the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience” and in which they “at one time walked.” (Eph. 2:2, 3) Young ones who see the need to avoid that spirit and to work unitedly with all their brothers are to be commended. (Eph. 4:25) As we approach the end of this old world, working together unitedly will become ever more important. w14 12/15 3:3, 4
  19. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Annie Abbott in Daily text, for Thursday, April 14. 2016   
    God made you alive.—Eph. 2:1.
    What a contrast there is between young servants of Jehovah and youths of this world! Many who do not serve Jehovah lead a self-centered way of life, focusing only on what they want. Some researchers call them “Generation Me.” By the way they talk and dress, they give evidence of disdain for the older generation, whom they view as not “with it.” That spirit is all around us. Thus, young servants of Jehovah find that it takes real effort to avoid it and to accept God’s view. Even in the first century, Paul found it necessary to urge fellow believers to avoid “the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience” and in which they “at one time walked.” (Eph. 2:2, 3) Young ones who see the need to avoid that spirit and to work unitedly with all their brothers are to be commended. (Eph. 4:25) As we approach the end of this old world, working together unitedly will become ever more important. w14 12/15 3:3, 4
  20. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Blanchie DeGrate in Daily text, for Tuesday, April 12. 2016   
    This text helps me to appreciate Abraham's "unshakeable faith" . Thanks Sis.❤️
  21. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Daily text, for Tuesday, April 12. 2016   
    All the families of the ground will certainly be blessed by means of you.—Gen. 12:3.
    This is the earliest recorded account of the Abrahamic covenant—the covenant that Jehovah God made with Abraham. It went into effect in 1943 B.C.E., when 75-year-old Abraham left Haran and crossed the Euphrates River. Jehovah restated his promise to Abraham a number of times, adding further details. (Gen. 13:15-17; 17:1-8, 16) And when Abraham demonstrated unshakable faith in God’s promises by showing willingness to offer up his only son, Jehovah reinforced the covenant with an unconditional promise. (Gen. 22:15-18; Heb. 11:17, 18) After the Abrahamic covenant went into effect, Jehovah gradually revealed important details about the offspring of the woman. (Gen. 3:15) The offspring would descend from Abraham, would be many in number, would have a kingly function, would destroy all enemies, and would be a blessing for many others. w14 10/15 1:9, 10
  22. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Tennyson Naidoo in Daily text, for Tuesday, April 12. 2016   
    Sister,Once again thank you for painting  reminders of the Bible stories book of Gens 3:15  agape
  23. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Tennyson Naidoo in Daily text, for Tuesday, April 12. 2016   
    All the families of the ground will certainly be blessed by means of you.—Gen. 12:3.
    This is the earliest recorded account of the Abrahamic covenant—the covenant that Jehovah God made with Abraham. It went into effect in 1943 B.C.E., when 75-year-old Abraham left Haran and crossed the Euphrates River. Jehovah restated his promise to Abraham a number of times, adding further details. (Gen. 13:15-17; 17:1-8, 16) And when Abraham demonstrated unshakable faith in God’s promises by showing willingness to offer up his only son, Jehovah reinforced the covenant with an unconditional promise. (Gen. 22:15-18; Heb. 11:17, 18) After the Abrahamic covenant went into effect, Jehovah gradually revealed important details about the offspring of the woman. (Gen. 3:15) The offspring would descend from Abraham, would be many in number, would have a kingly function, would destroy all enemies, and would be a blessing for many others. w14 10/15 1:9, 10
  24. Upvote
    Queen Esther got a reaction from Blanchie DeGrate in Daily text, for Monday, April 11. 2016   
    You received free, give free.—Matt. 10:8.
    Jehovah’s organization takes the commission to preach the good news of the Kingdom worldwide very seriously, as shown by the support given to the many translation teams around the world. Millions upon millions of tracts, brochures, and magazines have been distributed in campaigns throughout the world, without charge to the public. The expense has been covered by the voluntary donations of Jehovah’s Witnesses. As devoted Christian preachers and teachers, Jehovah’s Witnesses are so convinced that they have found the truth that they make great sacrifices in order to share the message with people of other nations and ethnic groups. Many have simplified their life, learned another language, and adapted to a different culture in order to share in this vital Christian work. This international preaching and teaching work is another factor that convinces many people that Jehovah’s Witnesses are the true followers of Christ Jesus. w14 9/15 1:10, 11
  25. Upvote
    Queen Esther reacted to Evacuated in The first experiences with *His New Eyes* ;o)   
    I really like this, @Anke Adolphi
    It has application to those who have just had their spiritual eyes opened and are new to the truth.
    They may say things that surprise us, or reflect a lack of understanding of perspective, but they are being honest and we need to support them and help them to round out their spiritual comprehension without damaging their spirit. Like the young man's father.........................Matt. 18:6. 
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